Breaking: U.S. declines to veto U.N. Security Council resolution for Israel to stop ....

Can you guys extrapolate on your take a bit more? I'm pretty damn ignorant when it comes to the ME. I was a fundamentalist for a few decades, so "God's chosen people" and etc, Israel had to become a nation, it's one of the steps in the end times progression.

So - who is right. Why is the US involved at all? Etc.

Your comment on the OP showed a very stable opinion, and now you say you're not so much informed on the subject? interesting.

"Declines to vote." = it's none of our business, that is my stable opinion.

Whether Israel or Palestine is right is completely up in the air, based on my post your're responding to.

Nonsense. there was najority against Israel in these votes, USA not taking a stand, was in itself, taking a stand.

If you think that ok, be my guest, but please don't pretent America was being "neutral" in this.
UN resolutions mean virtually zip, and Obama's opinions are about to be rendered even more irrelevent.

Our relationship - particularly the financial relationship - with that tired, useless organization will be reconsidered by summer.
I'm always amused that Israeli supporters cite the UN as giving Israel the legal right to exist in the first place, and then immediately after that say anything that the UN does or says is irrelevant.
Actually, it's Israel's enemies that claim the UN gave Israel the right to exist as a justification for trying to get the UN to grant the feuding Palestinian factions membership.
Yeah that's why the pro-Israel fanatics in the I/P forum are constantly citing the UN as justification. :rolleyes:
If some have, then they are misinformed because the UN had nothing to do with the creation of the modern state of Israel. The GA merely recommended the creation of an Arab state, which had hardly any Jews in it, and a Jewish state, which had only a slim Jewish majority, but it was the Jews living there who created the state and the UN only recognized it in a deal two years later if Israel would stop chasing the Arab armies.
that resolution was terminated the moment the Arabs flipped us all off, and started a war against the Jews of the land. It held no ground in the past, and for 60 years they're all but trying to resurrect the dead.
UN resolutions mean virtually zip, and Obama's opinions are about to be rendered even more irrelevent.

Our relationship - particularly the financial relationship - with that tired, useless organization will be reconsidered by summer.
I'm always amused that Israeli supporters cite the UN as giving Israel the legal right to exist in the first place, and then immediately after that say anything that the UN does or says is irrelevant.
Actually, it's Israel's enemies that claim the UN gave Israel the right to exist as a justification for trying to get the UN to grant the feuding Palestinian factions membership.
Yeah that's why the pro-Israel fanatics in the I/P forum are constantly citing the UN as justification. :rolleyes:
If some have, then they are misinformed because the UN had nothing to do with the creation of the modern state of Israel. The GA merely recommended the creation of an Arab state, which had hardly any Jews in it, and a Jewish state, which had only a slim Jewish majority, but it was the Jews living there who created the state and the UN only recognized it in a deal two years later if Israel would stop chasing the Arab armies.
Whatever. As long as they keep dragging us into their religious bullshit they're a problem we don't need.
Saudi has settlement for ARAMCO workers from the west. Why should Israeli settlement be seen as so different?

Non-Saudis have to live in small compounds and designated buildings behind high walls. Ghettos of a sort where they are locked away from the rest of the country.

Other part of the peninsula are wide open to the west, some even considered the best shopping for Christmas like UAE.

Before the radicalism, the middle east used to be welcoming to the west. Now like a turtle they have pulled their head back in the shell of their faith, for some the worst interpretation of their faith out of fear and ignorance.

The west for their part have been arrogant and rude to middle east culture.

Left, right, east, west....... you can't impose your way to change without education and small steps. People pull back to a defensive position, ready to fight. People take refuge in extremes unfortunately.
U.S. declines to veto U.N. Security Council resolution for Israel to stop Jewish settlement activity

The United States’ abstention Friday reflected mounting frustration in the Obama administration over settlement growth that the United States considers an obstacle to peace.

The resolution came one day after a scheduled vote was postponed when the sponsor, Egypt, withdrew it after the Egyptian president spoke by phone with President-elect Donald Trump. Friday’s resolution was sponsored by New Zealand, Malaysia, Venezuela and Senegal.

Shortly before the vote, several U.S. senators said that if it passed they would introduce legislation to cut off U.S. funding to the United Nations and to any states that voted in favor it.

Frankly, it's about damn time.
Won't mean anything unfortunately. The US is Israel's bitch and because of that Israel is allowed to do whatever it wants. I can't wait for the world to finally get tired of the abuse Israel and the US dish out and start tossing it back at the US and Israel.
"...the Washington Post blogger Eugene Kontorovich, an exceptionally shrewd observer of international law, warned that passage of the resolution would hurt the United Nations more than Israel. That was just confirmed by Senator Graham, the South Carolina Republican who has been so heroic on Israel. Reuters is reporting that he has just threatened to curb American funding for the United Nations if it goes ahead with the anti-Israel resolution. He warned that he would assemble a bi-partisan coalition to do so.

....the time will be at hand for fundamental reform of the United Nations system."
United Nations on the Brink - The New York Sun

Barack Obama: anguis in herba


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U.S. declines to veto U.N. Security Council resolution for Israel to stop Jewish settlement activity

The United States’ abstention Friday reflected mounting frustration in the Obama administration over settlement growth that the United States considers an obstacle to peace.

The resolution came one day after a scheduled vote was postponed when the sponsor, Egypt, withdrew it after the Egyptian president spoke by phone with President-elect Donald Trump. Friday’s resolution was sponsored by New Zealand, Malaysia, Venezuela and Senegal.

Shortly before the vote, several U.S. senators said that if it passed they would introduce legislation to cut off U.S. funding to the United Nations and to any states that voted in favor it.

Frankly, it's about damn time.
The asshole piece of shit son of a Muslim commie bastard - Hussien Obama, had to take one final stab in the back of our ally, Israel. He couldn't control himself. And yet we will have many American Jews that voted Democrat, like lambs being led to their slaughter. Liberalism is truly a mental disease.
U.S. declines to veto U.N. Security Council resolution for Israel to stop Jewish settlement activity

The United States’ abstention Friday reflected mounting frustration in the Obama administration over settlement growth that the United States considers an obstacle to peace.

The resolution came one day after a scheduled vote was postponed when the sponsor, Egypt, withdrew it after the Egyptian president spoke by phone with President-elect Donald Trump. Friday’s resolution was sponsored by New Zealand, Malaysia, Venezuela and Senegal.

Shortly before the vote, several U.S. senators said that if it passed they would introduce legislation to cut off U.S. funding to the United Nations and to any states that voted in favor it.

Frankly, it's about damn time.
Won't mean anything unfortunately. The US is Israel's bitch and because of that Israel is allowed to do whatever it wants. I can't wait for the world to finally get tired of the abuse Israel and the US dish out and start tossing it back at the US and Israel.

Are you unemployed because of the Jews?
U.S. declines to veto U.N. Security Council resolution for Israel to stop Jewish settlement activity

The United States’ abstention Friday reflected mounting frustration in the Obama administration over settlement growth that the United States considers an obstacle to peace.

The resolution came one day after a scheduled vote was postponed when the sponsor, Egypt, withdrew it after the Egyptian president spoke by phone with President-elect Donald Trump. Friday’s resolution was sponsored by New Zealand, Malaysia, Venezuela and Senegal.

Shortly before the vote, several U.S. senators said that if it passed they would introduce legislation to cut off U.S. funding to the United Nations and to any states that voted in favor it.

Frankly, it's about damn time.
The asshole piece of shit son of a Muslim commie bastard - Hussien Obama, had to take one final stab in the back of our ally, Israel. He couldn't control himself. And yet we will have many American Jews that voted Democrat, like lambs being led to their slaughter. Liberalism is truly a mental disease.
^^^^severely butthurt snowflake.

zone 2 content for the ever watchful mods, LOL: about time.
UN resolutions mean virtually zip, and Obama's opinions are about to be rendered even more irrelevent.

Our relationship - particularly the financial relationship - with that tired, useless organization will be reconsidered by summer.
I'm always amused that Israeli supporters cite the UN as giving Israel the legal right to exist in the first place, and then immediately after that say anything that the UN does or says is irrelevant.

I'm always amused that it was a different world entirely in 1948.

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