Breaking : UN: Syrian Chemical Weapons Attack Carried Out by REBELS !!!!!!

Your link is something we'd expect from ol Baghdad's from the Syrian government ya knucklehead. :lol: Here's what we think happened....exactly as I predicted yesterday:

officials were able to confirm that chemical weapons were used in Syria last week in part because they intercepted panicked phone calls in which a Syrian defense official demanded an explanation for the attack from an official in a chemical weapons unit, according to a new report.

Foreign Policy reported Wednesday that U.S. intelligence overheard the phone calls, which helped drive the Obama administration to the unequivocal declaration this week that chemical weapons were deployed.

The phone calls, as well as photo evidence and local accounts, are part of the portfolio of evidence the U.S. is preparing before proceeding with a response -- likely a military strike, according to sources -- in the coming days.

The intercept, though, raises questions about the nature of last week's attack. If a Syrian defense official was questioning the chemical weapons unit about the attack, it raises the possibility that it was a rogue event -- or, to the contrary, cleared at the highest levels, without the say-so from mid-level defense officials.
U.S. intelligence

Read more: Intercepted call reportedly clinched US claim on Syria chemical weapons strike | Fox News
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regime. According to UN diplomat Carla del Ponte, however, it appears that the recent chemical weapons attack, in April, was carried out by the Syrian rebels and not the regime, as it had been widely assumed. Speaking.....

"regime. According to UN diplomat Carla del Ponte, however, it appears that the recent chemical weapons attack, in April, was carried out by the Syrian rebels and not the regime, as it had been widely assumed. Speaking....."

I could swear I read an article where the U.N inspectors could determine if chemical weapons were used but not allowed to determine who used them. Wonder what changed?

They ignored the order. It's called LEAKING.

Will they make these leakers flee like Snowden?

Snowden was such a hero he fled to a authoritarian state.....

Cork, if you wouldn't mind looking through the window instead of looking at the window dressings, you'd see we live in an authoritarian state too.

Did you stock the cooler, yet?
They ignored the order. It's called LEAKING.

Will they make these leakers flee like Snowden?

Snowden was such a hero he fled to a authoritarian state.....

Cork, if you wouldn't mind looking through the window instead of looking at the window dressings, you'd see we live in an authoritarian state too.

Did you stock the cooler, yet?

If you wernt so hell bent on wanting the country to fall you would see Snowden is not a hero but a coward that ran.... Then I again I see how you like that. I know your kind likes to say you love the country yet at the same time refuse and shit on ALL ATTEMPTS to salvage it.
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Snowden was such a hero he fled to a authoritarian state.....

Cork, if you wouldn't mind looking through the window instead of looking at the window dressings, you'd see we live in an authoritarian state too.

Did you stock the cooler, yet?

If you wernt so hell bent on wanting the country to fall you would see Snowden is not a hero but a coward that ran.... Then I see again I see how you like that. I know your kind likes to say you love the country yet at the same time refuse and shit on ALL ATTEMPTS to salvage it.

Well, Cork, I wernt. Dem dare dang politickers dun gutted the deng cuntray!

Cork, if you wouldn't mind looking through the window instead of looking at the window dressings, you'd see we live in an authoritarian state too.

Did you stock the cooler, yet?

If you wernt so hell bent on wanting the country to fall you would see Snowden is not a hero but a coward that ran.... Then I see again I see how you like that. I know your kind likes to say you love the country yet at the same time refuse and shit on ALL ATTEMPTS to salvage it.

Well, Cork, I wernt. Dem dare dang politickers dun gutted the deng cuntray!

As normal no substance just ignorance from a liberal.
I could swear I read an article where the U.N inspectors could determine if chemical weapons were used but not allowed to determine who used them. Wonder what changed?

The UN Inspectors refused to evacuate Syria as ordered by the Commander-In - Chief.

It appears that these inspectors are not CIA agents as were the ones in Iraq.


Syrian Chemical Weapons Attack Carried Out by Rebels, Says UN (UPDATE)


it appears that the recent chemical weapons attack, IN APRIL, was carried out by the Syrian rebels and not the regime, as it had been widely assumed

Are you peeps acknowledging the April date?
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Yes, acknowledged. Did you finish reading?

UPDATE: This article was updated to clarify one or two points that some of our readers found misleading: The chemical attack earlier this year was widely blamed on the Syrian regime. It is this attack that the UN now concludes was carried out by Syrian rebels. It appears unlikely – for a number of reasons – that the most recent August 21st attack was carried out by government forces – despite the rush to judgement within the international community – although this has yet to be fully determined. It is clear that both sides in the Syrian conflict have the means to use chemical weapons and it would be misguided to assume that either side has a moral objection to such attacks.
Do we have a more reliable source than some unknown NEVADA newspaper for this information?

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