Breaking: Trump To Skip Megyn Kelly's Fox GOP Town Hall Wednesday Night

No, Jim. He can't play the innocent card on this one. I'm always the last one in the room to get a dirty joke and even I knew exactly what he was referring to....

You think you knew what he was referring to, you mean. Going from eyes, to nose does not follow the next organ is the vagina. Sorry, it just is not.

But period aside, you should look at the link in post #77, read it. A pattern is established which many women object to. I guess if Trump was calling out the other male candidates for their looks, or inferring penile performance among them, I would say he's just being equal-opportunity superficial.

Trump uses insults to knock people off balance. Most men are not deeply concerned with thinking that they are beautiful. Tell a guy he is ugly and he'll probably laugh and agree with you, followed by a hard back slap.

Trump knows that it gets to women and that is why he uses it, not because he thinks women were inferior. Were he arguing with a woman that he thinks insignificant he would tell her she is beautiful and let it go, like he did with Firoina in one debate. She gave him the hardest glare I have ever seen her give anyone, lol, because she knew the implication, 'You dont matter any more, honey'

Actually, Trump being a misogynist is a bit strong. He likes women well enough if they're young and beautiful and don't disagree with him. And they vote for him. I've got a lot more important reasons to have concerns about Trump than his attitude toward women.
Well we agree there. Trump is awfully superficial in terms of the women in his life. All his family are these perfect looking beautiful people, so much it makes me want to go and search the internet for a pic of just one Trump family member who is unattractive, lol.
I don't blame him. On a side note, she looks like Ilsa, She-Wolf of the SS!


Breaking: TRUMP To Skip FOX GOP Candidate's Town Hall with Megyn Kelly on Wednesday - The Gateway Pundit

I love watching the cons turn canabil on one another. It wasn't just two years ago the majority of the cons were swooning over Meagan Kelly. Since the Trumptards had their egos busted when she "DARED" question Trump they have gone full retard.

I don't recall anyone "swooning" over Meagan Kelly.

Then you have a short memory.

Again, yo make an assertion but do not back it up with evidence.

This is a pattern with you.
This is the Badass that's supposed to make Putin tremble in fear?

This is the super-stud that's supposed to back the Red Chinese down?

And he's afraid of a little girl?


Trump is a liar, a pussy, a draft dodging pile of shit and a back-stabber

No wonder liberturdian scum love him.

He's one of them
Yeah Trump made billions in one of the toughest business markets in the world all because he was a pussy afraid to confront people.

Do you have the slightest idea of how stupid you look saying such a thing?
Good on Trump, he's the front runner, and doesn't need to put up being questioned by this hostile pig kelley. Notice the difference with the democrat debates. The one with rachel maddow lobbing softballs at hillary, who's the candidate with some serious legal problems about national security.
Good on Trump, he's the front runner, and doesn't need to put up being questioned by this hostile pig kelley. Notice the difference with the democrat debates. The one with rachel maddow lobbing softballs at hillary, who's the candidate with some serious legal problems about national security.
I'm having trouble telling the difference between Rachel Maddow and Megan Kelly, you can put lipstick on the pig, it's still a pig...
Publicly mocking people's looks belongs on the playground, not in the White House. We already have a spoiled child living in The Peoples home, we don't need another one.
A well aimed insult is still a very valid and useful negotiating tool. It puts them off balance and gives you some leverage. But it must be accurate, short and obviously truthful.

Since the development of electronic communication and situation comedy, people really dont know how to really insult anyone any more.

Trump is the exception in this regard and a master of it, based on the results he got in his campaign. Only the desperate losers were willing to go after him.
You'll have to point where I said that. However, Trump has said misogynistic comments in the past which WERE being addressed by that question and he was pissed off that it was.

I was simply trying to fill in for your LACK of evidence. You keep making assertions then giving zero reason to support those unwarranted assertions.

Why should anyone believe that Rump has made misogynistic comments? Just because you repeat every lie you want to believe?

Sorry but in this world you have to actually answer for your comments. Something Trump hates to do.

And you also have to provide supporting evidence of your claims, which you apparently hate to do.

Here's the proof right here:

Here's a fairly exhaustive list of everything sexist that Donald Trump has ever said

Thanks for making his poll numbers go up again....

/sarcasm on
Yeah because me posting on "THIS" message board is making his poll numbers go up.
/sarcasm off
It was a joke, dude.
Yeah Trump made billions in one of the toughest business markets in the world all because he was a pussy afraid to confront people.

Do you have the slightest idea of how stupid you look saying such a thing?

Strike a nerve, did I?

Trump is a pile of shit. And the people that back him are stupid.

They're no different than the people who backed Ross The Insane Pirogi.

No different at all.

Those scumbags cost us the Country. Those scum set the Republican Party back by a quarter Century.

And those same scum are doing the same shit with the same lies and delusions.

Ross The Insane Pirogi is/was a pile of shit. Made BILLIONS in a tough market. Dropped out of the Naval Academy because they used 'bad language'? Was/is a punk and a bully and ran on essentially the same values on essentially the same platform.

FUCK liberturdian scum. YOU are the real enemy of America.

You're stupid. And disloyal. And back-stabbing.

At least dimocrap scum are loyal to their party...... Not much else.

liberturdian scum are loyal to NOTHING. They don't get their way, they sit home and pout like little bitches on election day.

They get a chance, they run an insane billionaire that has more mouth than ass.

And if you don't get your way? If you don't get Trump the PUNK on the Republican Ticket....??

You'll stay home like the post-pubescent, premenstrual little bitches you are.

liberturdians are scum. Worse than dimocraps.
This is the one real media mis-step the Donald made. When Kelly called him on his misogynist language, he'd maybe have been ok limiting it just to Rosie, but when he doubled down about Kelly having a period .... You just don't say that to a woman.
You're going to believe what you're going to believe even with facts right there in front of you as you are trying to excuse them. NONE of those comments are presidential PERIOD and most ARE sexist.

If you can't see that, then Coulter is right in that Trump can perform an abortion and his supporters wouldn't care.
I dont doubt that Trump said those things. I disagree that that makes him anti-women, and it doesnt. Period.
This is the one real media mis-step the Donald made. When Kelly called him on his misogynist language, he'd maybe have been ok limiting it just to Rosie, but when he doubled down about Kelly having a period .... You just don't say that to a woman.
He never said anything about Kelly's period.

Hell, has anyone even proved Kelly was in her period? roflmao.
This is the one real media mis-step the Donald made. When Kelly called him on his misogynist language, he'd maybe have been ok limiting it just to Rosie, but when he doubled down about Kelly having a period .... You just don't say that to a woman.
He never said anything about Kelly's period.

Hell, has anyone even proved Kelly was in her period? roflmao.
Trump draws outrage after Megyn Kelly remarks -
That the partisan whores of 16 competing candidates all pretend that Trump was gong from eyes to nose to vagin doe snot prove a dmaned thing other than what unmitigated whores these political hacks are.

In the old world they called them courtesans, now we just call them whores.
She is one sullen, arrogant, egotistical bitch. I can't stand her.

I can't blame Trump at all.
If I were trump I would no want to be on the Rino(fox) network either...
I love to see your rightwingers bashing this rightwing channel. I hope this is happening all across the country.

I believe it is, thanks to T-Rump. I like T-Rump. :)
Asking someone if they think it's appropriate to call names when they have done so isn't ambush. But again, where Trump srewed up is nobody cares if he called Rosie a bad name. Apparently nobody cares when he does it to the Pope either. Strange new world.

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