BREAKING: White House proposes path to citizenship for 1.8 million people

I support most of trumps policies. I don't support him.
Seems like I don't support most of his policies now as immigration is my main concern.
Fuck trump and all republicans that support that crap.
I have a feeling this will be ANOTHER Republican amnesty shit show.
Fuck the duopoly
Well, Trump has already reduced illegal immigration from Mexico by 2/3 over Obama's last year and he hasn't yet started on the wall or E-verify, so I can't imagine where you doubts come from.
From him wanting to give almost 2 million illegals amnesty.
That's where
If you're talking about the DACA people, there are only about 800,000 and since they can't reasonably be held responsible for what their parents did, they are a special case and special arrangements should be made for them if this does not appear as an invitation to future illegals. Trump wants to balance the damage allowing them to stay will do with the border wall to protect US immigration laws. So far he had done a spectacular job in reducing illegal immigration, far better than anyone would have thought possible, so a reasonable person would give him the benefit of the doubt on this issue.
Frankly......I am just not that afraid of Mexicans

Why do you think Mexicans are soooo afraid of Americans crossing the border illegally?

For the record, they have no sanctuary cities in Mexico. You would just wind up in a jail cell somewhere without representation.

The issue here is national security. You have drugs and gangs and terrorists coming across the border. Are the vast majority these individual? Probably not, but so what?

The other issue is the burden on the welfare state. Do we want the poor and sick around the world to come to the US for free health care and education, etc.? Can the US be able to adequately care for these people or would the system implode?
“I’ll build a beautiful, gigantic, Wall”
Does anyone remember hearing...
“I’ll build a beautiful, gigantic Wall by granting amnesty to 1.8 million Mexicans”
I just don’t remember hearing that shit or anything even remotely close.

I really hope something goes terribly wrong and this “deal” doesn’t I’ve said before, I’ll start promoting and coordinating anti Trump rallies here in Mexifornia immediately if it does.

Don't worry the knives are out already.....if Limbaugh and talk radio start the attack he will change his tune fast
“I’ll build a beautiful, gigantic, Wall”
Does anyone remember hearing...
“I’ll build a beautiful, gigantic Wall by granting amnesty to 1.8 million Mexicans”
I just don’t remember hearing that shit or anything even remotely close.

I really hope something goes terribly wrong and this “deal” doesn’t I’ve said before, I’ll start promoting and coordinating anti Trump rallies here in Mexifornia immediately if it does.
Unless I hear it or see it come STRAIGHT from President Trump's mouth I don't believe. Nor do I worry about this because leftists won't give him the money for the wall and Patriotic American republicans won't ever go for this either to give Amnesty to these criminals not in 10 years not in 20 years!
Listen, if you don't get past the headlines or TV "teases" you can't know what Trump actually said. He's talking about the "good ones" who have a college education (around 20%) and those who have served in the Armed Forces and either have a business or a job and have kept their nose clean. Given what we've been putting up with, that seems like a damn good trade-off to get the Wall and an end to chain/lottery migration. Trump knows what he's doing so invest the time to find out what that is before you start throwing stones at him.
Some people just hate Mexicans

Frankly......I am just not that afraid of Mexicans

Are you thinking Americans that respect law, order, sovereignty and the U.S. Constitution are scared of Mexicans?
Could it be that some are intelligent enough and classy enough to be concerned about the economic impact and the negative impact on American society?
Never gonna happen.
1. I never heard or saw President Trump actually say it so its fake news until then
2. Democraps will never fund the wall fully
3. Patriotic American Republicans will NEVER pass this.

AKA its dead on arrival.
I support most of trumps policies. I don't support him.
Seems like I don't support most of his policies now as immigration is my main concern.
Fuck trump and all republicans that support that crap.
I have a feeling this will be ANOTHER Republican amnesty shit show.
Fuck the duopoly

Deporting DACA kids was never on the table. I even said that back during the election that if he got elected it wouldn't happen.

Where the heck do we draw the line at?

I'm sure there's more like 1 billion hungry kids in the World who would love to be DACA children, why not just make the whole country a non-White Democratic Socialist blob, just because some people think we owe DACA peoples something for no reason at all.
I've been involved in 7 car accidents in my life - as a passenger or as a pedestrian (I don't drive).

All of those accidents involved white people - either driving drunk, or texting.

Every illegal immigrant that's driven a car that I've been in has been a patient and careful driver.
Where are you?

Here in Texas, illegal drunk driving is a huge problem.

Yeah, no shit, there's been some nasty drunk driving incidents in Brewster, New York, which has a big illegal Guatemalan / Ecuadorian / Mexican issue.
So long as we get better border security, I’m good with it.
That's deep.

So we could literally hire one more border guard, and you would be good?

Israel has a walled off buffer zone with Gaza, which has live gun-fire at Gazans including children who approach the buffer-zone.

Imagine how much shrieking there would be from the Jewish dominated media in the U.S.A, if we did that, but I guess it's Kosher when Israel does it.
...what "side effects"?

They drive like shit and usually have no insurance.

I've been involved in 7 car accidents in my life - as a passenger or as a pedestrian (I don't drive).

All of those accidents involved white people - either driving drunk, or texting.

Every illegal immigrant that's driven a car that I've been in has been a patient and careful driver.

Yeah, yeah, yeah...and all DACA “kids” are valedictorians, doctors and lawyers...and all the Mexicans you know are “real pillars in their communities”....Your perception of reality is greatly skewed...we all know this. Thank God we have plenty of statistics to prove you’re twisted.
I don't like it, but if we can get an end to chain migration, and much more border security, then we'll see.

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump is proposing giving 1.8 million young undocumented immigrants a pathway to citizenship in exchange for $25 billion for his long-promised wall and a host of other strict immigration cuts, according to a framework proposed Thursday.

The outlines of the deal were described by a White House official for staff on Capitol Hill that CNN was given access to on Thursday afternoon.

White House proposes path to citizenship for 1.8 million people - CNNPolitics
If you don't like it just wait. In a few days Trump will change it, probably say he never made any such proposal.

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