Breaking: U.S. declines to veto U.N. Security Council resolution for Israel to stop ....

Why do liberals hate jews unless they are secular hollywood types?
Can you guys extrapolate on your take a bit more? I'm pretty damn ignorant when it comes to the ME. I was a fundamentalist for a few decades, so "God's chosen people" and etc, Israel had to become a nation, it's one of the steps in the end times progression.

So - who is right. Why is the US involved at all? Etc.

Your comment on the OP showed a very stable opinion, and now you say you're not so much informed on the subject? interesting.

"Declines to vote." = it's none of our business, that is my stable opinion.

Whether Israel or Palestine is right is completely up in the air, based on my post your're responding to.

Nonsense. there was najority against Israel in these votes, USA not taking a stand, was in itself, taking a stand.

If you think that ok, be my guest, but please don't pretent America was being "neutral" in this.

Obama isn't America sweetie...He'll be gone in a few weeks anyway

Ahh, thank goodness. In a few weeks we will all forget about this Antiyochus, and nothing drastic will change.
Can you guys extrapolate on your take a bit more? I'm pretty damn ignorant when it comes to the ME. I was a fundamentalist for a few decades, so "God's chosen people" and etc, Israel had to become a nation, it's one of the steps in the end times progression.

So - who is right. Why is the US involved at all? Etc.

Your comment on the OP showed a very stable opinion, and now you say you're not so much informed on the subject? interesting.

"Declines to vote." = it's none of our business, that is my stable opinion.

Whether Israel or Palestine is right is completely up in the air, based on my post your're responding to.

Nonsense. there was najority against Israel in these votes, USA not taking a stand, was in itself, taking a stand.

If you think that ok, be my guest, but please don't pretent America was being "neutral" in this.

Obama isn't America sweetie...He'll be gone in a few weeks anyway

Ahh, thank goodness. In a few weeks we will all forget about this Antiyochus, and nothing drastic will change.

I am hoping (and there appears to be signs In favor), that one drastic change will be our new administrations' hard line regarding support for the seemingly perpetual welfare fraud that is UNRWA. I would like nothing better than to see an immediate suspension of US money being used to support Islamic terrorism on the part of the Arabs-Moslems in Gaza and the West Bank and the Islamic terrorist kingpins running those Islamic terrorist franchises stuffing their foreign bank accounts with that welfare fraud money.
A lot of you are so full of hate that it's like reading verbal vomit with no particular target.
Oh, they have a target, non-Jews. They have the same hate towards the Palestinian Christians, for propaganda they associate Palestinians exclusively with Islam, conveniently forgetting that the world-wide population of Palestinians is 30% Christian.
Israel is a rogue scofflaw state. This resolution accuses Israel's settlement building in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem as a flagrant violation of international law. The whole world knew this already but the United States' refusal to give political cover to Israel is significant because until now, the annual UN Security Council resolutions backing a two-state solution have been vetoed by the U.S. and internationally this is seen as a rebuke by the Americans of the Israeli occupation.
Anger as US abstains while UN resolution condemns 'illegal' Israeli settlements -
Israel's longstanding and only ally is allowing the U.N. Security Council to go on record with a vote of 14-0 in finding fault with Israel. This is good news in the season of peace to those of goodwill.
Israel is a rogue scofflaw state. This resolution accuses Israel's settlement building in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem as a flagrant violation of international law. The whole world knew this already but the United States' refusal to give political cover to Israel is significant because until now, the annual UN Security Council resolutions backing a two-state solution have been vetoed by the U.S. and internationally this is seen as a rebuke by the Americans of the Israeli occupation.
Anger as US abstains while UN resolution condemns 'illegal' Israeli settlements -
Israel's longstanding and only ally is allowing the U.N. Security Council to go on record with a vote of 14-0 in finding fault with Israel. This is good news in the season of peace to those of goodwill.

building in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem as a flagrant violation of international law.

Building in their own capital violates an international law? That's hilarious!
Oh, they have a target, non-Jews. They have the same hate towards the Palestinian Christians, for propaganda they associate Palestinians exclusively with Islam, conveniently forgetting that the world-wide population of Palestinians is 30% Christian.
You should look to your heroes in Hamas and Fatah for those with hate toward non-Islamists. Your heroes have nearly eliminated every vestige of competing religions in Gaza and the West Bank just as Islamics have done throughout the Islamic Middle East. You conveniently ignore that Christianity was one the majority faith in Egypt. You conveniently ignore the purge of Christianity from Gaza in just the last ten years.
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Israel is a rogue scofflaw state. This resolution accuses Israel's settlement building in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem as a flagrant violation of international law. The whole world knew this already but the United States' refusal to give political cover to Israel is significant because until now, the annual UN Security Council resolutions backing a two-state solution have been vetoed by the U.S. and internationally this is seen as a rebuke by the Americans of the Israeli occupation.
Anger as US abstains while UN resolution condemns 'illegal' Israeli settlements -
Israel's longstanding and only ally is allowing the U.N. Security Council to go on record with a vote of 14-0 in finding fault with Israel. This is good news in the season of peace to those of goodwill.
Don't get too excited, this is just a small bump in the road, a petulant parting shot by Obama at Netanyahu, a man he had tried and failed to destroy. In a few weeks, this blemish on American foreign policy will be entirely erased and a new US policy will be put into place which will state that there is nothing illegal about Israel's construction in Judea and Samaria and that these communities are not obstacles to peace. There is no mention of two states in the Republican platform and the US embassy will soon be moved to Jerusalem, where it should have been decades ago, and it will be the UN, not Israel, that will be put on trial when these kinds anti Israelis resolutions are presented. This resolution marks the end of an era in which the US will quietly tolerate this kind of bigoted anti Israel nonsense out of fear of offending anti semitic Arabs.
I'm always amused that Israeli supporters cite the UN as giving Israel the legal right to exist in the first place, and then immediately after that say anything that the UN does or says is irrelevant.
Actually, it's Israel's enemies that claim the UN gave Israel the right to exist as a justification for trying to get the UN to grant the feuding Palestinian factions membership.
Yeah that's why the pro-Israel fanatics in the I/P forum are constantly citing the UN as justification. :rolleyes:

Cant see any posts to that effect on here, want to link to them

Israel's Legal Right To Exist

Proving beyond reasonable doubt that Israel is a legal nation and has superiority over the arab muslims under international law.

And it does not justify Israel's right to exist it affirms it after the international law of 1923 that created the concept
Have you seen the disclaimer on the UN's map of Israel?
Israel is a rogue scofflaw state. This resolution accuses Israel's settlement building in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem as a flagrant violation of international law. The whole world knew this already but the United States' refusal to give political cover to Israel is significant because until now, the annual UN Security Council resolutions backing a two-state solution have been vetoed by the U.S. and internationally this is seen as a rebuke by the Americans of the Israeli occupation.
Anger as US abstains while UN resolution condemns 'illegal' Israeli settlements -
Israel's longstanding and only ally is allowing the U.N. Security Council to go on record with a vote of 14-0 in finding fault with Israel. This is good news in the season of peace to those of goodwill.

And when the arab muslims start the terrorist attacks, war crimes and breaches of international law what will you say then. Will you blame the Jews for the deaths caused by the IDF response to the illegal attacks, or will you admit that the islamonazi terrorists are to blame and so deserve all they get ?

You do know that in the eyes of the NGO's and the UN every rocket launched from gaza is a war crime and a breach of international law
Israel is a rogue scofflaw state. This resolution accuses Israel's settlement building in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem as a flagrant violation of international law. The whole world knew this already but the United States' refusal to give political cover to Israel is significant because until now, the annual UN Security Council resolutions backing a two-state solution have been vetoed by the U.S. and internationally this is seen as a rebuke by the Americans of the Israeli occupation.
Anger as US abstains while UN resolution condemns 'illegal' Israeli settlements -
Israel's longstanding and only ally is allowing the U.N. Security Council to go on record with a vote of 14-0 in finding fault with Israel. This is good news in the season of peace to those of goodwill.

building in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem as a flagrant violation of international law.

Building in their own capital violates an international law? That's hilarious!

Now ask him which international law and he will ignore you as there isnt one on record. If there was then the US would be the biggest culprit and they would face a backlash. Not even the ICC/ICJ has declared the settlements to be in violation of international law.
Actually, it's Israel's enemies that claim the UN gave Israel the right to exist as a justification for trying to get the UN to grant the feuding Palestinian factions membership.
Yeah that's why the pro-Israel fanatics in the I/P forum are constantly citing the UN as justification. :rolleyes:

Cant see any posts to that effect on here, want to link to them

Israel's Legal Right To Exist

Proving beyond reasonable doubt that Israel is a legal nation and has superiority over the arab muslims under international law.

And it does not justify Israel's right to exist it affirms it after the international law of 1923 that created the concept
Have you seen the disclaimer on the UN's map of Israel?

NO and niether have you as the UN cant dictate what shows on a map of any nation, it does not have that authority. Is this like your link to the nation of palestine from 1923 that does not exist ?
Can you guys extrapolate on your take a bit more? I'm pretty damn ignorant when it comes to the ME. I was a fundamentalist for a few decades, so "God's chosen people" and etc, Israel had to become a nation, it's one of the steps in the end times progression.

So - who is right. Why is the US involved at all? Etc.
So you have strong opinions but you admit perfect ignorance. That is a definition of bigotry.

That probably made more sense in your head, when you thought it.

Any chance you can discuss the subject at hand, instead of me?
I'll be happy to explain it.

Israel, including Judea and Samaria (the west bank) has been the ancestral home of the jews for centuries. That's where Moses led the Jews, and where King David and King Solomon led the Jewish state.

The land was conquered from Israel by the Babylonians, Israel got it back, and then the Romans conquered it from Israel. Palestine got the name by Rome whom named it because of the Philistines there, whom had nothing to do with the "Palestinians."

The area then became part of the ottoman empire, and then a British Colony. The British promised to give the land back to the jews after WWII since every other country rejected them. The british also promised it the arabs.

Jews after WWII came to Israel. There were also Jews whom lived there. The British were total assholes to the Jews and put them in internment camps and tried to stop Jewish immigration there. In fact, the brits are responsible for many Jewish deaths sinking ships of Jews whom just fled due to the holocaust.

Finally in 1948, the Brits turned it over the UN whom partitioned the land. There was a sliver of land given to the Jews, and most of it was given to the arabs. Also Transjordan was created that included the West Bank and Gaza.

The arabs never accepted the partition and 5 arab countries invaded Israel in 1948 with the intention of destroying the county and killing all the Jews. Despite overwhelming odds the Jews won.

The arab countries continued to attack the the Jews and targeted civilians. There was another war in 1956 where Israel got a chunk of the Sinai.

In 1967 there was yet another War. It was led by Nassar of Egypt whom continuously threatened that the would attack Israel, and built up forces on the border. He also sponsored guerrilla attacks into Israel. He also closed the Suez Canal blockading Israel from getting supplies.

Israel did a preemptive strike and destroyed most of the Egyptian aircraft that were on the field.

Israel pleaded with Jordan not to join in, but they did. At that time, Israel won again, and gained back Judea and Samaria (the West Bank) and Jerusalem, it's eternal capital.

Without the West Bank and Gaza, Israel is just 9 miles wide in the middle of the country. There was also the Yom Kippur war in 1973. The arab countries attacked again during Israel's highest holy day and lost.

The arabs and the radical left Obama regime want Israel to go back to 1967 borders which are not defensible, and give away half their capital.

I want to make several points
1) This has nothing to do with 1967 borders nor are Jewish homes in Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria and impediment to peace. The arabs had already attacked Israel several times before 1967. The problem is that the arabs don't accept Israel's existence based on any borders.

2) The arab leadership don't accept Israel right to exist...period!

3) If "Palestine" and their own country was so important, why didn't they demand a free country when it was under Jordan control?

4) Israel offered the "Palestinians" about 98% of the land they asked for but the arabs rejected it

5) The arab government names streets and honors those arab terrorists whom successfully attack Israeli civilians

6) The arab government pays salaries to their terrorists whom attack civilians and pay their families, if the terrorists end up in prison

7) The Obama regime's method was to lean on Israel to not build new homes in their land of Jerusalem, their capital, or their land in Judea and Samaria. They asked nothing of the arab terrorist governments.

8) Israel took out every Jew that lived in Gaza, forcefully evicting them from the home. Gaza is Jew free, and what Israel got for it was tens of thousands of rockets shot by the Gaza government into Israel's populated city

9) Despite a law by Congress for the US to move the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, no US president had the balls to do it

10) President Trump will move the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem

11) Hussein Obama is a scumball and slimeball and I can't wait until he gets his ugly scummy self out of the White House.
The only bullshit is your's. The only ones doing the attacking were the Jews. Arab League/European combat took place exclusively within the Arab partition or the international area (Jerusalem), where the Europeans had already evicted the native people and had already destroyed many native towns and villages. The Arab League intervened after the Jew's invasion threatened to kill or evict all the non-Jews. This has been confirmed by recently declassified British intelligence reports. You have been conditioned by Zionist propaganda all your life, you cannot accept the truth.

"Declassified UK reports document build-up of conflict, Jewish public's endorsement of their leaders' pro-terrorist stance and declare armies of Arab states were Palestinians' 'only hope'...After an increase in violent attacks by the militant Zionists of the Stern group and Irgun, British officials reported later in 1946: "Arab leaders appear to be still disposed to defer active opposition so long as a chance of a political decision acceptable to Arab interests exists." But they warned: "There is a real danger lest any further Jewish provocation may result in isolated acts of retaliation spreading inevitably to wider Arab-Jewish clashes".................By early 1948 British officials were reporting that "the Arabs have suffered a series of overwhelming defeats." They added: "Jewish victories … have reduced Arab morale to zero and, following the cowardly example of their inept leaders, they are fleeing from the mixed areas in their thousands. It is now obvious that the only hope of regaining their position lies in the regular armies of the Arab states."

British officials predicted war – and Arab defeat – in Palestine in 1948

The native Palestinians were merely defending themselves (unsuccessfully) from a violent invasion of hostile foreigners. The Arab League intervened to try to defend the native people.
Still more bullshit from you. The fighting between the Arabs and the Jews had been going on since 1920 when the British arrived. The Arabs attempted to drive the Jews out and failed. The Arab League threatened genocide against the Jews if they declared statehood following the partition vote and then the Arab armies attempted to invade the new state of Israel but they also lost. A relative handful of Arabs who had been actively fighting the Jews were internally displaced before the Arab Armies attempted their invasion, but nearly all of the Arabs who were externally displaced over the next two years fled during the fighting between the Arab armies and the Israelis.

None of the Arab armies planned to create a Palestinian state, they all coveted the land for themselves. Jordan planned to drive through to the Mediterranean, Egypt planned to capture southern Israel, Syria claimed much of northern Israel a a part of greater Syria and Iraq planned to capture Jerusalem for itself.

All of the problems the Palestinians suffered from their refusal to share the land with Jews, and all of their problems since have been the result of their refusal to share the land with Jews, making them the authors of their own suffering.

The Jews at the time humiliated the British military and diplomats and eventually drove them out of the Mandate, so no reasonable person will take a British assessment of these events as reliable.

You are the bullshitter, I post fact.

The Jews were Europeans and invaded Palestine. Why should the native people of Palestine, the Muslims and Christians, have passively agreed to share the land their ancestors had lived on for thousands of years with Europeans? You are posting nonsense.
Jews were living there for centuries. Also the arabs didn't share their land. Jews bought the land which was worthless and worked hard to make them prosperous.

As far as Judea and Samaria (the west bank) Jordan lost that land when they invaded in 1967.
This is how it started for Apartheid South Africa. Things happen when the UN declares something illegal, e.g. apartheid, For example, now FIFA will be forced to ban settlement based football clubs and probably will ban settlement-based national team footballers. White South Africans I know tell me their exclusion from intyernational sporting events was one of the things they disliked most while Apartheid was the law of the land.

This letter was sent to FIFA even before today's vote:

"A senior United Nations official has written to Fifa to reiterate that the UN regards Israeli settlements – and by extension Israeli football teams that play in them – to be “without validity” and “illegal under international law”.

Wilfried Lemke, the UN special adviser on sport for development and peace, said all clubs playing in Fifa-recognised competitions should abide by its statutes – a demand being invoked by pro-Palestinian campaigners who want six settlement clubs to either relocate to Israeli territory or be banned from Fifa competition."

UN sets out position on Israeli settlement football clubs in letter to Fifa
Yes, the UN can be very annoying, but it can't change anything on the ground, and these kinds of anti Israel resolutions only reduce whatever influence UN officials have in Israel.

The UN can be annoying but the members of the UN can have a tremendous amount of influence. As South Africa found out.
Are you trying to sound stupid?

Just fact. I see your only response is a stupid one. I have forgotten more than you will ever learn about this issue, so it's better if you just shut up.
Then you must be left with just bullshit which you are spewing now.
Oh, they have a target, non-Jews. They have the same hate towards the Palestinian Christians, for propaganda they associate Palestinians exclusively with Islam, conveniently forgetting that the world-wide population of Palestinians is 30% Christian.
And that statistic is based on?
Israel is a rogue scofflaw state. This resolution accuses Israel's settlement building in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem as a flagrant violation of international law. The whole world knew this already but the United States' refusal to give political cover to Israel is significant because until now, the annual UN Security Council resolutions backing a two-state solution have been vetoed by the U.S. and internationally this is seen as a rebuke by the Americans of the Israeli occupation.
Anger as US abstains while UN resolution condemns 'illegal' Israeli settlements -
Israel's longstanding and only ally is allowing the U.N. Security Council to go on record with a vote of 14-0 in finding fault with Israel. This is good news in the season of peace to those of goodwill.

building in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem as a flagrant violation of international law.

Building in their own capital violates an international law? That's hilarious!
No country on Earth recognizes East Jerusalem as part of Israel.

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