BREAKING: U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara has just been FIRED

Not a Trump fan, but 2017 is proving to be a very entertaining year!

I have little doubt that Trump will eventually implode, but the shit-pot stirring he's doing is awesome to watch. The Democrats have been shitting themselves since the election. The Republicans are more confusing than a Special Olympics relay race. Trump's quickly proving to all intelligent Americans that he's a Twitter Troll. Who can't appreciate this major malfunction of the Federal government? Oh, partisan assholes, that's who. LOL

I voted for Trump because Hillary is an insane bitch, but in watching Trump's Military moves thus far I believe we are going to war.
South China Sea? How soon do you think that will be?

North Korea will be the igniter, we already sent B-52's down there. The troops he sent to Syria have multiple threats to them. Iran, Russia, and now Turkey.
I believe the Russians are using the ME as a diversion as well as an invitation to spread our military too thin. I think the war that will tip into WWIII is going to happen in the SCS over Taiwan.

The Russians, the Chinese and the Iranians will make sure that we are kept too busy to adequately respond to anything.

It's an interesting point. If Russia and China can put aside their historical differences, they could become a counter-weight to US/Western dominance in the world. But they do have significant historical differences. So i don't think that alliance has formed quite yet. But if the US continues its aggressive interventionism foreign policy, i think it will push the two countries closer together.
Man, the media makes it sound like that stuff is EVERYWHERE.

They are. However, with urban sprawl the critters move further away. My neighbour has been on this street 46 years. He said they used to see red-bellied snakes all the time. Havent' seen on in 15 years.
Not a Trump fan, but 2017 is proving to be a very entertaining year!

I have little doubt that Trump will eventually implode, but the shit-pot stirring he's doing is awesome to watch. The Democrats have been shitting themselves since the election. The Republicans are more confusing than a Special Olympics relay race. Trump's quickly proving to all intelligent Americans that he's a Twitter Troll. Who can't appreciate this major malfunction of the Federal government? Oh, partisan assholes, that's who. LOL

I voted for Trump because Hillary is an insane bitch, but in watching Trump's Military moves thus far I believe we are going to war.
The world has people who need killing. We can look on our own streets and see peace, but that is ignoring parts of the world who would do harm to others. North Korea launching missiles and exploring nukes? Is their dictator really nutty enough to nuke a city or will the Chinese assassinate him first? Who knows? Who is willing to bet his one life against the life of millions?

Africa is a continent larger than most civilized countries. Lots to "development" there. Something that will go on for another century, at least.

The fact remains that realistic leaders know our best interests include alliances with other freedom-minded nations to fight the petty dictators and other assholes of the world.


No, the fact is our leaders do whatever the Bankers tell them to do. When they don't it's JFK time.
Too many things that can eat you down there, no thanks.

Nothing in NZ can do that.
In australia there are a few. Been here 10 years. Only seen one snake. Haven't seen any sharks, crocs (none where I live anyway), no blue-ringed octopus, or poisonous spiders.

Man, the media makes it sound like that stuff is EVERYWHERE.
The "media" is a business and controversy sells. Controversy includes violence and fear-mongering. No one always buys papers or watches news that only show Boy Scouts building houses and Girl Scouts helping old ladies cross the street. They want to watch murder and mayhem. It's good business to give people what they want.
No, the fact is our leaders do whatever the Bankers tell them to do. When they don't it's JFK time.
Disagreed, but you are free to think ZOG, "the Bankers", the Jews or any other group controls all of our lives. I believe the world is a lot more complicated and dynamic than the theory that one group of people control the lives of over 7 billion others.
I voted for Trump because Hillary is an insane bitch, but in watching Trump's Military moves thus far I believe we are going to war.
South China Sea? How soon do you think that will be?

North Korea will be the igniter, we already sent B-52's down there. The troops he sent to Syria have multiple threats to them. Iran, Russia, and now Turkey.
I believe the Russians are using the ME as a diversion as well as an invitation to spread our military too thin. I think the war that will tip into WWIII is going to happen in the SCS over Taiwan.

The Russians, the Chinese and the Iranians will make sure that we are kept too busy to adequately respond to anything.

It's an interesting point. If Russia and China can put aside their historical differences, they could become a counter-weight to US/Western dominance in the world. But they do have significant historical differences. So i don't think that alliance has formed quite yet. But if the US continues its aggressive interventionism foreign policy, i think it will push the two countries closer together.
They have been doing drills together in the SCS for the past several years. I'd say they are getting quite friendly. China certainly appears to be confident that the Russians will have their back (against us) when they decide to invade Taiwan and seize control of that trillion dollar shipping lane that comes with it. They are not building military bases on those sandbars for nothing. Trump is steadily undoing what Obama did to weaken us. I doubt they want to give him too much time before they make their move.
Don't know much about NZ, but Australia would be the only other nation i would wanna relocate to. I think the Australian People are much like Americans. They're a tough, but fair People.

And not to mention, their comedy is right up there with US comedy, as the best in the world. I love Australian comedy TV and Film. They're incredibly talented folks. If i had to relocate, it would be Australia for sure.

NZ is Australia Lite...although the NZ political system is much better than the Aussie one.
Not a Trump fan, but 2017 is proving to be a very entertaining year!

I have little doubt that Trump will eventually implode, but the shit-pot stirring he's doing is awesome to watch. The Democrats have been shitting themselves since the election. The Republicans are more confusing than a Special Olympics relay race. Trump's quickly proving to all intelligent Americans that he's a Twitter Troll. Who can't appreciate this major malfunction of the Federal government? Oh, partisan assholes, that's who. LOL

I voted for Trump because Hillary is an insane bitch, but in watching Trump's Military moves thus far I believe we are going to war.
The world has people who need killing. We can look on our own streets and see peace, but that is ignoring parts of the world who would do harm to others. North Korea launching missiles and exploring nukes? Is their dictator really nutty enough to nuke a city or will the Chinese assassinate him first? Who knows? Who is willing to bet his one life against the life of millions?

Africa is a continent larger than most civilized countries. Lots to "development" there. Something that will go on for another century, at least.

The fact remains that realistic leaders know our best interests include alliances with other freedom-minded nations to fight the petty dictators and other assholes of the world.


No, the fact is our leaders do whatever the Bankers tell them to do. When they don't it's JFK time.

Yup, there is a 'Shadow Government' that really runs things. Most think that's just 'Crazy Conspiracy Theory' stuff, but it is reality. The Globalist Elite Bankers run the show. They have for Centuries.
No, the fact is our leaders do whatever the Bankers tell them to do. When they don't it's JFK time.
Disagreed, but you are free to think ZOG, "the Bankers", the Jews or any other group controls all of our lives.

A man's mind will never open until he's ready to open it. I served, and I fought. One only has to look at what we call "Rules of Engagement" to know that War's are not fought to win anymore. They are fought to make money for rich folk.
South China Sea? How soon do you think that will be?

North Korea will be the igniter, we already sent B-52's down there. The troops he sent to Syria have multiple threats to them. Iran, Russia, and now Turkey.
I believe the Russians are using the ME as a diversion as well as an invitation to spread our military too thin. I think the war that will tip into WWIII is going to happen in the SCS over Taiwan.

The Russians, the Chinese and the Iranians will make sure that we are kept too busy to adequately respond to anything.

It's an interesting point. If Russia and China can put aside their historical differences, they could become a counter-weight to US/Western dominance in the world. But they do have significant historical differences. So i don't think that alliance has formed quite yet. But if the US continues its aggressive interventionism foreign policy, i think it will push the two countries closer together.
They have been doing drills together in the SCS for the past several years. I'd say they are getting quite friendly. China certainly appears to be confident that the Russians will have their back (against us) when they decide to invade Taiwan and seize control of that trillion dollar shipping lane that comes with it.

Russia has seen the US/West placing more & more missiles closer & closer to its borders. It hasn't been able to respond due to lack of resources. Once the Soviet Union collapsed, the US/West pounced. And i think China is seeing what's going on there.

It may be in China's best interest to form an alliance with Russia at this point. The US/West does appear to be an aggressor. China and Russia may have to join forces to thwart it. I guess we'll see. Stay tuned.
Yup, there is a 'Shadow Government' that really runs things. Most think that's just 'Crazy Conspiracy Theory' stuff, but it is reality. The Globalist Elite Bankers run the show. They have for Centuries.
Disagreed for the aforementioned reasons. If anything, the "Globalist Elite Bankers" try to control things, but they have a tiger by the tail because over 7 Billion human beings aren't easily controlled.
A man's mind will never open until he's ready to open it. I served, and I fought. One only has to look at what we call "Rules of Engagement" to know that War's are not fought to win anymore. They are fought to make money for rich folk.
Correct and a man's mind, once closed, rarely opens.
North Korea will be the igniter, we already sent B-52's down there. The troops he sent to Syria have multiple threats to them. Iran, Russia, and now Turkey.
I believe the Russians are using the ME as a diversion as well as an invitation to spread our military too thin. I think the war that will tip into WWIII is going to happen in the SCS over Taiwan.

The Russians, the Chinese and the Iranians will make sure that we are kept too busy to adequately respond to anything.

It's an interesting point. If Russia and China can put aside their historical differences, they could become a counter-weight to US/Western dominance in the world. But they do have significant historical differences. So i don't think that alliance has formed quite yet. But if the US continues its aggressive interventionism foreign policy, i think it will push the two countries closer together.
They have been doing drills together in the SCS for the past several years. I'd say they are getting quite friendly. China certainly appears to be confident that the Russians will have their back (against us) when they decide to invade Taiwan and seize control of that trillion dollar shipping lane that comes with it.

Russia has seen the US/West placing more & more missiles closer & closer to its borders. It hasn't been able to respond due to lack of resources. Once the Soviet Union collapsed, the US/West pounced. And i think China is seeing what's going on there.

It may be in China's best interest to form an alliance with Russia at this point. The US/West does appear to be an aggressor. China and Russia may have to join forces to thwart it. I guess we'll see. Stay tuned.
Well, that is what they are telling their own people and the world at large. It makes for a good excuse when they finally make the first move (Taiwan).
A man's mind will never open until he's ready to open it. I served, and I fought. One only has to look at what we call "Rules of Engagement" to know that War's are not fought to win anymore. They are fought to make money for rich folk.
Correct and a man's mind, once closed, rarely opens.

(smile) I know, OOOORAH and all that shit. I concede your "right" to die for another man's bank account.
Don't know much about NZ, but Australia would be the only other nation i would wanna relocate to. I think the Australian People are much like Americans. They're a tough, but fair People.

And not to mention, their comedy is right up there with US comedy, as the best in the world. I love Australian comedy TV and Film. They're incredibly talented folks. If i had to relocate, it would be Australia for sure.

NZ is Australia Lite...although the NZ political system is much better than the Aussie one.

Hey, i love the 'Flight of the Concords' dudes. I really enjoy NZ and Australian comedy. Those would be two places i would consider relocating to. They seem like cool countries.
So did Trump say "You're Fired" personality or did they just play that clip from his show?
They'll be rooting out all Obama appointees most likely.

Obama made a point of inserting "his people " into a lot of places.

Much moreso than a lot of other presidents.
Last edited:
Not a Trump fan, but 2017 is proving to be a very entertaining year!

I have little doubt that Trump will eventually implode, but the shit-pot stirring he's doing is awesome to watch. The Democrats have been shitting themselves since the election. The Republicans are more confusing than a Special Olympics relay race. Trump's quickly proving to all intelligent Americans that he's a Twitter Troll. Who can't appreciate this major malfunction of the Federal government? Oh, partisan assholes, that's who. LOL

I voted for Trump because Hillary is an insane bitch, but in watching Trump's Military moves thus far I believe we are going to war.
South China Sea? How soon do you think that will be?

North Korea will be the igniter, we already sent B-52's down there. The troops he sent to Syria have multiple threats to them. Iran, Russia, and now Turkey.
I think NK could be the one to launch the Super EMP (that was tested in Iran) but if not Iran would be the second possibility because they can launch one from off our coast (international waters) and hit us dead center (of the country) knocking out any chance of response once we get hit by land, by sea and by air.
I believe the Russians are using the ME as a diversion as well as an invitation to spread our military too thin. I think the war that will tip into WWIII is going to happen in the SCS over Taiwan.

The Russians, the Chinese and the Iranians will make sure that we are kept too busy to adequately respond to anything.

It's an interesting point. If Russia and China can put aside their historical differences, they could become a counter-weight to US/Western dominance in the world. But they do have significant historical differences. So i don't think that alliance has formed quite yet. But if the US continues its aggressive interventionism foreign policy, i think it will push the two countries closer together.
They have been doing drills together in the SCS for the past several years. I'd say they are getting quite friendly. China certainly appears to be confident that the Russians will have their back (against us) when they decide to invade Taiwan and seize control of that trillion dollar shipping lane that comes with it.

Russia has seen the US/West placing more & more missiles closer & closer to its borders. It hasn't been able to respond due to lack of resources. Once the Soviet Union collapsed, the US/West pounced. And i think China is seeing what's going on there.

It may be in China's best interest to form an alliance with Russia at this point. The US/West does appear to be an aggressor. China and Russia may have to join forces to thwart it. I guess we'll see. Stay tuned.
Well, that is what they are telling their own people and the world at large. It makes for a good excuse when they finally make the first move (Taiwan).

In my opinion, it does appear the US/West is an aggressor these days. It's bombing and invading at an alarming rate. I can understand why Russia and China are concerned. Maybe an alliance is the right move for them.

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