Breaking: U.S. declines to veto U.N. Security Council resolution for Israel to stop ....

that resolution was terminated the moment the Arabs flipped us all off, and started a war against the Jews of the land. It held no ground in the past, and for 60 years they're all but trying to resurrect the dead.

The European Jews started the was. It was an invasion of Europeans designed to expel as many native Muslims and Christians as possible. The Arab League, as an regional international organization voted to intervene to try to prevent the ethnic cleansing of the native people by foreign invaders. Jaffa (an Arab city) surrendered to the invading Jews 2 days before before the Arab League took the decision to intervene.

You are brainwashed.
The settlement that Israel was evacuating has now been terminated.

No matter how Israel tries, they are treated like villains.

Why are palestinians not held accountable for their behavior and lack or cooperation?
that resolution was terminated the moment the Arabs flipped us all off, and started a war against the Jews of the land. It held no ground in the past, and for 60 years they're all but trying to resurrect the dead.

The European Jews started the was. It was an invasion of Europeans designed to expel as many native Muslims and Christians as possible. The Arab League, as an regional international organization voted to intervene to try to prevent the ethnic cleansing of the native people by foreign invaders. Jaffa (an Arab city) surrendered to the invading Jews 2 days before before the Arab League took the decision to intervene.

You are brainwashed.
Bullshit. Not only was there no invasion and no ethnic cleansing, but the Arab League threatened genocide against the Jews seven months before the Jaffa militias surrendered to Israeli forces.

"An October 11, 1947 report on the pan-Arab summit in the Lebanese town of Aley,[9] by Akhbar al-Yom's editor Mustafa Amin, contained an interview he held with Arab League secretary-general Azzam. Titled, "A War of Extermination," the interview read as follows (translated by Efraim Karsh; all ellipses are in the original text):

Abdul Rahman Azzam Pasha spoke to me about the horrific war that was in the offing… saying:

"I personally wish that the Jews do not drive us to this war, as this will be a war of extermination and momentous massacre which will be spoken of like the Tartar massacre[10] or the Crusader wars. I believe that the number of volunteers from outside Palestine will be larger than Palestine's Arab population, for I know that volunteers will be arriving to us from [as far as] India, Afghanistan, and China to win the honor of martyrdom for the sake of Palestine … You might be surprised to learn that hundreds of Englishmen expressed their wish to volunteer in the Arab armies to fight the Jews."

Azzam's Genocidal Threat
The only bullshit is your's. The only ones doing the attacking were the Jews. Arab League/European combat took place exclusively within the Arab partition or the international area (Jerusalem), where the Europeans had already evicted the native people and had already destroyed many native towns and villages. The Arab League intervened after the Jew's invasion threatened to kill or evict all the non-Jews. This has been confirmed by recently declassified British intelligence reports. You have been conditioned by Zionist propaganda all your life, you cannot accept the truth.

"Declassified UK reports document build-up of conflict, Jewish public's endorsement of their leaders' pro-terrorist stance and declare armies of Arab states were Palestinians' 'only hope'...After an increase in violent attacks by the militant Zionists of the Stern group and Irgun, British officials reported later in 1946: "Arab leaders appear to be still disposed to defer active opposition so long as a chance of a political decision acceptable to Arab interests exists." But they warned: "There is a real danger lest any further Jewish provocation may result in isolated acts of retaliation spreading inevitably to wider Arab-Jewish clashes".................By early 1948 British officials were reporting that "the Arabs have suffered a series of overwhelming defeats." They added: "Jewish victories … have reduced Arab morale to zero and, following the cowardly example of their inept leaders, they are fleeing from the mixed areas in their thousands. It is now obvious that the only hope of regaining their position lies in the regular armies of the Arab states."

British officials predicted war – and Arab defeat – in Palestine in 1948

The native Palestinians were merely defending themselves (unsuccessfully) from a violent invasion of hostile foreigners. The Arab League intervened to try to defend the native people.
They are not coming to fight for palestine, but they are coming to fight against other faiths and ideas in the world, for a radical interpretation of islam, not the majority of moderates
Nothing will come of it...........NOTHING............

Have a Nice day.................

Be careful.......the UN might send you a Nasty letter..............and say OR ELSE>........
This is how it started for Apartheid South Africa. Things happen when the UN declares something illegal, e.g. apartheid, For example, now FIFA will be forced to ban settlement based football clubs and probably will ban settlement-based national team footballers. White South Africans I know tell me their exclusion from intyernational sporting events was one of the things they disliked most while Apartheid was the law of the land.

This letter was sent to FIFA even before today's vote:

"A senior United Nations official has written to Fifa to reiterate that the UN regards Israeli settlements – and by extension Israeli football teams that play in them – to be “without validity” and “illegal under international law”.

Wilfried Lemke, the UN special adviser on sport for development and peace, said all clubs playing in Fifa-recognised competitions should abide by its statutes – a demand being invoked by pro-Palestinian campaigners who want six settlement clubs to either relocate to Israeli territory or be banned from Fifa competition."

UN sets out position on Israeli settlement football clubs in letter to Fifa
In MiddleAges Europe Jews were prohibited from working their lands, and instead they went and became lawyers, economists, doctors, officers,ministers. Keep pushing the Jew to the wall and see where it gets you.:)
In MiddleAges Europe Jews where prohibited from working their lands, and instead they went and became lawyers, economists, doctors, officers,ministers. Keep pushing the Jew to the wall and see where it gets you.:)
Obama is done.........this resolution will mean nothing..........

And already Congress and the Senate are threatening sanctions against the UN by withholding their FUNDS............

Israel is pulling development in senegal that was planned and removing it's ambassador from NZ

expect more of the same
The only bullshit is your's. The only ones doing the attacking were the Jews. Arab League/European combat took place exclusively within the Arab partition or the international area (Jerusalem), where the Europeans had already evicted the native people and had already destroyed many native towns and villages. The Arab League intervened after the Jew's invasion threatened to kill or evict all the non-Jews. This has been confirmed by recently declassified British intelligence reports. You have been conditioned by Zionist propaganda all your life, you cannot accept the truth.

"Declassified UK reports document build-up of conflict, Jewish public's endorsement of their leaders' pro-terrorist stance and declare armies of Arab states were Palestinians' 'only hope'...After an increase in violent attacks by the militant Zionists of the Stern group and Irgun, British officials reported later in 1946: "Arab leaders appear to be still disposed to defer active opposition so long as a chance of a political decision acceptable to Arab interests exists." But they warned: "There is a real danger lest any further Jewish provocation may result in isolated acts of retaliation spreading inevitably to wider Arab-Jewish clashes".................By early 1948 British officials were reporting that "the Arabs have suffered a series of overwhelming defeats." They added: "Jewish victories … have reduced Arab morale to zero and, following the cowardly example of their inept leaders, they are fleeing from the mixed areas in their thousands. It is now obvious that the only hope of regaining their position lies in the regular armies of the Arab states."

British officials predicted war – and Arab defeat – in Palestine in 1948

The native Palestinians were merely defending themselves (unsuccessfully) from a violent invasion of hostile foreigners. The Arab League intervened to try to defend the native people.
Still more bullshit from you. The fighting between the Arabs and the Jews had been going on since 1920 when the British arrived. The Arabs attempted to drive the Jews out and failed. The Arab League threatened genocide against the Jews if they declared statehood following the partition vote and then the Arab armies attempted to invade the new state of Israel but they also lost. A relative handful of Arabs who had been actively fighting the Jews were internally displaced before the Arab Armies attempted their invasion, but nearly all of the Arabs who were externally displaced over the next two years fled during the fighting between the Arab armies and the Israelis.

None of the Arab armies planned to create a Palestinian state, they all coveted the land for themselves. Jordan planned to drive through to the Mediterranean, Egypt planned to capture southern Israel, Syria claimed much of northern Israel a a part of greater Syria and Iraq planned to capture Jerusalem for itself.

All of the problems the Palestinians suffered from their refusal to share the land with Jews, and all of their problems since have been the result of their refusal to share the land with Jews, making them the authors of their own suffering.

The Jews at the time humiliated the British military and diplomats and eventually drove them out of the Mandate, so no reasonable person will take a British assessment of these events as reliable.
This is how it started for Apartheid South Africa. Things happen when the UN declares something illegal, e.g. apartheid, For example, now FIFA will be forced to ban settlement based football clubs and probably will ban settlement-based national team footballers. White South Africans I know tell me their exclusion from intyernational sporting events was one of the things they disliked most while Apartheid was the law of the land.

This letter was sent to FIFA even before today's vote:

"A senior United Nations official has written to Fifa to reiterate that the UN regards Israeli settlements – and by extension Israeli football teams that play in them – to be “without validity” and “illegal under international law”.

Wilfried Lemke, the UN special adviser on sport for development and peace, said all clubs playing in Fifa-recognised competitions should abide by its statutes – a demand being invoked by pro-Palestinian campaigners who want six settlement clubs to either relocate to Israeli territory or be banned from Fifa competition."

UN sets out position on Israeli settlement football clubs in letter to Fifa
Yes, the UN can be very annoying, but it can't change anything on the ground, and these kinds of anti Israel resolutions only reduce whatever influence UN officials have in Israel.
The only bullshit is your's. The only ones doing the attacking were the Jews. Arab League/European combat took place exclusively within the Arab partition or the international area (Jerusalem), where the Europeans had already evicted the native people and had already destroyed many native towns and villages. The Arab League intervened after the Jew's invasion threatened to kill or evict all the non-Jews. This has been confirmed by recently declassified British intelligence reports. You have been conditioned by Zionist propaganda all your life, you cannot accept the truth.

"Declassified UK reports document build-up of conflict, Jewish public's endorsement of their leaders' pro-terrorist stance and declare armies of Arab states were Palestinians' 'only hope'...After an increase in violent attacks by the militant Zionists of the Stern group and Irgun, British officials reported later in 1946: "Arab leaders appear to be still disposed to defer active opposition so long as a chance of a political decision acceptable to Arab interests exists." But they warned: "There is a real danger lest any further Jewish provocation may result in isolated acts of retaliation spreading inevitably to wider Arab-Jewish clashes".................By early 1948 British officials were reporting that "the Arabs have suffered a series of overwhelming defeats." They added: "Jewish victories … have reduced Arab morale to zero and, following the cowardly example of their inept leaders, they are fleeing from the mixed areas in their thousands. It is now obvious that the only hope of regaining their position lies in the regular armies of the Arab states."

British officials predicted war – and Arab defeat – in Palestine in 1948

The native Palestinians were merely defending themselves (unsuccessfully) from a violent invasion of hostile foreigners. The Arab League intervened to try to defend the native people.
Still more bullshit from you. The fighting between the Arabs and the Jews had been going on since 1920 when the British arrived. The Arabs attempted to drive the Jews out and failed. The Arab League threatened genocide against the Jews if they declared statehood following the partition vote and then the Arab armies attempted to invade the new state of Israel but they also lost. A relative handful of Arabs who had been actively fighting the Jews were internally displaced before the Arab Armies attempted their invasion, but nearly all of the Arabs who were externally displaced over the next two years fled during the fighting between the Arab armies and the Israelis.

None of the Arab armies planned to create a Palestinian state, they all coveted the land for themselves. Jordan planned to drive through to the Mediterranean, Egypt planned to capture southern Israel, Syria claimed much of northern Israel a a part of greater Syria and Iraq planned to capture Jerusalem for itself.

All of the problems the Palestinians suffered from their refusal to share the land with Jews, and all of their problems since have been the result of their refusal to share the land with Jews, making them the authors of their own suffering.

The Jews at the time humiliated the British military and diplomats and eventually drove them out of the Mandate, so no reasonable person will take a British assessment of these events as reliable.

You are the bullshitter, I post fact.

The Jews were Europeans and invaded Palestine. Why should the native people of Palestine, the Muslims and Christians, have passively agreed to share the land their ancestors had lived on for thousands of years with Europeans? You are posting nonsense.
The only bullshit is your's. The only ones doing the attacking were the Jews. Arab League/European combat took place exclusively within the Arab partition or the international area (Jerusalem), where the Europeans had already evicted the native people and had already destroyed many native towns and villages. The Arab League intervened after the Jew's invasion threatened to kill or evict all the non-Jews. This has been confirmed by recently declassified British intelligence reports. You have been conditioned by Zionist propaganda all your life, you cannot accept the truth.

"Declassified UK reports document build-up of conflict, Jewish public's endorsement of their leaders' pro-terrorist stance and declare armies of Arab states were Palestinians' 'only hope'...After an increase in violent attacks by the militant Zionists of the Stern group and Irgun, British officials reported later in 1946: "Arab leaders appear to be still disposed to defer active opposition so long as a chance of a political decision acceptable to Arab interests exists." But they warned: "There is a real danger lest any further Jewish provocation may result in isolated acts of retaliation spreading inevitably to wider Arab-Jewish clashes".................By early 1948 British officials were reporting that "the Arabs have suffered a series of overwhelming defeats." They added: "Jewish victories … have reduced Arab morale to zero and, following the cowardly example of their inept leaders, they are fleeing from the mixed areas in their thousands. It is now obvious that the only hope of regaining their position lies in the regular armies of the Arab states."

British officials predicted war – and Arab defeat – in Palestine in 1948

The native Palestinians were merely defending themselves (unsuccessfully) from a violent invasion of hostile foreigners. The Arab League intervened to try to defend the native people.
Still more bullshit from you. The fighting between the Arabs and the Jews had been going on since 1920 when the British arrived. The Arabs attempted to drive the Jews out and failed. The Arab League threatened genocide against the Jews if they declared statehood following the partition vote and then the Arab armies attempted to invade the new state of Israel but they also lost. A relative handful of Arabs who had been actively fighting the Jews were internally displaced before the Arab Armies attempted their invasion, but nearly all of the Arabs who were externally displaced over the next two years fled during the fighting between the Arab armies and the Israelis.

None of the Arab armies planned to create a Palestinian state, they all coveted the land for themselves. Jordan planned to drive through to the Mediterranean, Egypt planned to capture southern Israel, Syria claimed much of northern Israel a a part of greater Syria and Iraq planned to capture Jerusalem for itself.

All of the problems the Palestinians suffered from their refusal to share the land with Jews, and all of their problems since have been the result of their refusal to share the land with Jews, making them the authors of their own suffering.

The Jews at the time humiliated the British military and diplomats and eventually drove them out of the Mandate, so no reasonable person will take a British assessment of these events as reliable.

You are the bullshitter, I post fact.

The Jews were Europeans and invaded Palestine. Why should the native people of Palestine, the Muslims and Christians, have passively agreed to share the land their ancestors had lived on for thousands of years with Europeans? You are posting nonsense.
lol Why shouldn't they unless they are bigots like you?
The only bullshit is your's. The only ones doing the attacking were the Jews. Arab League/European combat took place exclusively within the Arab partition or the international area (Jerusalem), where the Europeans had already evicted the native people and had already destroyed many native towns and villages. The Arab League intervened after the Jew's invasion threatened to kill or evict all the non-Jews. This has been confirmed by recently declassified British intelligence reports. You have been conditioned by Zionist propaganda all your life, you cannot accept the truth.

"Declassified UK reports document build-up of conflict, Jewish public's endorsement of their leaders' pro-terrorist stance and declare armies of Arab states were Palestinians' 'only hope'...After an increase in violent attacks by the militant Zionists of the Stern group and Irgun, British officials reported later in 1946: "Arab leaders appear to be still disposed to defer active opposition so long as a chance of a political decision acceptable to Arab interests exists." But they warned: "There is a real danger lest any further Jewish provocation may result in isolated acts of retaliation spreading inevitably to wider Arab-Jewish clashes".................By early 1948 British officials were reporting that "the Arabs have suffered a series of overwhelming defeats." They added: "Jewish victories … have reduced Arab morale to zero and, following the cowardly example of their inept leaders, they are fleeing from the mixed areas in their thousands. It is now obvious that the only hope of regaining their position lies in the regular armies of the Arab states."

British officials predicted war – and Arab defeat – in Palestine in 1948

The native Palestinians were merely defending themselves (unsuccessfully) from a violent invasion of hostile foreigners. The Arab League intervened to try to defend the native people.
Still more bullshit from you. The fighting between the Arabs and the Jews had been going on since 1920 when the British arrived. The Arabs attempted to drive the Jews out and failed. The Arab League threatened genocide against the Jews if they declared statehood following the partition vote and then the Arab armies attempted to invade the new state of Israel but they also lost. A relative handful of Arabs who had been actively fighting the Jews were internally displaced before the Arab Armies attempted their invasion, but nearly all of the Arabs who were externally displaced over the next two years fled during the fighting between the Arab armies and the Israelis.

None of the Arab armies planned to create a Palestinian state, they all coveted the land for themselves. Jordan planned to drive through to the Mediterranean, Egypt planned to capture southern Israel, Syria claimed much of northern Israel a a part of greater Syria and Iraq planned to capture Jerusalem for itself.

All of the problems the Palestinians suffered from their refusal to share the land with Jews, and all of their problems since have been the result of their refusal to share the land with Jews, making them the authors of their own suffering.

The Jews at the time humiliated the British military and diplomats and eventually drove them out of the Mandate, so no reasonable person will take a British assessment of these events as reliable.

You are the bullshitter, I post fact.

The Jews were Europeans and invaded Palestine. Why should the native people of Palestine, the Muslims and Christians, have passively agreed to share the land their ancestors had lived on for thousands of years with Europeans? You are posting nonsense.
lol Why shouldn't they unless they are bigots like you?

Because it was their land, you idiot. Why should any people facilitate the settling of their land for people with the intention of assuming rule over them?
This is how it started for Apartheid South Africa. Things happen when the UN declares something illegal, e.g. apartheid, For example, now FIFA will be forced to ban settlement based football clubs and probably will ban settlement-based national team footballers. White South Africans I know tell me their exclusion from intyernational sporting events was one of the things they disliked most while Apartheid was the law of the land.

This letter was sent to FIFA even before today's vote:

"A senior United Nations official has written to Fifa to reiterate that the UN regards Israeli settlements – and by extension Israeli football teams that play in them – to be “without validity” and “illegal under international law”.

Wilfried Lemke, the UN special adviser on sport for development and peace, said all clubs playing in Fifa-recognised competitions should abide by its statutes – a demand being invoked by pro-Palestinian campaigners who want six settlement clubs to either relocate to Israeli territory or be banned from Fifa competition."

UN sets out position on Israeli settlement football clubs in letter to Fifa
Yes, the UN can be very annoying, but it can't change anything on the ground, and these kinds of anti Israel resolutions only reduce whatever influence UN officials have in Israel.

The UN can be annoying but the members of the UN can have a tremendous amount of influence. As South Africa found out.
This is how it started for Apartheid South Africa. Things happen when the UN declares something illegal, e.g. apartheid, For example, now FIFA will be forced to ban settlement based football clubs and probably will ban settlement-based national team footballers. White South Africans I know tell me their exclusion from intyernational sporting events was one of the things they disliked most while Apartheid was the law of the land.

This letter was sent to FIFA even before today's vote:

"A senior United Nations official has written to Fifa to reiterate that the UN regards Israeli settlements – and by extension Israeli football teams that play in them – to be “without validity” and “illegal under international law”.

Wilfried Lemke, the UN special adviser on sport for development and peace, said all clubs playing in Fifa-recognised competitions should abide by its statutes – a demand being invoked by pro-Palestinian campaigners who want six settlement clubs to either relocate to Israeli territory or be banned from Fifa competition."

UN sets out position on Israeli settlement football clubs in letter to Fifa
Yes, the UN can be very annoying, but it can't change anything on the ground, and these kinds of anti Israel resolutions only reduce whatever influence UN officials have in Israel.

The UN can be annoying but the members of the UN can have a tremendous amount of influence. As South Africa found out.
Are you trying to sound stupid?
The only bullshit is your's. The only ones doing the attacking were the Jews. Arab League/European combat took place exclusively within the Arab partition or the international area (Jerusalem), where the Europeans had already evicted the native people and had already destroyed many native towns and villages. The Arab League intervened after the Jew's invasion threatened to kill or evict all the non-Jews. This has been confirmed by recently declassified British intelligence reports. You have been conditioned by Zionist propaganda all your life, you cannot accept the truth.

"Declassified UK reports document build-up of conflict, Jewish public's endorsement of their leaders' pro-terrorist stance and declare armies of Arab states were Palestinians' 'only hope'...After an increase in violent attacks by the militant Zionists of the Stern group and Irgun, British officials reported later in 1946: "Arab leaders appear to be still disposed to defer active opposition so long as a chance of a political decision acceptable to Arab interests exists." But they warned: "There is a real danger lest any further Jewish provocation may result in isolated acts of retaliation spreading inevitably to wider Arab-Jewish clashes".................By early 1948 British officials were reporting that "the Arabs have suffered a series of overwhelming defeats." They added: "Jewish victories … have reduced Arab morale to zero and, following the cowardly example of their inept leaders, they are fleeing from the mixed areas in their thousands. It is now obvious that the only hope of regaining their position lies in the regular armies of the Arab states."

British officials predicted war – and Arab defeat – in Palestine in 1948

The native Palestinians were merely defending themselves (unsuccessfully) from a violent invasion of hostile foreigners. The Arab League intervened to try to defend the native people.
Still more bullshit from you. The fighting between the Arabs and the Jews had been going on since 1920 when the British arrived. The Arabs attempted to drive the Jews out and failed. The Arab League threatened genocide against the Jews if they declared statehood following the partition vote and then the Arab armies attempted to invade the new state of Israel but they also lost. A relative handful of Arabs who had been actively fighting the Jews were internally displaced before the Arab Armies attempted their invasion, but nearly all of the Arabs who were externally displaced over the next two years fled during the fighting between the Arab armies and the Israelis.

None of the Arab armies planned to create a Palestinian state, they all coveted the land for themselves. Jordan planned to drive through to the Mediterranean, Egypt planned to capture southern Israel, Syria claimed much of northern Israel a a part of greater Syria and Iraq planned to capture Jerusalem for itself.

All of the problems the Palestinians suffered from their refusal to share the land with Jews, and all of their problems since have been the result of their refusal to share the land with Jews, making them the authors of their own suffering.

The Jews at the time humiliated the British military and diplomats and eventually drove them out of the Mandate, so no reasonable person will take a British assessment of these events as reliable.

You are the bullshitter, I post fact.

The Jews were Europeans and invaded Palestine. Why should the native people of Palestine, the Muslims and Christians, have passively agreed to share the land their ancestors had lived on for thousands of years with Europeans? You are posting nonsense.
lol Why shouldn't they unless they are bigots like you?

Because it was their land, you idiot. Why should any people facilitate the settling of their land for people with the intention of assuming rule over them?
In a political sense, it was never their land. For four hundred years before the British took control of the land, the Turks had it and the Turks invited the Jews to emigrate there. The European Jews began arriving in what would become Israel in the mid 19th century at the invitation of the Turks and were perfectly willing to live in peace with the Arabs who were there. There may have been a few Jewish hotheads, but the major Jewish organizations sought only autonomous rule over their own people under the auspices of the British until the 1930's when more than a decade of Arab massacres of Jews made it clear they could only be safe in their own country. It was Arab intolerance of Jews that shaped their own destiny.

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