BREAKING: U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara has just been FIRED

The Russians, the Chinese and the Iranians will make sure that we are kept too busy to adequately respond to anything.

It's an interesting point. If Russia and China can put aside their historical differences, they could become a counter-weight to US/Western dominance in the world. But they do have significant historical differences. So i don't think that alliance has formed quite yet. But if the US continues its aggressive interventionism foreign policy, i think it will push the two countries closer together.
They have been doing drills together in the SCS for the past several years. I'd say they are getting quite friendly. China certainly appears to be confident that the Russians will have their back (against us) when they decide to invade Taiwan and seize control of that trillion dollar shipping lane that comes with it.

Russia has seen the US/West placing more & more missiles closer & closer to its borders. It hasn't been able to respond due to lack of resources. Once the Soviet Union collapsed, the US/West pounced. And i think China is seeing what's going on there.

It may be in China's best interest to form an alliance with Russia at this point. The US/West does appear to be an aggressor. China and Russia may have to join forces to thwart it. I guess we'll see. Stay tuned.
Well, that is what they are telling their own people and the world at large. It makes for a good excuse when they finally make the first move (Taiwan).

In my opinion, it does appear the US/West is an aggressor these days. It's bombing and invading at an alarming rate. I can understand why Russia and China are concerned. Maybe an alliance is the right move for them.

We are the military arm of the NWO.
The Russians, the Chinese and the Iranians will make sure that we are kept too busy to adequately respond to anything.

It's an interesting point. If Russia and China can put aside their historical differences, they could become a counter-weight to US/Western dominance in the world. But they do have significant historical differences. So i don't think that alliance has formed quite yet. But if the US continues its aggressive interventionism foreign policy, i think it will push the two countries closer together.
They have been doing drills together in the SCS for the past several years. I'd say they are getting quite friendly. China certainly appears to be confident that the Russians will have their back (against us) when they decide to invade Taiwan and seize control of that trillion dollar shipping lane that comes with it.

Russia has seen the US/West placing more & more missiles closer & closer to its borders. It hasn't been able to respond due to lack of resources. Once the Soviet Union collapsed, the US/West pounced. And i think China is seeing what's going on there.

It may be in China's best interest to form an alliance with Russia at this point. The US/West does appear to be an aggressor. China and Russia may have to join forces to thwart it. I guess we'll see. Stay tuned.
Well, that is what they are telling their own people and the world at large. It makes for a good excuse when they finally make the first move (Taiwan).

In my opinion, it does appear the US/West is an aggressor these days. It's bombing and invading at an alarming rate. I can understand why Russia and China are concerned. Maybe an alliance is the right move for them.
Their alliance is motivated by their decision not to be a part of a NWO that was originally designed by the West (Europe / USA). That is what BRICS is all about. That is what Russia's invitation to Philippine President to join them is all about - they are currently gathering those nations that will be "on their side" of the battle. The Philippines president has already agreed and is planning on a trip to Russia in May or June of this year. This tells me that they are getting close to the day of decision (to invade Taiwan and respond to US response that will follow).
Despite lack of content by the OP, thread is remaining open because it was merged with another thread that did have original content, but the violating thread was created first. Can't undo it now.
It's an interesting point. If Russia and China can put aside their historical differences, they could become a counter-weight to US/Western dominance in the world. But they do have significant historical differences. So i don't think that alliance has formed quite yet. But if the US continues its aggressive interventionism foreign policy, i think it will push the two countries closer together.
They have been doing drills together in the SCS for the past several years. I'd say they are getting quite friendly. China certainly appears to be confident that the Russians will have their back (against us) when they decide to invade Taiwan and seize control of that trillion dollar shipping lane that comes with it.

Russia has seen the US/West placing more & more missiles closer & closer to its borders. It hasn't been able to respond due to lack of resources. Once the Soviet Union collapsed, the US/West pounced. And i think China is seeing what's going on there.

It may be in China's best interest to form an alliance with Russia at this point. The US/West does appear to be an aggressor. China and Russia may have to join forces to thwart it. I guess we'll see. Stay tuned.
Well, that is what they are telling their own people and the world at large. It makes for a good excuse when they finally make the first move (Taiwan).

In my opinion, it does appear the US/West is an aggressor these days. It's bombing and invading at an alarming rate. I can understand why Russia and China are concerned. Maybe an alliance is the right move for them.

We are the military arm of the NWO.
Exactly. Russia, China and whoever joins them (Cuba, Mexico, NK, SA, Iran, Philippines) intends to break that military arm in 3 places. Israel / ME, SCS and Europe. Therein removing us from the equation for future responses...

BREAKING: U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara has just been FIRED

Last year, Bharara said Trump had asked him to stay on in his position.

Preet Bharara, the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, and one of the most high profile federal prosecutors in the country said he had been fired Saturday after refusing to resign his post.

“The president-elect asked, presumably because he’s a New Yorker and is aware of the great work that our office has done over the past seven years, asked to meet with me to discuss whether or not I’d be prepared to stay on as the United States attorney to do the work as we have done it, independently, without fear or favor for the last seven years,” Bharara said in November. “We had a good meeting. I said I would absolutely consider staying on. I agreed to stay on. I have already spoken to Senator Sessions, who is as you know is the nominee to be the attorney general. He also asked that I stay on, and so I expect that I will be continuing to work at the southern district.”

Though it is within his power to dismiss Bharara, doing so at this juncture contains political peril for Trump, to the extent that it suggests he’s immunizing himself from potential investigations. The Southern District of New York ― Bharara’s jurisdiction ― includes Trump Towers, the home and office of Trump and the headquarters of his presidential campaign.

More: After Refusing To Resign, U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara Says He Was Fired By Trump Justice Department

Why exactly was he fired? Did it have to do with his investigations?


Reposting a failed OP!

BREAKING: U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara has just been FIRED

Last year, Bharara said Trump had asked him to stay on in his position.

Preet Bharara, the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, and one of the most high profile federal prosecutors in the country said he had been fired Saturday after refusing to resign his post.

“The president-elect asked, presumably because he’s a New Yorker and is aware of the great work that our office has done over the past seven years, asked to meet with me to discuss whether or not I’d be prepared to stay on as the United States attorney to do the work as we have done it, independently, without fear or favor for the last seven years,” Bharara said in November. “We had a good meeting. I said I would absolutely consider staying on. I agreed to stay on. I have already spoken to Senator Sessions, who is as you know is the nominee to be the attorney general. He also asked that I stay on, and so I expect that I will be continuing to work at the southern district.”

Though it is within his power to dismiss Bharara, doing so at this juncture contains political peril for Trump, to the extent that it suggests he’s immunizing himself from potential investigations. The Southern District of New York ― Bharara’s jurisdiction ― includes Trump Towers, the home and office of Trump and the headquarters of his presidential campaign.

More: After Refusing To Resign, U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara Says He Was Fired By Trump Justice Department

Why exactly was he fired? Did it have to do with his investigations?

He was at first going to be kept on, but I suspect some crooks in Trump's circle of friends put the arm on Trump to get rid of him.

BREAKING: U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara has just been FIRED

Last year, Bharara said Trump had asked him to stay on in his position.

Preet Bharara, the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, and one of the most high profile federal prosecutors in the country said he had been fired Saturday after refusing to resign his post.

“The president-elect asked, presumably because he’s a New Yorker and is aware of the great work that our office has done over the past seven years, asked to meet with me to discuss whether or not I’d be prepared to stay on as the United States attorney to do the work as we have done it, independently, without fear or favor for the last seven years,” Bharara said in November. “We had a good meeting. I said I would absolutely consider staying on. I agreed to stay on. I have already spoken to Senator Sessions, who is as you know is the nominee to be the attorney general. He also asked that I stay on, and so I expect that I will be continuing to work at the southern district.”

Though it is within his power to dismiss Bharara, doing so at this juncture contains political peril for Trump, to the extent that it suggests he’s immunizing himself from potential investigations. The Southern District of New York ― Bharara’s jurisdiction ― includes Trump Towers, the home and office of Trump and the headquarters of his presidential campaign.

More: After Refusing To Resign, U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara Says He Was Fired By Trump Justice Department

Why exactly was he fired? Did it have to do with his investigations?

He was at first going to be kept on, but I suspect some crooks in Trump's circle of friends put the arm on Trump to get rid of him.

I agree! I suspect because Preet was the U.S. Attorney for Trump's New York district.

BREAKING: U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara has just been FIRED

Last year, Bharara said Trump had asked him to stay on in his position.

Preet Bharara, the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, and one of the most high profile federal prosecutors in the country said he had been fired Saturday after refusing to resign his post.

“The president-elect asked, presumably because he’s a New Yorker and is aware of the great work that our office has done over the past seven years, asked to meet with me to discuss whether or not I’d be prepared to stay on as the United States attorney to do the work as we have done it, independently, without fear or favor for the last seven years,” Bharara said in November. “We had a good meeting. I said I would absolutely consider staying on. I agreed to stay on. I have already spoken to Senator Sessions, who is as you know is the nominee to be the attorney general. He also asked that I stay on, and so I expect that I will be continuing to work at the southern district.”

Though it is within his power to dismiss Bharara, doing so at this juncture contains political peril for Trump, to the extent that it suggests he’s immunizing himself from potential investigations. The Southern District of New York ― Bharara’s jurisdiction ― includes Trump Towers, the home and office of Trump and the headquarters of his presidential campaign.

More: After Refusing To Resign, U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara Says He Was Fired By Trump Justice Department

Why exactly was he fired? Did it have to do with his investigations?

Same kind of questions were asked back in 1993 when Clinton fired ALL 93 US Attorneys and hardly anyone uttered a word.

BREAKING: U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara has just been FIRED

Last year, Bharara said Trump had asked him to stay on in his position.

Preet Bharara, the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, and one of the most high profile federal prosecutors in the country said he had been fired Saturday after refusing to resign his post.

“The president-elect asked, presumably because he’s a New Yorker and is aware of the great work that our office has done over the past seven years, asked to meet with me to discuss whether or not I’d be prepared to stay on as the United States attorney to do the work as we have done it, independently, without fear or favor for the last seven years,” Bharara said in November. “We had a good meeting. I said I would absolutely consider staying on. I agreed to stay on. I have already spoken to Senator Sessions, who is as you know is the nominee to be the attorney general. He also asked that I stay on, and so I expect that I will be continuing to work at the southern district.”

Though it is within his power to dismiss Bharara, doing so at this juncture contains political peril for Trump, to the extent that it suggests he’s immunizing himself from potential investigations. The Southern District of New York ― Bharara’s jurisdiction ― includes Trump Towers, the home and office of Trump and the headquarters of his presidential campaign.

More: After Refusing To Resign, U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara Says He Was Fired By Trump Justice Department

Why exactly was he fired? Did it have to do with his investigations?

Same kind of questions were asked back in 1993 when Clinton fired ALL 93 US Attorneys and hardly anyone uttered a word.

But Clinton wasn't a known crook at the time.

BREAKING: U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara has just been FIRED

Last year, Bharara said Trump had asked him to stay on in his position.

Preet Bharara, the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, and one of the most high profile federal prosecutors in the country said he had been fired Saturday after refusing to resign his post.

“The president-elect asked, presumably because he’s a New Yorker and is aware of the great work that our office has done over the past seven years, asked to meet with me to discuss whether or not I’d be prepared to stay on as the United States attorney to do the work as we have done it, independently, without fear or favor for the last seven years,” Bharara said in November. “We had a good meeting. I said I would absolutely consider staying on. I agreed to stay on. I have already spoken to Senator Sessions, who is as you know is the nominee to be the attorney general. He also asked that I stay on, and so I expect that I will be continuing to work at the southern district.”

Though it is within his power to dismiss Bharara, doing so at this juncture contains political peril for Trump, to the extent that it suggests he’s immunizing himself from potential investigations. The Southern District of New York ― Bharara’s jurisdiction ― includes Trump Towers, the home and office of Trump and the headquarters of his presidential campaign.

More: After Refusing To Resign, U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara Says He Was Fired By Trump Justice Department

Why exactly was he fired? Did it have to do with his investigations?

Same kind of questions were asked back in 1993 when Clinton fired ALL 93 US Attorneys and hardly anyone uttered a word.

But Clinton wasn't a known crook at the time.

Neither is Trump so payback is a bitch isn't it?
Overreaching U.S. Attorney Who Subpoened Reason Commenters Refusing To Step Down

Bharara is a classic federal prosecutor in the Southern District of New York, always looking to make headlines as much as meaningful collars. He earned the enmity of Reason readers in 2015 when his office subpoenaed information about

the records of six people who left hyperbolic comments at the website about the federal judge who oversaw the controversial conviction of Silk Road founder Ross Ulbricht. Shortly after the subpoena was issued, the government issued a gag order prohibiting Reason not only from discussing the matter but even acknowledging the existence of the subpoena or the gag order itself. As a wide variety of media outlets have noted, such actions on the part of the government are not only fundamentally misguided and misdirected, they have a tangible chilling effect on free expression by commenters and publications alike....

The subpoena also covered...harmless comments as: "I hope there is a special place in hell reserved for that horrible woman," and "I'd prefer a hellish place on Earth be reserved for her as well."

As Katherine Mangu-Ward noted last fall, it's true that the Trump administration asked Bharara to stay on for a while. But that was then and this is now. And there's something truly disturbing about a DOJ appointee who refuses to take a powder when asked, especially when there's no larger question about executive-power overreach.

What is it that Barack Obama used to say? "Elections have consequences." Presidents get to staff this level of service the way they want to. I don't expect Donald Trump to be a champion of free speech, but removing Bharara from office is a small step in that direction.


Preet, Go back to chasing ambulances , motherfucker
Here are the facts that we currently know:

1. Political hack and unapologetic leftist, Preet Bharara, was appointed to be the U.S. Attorney for the SD of NY by radical leftist Manchurian candidate turned President, Barry Hussein Obama.

2. Bharara prosecuted a policy in his office of targeting Wall Street, the heart of our capitalist system.

3. Trump and Sessions both asked Bharara to remain at his post in meetings in November 2016 following Trump's bruising defeat of notorious fraud and criminal, Hillary Clinton.

4. Trump takes office and then is immediately besieged by controversy as a result of leaks within federal agencies under Trump's authority.

5. Trump asks for the resignation of all of the US Attorneys, as per custom. Half do, the other half refuses.

6. These holdovers were appointed by a known radical leftist follower of Saul Alinsky, Hussein Obama.

7. Bharara refuses to resign.

8. Trump fires Bharara and the other Hussein insurgents.

Now, clearly something happened between November 2016 and now to change Trump's mind about Bharara. What could of happened to cause Trump to ask for his resignation? Plus, when you are asked to resign from a political appointment, you have to resign; there is no other option. What was Bharara trying to accomplishment by refusing to resign? Was he mad at something? Was he martyring himself for his leftist ideals?

Clearly, refusing to resign is a passive-aggressive and rebellious act of insurgency, the proponent of which knows will cause his removal. At best, he could only hope to perpetuate the anti-Trump narrative in an otherwise slow news cycle. In other words, this may be a back-up story to use to further libel Trump on this week's Meet the Press.

The bottom line here is that whatever happened to change Trump's mind about Bharara, it really does not matter. Further, it has resulted in absolutely no harm to Bharara because it is well known and understood that he serves at the pleasure of the president.

In addition, given all the leaks and the general hostility of career DOJ people (remember Yates?) that has surfaced since Trump took office, there has been a sufficient change of circumstances to justify reassessing the choice made back in November 2016 to keep on ANY political appointee.

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Here are the facts that we currently know:

1. Political hack and unapologetic leftist, Preet Bharara, was appointed to be the U.S. Attorney for the SD of NY by radical leftist Manchurian candidate turned President, Barry Hussein Obama.

2. Bharara prosecuted a policy in his office of targeting Wall Street, the heart of our capitalist system.

3. Trump and Sessions both asked Bharara to remain at his post in meetings in November 2016 following Trump's bruising defeat of notorious fraud and criminal, Hillary Clinton.

4. Trump takes office and then is immediately besieged by controversy as a result of leaks within federal agencies under Trump's authority.

5. Trump asks for the resignation of all of the US Attorneys, as per custom. Half do, the other half refuses.

6. These holdovers were appointed by a known radical leftist follower of Saul Alinsky, Hussein Obama.

7. Bharara refuses to resign.

8. Trump fires Bharara and the other Hussein insurgents.

Now, clearly something happened between November 2016 and now to change Trump's mind about Bharara. What could of happened to cause Trump to ask for his resignation? Plus, when you are asked to resign from a political appointment, you have to resign; there is no other option. What was Bharara trying to accomplishment by refusing to resign? Was he mad at something? Was he martyring himself for his leftist ideals?

Clearly, refusing to resign is a passive-aggressive and rebellious act of insurgency, the proponent of which knows will cause his removal. At best, he could only hope to perpetuate the anti-Trump narrative in an otherwise slow news cycle. In other words, this may be a back-up story to use to further libel Trump on this week's Meet the Press.

The bottom line here is that whatever happened to change Trump's mind about Bharara, it really does not matter. Further, it has resulted in absolutely no harm to Bharara because it is well known and understood that he serves at the pleasure of the president.

In addition, given all the leaks and the general hostility of career DOJ people (remember Yates?) that has surfaced since Trump took office, there has been a sufficient change of circumstances to justify reassessing the choice made back in November 2016 to keep on ANY political appointee.

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5 Goldman Sachs people working for Trump Administration is what happened...After all WALL STREET must be protected at all cost ...and they must be allowed to dick us and become too big to fail again while lining their own pockets with GOLD!! :eek:
Here are the facts that we currently know:

1. Political hack and unapologetic leftist, Preet Bharara, was appointed to be the U.S. Attorney for the SD of NY by radical leftist Manchurian candidate turned President, Barry Hussein Obama.

2. Bharara prosecuted a policy in his office of targeting Wall Street, the heart of our capitalist system.

3. Trump and Sessions both asked Bharara to remain at his post in meetings in November 2016 following Trump's bruising defeat of notorious fraud and criminal, Hillary Clinton.

4. Trump takes office and then is immediately besieged by controversy as a result of leaks within federal agencies under Trump's authority.

5. Trump asks for the resignation of all of the US Attorneys, as per custom. Half do, the other half refuses.

6. These holdovers were appointed by a known radical leftist follower of Saul Alinsky, Hussein Obama.

7. Bharara refuses to resign.

8. Trump fires Bharara and the other Hussein insurgents.

Now, clearly something happened between November 2016 and now to change Trump's mind about Bharara. What could of happened to cause Trump to ask for his resignation? Plus, when you are asked to resign from a political appointment, you have to resign; there is no other option. What was Bharara trying to accomplishment by refusing to resign? Was he mad at something? Was he martyring himself for his leftist ideals?

Clearly, refusing to resign is a passive-aggressive and rebellious act of insurgency, the proponent of which knows will cause his removal. At best, he could only hope to perpetuate the anti-Trump narrative in an otherwise slow news cycle. In other words, this may be a back-up story to use to further libel Trump on this week's Meet the Press.

The bottom line here is that whatever happened to change Trump's mind about Bharara, it really does not matter. Further, it has resulted in absolutely no harm to Bharara because it is well known and understood that he serves at the pleasure of the president.

In addition, given all the leaks and the general hostility of career DOJ people (remember Yates?) that has surfaced since Trump took office, there has been a sufficient change of circumstances to justify reassessing the choice made back in November 2016 to keep on ANY political appointee.

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5 Goldman Sachs people working for Trump Administration is what happened...After all WALL STREET must be protected at all cost ...and they must be allowed to dick us and become too big to fail again while lining their own pockets with GOLD!! :eek:
Care for All, that is leftist, cynical nonsense. Per usual, your opinion means nothing to me.

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