BREAKING: U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara has just been FIRED

From the OP:

Though it is within his power to dismiss Bharara, doing so at this juncture contains political peril for Trump, to the extent that it suggests he’s immunizing himself from potential investigations. The Southern District of New York ― Bharara’s jurisdiction ― includes Trump Towers, the home and office of Trump and the headquarters of his presidential campaign.

And yet we had a Federal prosecutor already working the clinton White Water crimes...and they fired that prosecutor and you guys didn't care......

Prosecutors can be replaced.
This guy was appointed by obama....he is an obama minion so he needed to be fired....anyone with ties to obama needs to be purged for the good of the country....

Preet Bharara - Wikipedia

Bharara was nominated to become U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York by President Barack Obama on May 15, 2009

You seemed to be quite the fan of his, 6 months ago.

Hope this guys life insurance is paid up...but with that said I suspect Hillary's ass just puckered.

Meet The Prosecutor That Could Take Down The Clinton Foundation

Preet Bharara, dubbed ‘The Showman’ in The New Yorker for his penchant for theatrics and wisecracks, runs the U.S. Attorney’s office in the Southern District of New York and has racked up an impressive number of corruption convictions — from Wall Street bankers, hedge funds, and New York organized crime to prominent politicians.

The FBI has enlisted Bharara’s office (along with others) in part for his prosecutorial aggressiveness that career DOJ attorneys may lack.

Meet The Prosecutor That Could Take Down The Clinton Foundation

Not going to happen....he would have till November to convict her....once she is in charge of the law enforcement agencies of the United States it is all over.............when they were in office the first time, the very first thing they did was fire all the U.S. attorneys.......just to get rid of the one investigating White Water...........and of course to place all of their own people in those positions......

If she gets is all over one can touch her...and you can see..right now she is untouchable....there are no honest people in the democrat is corrupt through and through........
Breaking News on MSNBC. Why exactly was he fired? Did it have to do with his investigations?

Last year, Bharara said Trump had asked him to stay on in his position.

Preet Bharara, the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, and one of the most high profile federal prosecutors in the country said he had been fired Saturday after refusing to resign his post.

“The president-elect asked, presumably because he’s a New Yorker and is aware of the great work that our office has done over the past seven years, asked to meet with me to discuss whether or not I’d be prepared to stay on as the United States attorney to do the work as we have done it, independently, without fear or favor for the last seven years,” Bharara said in November. “We had a good meeting. I said I would absolutely consider staying on. I agreed to stay on. I have already spoken to Senator Sessions, who is as you know is the nominee to be the attorney general. He also asked that I stay on, and so I expect that I will be continuing to work at the southern district.”

Though it is within his power to dismiss Bharara, doing so at this juncture contains political peril for Trump, to the extent that it suggests he’s immunizing himself from potential investigations. The Southern District of New York ― Bharara’s jurisdiction ― includes Trump Towers, the home and office of Trump and the headquarters of his presidential campaign.

More: After Refusing To Resign, U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara Says He Was Fired By Trump Justice Department
Washington Redskin,
Only a fool would feel sorry for a attorney.
Fucking drunk Indians like yourself should stay out of the firewater
This guy was appointed by obama....he is an obama minion so he needed to be fired....anyone with ties to obama needs to be purged for the good of the country....

Preet Bharara - Wikipedia

Bharara was nominated to become U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York by President Barack Obama on May 15, 2009

You seemed to be quite the fan of his, 6 months ago.

Hope this guys life insurance is paid up...but with that said I suspect Hillary's ass just puckered.

Meet The Prosecutor That Could Take Down The Clinton Foundation

Preet Bharara, dubbed ‘The Showman’ in The New Yorker for his penchant for theatrics and wisecracks, runs the U.S. Attorney’s office in the Southern District of New York and has racked up an impressive number of corruption convictions — from Wall Street bankers, hedge funds, and New York organized crime to prominent politicians.

The FBI has enlisted Bharara’s office (along with others) in part for his prosecutorial aggressiveness that career DOJ attorneys may lack.

Meet The Prosecutor That Could Take Down The Clinton Foundation

Not going to happen....he would have till November to convict her....once she is in charge of the law enforcement agencies of the United States it is all over.............when they were in office the first time, the very first thing they did was fire all the U.S. attorneys.......just to get rid of the one investigating White Water...........and of course to place all of their own people in those positions......

If she gets is all over one can touch her...and you can see..right now she is untouchable....there are no honest people in the democrat is corrupt through and through........

How does that say I was a fan?

And the truth...from an actual Prosecutor...

Sessions’s Firing of 46 Obama-Appointed U.S. Attorneys Isn’t Scandalous

In March 1993, Janet Reno began her tenure as President Bill Clinton’s attorney general by summarily firing United States attorneys for 93 of the 94 federal districts (one, Michael Chertoff, was retained in New Jersey, at the request of Democratic Senator Bill Bradley).

That is more than twice as many as Trump attorney general Jeff Sessions fired on Friday. Indeed, there were only 46 Obama-appointed U.S. attorneys left for Sessions to relieve because Obama appointees fully understood that this is the way things work.

Many of them had already moved on, in the expectation that the president elected in November would replace them — an expectation that became a virtual certainty once it was clear that this change of administrations would be a change of parties, and visions.

It is frequently observed that, to be legitimate, law enforcement must operate independently of politics. It is an oversimplification, coupled with a misunderstanding of politics in its non-pejorative sense.

Of course the conduct of investigations, prosecutions, and their consequent judicial proceedings must be immune from partisanship. It would be intolerable for people to be targeted for, or insulated from, criminal law enforcement based on their political connections. Law enforcement, however, is about more than handling individual cases. It is about making overarching policy choices. Resources are finite.

Administrations must choose how many assets to dedicate to counterterrorism, immigration enforcement, health-care fraud, organized crime, and so on. Should the feds focus on the importation of illegal narcotics and their distribution by interstate criminal syndicates? Or should prosecutors and agents team up with state agencies to tackle street-level trafficking? Are the civil-rights laws an enforcement measure to protect fundamental liberties? Or are they a social-justice tool for transforming nationwide policing practices?

These policy choices are the stuff of politics. They often weigh heavily in presidential campaigns and elections. Law-and-order issues intimately affect people’s lives. When presidents make promises about them, they must expect to be held accountable.

Read more at: Sessions’s Firing of 46 Obama-Appointed U.S. Attorneys Isn’t Scandalous
Trump may have actually been more kind than Bill Clinton was. He offered them a chance to resign. The ones who decline, will have to be fired. That's just how this thing goes down. It isn't the first time, and it won't be the last time.
Larry Nichols: "Hillary Must Be Stopped!"

Preet Bharara-- The Hero You Never Heard Of

Preet Bharara is the U.S. Prosecuting Attorney for the Southern District of New York. Pray for him. It was he and the New York Police Department (NYPD) that have forced the FBI into doing its job with respect to Hillary Clinton and her emails.

It was the NYPD that discovered the full, uncut, actual emails on Anthony Wiener's laptop, but more importantly, it was the NYPD and Preet Bharara who brought the information forward instead of trying to paper it over.

They forced the FBI's hand. They made it impossible for Director Comey to cover Hillary's butt and his own at the same time. It's one or the other, Jack. And I can just hear the conversation going down:

The Boys in Blue: "I don't give a crap. She's guilty. Book her."

Men in Tights: "Wh-wh-whuddya mean? She was the sec-sec-Secretary of St-St-State.....she's BILL CLINTON'S wife! Sh-sh-she's running for PRESIDENT. You can't prosecute her no matter what she did."

The Boys in Blue: "Book the Bitch."

Men in Tights: "Whhaaat?"

The Boys in Blue: "You heard me. Book her. Write her up."

Men in Tights: "Wha-wh-wait! We have jurisdiction! We'll take the case over!"

The Boys in Blue: (grimly) "Yeah, now you'll do it. Did you finally find a dozen eggs somewhere?"

Of course, this is just my rendition, but I know how they talk when the girls aren't around (actually a lot spicier than this sometimes, but dogs and children may be reading) and I know how much guts it took to flush the FBI toilet.

I also know that there are plenty of Americans right now who wouldn't spit on the best part of FBI Director Comey if someone could find it and point it out.

Comey's disgusting admissions that Hillary was guilty but wouldn't be charged shocked the nation, but they didn't shock me. I watched the footage from Benghazi. I heard nasty little Rodriguez relieve General Carter Ham of command. I knew what to think then and I know what to think now.

The brave men of the NYPD who are actually responsible for the second FBI investigation of Mrs. Clinton's emails and who faithfully did their jobs, are now targets for the Clinton Mafia and the Bar Association thugs and DNC and FBI-- which doesn't appreciate having its laundry cleaned for them in public no matter how filthy dirty it is.

Watch for the small print announcements of deaths and obituaries in New York, looking for Preet Bharara's name and the names of men and women working for the NYPD Investigations Unit. Make it your business to check in on Preet's health in the coming days. Pray for him. Light a candle.

Better still, pay attention and if anything happens to him or his family or even his dog ---- come down on the media and the politicians and the FBI like the Wrath of God.

Any attempt to wave any flags and claim that the FBI has redeemed itself by reopening the Hillary Files needs to be doused with the real world facts of the matter. It was the NYPD that held the line and did the job and forced the FBI to do theirs.

Now, it's true that NYPD has its share of dirty cops and New York has more than its share of dirty politicians, but like the actual Mafia, they still have a soul. The "people"--- and I use the word lightly --- lying and covering up for Hillary don't.

Somewhere between the pate and the second round of caviar, they lost theirs.

For them, everything is for sale. Everything is relative. The only good is their own good. The only danger is not being politically correct in public, or telling the truth. And there is precious little chance of that happening.

Thank you, Preet Bharara, for doing that simple, extraordinary thing: telling the truth. I will remember your name and look for you among the heroes of all that is good.

Kudos to Anna von Reitz for this great piece of truthful prose......
And another one.
Found another thread praising Bharara for "investigating" Clinton:

The Man Investigating the Clinton Foundation

So? The President can fire them at will.

Never said he couldn't.

But it's hilarious, nonetheless.

Not at all, it's business as usual.

Only in the sense that watching you guys build these intricate narratives to combat cognitive dissonance is "business as usual".
Found another thread praising Bharara for "investigating" Clinton:

The Man Investigating the Clinton Foundation

So? The President can fire them at will.

Never said he couldn't.

But it's hilarious, nonetheless.

Not at all, it's business as usual.

Only in the sense that watching you guys build these intricate narratives to combat cognitive dissonance is "business as usual".

How is it cognitive dissonance exactly? As previously stated....the left over obama minions have been shown they can't be getting rid of all of them simply makes can't trust left wingers...ever.......and their activities since Trump was elected demonstrated that leaving any of them in positions of authority is foolish....
Found another thread praising Bharara for "investigating" Clinton:

The Man Investigating the Clinton Foundation

So? The President can fire them at will.

Never said he couldn't.

But it's hilarious, nonetheless.

Not at all, it's business as usual.

Only in the sense that watching you guys build these intricate narratives to combat cognitive dissonance is "business as usual".

I've built no narratives, I've simply stated the obvious.
Found another thread praising Bharara for "investigating" Clinton:

The Man Investigating the Clinton Foundation

So? The President can fire them at will.

Never said he couldn't.

But it's hilarious, nonetheless.

Why is it funny? After the attacks on Trump from the obama minions left in the government, it makes sense not to trust any of them.....

It's funny to me that you guys will turn on a dime with your narratives, just to stay in line with your groupthink.

6 months ago, Bharara was a hero. Now he's a villain - and the only thing that's changed since then is the way you guys justify it to yourselves.
Found another thread praising Bharara for "investigating" Clinton:

The Man Investigating the Clinton Foundation

So? The President can fire them at will.

Never said he couldn't.

But it's hilarious, nonetheless.

Not at all, it's business as usual.

Only in the sense that watching you guys build these intricate narratives to combat cognitive dissonance is "business as usual".

I've built no narratives, I've simply stated the obvious.

You are not the only poster in this thread.

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