Breaking: Trump To Skip Megyn Kelly's Fox GOP Town Hall Wednesday Night

He's afraid of her questioning his past statements of course.

"Upstairs bro......"

I'll build a wall!
I'll deport the rapists!
I'll crush ISIS!
I'll stare down Putin!
I'll outmaneuver the Chinese..... is that Megyn Kelly? :50:


What she did was unethical and unprofessional.

And what was that?
She was supposed to moderate, not be a snarky inquisitor.
He can't handle it? Good to know the Republican nominee is a pussy.
Synthaholicost: 13588915 said:
I'll build a wall!
I'll deport the rapists!
I'll crush ISIS!
I'll stare down Putin!
I'll outmaneuver the Chinese..... is that Megyn Kelly? :50:


What she did was unethical and unprofessional.

And what was that?
She was supposed to moderate, not be a snarky inquisitor.
He can't handle it? Good to know the Republican nominee is a pussy.
Bullshit. When you are so far ahead in the polls like Trump is now, you dont have to participate and waste your time. It's insignificant.

I love watching the cons turn canabil on one another. It wasn't just two years ago the majority of the cons were swooning over Meagan Kelly. Since the Trumptards had their egos busted when she "DARED" question Trump they have gone full retard.
What she did was unethical and unprofessional.

No what she did is put to light the man Trump REALLY is and the Trumptards can't stand that. He stumbled and fumbled on that question big time because he IS a misogynist.
You have already discredited yourself before this post. Now you have made it clear in this latest post that you do not know what you are talking about.
It was never about Megyn Kelly --- it was about Fox and the moguls there who wanted to destroy Trump. You cannot see that because all you want to do is make conservatives look bad. You need to be honest or seek the advice of those more in the know than you.

Fox went too far and now they are the ones with egg on their face. They cannot get rid of Kelly who is the face of their devious designs, but neither can they warm up to Trump who is onto them. It's really that obvious. And Fox and oreilly and hannity and kelly are tiresome arrogant egomaniacs. We are not charmed or fooled.
Screw these News stations. they are in it for the ratings only, they don't care to showcase the candidates platforms for WE THE PEOPLE to consider.

I wonder when this one came that realization.
Trump is Chicken Little.

I love the fact he runs away from a woman yet he wants to be president. What a coward.
He is knifing her in the back...the viewers want to see HIM and he knows it. Why help their ratings? You should know by now that Trump could eat her alive if he wanted to.

Is that why even Trump admitted that when he boycotted that last debate from Fox it hurt him? It doesn't matter to me, watching the cons eat each other alive is quite fun. The one thing I will give the GOP is their race is far more interesting than the Dems.

FOX viewership went down when Trump told em to piss off,and Trump still holds a commanding lead.
I know I'll never turn FOX on again and I know a shitload of conservatives that are doing the same.
So who's the winner here?
This is EXCELLENT news!
Everybody with common sense knows that it is a smart move to skip the Fox News town hall. Kelly has the long knives out for Trump, and everyone knows it. Why should he boost her ratings? What's in it for him? Without Trump, very few are going to go out of their way to watch.

He won New Hampshire and South Carolina after skipping a Fox News debate. There is no upside for Trump in attending, and he is simply sticking to his guns...he said he wouldn't do a biased Megyn Kelly debate...and he's not.

His enemies will try to spin it differently, but none the less, it's a wise decision.

And this public split with Fox only helps him with fence sitting independents.
He can't handle it? Good to know the Republican nominee is a pussy.

:lol: Yeah, right. Last week he overcame the combined opposition of the media, all the GOP candidates, the Governor of South Carolina, two former First Ladies, a former President of the United States, the current President of the United States AND THE POPE to win a resounding victory in South Carolina.

Not one other candidate, including Hillary could have done that. Not one.

Hillary, without a fraction of that kind of opposition, just barely managed to beat a 74 year old self described socialist in a field of two.
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Good move. Another rigged set-up. I'm not watching Fox News as much anymore. Murdoch has a thing about Trump. He's clearly siccing his rabid dogs on him. I think he wants to get Hillary Clinton elected. He's given her and her husband a lot of cash in the past. Kelly has driven many loyal Fox News viewers away. They know a rig-job when they see it.
It's funny to see the RWnuts chasing Foxnews, of all things, out from inside the RW'ers' circled wagons.
Skipping a Fox event cost Trump Iowa didn't it?

Nah, braindead hick Iowa zombies did. Buncha dufus flatliners in Iowa. They'll always go with the religious nut Nazi-type Republican. Trump definitely doesn't fit the mold there. I wasn't surprised he didn't win.
She is one sullen, arrogant, egotistical bitch. I can't stand her.

I can't blame Trump at all.
If I were trump I would no want to be on the Rino(fox) network either...
I love to see your rightwingers bashing this rightwing channel. I hope this is happening all across the country.

I believe it is, thanks to T-Rump. I like T-Rump. :)
You're a fool if you think there is anything conservitive about fox...
She is one sullen, arrogant, egotistical bitch. I can't stand her.

I can't blame Trump at all.
If I were trump I would no want to be on the Rino(fox) network either...
I love to see your rightwingers bashing this rightwing channel. I hope this is happening all across the country.

I believe it is, thanks to T-Rump. I like T-Rump. :)
You're a fool if you think there is anything conservitive about fox...

Fox News represents what the current Republican Party is.... Religious weirdo Nazis. Trump doesn't fit the mold. However, its attack campaign against Trump doesn't seem to be woking. Trump's doing fine.

she's so much hot air
Speaking of air....the airbrush job on her left leg is fucked up. And they didn't do enough on her belly. It's pouchy.

Y'all find fault with trump not wanting to give her his presence yet stay silent when she looks like a hooker.

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