Breaking: Trump Will Skip Fox Debate, Do Town Hall Instead, Give The Money To Wounded Warriors

My guess is, this is a trial balloon. Trump is trying to generate zillions of "Oh please please please Mr. Trump, don't leave, please come to the debate, please please please" reactions from voters. After which he will magnanimously change his mind and show up after all. And he will point to that overwhelming reaction, for the rest of the campaign season.

My guess. Worth what you paid for it.

If he's really leaving, and it's because of Megan Kelly hosting, that would mark him as a first-class crybaby. People will say, "If he can't even handle Megan Kelly, how can he handle Vladimir Putin, the Iranians, etc.?"
Actually, I think IT IS handling it. Ratings are the media meal ticket and without Trump, the meal tickets turns into a bagel for breakfast.
So all you liberals who hate FOX have suddenly decided you'll vote for Trump just "to hurt FOX"!

Or are you just lying as usual?

This is Trumps way of gaining Dim votes, and it is working.

The man simply out thinks both sides.
Breaking: Trump Will Skip Fox Debate, Do Town Hall Instead, Give The Money To Wounded Warriors

"Give the money"?

What "money"? What "wounded warriors"? Your link says nothing about any of this.

Making shit up again, McRacebag?
Trump may piss and moan but he will show...

Why? He has a double digit lead over his nearest competitor. The voters have already decided.

Now he is reaching out to left wingers by bashing Fox. It's the next logical step.
So all you liberals who hate FOX have suddenly decided you'll vote for Trump just "to hurt FOX"!

Or are you just lying as usual?

This is Trumps way of gaining Dim votes, and it is working.

The man simply out thinks both sides.
I'm thinking you're right. We'll will have to wait and see what the ratings are. When is it, anyway?
My guess is, this is a trial balloon. Trump is trying to generate zillions of "Oh please please please Mr. Trump, don't leave, please come to the debate, please please please" reactions from voters. After which he will magnanimously change his mind and show up after all. And he will point to that overwhelming reaction, for the rest of the campaign season.

My guess. Worth what you paid for it.

If he's really leaving, and it's because of Megyn Kelly hosting, that would mark him as a first-class crybaby. People will say, "If he can't even handle Megyn Kelly, how can he handle Vladimir Putin, the Iranians, etc.?"
My guess is, this is a trial balloon. Trump is trying to generate zillions of "Oh please please please Mr. Trump, don't leave, please come to the debate, please please please" reactions from voters. After which he will magnanimously change his mind and show up after all. And he will point to that overwhelming reaction, for the rest of the campaign season.

My guess. Worth what you paid for it.

If he's really leaving, and it's because of Megan Kelly hosting, that would mark him as a first-class crybaby. People will say, "If he can't even handle Megan Kelly, how can he handle Vladimir Putin, the Iranians, etc.?"

Why would Trump want to say anything?

The last thing a politician wants to do is say anything that might hurt them, so why do it if you have already won?

Personally, I think Trump is scared of Cruz. He has destroyed many in debates thus far.
Charity Navigator Rating - Wounded Warrior Project
Charities Performing Similar Types of Work
Highly Rated

Charity Name & State Overall Score Overall Rating
Wounded Warrior Project (FL)84.52
Hire Heroes USA (GA)93.59
Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (VA)92.65
Hope For The Warriors® (NC)95.35
Operation Gratitude (CA)86.35
They are considered over all a high rating.

Might want to rethink .

Big story in national news how wounded warriors is a terrible charity . 60% goes to help people vs 90% from other like charities .

Wouldn't it be nice if Trump ever gave any of his vast fortune to our veterans?

Trump may piss and moan but he will show...
It seems unlikely, now that it's been publicly announced.

The worst thing for a candidate to do is to make such a pronouncement and then climb down - it would be perceived as weakness by the public.

Trump, and his campaign staffers, know this.
Trump may piss and moan but he will show...
It seems unlikely, now that it's been publicly announced.

The worst thing for a candidate to do is to make such a pronouncement and then climb down - it would be perceived as weakness by the public.

Americans seem to like spineless red lines drawn in the sand.
Fox, in the pocket of the corporate establishment.

But Trump still has to be careful...or they'll Howard Dean him.

Democrat, Republican...the establishment will do anything to maintain control.

What we saw in the media:

What really happened:

The media will happily dance to the establishment tune to keep interlopers out and the elites in control. Establishment Democrats, establishment Republican...two sides of the same coin...a coin the main stream media is all too happy to polish.

Well said.

I've never for a moment understood how that scream thing was supposed to be some sort of detriment. Other than the mass media merely declaring it is, and its minions follow unquestioningly...

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