Breaking: WaPo Accidentally Outs That The Leakers Are Nine Obama Insiders

Nice picture of your and your wife, BTW.

There were no illegal wire taps you racist piece of shit. The CIA and FBI were monitoring the RUSSIAN INTELLIGENCE OPERATIVES and the TrumpenFurher's staff kept calling them.

Trump's people were caught by routine monitoring of Russian Spies. This isn't going away. This is going to get much, much worse for your orange faced ass-clown.

Lock him up! Lock him up!
It is against the law to wiretap Americans, even making international calls.

Someone high up in the Obama Administration had to have authorised that, perhaps both Obama himself and also Loretta Lynch gave the go ahead, but as Michael Flynn was a private citizen you are correct and it is illegal, I was reading the American law regarding wiretapping the other day.

I still am not sure what wrong Michael Flynn did, all he commented was that the incoming Trump Administration would take a look at the sanctions, he promised nothing, he offered nothing except a review of the sanctions and the Trump Administration might decide to keep the sanctions on, Michael Flynn didn't say they would promise to remove the sanctions in return for a quid pro quo.
People usually lie in an attempt to hide wrongdoing. Why do you suppose Flynn lied? To be cute?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
There has to be many more than 9. Dr. Phil says there are 50 rats for every one you see.
Trump needs to bring in Mattis with military intelligence to take over while all the intelligence officers are taken to Gitmo for interrogation.

They all work at the pleasure of the President.

No. They work at the pleasure of the American people.

And your post is straight up fascism.

So you approve of their shadow government.
Good to know.

America's foreign enemies aren't that difficult to deal with.
It's our domestic enemies that are the most dangerous.
Nice picture of your and your wife, BTW.

There were no illegal wire taps you racist piece of shit. The CIA and FBI were monitoring the RUSSIAN INTELLIGENCE OPERATIVES and the TrumpenFurher's staff kept calling them.

Trump's people were caught by routine monitoring of Russian Spies. This isn't going away. This is going to get much, much worse for your orange faced ass-clown.

Lock him up! Lock him up!

Obviously you Snowflakes will never let it go, but hey have at it. BTW.. it is illegal to listen in on an American citizen without a warrant. PERIOD. It doesn't matter who is on the other end of the phone or who the subject of the eavesdropping is.
Listen up Buttercup, we will NOT let it go. Deal with it!


Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Nice picture of your and your wife, BTW.

There were no illegal wire taps you racist piece of shit. The CIA and FBI were monitoring the RUSSIAN INTELLIGENCE OPERATIVES and the TrumpenFurher's staff kept calling them.

Trump's people were caught by routine monitoring of Russian Spies. This isn't going away. This is going to get much, much worse for your orange faced ass-clown.

Lock him up! Lock him up!
It is against the law to wiretap Americans, even making international calls.

Someone high up in the Obama Administration had to have authorised that, perhaps both Obama himself and also Loretta Lynch gave the go ahead, but as Michael Flynn was a private citizen you are correct and it is illegal, I was reading the American law regarding wiretapping the other day.

I still am not sure what wrong Michael Flynn did, all he commented was that the incoming Trump Administration would take a look at the sanctions, he promised nothing, he offered nothing except a review of the sanctions and the Trump Administration might decide to keep the sanctions on, Michael Flynn didn't say they would promise to remove the sanctions in return for a quid pro quo.
People usually lie in an attempt to hide wrongdoing. Why do you suppose Flynn lied? To be cute?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Link that he lied? Or are you trying to be cute?
Nice picture of your and your wife, BTW.

There were no illegal wire taps you racist piece of shit. The CIA and FBI were monitoring the RUSSIAN INTELLIGENCE OPERATIVES and the TrumpenFurher's staff kept calling them.

Trump's people were caught by routine monitoring of Russian Spies. This isn't going away. This is going to get much, much worse for your orange faced ass-clown.

Lock him up! Lock him up!
It is against the law to wiretap Americans, even making international calls.

What part of "They were wiretapping the Russian spies, not the Americans" do you not understand. When Americans call Russian intelligence operatives, their phone calls are taped. THAT's how they were caught.

How stupid do you have to be to not understand that the Americans weren't being taped, the RUSSIANS THEY CALLED WERE BEING MONITORED.
Because he's a hyper-partisan. He doesn't want it be true. So in his partisan mind, it isn't.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Nice picture of your and your wife, BTW.

There were no illegal wire taps you racist piece of shit. The CIA and FBI were monitoring the RUSSIAN INTELLIGENCE OPERATIVES and the TrumpenFurher's staff kept calling them.

Trump's people were caught by routine monitoring of Russian Spies. This isn't going away. This is going to get much, much worse for your orange faced ass-clown.

Lock him up! Lock him up!

Obviously you Snowflakes will never let it go, but hey have at it. BTW.. it is illegal to listen in on an American citizen without a warrant. PERIOD. It doesn't matter who is on the other end of the phone or who the subject of the eavesdropping is.
Listen up Buttercup, we will NOT let it go. Deal with it!


Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
No we won't!!!!

What did Obama know? And when did he know it?
Nice picture of your and your wife, BTW.

There were no illegal wire taps you racist piece of shit. The CIA and FBI were monitoring the RUSSIAN INTELLIGENCE OPERATIVES and the TrumpenFurher's staff kept calling them.

Trump's people were caught by routine monitoring of Russian Spies. This isn't going away. This is going to get much, much worse for your orange faced ass-clown.

Lock him up! Lock him up!
It is against the law to wiretap Americans, even making international calls.

Someone high up in the Obama Administration had to have authorised that, perhaps both Obama himself and also Loretta Lynch gave the go ahead, but as Michael Flynn was a private citizen you are correct and it is illegal, I was reading the American law regarding wiretapping the other day.

I still am not sure what wrong Michael Flynn did, all he commented was that the incoming Trump Administration would take a look at the sanctions, he promised nothing, he offered nothing except a review of the sanctions and the Trump Administration might decide to keep the sanctions on, Michael Flynn didn't say they would promise to remove the sanctions in return for a quid pro quo.

What he did wrong was lie to Pence. That's all.

No, what he did wrong was to promise Putin to remove the sanctions when Trump was Inaugurated.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Let's review~

1. FBI clears Flynn of lying to the FBI and no charges will be filed.
2. NBC reports NO COLLUSION found between Trump and Russia.
3. NPR backtracks and says nothing illegal took place during the Flynn/Russian phone calls.
4. Chaffetz asked for the DOJ now under Sessions to put the IG on the leaks.
5. Several people have stated that these people are easy to find.

And now WaPo article has to have these people running scared!
Here it is!
[Nine current and former officials, who were in senior positions at multiple agencies at the time of the calls]

From this story:

National security adviser Flynn discussed sanctions with Russian ambassador, despite denials, officials say


So those are the leakers.

But who ordered and who authorized the illegal wiretaps?

Yes, this could be bigger than Watergate but who was POTUS when the wiretaps were ordered?

You got it -- Obama

Edit Update:

5 m ago....
The spotlight has finally been put on the low-life leakers! They will be caught!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 16, 2017
Yeah... we got it alright..More and more evidence how the Trumpies colluded with Russia to help Trump win the election.
This illegitimate president will never overcome this.
Trump was forewarned. He chose to ignore it. He'll face the consequences.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
If Obama officials leaked the fact that Trump campaign officials were talking to Russian intelligence they should be given medals for the true patriots they are. Somebody had to care about America and it sure wasn't the Trump crowd, traitors every single one.
I agree.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Let's review~

1. FBI clears Flynn of lying to the FBI and no charges will be filed.
2. NBC reports NO COLLUSION found between Trump and Russia.
3. NPR backtracks and says nothing illegal took place during the Flynn/Russian phone calls.
4. Chaffetz asked for the DOJ now under Sessions to put the IG on the leaks.
5. Several people have stated that these people are easy to find.

And now WaPo article has to have these people running scared!
Here it is!
[Nine current and former officials, who were in senior positions at multiple agencies at the time of the calls]

From this story:

National security adviser Flynn discussed sanctions with Russian ambassador, despite denials, officials say


So those are the leakers.

But who ordered and who authorized the illegal wiretaps?

Yes, this could be bigger than Watergate but who was POTUS when the wiretaps were ordered?

You got it -- Obama

Edit Update:

5 m ago....
The spotlight has finally been put on the low-life leakers! They will be caught!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 16, 2017
Yeah... we got it alright..More and more evidence how the Trumpies colluded with Russia to help Trump win the election.
This illegitimate president will never overcome this.
Trump was forewarned. He chose to ignore it. He'll face the consequences.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Trump will find your Obamas Russian spies.....
There has to be many more than 9. Dr. Phil says there are 50 rats for every one you see.
Trump needs to bring in Mattis with military intelligence to take over while all the intelligence officers are taken to Gitmo for interrogation.

They all work at the pleasure of the President.
bullshit. Our intelligence people work for the American people. Your march to a dictatorship will be met with firm resistance.
Here here!

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Nice picture of your and your wife, BTW.

There were no illegal wire taps you racist piece of shit. The CIA and FBI were monitoring the RUSSIAN INTELLIGENCE OPERATIVES and the TrumpenFurher's staff kept calling them.

Trump's people were caught by routine monitoring of Russian Spies. This isn't going away. This is going to get much, much worse for your orange faced ass-clown.

Lock him up! Lock him up!
Cracks me up....8 years they hate him and can't wait for President Obama to be they can't stop talking about him. Probably because their so-called president is so embarrassing.
There has to be many more than 9. Dr. Phil says there are 50 rats for every one you see.
Trump needs to bring in Mattis with military intelligence to take over while all the intelligence officers are taken to Gitmo for interrogation.

They all work at the pleasure of the President.
bullshit. Our intelligence people work for the American people. Your march to a dictatorship will be met with firm resistance.
Here here!

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Ahhh. Another subversive heard from.
There has to be many more than 9. Dr. Phil says there are 50 rats for every one you see.
Trump needs to bring in Mattis with military intelligence to take over while all the intelligence officers are taken to Gitmo for interrogation.

They all work at the pleasure of the President.

No. They work at the pleasure of the American people.

And your post is straight up fascism.
Says the fascist....
Lovely Irony right there.....almost as tho you were born to it.
Nice picture of your and your wife, BTW.

There were no illegal wire taps you racist piece of shit. The CIA and FBI were monitoring the RUSSIAN INTELLIGENCE OPERATIVES and the TrumpenFurher's staff kept calling them.

Trump's people were caught by routine monitoring of Russian Spies. This isn't going away. This is going to get much, much worse for your orange faced ass-clown.

Lock him up! Lock him up!
It is against the law to wiretap Americans, even making international calls.

Someone high up in the Obama Administration had to have authorised that, perhaps both Obama himself and also Loretta Lynch gave the go ahead, but as Michael Flynn was a private citizen you are correct and it is illegal, I was reading the American law regarding wiretapping the other day.

I still am not sure what wrong Michael Flynn did, all he commented was that the incoming Trump Administration would take a look at the sanctions, he promised nothing, he offered nothing except a review of the sanctions and the Trump Administration might decide to keep the sanctions on, Michael Flynn didn't say they would promise to remove the sanctions in return for a quid pro quo.
People usually lie in an attempt to hide wrongdoing. Why do you suppose Flynn lied? To be cute?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
And what else has he lied about in his Army career?
There has to be many more than 9. Dr. Phil says there are 50 rats for every one you see.
Trump needs to bring in Mattis with military intelligence to take over while all the intelligence officers are taken to Gitmo for interrogation.

They all work at the pleasure of the President.
bullshit. Our intelligence people work for the American people. Your march to a dictatorship will be met with firm resistance.
Here here!

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Ahhh. Another subversive heard from.
My goodness....what are you going to do with all these so-called subversives?
There has to be many more than 9. Dr. Phil says there are 50 rats for every one you see.
Trump needs to bring in Mattis with military intelligence to take over while all the intelligence officers are taken to Gitmo for interrogation.

They all work at the pleasure of the President.
bullshit. Our intelligence people work for the American people. Your march to a dictatorship will be met with firm resistance.
Here here!

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Ahhh. Another subversive heard from.
My goodness....what are you going to do with all these so-called subversives?

Lots of room in Gitmo.
Gee, during the election Trump was all enthusiastic about the leaked DNC emails, and told us all to consider the CONTENTS of the leaks and ignore the sources. Now he's telling us to IGNORE the contents of the leaks, and worry about the sources.

I guess now that the shoe is on the other foot, and it's TRUMP who is being exposed, that makes it not OK to view the contents.
Gee, during the election Trump was all enthusiastic about the leaked DNC emails, and told us all to consider the CONTENTS of the leaks and ignore the sources. Now he's telling us to IGNORE the contents of the leaks, and worry about the sources.

I guess now that the shoe is on the other foot, and it's TRUMP who is being exposed, that makes it not OK to view the contents.

Do you not know the difference between confidential government information and emails from Debbie and Hilly's playhouse?
There has to be many more than 9. Dr. Phil says there are 50 rats for every one you see.
Trump needs to bring in Mattis with military intelligence to take over while all the intelligence officers are taken to Gitmo for interrogation.

They all work at the pleasure of the President.
bullshit. Our intelligence people work for the American people. Your march to a dictatorship will be met with firm resistance.
Here here!

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Ahhh. Another subversive heard from.
My goodness....what are you going to do with all these so-called subversives?

Lots of room in Gitmo.
What? They're hiring? The Marines run it.

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