BREAKING UPDATE: Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Says “Whistleblower for Joe Biden is Not Missing”

Laughing....and now an awkward attempt to change the topic.

Odd how quickly you flee when I ask you to show us the evidence that Joe Biden committed any crime.
There's enough "evidence" for the banks to issue suspicious activity reports (which I happen to find highly distasteful, but ipf you're going to live by the sword you can die by it)....They are in turn enough evidence for congress to further investigate.
Y'all aren't well suited for life outside your little echo chambers.
There's enough "evidence" for the banks to issue suspicious activity reports (which I happen to find highly distasteful, but ipf you're going to live by the sword you can die by it)....

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Suspicious activity reports against.....Joe Biden?

Every time I ask you this question, you flee. Just like when I ask you for evidence that Biden committed any crime.

If your argument had merit, you wouldn't have to flee so consistently.
Laughing....and now you starkly refuse to discuss the topic of the thread.

Your concession is accepted with all the grace and patience it deserves, friend.
Don't flatter yourself--simply highlighting your hypocrisy. I am way more discriminating than to claim you as a friend. LMAO
I know, I know....EVERYBODY has over a dozen bank accounts, and more than 20 LLCs, receiving payments from foreign entities, for unnamed servies rendered.

Happens every day!
The left will go right on ignoring these facts and playing their 'evidence?' game. It's another version of their 'link?' game. When evidence is presented they will ignore that too.
Great news. I bet Biden's ole butthole is going to pucker up when he gets news of this.

Always MAGAt sexual fantasies.
Suspicious activity reports against.....Joe Biden?

Every time I ask you this question, you flee. Just like when I ask you for evidence that Biden committed any crime.

If your argument had merit, you wouldn't have to flee so consistently.
You head would be exploding if these suspicious activity reports were filed on Don jr, Eric, and/or Ivanka....So just STFU and quit pretending that you have a single shred of actual concern for "evidence".
The left will go right on ignoring these facts and playing their 'evidence?' game. It's another version of their 'link?' game. When evidence is presented they will ignore that too.

And what evidence do you have that Joe Biden has 20 back accounts?

Y'all aren't very good at this, are you?

You really would be happier back in your right-wing echo chamber.
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You head would be exploding if these suspicious activity reports were filed on Don jr, Eric, and/or Ivanka....So just STFU and quit pretending that you have a single shred of actual concern for "evidence".

So that would be a no. None of the 'suspicious activity reports' you've cited are against Joe Biden.

Was that so hard?

Now, show us the evidence that Joe Biden committed any crime. You've already admitted that NONE of the 'suspicious activity reports' were against Joe.

Take your time. I'm in my comfy chair.
So that would be a no. None of the 'suspicious activity reports' you've cited are against Joe Biden.

Was that so hard?

Now, show us the evidence that Joe Biden committed any crime. You've already admitted that NONE of the 'suspicious activity reports' were against Joe.

Take your time. I'm in my comfy chair.
I get it....You're playing stupid on purpose....Or invoking the Willie Cici defense.....Likely both.

You're an obtuse fucking bore.

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I get it....You're playing stupid on purpose....Or invoking the Michael Corleone defense.....Likely both.

You're an obtuse fucking bore.

I'm asking a super simple question that you just can't answer:

What is the evidence that Joe Biden committed any crime?

You keep failing, I'll keep laughing. Deal?
Banks have filed numerous 'suspicious activity' reports against Joe Biden?

Show us.

Everytime I ask you for evidence, you ineptly fail to show us any....and just keep repeating your accusations backed by jackshit.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the right wing echo chamber.


"Biden Family', huh?

What is your evidence that Joe Biden committed any crime?

Its such a simple question. And yet its sent your ilk scrambling with one sniveling excuse after another why you can't produce any.

That was easy.
Doesn't matter...He has his party's approved talking point.



Laughing...I'm not quoting my party. I'm quoting yours. Keep those eyes screwed shut!

You keep running, I'll keep laughing. Deal?
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Great news. I bet Biden's ole butthole is going to pucker up when he gets news of this.

Well, that’s great news! Except she still hasn’t produced the witness or the evidence.

So you still have nothing.
Banks have filed numerous 'suspicious activity' reports against Joe Biden?

Show us.

Everytime I ask you for evidence, you ineptly fail to show us any....and just keep repeating your accusations backed by jackshit.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the right wing echo chamber.
Anybody know where the Butcher of Benghazi is?

The whistle blower needs to get his/her affairs in order.

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That’s the weakest attempt at deflection yet. How many charges and convictions do you have against Hillary Clinton, the “Butcher of Benghazi”.

30 years of accusations, insinuations the allegations and we’re still waiting for the evidence against her

You can only cry wolf for so long. The American people are sick of the lies in the accusations in there looking for actual fucking evidence.

Republicans and their media are not being cut any slack on this issue any longer.

Put up or shut up.

I don't think "Joe Biden" means what you think it means.

As Comer (you know, the dude that wrote the report you linked to) has already admitted that the report includes no direct evidence that Joe Biden did anything illegal.

So, show us the banks filing suspicious activities reports against Joe Biden.

I'm in my comfy chair. I've got my tea. Take your time.

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