Breaking: Trump To Skip Megyn Kelly's Fox GOP Town Hall Wednesday Night

Just stating the truth. Republicans are very nationalistic and do demand endless war. They also want Totalitarian control. Awful debacles like the Patriot Act and NDAA couldn't have been possible without their full support. They truly do want their Police State and WWIII. It's why i'm no longer a Republican. I can't support that.

You never were a Republican. You never were a Patriot.

You are a liberturdian.

Not even dimocraps are as bad as liberturdians. At least they're somewhat loyal.

libeerturdians are snakes. backstabbers. the worst of the wrost.

You believe in nothing. Only in destruction.

Go live in a commune. Maybe there somebody will listen to your bullshit

Well, i won't support your Police State and WWIII. I won't go along like the German People did. I'll oppose you aggressively and relentlessly. Just the way it has to be.
Posted this earlier in here. He didn't snub her or the townhall. The townhall is a last minute thing and he has other commitments. There is no news here, no drama here. Just a scheduling conflict that can't be changed at the last minute:

View attachment 64554
Well, you just poked a few balloons with your pin, CK. Too funny. :lol:
Don't worry no one will see it and they will continue arguing and running him down :lol: :lol:

she's so much hot air

That position does look like she's farting.
Posted this earlier in here. He didn't snub her or the townhall. The townhall is a last minute thing and he has other commitments. There is no news here, no drama here. Just a scheduling conflict that can't be changed at the last minute:

View attachment 64554
Well, you just poked a few balloons with your pin, CK. Too funny. :lol:
Don't worry no one will see it and they will continue arguing and running him down :lol: :lol:

Posted this earlier in here. He didn't snub her or the townhall. The townhall is a last minute thing and he has other commitments. There is no news here, no drama here. Just a scheduling conflict that can't be changed at the last minute:

View attachment 64554
Well, you just poked a few balloons with your pin, CK. Too funny. :lol:
Don't worry no one will see it and they will continue arguing and running him down :lol: :lol:

I didn't see it until this moment but I agree, I'll keep running him down. :thup:

Donald Rump: powerless against the Calendar. What a man.
Posted this earlier in here. He didn't snub her or the townhall. The townhall is a last minute thing and he has other commitments. There is no news here, no drama here. Just a scheduling conflict that can't be changed at the last minute:

View attachment 64554
Well, you just poked a few balloons with your pin, CK. Too funny. :lol:
Don't worry no one will see it and they will continue arguing and running him down :lol: :lol:

I didn't see it until this moment but I agree, I'll keep running him down. :thup:

Donald Rump: powerless against the Calendar. What a man.
So let me get this straight...he is snubbing the townhall why?

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Posted this earlier in here. He didn't snub her or the townhall. The townhall is a last minute thing and he has other commitments. There is no news here, no drama here. Just a scheduling conflict that can't be changed at the last minute:

View attachment 64554
Well, you just poked a few balloons with your pin, CK. Too funny. :lol:
Don't worry no one will see it and they will continue arguing and running him down :lol: :lol:
MrG can be ornery. When his nephews and nieces bugged him too much when they were 10, 11, 12 years old and wanted to climb all over him, he kept a safety pin in his pocket. When they ignored him telling them to stop jumping on him or annoying him by getting too close...he would pull the safety pin out and poke them lightly. Every time they got around Uncle MrG, they felt a pinprick and never could figure out what it was. He just laughed. They stopped.
Trump is Chicken Little.

I love the fact he runs away from a woman yet he wants to be president. What a coward.
He is knifing her in the back...the viewers want to see HIM and he knows it. Why help their ratings? You should know by now that Trump could eat her alive if he wanted to.

Eat her alive? With insults?

With an endless Twitter diaper rash, like he did before. Such a whine seller. :eusa_boohoo:

I'm surprised he hasn't sued her yet. That's his usual M.O.
Posted this earlier in here. He didn't snub her or the townhall. The townhall is a last minute thing and he has other commitments. There is no news here, no drama here. Just a scheduling conflict that can't be changed at the last minute:

View attachment 64554
Well, you just poked a few balloons with your pin, CK. Too funny. :lol:
Don't worry no one will see it and they will continue arguing and running him down :lol: :lol:

I didn't see it until this moment but I agree, I'll keep running him down. :thup:

Donald Rump: powerless against the Calendar. What a man.
So let me get this straight...he is snubbing the townhall why?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I don't know, but the last source I'd trust to find out the answer to that would be Donald Rump.

{edit} ---- If Rump has a "scheduling conflict" ....... then how come he originally said he'd be there? How is it that every other still-standing candidate will partake, even if they have to do so via remote (which is easy to set up) and yet --- Rump can't handle it?
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When she pummeled Trump with Gotcha questions instead of policy questions, the viewers reacted with disdain for HER.

Did they.


She put herself as an important part of the story instead of the candidates.

Did she.

How did she bring herself up as "part of the story"?

He is perceived as being honest and direct while she has been regarded as a biased journalist who everyone hates.

Are they. On what planet?

Sycophants. Such cat toys.
Twitter, Pogo. No link here that I know of...but Twitter was going bonkers about it. Kelly is not much liked there.

Anywho...that is all.
Trump skips Meygn Kelly's town hall meeting and Obama skips Justice Scalia's funeral. Which is a more important issue?
I'll build a wall!
I'll deport the rapists!
I'll crush ISIS!
I'll stare down Putin!
I'll outmaneuver the Chinese..... is that Megyn Kelly? :50:


What she did was unethical and unprofessional.

And what was that?

Are you in the right thread?

You have done nothing to discredit the main point being made, i.e., it's Fox who wanted Trump destroyed. It is Fox who coached Kelly.

Yes, we know what Donald Trump is claiming or bragging about. We know that is not Megyn talking. Thanks for your help.

PS -- This is not about a Trump lovefest, so do not divert the action, ok? I don't want Trump but I admire him in many ways. And I probably will have to vote for him since Rubio turns me off and Cruz is causing me great concerns as well. But it will be a cold day in hades before we listen to people telling us what is wrong with our candidates when they voted twice for Barack and are also a Hillary supporter. Donkeys on parade.
Actually, I believe you are wrong. Trump has been on many Fox shows, O'Reilly, Van Sustern, Hannity and was well received. If this was going to be a hit job by Ailes, it would have affected the other talk shows as well.

Fox did back up Kelly after she disappeared for ten days after the debate and now there is a mini war between Kelly, Ailes and Trump. Fox will not see the ratings they got from the first debate. And that is thanks to Trump.

Debates are not for "ratings".

News isn't supposed to be either; that's why Fox deals not in news but news-theater.

Name one news network that doesn't deal in news-theater

NPR. When you're non-commercial, you don't have to deal in it.

What do I win?
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That's not an answer, is it? I asked you what she DID.

Were questions about misogyny too much for his widdle feewings? Poor baby. :itsok:

Not sure exactly how you expect a POTUS to deal with terrorists, rapists, dictators and nuclear-armed nations when he can't handle a simple pointed question from a media talking head.

Actually, Megyn did him a HUGE favor.

She threw him a Fast Ball straight down the middle that, if he was half as smart as he thinks he is, he should have hit out of the park,

She set him up. She gave him an opportunity to respond to accusations, many of them unfounded or half baked.

And he turned into a pouty bitch and went after a 5'6'' 115lb little girl.

Up until that point, I too was a little excited about Trump. But after that?

After other things like his John McCain bullshit?

Fuck him.

Trump is a pile of shit and his followers aren't much better. If at all.

Whoa. I believe that's the first time I ever clicked an "Agree" on one of your posts. Ever.

When you and I agree on something, it's pretty clear the remainder are swimming in self-delusion.
Posted this earlier in here. He didn't snub her or the townhall. The townhall is a last minute thing and he has other commitments. There is no news here, no drama here. Just a scheduling conflict that can't be changed at the last minute:

View attachment 64554
Well, you just poked a few balloons with your pin, CK. Too funny. :lol:
Don't worry no one will see it and they will continue arguing and running him down :lol: :lol:

I didn't see it until this moment but I agree, I'll keep running him down. :thup:

Donald Rump: powerless against the Calendar. What a man.
So let me get this straight...he is snubbing the townhall why?

:lol: :lol: :lol:
I'll build a wall!
I'll deport the rapists!
I'll crush ISIS!
I'll stare down Putin!
I'll outmaneuver the Chinese..... is that Megyn Kelly? :50:


What she did was unethical and unprofessional.

And what was that?

Are you in the right thread?

You have done nothing to discredit the main point being made, i.e., it's Fox who wanted Trump destroyed. It is Fox who coached Kelly.

Yes, we know what Donald Trump is claiming or bragging about. We know that is not Megyn talking. Thanks for your help.

PS -- This is not about a Trump lovefest, so do not divert the action, ok? I don't want Trump but I admire him in many ways. And I probably will have to vote for him since Rubio turns me off and Cruz is causing me great concerns as well. But it will be a cold day in hades before we listen to people telling us what is wrong with our candidates when they voted twice for Barack and are also a Hillary supporter. Donkeys on parade.
Actually, I believe you are wrong. Trump has been on many Fox shows, O'Reilly, Van Sustern, Hannity and was well received. If this was going to be a hit job by Ailes, it would have affected the other talk shows as well.

Fox did back up Kelly after she disappeared for ten days after the debate and now there is a mini war between Kelly, Ailes and Trump. Fox will not see the ratings they got from the first debate. And that is thanks to Trump.

Debates are not for "ratings".

News isn't supposed to be either; that's why Fox deals not in news but news-theater.
You can either present the news, or you can chase ratings. You can't do both.
Fox is very proud of their ratings. They had 24 million viewers for the first debate and half that the second debate when Trump did not participate. That hurt!
Obama isn't running for president and his term is ending.
Unfortunately though, people like you can continue to vote.

Yeah you like pussy trump who's afraid of a woman who can nail his comments to the wall
No, we just realize we cannot have an honest discussion with someone whose only objective is to disagree with whatever it is we are in favor of or opposed to. Unless you simply have a comprehension issue?
The coolest thing about last night's Hannity one hour interview with Trump was that there were female Trump fans in the audience that made Megyn Kelly look like a boy.

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