Breaking : UN: Syrian Chemical Weapons Attack Carried Out by REBELS !!!!!!

Do we have a more reliable source than some unknown NEVADA newspaper for this information?

BBC News - UN's Del Ponte says evidence Syria rebels 'used sarin'


Ms Del Ponte, a former Swiss attorney-general and prosecutor with the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY), did not rule out the possibility that troops loyal to President Bashar al-Assad might also have used chemical weapons, but said further investigation was needed.


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Yes, acknowledged. Did you finish reading?

UPDATE: This article was updated to clarify one or two points that some of our readers found misleading: The chemical attack earlier this year was widely blamed on the Syrian regime. It is this attack that the UN now concludes was carried out by Syrian rebels. It appears unlikely – for a number of reasons – that the most recent August 21st attack was carried out by government forces – despite the rush to judgement within the international community – although this has yet to be fully determined. It is clear that both sides in the Syrian conflict have the means to use chemical weapons and it would be misguided to assume that either side has a moral objection to such attacks. I suggest we ignore the whole thing until Obabble shows us the real time the one he has under lock and key on Benghazi
The guardian reporting on UN findings is syrian news outlet now? :rofl:

It's the Las Vegas Guardian Express. Not the UK Guardian.

Ever hear of it?

It's an outlet for bloggers. Mostly concerned with Hollywood gossip and other such tripe.

Here's a photo from the front page of their site:

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The guardian reporting on UN findings is syrian news outlet now? :rofl:

It appears so. :eusa_eh:

Everybody has a dog in this fight from the looks of it....righties and lefties going for the brass ring from completely opposite agendas. This rag picked up an agitprop piece put out by Assad's government...try reading it again.
I could swear I read an article where the U.N inspectors could determine if chemical weapons were used but not allowed to determine who used them. Wonder what changed?

They ignored the order. It's called LEAKING.

Will they make these leakers flee like Snowden?

Their modus operandi will be to discredit the UN inspectors as communist sympathizers, pedophiles and whatever....
From the Las Vegas Guardian Express story in the OP:
As the Syrian revolt continues to tear the country apart, the international community has been eager to condemn Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, even as it became clear that the rebels do not, in fact, represent a popular uprising against the oppression of the Assad regime. According to UN diplomat Carla del Ponte, however, it appears that the recent chemical weapons attack, in April, was carried out by the Syrian rebels and not the regime, as it had been widely assumed. Speaking to a Swiss television channel, del Ponte said that there were “strong, concrete suspicions but not yet incontrovertible proof,” that rebels had carried out the attack. She also said UN investigators had seen no evidence of the Syrian army using chemical weapons, but that further investigation was needed.

Here is Carla del Ponte's bio: Biography of Carla del Ponte

Ms. Del Ponte is a Swiss and international Prosecutor and diplomat. Within the United Nations System, she is a former Chief Prosecutor of two United Nations international criminal tribunals.

As an investigating magistrate and public prosecutor in Switzerland, Ms. Del Ponte investigated and prosecuted cases of money laundering, terrorism, arms smuggling and espionage, and other facets of organized transnational crime.

Since September 2012, she has served as a Commissioner of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry for Syria

48 hour rule is in effect. I will wait for reports from more established, credible sources.
The topic title is trying to suggest this recent chemical attack was made by the rebels. It also states it as unequivocal fact, which it isn't. The UN did not state it as fact. It also states it as breaking, which it isn't. This was covered right after the attack in April. So this propaganda fails miserably on every level.

The possibility of the rebels being behind the April attack was widely reportated AT THE TIME. This regurgitation of those reports is an obvious attempt to muddy the waters for this most recent attack.

From a BBC report back in May:

Testimony from victims of the conflict in Syria suggests rebels have used the nerve agent, sarin, a leading member of a UN commission of inquiry has said.

Carla Del Ponte told Swiss TV that there were "strong, concrete suspicions but not yet incontrovertible proof".

Ms Del Ponte did not rule out the possibility that government forces might also have used chemical weapons.

Ms Del Ponte, a former Swiss attorney-general and prosecutor with the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY), did not rule out the possibility that troops loyal to President Bashar al-Assad might also have used chemical weapons, but said further investigation was needed.

A full UN report of human rights abuses by both sides is at the bottom of this link: New reports detail war crimes, human rights abuses in Syria - National |
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The Right's hypocritical reaction to this Administration's reactions is just another example of Obama Derangement Syndrome: If Obama is doing it, it must be wrong.

But we all know a Republican President would react exactly the same way, and would be receiving full-throated support. Just the mere mention that Syria is a client state of Iran would be all it would take.

"Bomb-bomb-bomb. Bomb-bomb Syria."
SHowing that there is no difference between (D) and (R) when it comes to foreign policy ( and a host of other things).

Regardless, The evidence isn't favorable to siding with these so called rebels. In other words, we should stay out of it. But wont.
I could swear I read an article where the U.N inspectors could determine if chemical weapons were used but not allowed to determine who used them. Wonder what changed?

They can determine immediately.

"Dan Kaszeta, a former officer of the U.S. Army’s Chemical Corps and a leading private consultant, pointed out a number of details absent from the footage so far: ‘None of the people treating the casualties or photographing them are wearing any sort of chemical-warfare protective gear,’ he says, ‘and despite that, none of them seem to be harmed.’"

SHowing that there is no difference between (D) and (R) when it comes to foreign policy ( and a host of other things).

Indeed. If you sat a modern day "conservative" down in 2008 and outlined everything the US would do in the next five years, foreign-policywise, they would swear it was a Republican President.

But because it is Obama, they act most hypocritically toward his actions. Benghazi and their stadnding on the dead bodies to surround the tragedy with manufactured bullshit being the highlight.

Regardless, The evidence isn't favorable to siding with these so called rebels. In other words, we should stay out of it. But wont.

I think people see what they want to see, and willfully blind themselves to what they don't want to see.

The rebels are being supported for the most part by the local states around Syria, not by the U.S.

Is Al Qaeda taking advantage? Of course.

Is Al Qaeda in charge? Is Al Qaeda going to prevail should the rebels succeed in bringing down Assad? These questions are the ones which fantasies not based on facts are being built upon.

The Syrian government appears to have used chemical weapons against its people last week, and this is a gross human rights violation.
just proves, once again, what liars this administration is!

Every administration since Wilson has lied to the American people.

cant argue that

most politicians do.. but my god

OMG is correct:

Congress Should Veto Obama's War

Why did the United States so swiftly dismiss Assad’s offer to have U.N. inspectors — already in Damascus investigating old charges he or the rebels used poison gas — go to the site of the latest incident?

Do we not want to know the truth?

Are we fearful the facts may turn out, as did the facts on the ground in Iraq, to contradict our latest claims about WMDs? Are we afraid that it was rebel elements or rogue Syrian soldiers who fired the gas shells to stampede us into fighting this war?

With U.S. ships moving toward Syria’s coast and the McCainiacs assuring us we can smash Syria from offshore without serious injury to ourselves, why has Congress not come back to debate war?"

The Rebels want to suppress the truth:

U.N. Inspectors Under Sniper Fire in Syria

Unidentified snipers opened fire Monday on a U.N. convoy in Syria that was on its way to inspect claims that government forces used chemical weapons against civilians last week, the U.N. said.
SHowing that there is no difference between (D) and (R) when it comes to foreign policy ( and a host of other things).

Indeed. If you sat a modern day "conservative" down in 2008 and outlined everything the US would do in the next five years, foreign-policywise, they would swear it was a Republican President.

But because it is Obama, they act most hypocritically toward his actions. Benghazi and their stadnding on the dead bodies to surround the tragedy with manufactured bullshit being the highlight.

Regardless, The evidence isn't favorable to siding with these so called rebels. In other words, we should stay out of it. But wont.

I think people see what they want to see, and willfully blind themselves to what they don't want to see.

The rebels are being supported for the most part by the local states around Syria, not by the U.S.

Is Al Qaeda taking advantage? Of course.

Is Al Qaeda in charge? Is Al Qaeda going to prevail should the rebels succeed in bringing down Assad? These questions are the ones which fantasies not based on facts are being built upon.

The Syrian government appears to have used chemical weapons against its people last week, and this is a gross human rights violation.

is this the same g5000?
that is the stupidest thing I have ever seen u say. u moved from brownie points to bullshit points with this one
SHowing that there is no difference between (D) and (R) when it comes to foreign policy ( and a host of other things).

Indeed. If you sat a modern day "conservative" down in 2008 and outlined everything the US would do in the next five years, foreign-policywise, they would swear it was a Republican President.

But because it is Obama, they act most hypocritically toward his actions. Benghazi and their stadnding on the dead bodies to surround the tragedy with manufactured bullshit being the highlight.

Regardless, The evidence isn't favorable to siding with these so called rebels. In other words, we should stay out of it. But wont.

I think people see what they want to see, and willfully blind themselves to what they don't want to see.

The rebels are being supported for the most part by the local states around Syria, not by the U.S.

Is Al Qaeda taking advantage? Of course.

Is Al Qaeda in charge? Is Al Qaeda going to prevail should the rebels succeed in bringing down Assad? These questions are the ones which fantasies not based on facts are being built upon.

The Syrian government appears to have used chemical weapons against its people last week, and this is a gross human rights violation.

That doesn't seem to be the indications coming from the UN. And the rebels have been pegged using them in April. So, we still side with the rebels? Also guilty of "gross human rights violations"?

I think not. Fuckem. It's all them over there. Their problem.
Your link is something we'd expect from ol Baghdad's from the Syrian government ya knucklehead. :lol:]

Yo fucktard,

Is the BBC owned by the Syrian Government?

Is UN Inspector Carla Del Ponte affiliated with the Ba'ath party?


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