BREAKING: White House proposes path to citizenship for 1.8 million people

How are we supposed to propel wages up, if we just look for cheap labor options?
Businesses will ALWAYS look for cheaper labor options, and consumers will ALWAYS look for cheaper goods. Clearly, we have to use the force of law as a tool. But we can't be morons about it.... you can't give the economy a black eye without also giving it a bag of frozen peas, ya know? Else you will cause harm almost exclusively to the very people you seem to be fretting over the most.

Say... you know, you kind of talk like a communist.
I support most of trumps policies. I don't support him.
Seems like I don't support most of his policies now as immigration is my main concern.
Fuck trump and all republicans that support that crap.
I have a feeling this will be ANOTHER Republican amnesty shit show.
Fuck the duopoly
Well, Trump has already reduced illegal immigration from Mexico by 2/3 over Obama's last year and he hasn't yet started on the wall or E-verify, so I can't imagine where you doubts come from.
From him wanting to give almost 2 million illegals amnesty.
That's where
If you're talking about the DACA people, there are only about 800,000 and since they can't reasonably be held responsible for what their parents did, they are a special case and special arrangements should be made for them if this does not appear as an invitation to future illegals. Trump wants to balance the damage allowing them to stay will do with the border wall to protect US immigration laws. So far he had done a spectacular job in reducing illegal immigration, far better than anyone would have thought possible, so a reasonable person would give him the benefit of the doubt on this issue.
Not for 25 billion dollars. Half the illegal immigrants in the country came by motor vehicles, plane, and boat. Haven't seen a wall yet that would stop, a plane, boat, or vehicle at a legal boarder crossing. Once illegal immigration adapts as it always has, the wall, will be a 25 billion dollar environmental and economic monument to Trump's stupidity. There are several places near major cities and towns where a wall would be effective. However, in most places a combination of 21 foot fencing or electronic fencing, and increased patrols would be far more effective.
Even without the wall, Trump's tough talk and tough actions have reduced illegal immigration from Mexico by about 2/3 over Obama's last year in office. The wall will reduce it even further, and then there will be a push to get every business to use E-verify for each hire, which will lower it even further. The key to this strategy, remarkably successful so far, is to make the US inhospitable to illegals and so difficult to get into that few will try.
I don't like it, but if we can get an end to chain migration, and much more border security, then we'll see.

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump is proposing giving 1.8 million young undocumented immigrants a pathway to citizenship in exchange for $25 billion for his long-promised wall and a host of other strict immigration cuts, according to a framework proposed Thursday.

The outlines of the deal were described by a White House official for staff on Capitol Hill that CNN was given access to on Thursday afternoon.

White House proposes path to citizenship for 1.8 million people - CNNPolitics
Fuck that
They will have to be vetted, is my understanding.
so he's selling the country out to leave his mark on it for generations.

I told you jackasses he was a dem, but NOOOOO

I don't like it either, but you knew we would never get everything.
Idc about the wall.

I care about the country giving a pass to nearly 2 million criminals.

they won't have to go through the normal process of becoming a citizen, they will just get a paid for, by us, pass.

I think they're already vetted they've been raised and educated in this country--:badgrin:
Here is what illegal immigration looks like, for the last 60 years.... no historian would look back on this and credit Trump with much at all:


Sources: Apprehensions 1957-2016: Border Patrol; Apprehensions FY 2017 (projected from October-June data): Border Patrol; Border Patrol Staffing: Border Patrol, INS Statistical Yearbooks and INS Annual Reports
Haha so Trump caved ?
2 million baby that will triple in few years. The racists need to find a new country to hide in and vote in racists.
Trump hasn’t budged from his promise of a wall. It’ll take some time before you clowns see that.

You build a 1000 mile wall you'll have a 1000 tunnels underneath it as soon as it's built.


The ins and outs of U.S.-Mexico border tunnels

The only way to secure the border is with high tech motion detectors and more border patrol stations that can respond quickly to an alarm. Anything they can see, can and will always be compromised. Something they can't see they won't even attempt to cross.

Here is a great video on this. Their innovation is amazing. Watch it until the end 2-1/2 minutes--and they'll talk about the 240 tunnels they have found in the San Diego region alone, and they know there's more.

Deporting DACA kids was never on the table. I even said that back during the election that if he got elected it wouldn't happen.

ANY DACA person who has ANY kind of criminal history, can't speak English or is over 18 with no schooling should be sent packing.

Ummm..... they can't be DACA if they are any of those things, stupid. You have to apply for DACA and meet certain requirements.

That was what Obama claimed, but it turns out not to be true. None of them were checked for a criminal record
How are we supposed to propel wages up, if we just look for cheap labor options?
Businesses will ALWAYS look for cheaper labor options, and consumers will ALWAYS look for cheaper goods. Clearly, we have to use the force of law as a tool. But we can't be morons about it.... you can't give the economy a black eye without also giving it a bag of frozen peas, ya know? Else you will cause harm almost exclusively to the very people you seem to be fretting over the most.

Say... you know, you kind of talk like a communist.

As a Fascist I hate both Communism, and Capitalism, basically we call for a mix between the two, but to the Far-Right socially, as the only real way to be Far-Right socially, as Capitalism actually sells out to Liberalism, and Multiculturalism.
basically we call for a mix between the two
Uh ... no .... fascists can call for anything at all, as long as it is nationalist, authoritarian, and controlled by the gentry for the benefit of the gentry.

Your dreams of helping the middle and lower classes have no place in fascism, in the end. It kind of reminds one of Trumpism.... the loyal, disposable little footsoldiers do all the propaganda work for the gentry, who wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire.
Some people just hate Mexicans

Especially other Mexicans. Why do you imagine they are trying so hard to get away from them?
No sweet heart, a Mexican would take care of his will family back home. Unlike whites where parents die lonely, the poor are homeless, everyone is too selfish to care about others.

Then why are they trying so hard to leave the country where all the Mexicans are? They obviously don't like living around other Mexicans.
basically we call for a mix between the two
Uh ... no .... fascists can call for anything at all, as long as it is nationalist, authoritarian, and controlled by the gentry for the benefit of the gentry.

Your dreams of helping the middle and lower classes have no place in fascism, in the end. It kind of reminds one of Trumpism.... the loyal, disposable little footsoldiers do all the propaganda work for the gentry, who wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire.

Fascism is Nationalist, and Authoritarian, where you get that the gentry is who benefits from Fascism is where you lost me?

Fascism actually puts councils to manage the Corporations, although not small businesses, and the Fascists supported public works programs for the masses.

How do you figure that's for the gentry?
Some people just hate Mexicans

Especially other Mexicans. Why do you imagine they are trying so hard to get away from them?
No sweet heart, a Mexican would take care of his will family back home. Unlike whites where parents die lonely, the poor are homeless, everyone is too selfish to care about others.

Then why are they trying so hard to leave the country where all the Mexicans are? They obviously don't like living around other Mexicans.
Why did you leave Europe? Obviously you didn't like whites....

Listen you are so lucky to have the hard working Mexicans here legal or not, some of the finest and most hard working people I've met.... and I've travelled the world and lived in 3 continents.

Don't be that ugly selfish American that we always heard about...same reason that you or your ancestors left Europe to come here, others are doing the same. It's human and animals nature you prick lazy bastards.
Some people just hate Mexicans

Especially other Mexicans. Why do you imagine they are trying so hard to get away from them?
No sweet heart, a Mexican would take care of his will family back home. Unlike whites where parents die lonely, the poor are homeless, everyone is too selfish to care about others.

Then why are they trying so hard to leave the country where all the Mexicans are? They obviously don't like living around other Mexicans.
Why did you leave Europe? Obviously you didn't like whites....

Listen you are so lucky to have the hard working Mexicans here legal or not, some of the finest and most hard working people I've met.... and I've travelled the world and lived in 3 continents.

Don't be that ugly selfish American that we always heard about...same reason that you or your ancestors left Europe to come here, others are doing the same. It's human and animals nature you prick lazy bastards.

I didn't leave Europe. I was born here, moron.

You're another despicable douche bag who prefers foriegners over your own countrymen.

I am selfish. I place my own welfare above that of Mexicans. Go fuck yourself if you don't like it.
Some people just hate Mexicans

Especially other Mexicans. Why do you imagine they are trying so hard to get away from them?
No sweet heart, a Mexican would take care of his will family back home. Unlike whites where parents die lonely, the poor are homeless, everyone is too selfish to care about others.

Then why are they trying so hard to leave the country where all the Mexicans are? They obviously don't like living around other Mexicans.
Why did you leave Europe? Obviously you didn't like whites....

Listen you are so lucky to have the hard working Mexicans here legal or not, some of the finest and most hard working people I've met.... and I've travelled the world and lived in 3 continents.

Don't be that ugly selfish American that we always heard about...same reason that you or your ancestors left Europe to come here, others are doing the same. It's human and animals nature you prick lazy bastards.

I didn't leave Europe. I was born here, moron.

You're another despicable douche bag who prefers foriegners over your own countrymen.

I am selfish. I place my own welfare above that of Mexicans. Go fuck yourself if you don't like it.

God made this earth for humans to live in selfish of you to prevent others from living in it? You were born here, but your ancestors came from somewhere foe a better life, others you would be freezing your ass in some socialist european country where its gloomy 90% of the time, wouldnt You?

Those who risk their lives and come here, deserve a chance. Just like your ancestors did.

And you know the funny thing, lot of Mexicans are genetically from the southern states and you aren't. Your pale ass identify yourself as an Irish, German , polish or some European name.

We have plenty of food, plenty of jobs and most importantly plenty of space, live and let live.
Especially other Mexicans. Why do you imagine they are trying so hard to get away from them?
No sweet heart, a Mexican would take care of his will family back home. Unlike whites where parents die lonely, the poor are homeless, everyone is too selfish to care about others.

Then why are they trying so hard to leave the country where all the Mexicans are? They obviously don't like living around other Mexicans.
Why did you leave Europe? Obviously you didn't like whites....

Listen you are so lucky to have the hard working Mexicans here legal or not, some of the finest and most hard working people I've met.... and I've travelled the world and lived in 3 continents.

Don't be that ugly selfish American that we always heard about...same reason that you or your ancestors left Europe to come here, others are doing the same. It's human and animals nature you prick lazy bastards.

I didn't leave Europe. I was born here, moron.

You're another despicable douche bag who prefers foriegners over your own countrymen.

I am selfish. I place my own welfare above that of Mexicans. Go fuck yourself if you don't like it.

God made this earth for humans to live in selfish of you to prevent others from living in it? You were born here, but your ancestors came from somewhere foe a better life, others you would be freezing your ass in some socialist european country where its gloomy 90% of the time, wouldnt You?

Those who risk their lives and come here, deserve a chance. Just like your ancestors did.

And you know the funny thing, lot of Mexicans are genetically from the southern states and you aren't. Your pale ass identify yourself as an Irish, German , polish or some European name.

We have plenty of food, plenty of jobs and most importantly plenty of space, live and let live.

Yes, that is selfish. I'm mystified why you think that's a good argument. You'll excuse me if I don't want you deciding how much space, food or jobs I have available to me. Only a bootlicking troll would imagine he should have the power to make such decisions.
No sweet heart, a Mexican would take care of his will family back home. Unlike whites where parents die lonely, the poor are homeless, everyone is too selfish to care about others.

Then why are they trying so hard to leave the country where all the Mexicans are? They obviously don't like living around other Mexicans.
Why did you leave Europe? Obviously you didn't like whites....

Listen you are so lucky to have the hard working Mexicans here legal or not, some of the finest and most hard working people I've met.... and I've travelled the world and lived in 3 continents.

Don't be that ugly selfish American that we always heard about...same reason that you or your ancestors left Europe to come here, others are doing the same. It's human and animals nature you prick lazy bastards.

I didn't leave Europe. I was born here, moron.

You're another despicable douche bag who prefers foriegners over your own countrymen.

I am selfish. I place my own welfare above that of Mexicans. Go fuck yourself if you don't like it.

God made this earth for humans to live in selfish of you to prevent others from living in it? You were born here, but your ancestors came from somewhere foe a better life, others you would be freezing your ass in some socialist european country where its gloomy 90% of the time, wouldnt You?

Those who risk their lives and come here, deserve a chance. Just like your ancestors did.

And you know the funny thing, lot of Mexicans are genetically from the southern states and you aren't. Your pale ass identify yourself as an Irish, German , polish or some European name.

We have plenty of food, plenty of jobs and most importantly plenty of space, live and let live.

Yes, that is selfish. I'm mystified why you think that's a good argument. You'll excuse me if I don't want you deciding how much space, food or jobs I have available to me. Only a bootlicking troll would imagine he should have the power to make such decisions.
Dude have you ever asked yourself how a white person ended up in North America? And if Europeans were forced to stay in their continent how would that have been ?
Humans migrate for different reasons, with a goal to pursue happiness and to live....last time I checked the US needs immigrants and that's what's keeping America relevant.

As far as the food go, we wasted so much food that can feed the entire planet. We have ghost towns and cities, and millions of empty square miles.

I'm just curious where do you live?

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