BREAKING: White House proposes path to citizenship for 1.8 million people

Then why are they trying so hard to leave the country where all the Mexicans are? They obviously don't like living around other Mexicans.
Why did you leave Europe? Obviously you didn't like whites....

Listen you are so lucky to have the hard working Mexicans here legal or not, some of the finest and most hard working people I've met.... and I've travelled the world and lived in 3 continents.

Don't be that ugly selfish American that we always heard about...same reason that you or your ancestors left Europe to come here, others are doing the same. It's human and animals nature you prick lazy bastards.

I didn't leave Europe. I was born here, moron.

You're another despicable douche bag who prefers foriegners over your own countrymen.

I am selfish. I place my own welfare above that of Mexicans. Go fuck yourself if you don't like it.

God made this earth for humans to live in selfish of you to prevent others from living in it? You were born here, but your ancestors came from somewhere foe a better life, others you would be freezing your ass in some socialist european country where its gloomy 90% of the time, wouldnt You?

Those who risk their lives and come here, deserve a chance. Just like your ancestors did.

And you know the funny thing, lot of Mexicans are genetically from the southern states and you aren't. Your pale ass identify yourself as an Irish, German , polish or some European name.

We have plenty of food, plenty of jobs and most importantly plenty of space, live and let live.

Yes, that is selfish. I'm mystified why you think that's a good argument. You'll excuse me if I don't want you deciding how much space, food or jobs I have available to me. Only a bootlicking troll would imagine he should have the power to make such decisions.
Dude have you ever asked yourself how a white person ended up in North America? And if Europeans were forced to stay in their continent how would that have been ?
Humans migrate for different reasons, with a goal to pursue happiness and to live....last time I checked the US needs immigrants and that's what's keeping America relevant.

As far as the food go, we wasted so much food that can feed the entire planet. We have ghost towns and cities, and millions of empty square miles.

I'm just curious where do you live?

That's all irrelevant. All that matters is what is best for Americans - the people who already live here. People that don't live here can go to hell. They can fix their own countries. I don't want them stinking up ours.
I don't like it, but if we can get an end to chain migration, and much more border security, then we'll see.

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump is proposing giving 1.8 million young undocumented immigrants a pathway to citizenship in exchange for $25 billion for his long-promised wall and a host of other strict immigration cuts, according to a framework proposed Thursday.

The outlines of the deal were described by a White House official for staff on Capitol Hill that CNN was given access to on Thursday afternoon.

White House proposes path to citizenship for 1.8 million people - CNNPolitics

Nutbags sure do love talking about "Chain Migration" these days.
I support most of trumps policies. I don't support him.
Seems like I don't support most of his policies now as immigration is my main concern.
Fuck trump and all republicans that support that crap.
I have a feeling this will be ANOTHER Republican amnesty shit show.
Fuck the duopoly

I realize this is a side note from your OP.

But why is immigration your "main concern"?
Because of the side effects

...what "side effects"?
Cost, wages, jobs, slap in the face to people that respect our laws etc.

You are misguided. If you were an idiot, I'd say it isn't your fault. But, you've got a brain. So it must have something to do with your willingness to be misguided.
I support most of trumps policies. I don't support him.
Seems like I don't support most of his policies now as immigration is my main concern.
Fuck trump and all republicans that support that crap.
I have a feeling this will be ANOTHER Republican amnesty shit show.
Fuck the duopoly
Well, Trump has already reduced illegal immigration from Mexico by 2/3 over Obama's last year and he hasn't yet started on the wall or E-verify, so I can't imagine where you doubts come from.
From him wanting to give almost 2 million illegals amnesty.
That's where
If you're talking about the DACA people, there are only about 800,000 and since they can't reasonably be held responsible for what their parents did, they are a special case and special arrangements should be made for them if this does not appear as an invitation to future illegals. Trump wants to balance the damage allowing them to stay will do with the border wall to protect US immigration laws. So far he had done a spectacular job in reducing illegal immigration, far better than anyone would have thought possible, so a reasonable person would give him the benefit of the doubt on this issue.
Not for 25 billion dollars. Half the illegal immigrants in the country came by motor vehicles, plane, and boat. Haven't seen a wall yet that would stop, a plane, boat, or vehicle at a legal boarder crossing. Once illegal immigration adapts as it always has, the wall, will be a 25 billion dollar environmental and economic monument to Trump's stupidity. There are several places near major cities and towns where a wall would be effective. However, in most places a combination 20 foot fencing or electronic fencing, and increased patrols would be far more effective.

Why don't we crack down on the companies who hire them?
I guess that's a big no-no because it's their Capitalist freedom to gouge American workers, not once by cutting him out of jobs, not twice by undermining his wages, but thrice by making him pay for the tab, by having illegals pay less into the tax system, than they take out of it.

I say 3 strikes, and you're out.

But, most Americans are aPATHETIC, sub-Humans, who do nothing, they don't care if their society is falling apart around them, so long as they got theirs, and now "Chimp, Chimp"

E-Verify at all places of employment, heavily fining all employers who hire illegals, there's a lot more that we could do than just a wall and deportation.
Some people just hate Mexicans

Especially other Mexicans. Why do you imagine they are trying so hard to get away from them?
No sweet heart, a Mexican would take care of his will family back home. Unlike whites where parents die lonely, the poor are homeless, everyone is too selfish to care about others.

Then why are they trying so hard to leave the country where all the Mexicans are? They obviously don't like living around other Mexicans.
Why did you leave Europe? Obviously you didn't like whites....

Listen you are so lucky to have the hard working Mexicans here legal or not, some of the finest and most hard working people I've met.... and I've travelled the world and lived in 3 continents.

Don't be that ugly selfish American that we always heard about...same reason that you or your ancestors left Europe to come here, others are doing the same. It's human and animals nature you prick lazy bastards.

We are not "lucky" to have illegals here.
That's all irrelevant. All that matters is what is best for Americans - the people who already live here. People that don't live here can go to hell. They can fix their own countries. I don't want them stinking up ours.

As always,......
Arguing (or even attempting debate) with asylum candidates like issa, lone laughter, marcatl, nat4900 and political junky etc is pointless.

They're mental midget slaves beholden to the Democrat Plantation having received their free phone and love picking political cotton
I support most of trumps policies. I don't support him.
Seems like I don't support most of his policies now as immigration is my main concern.
Fuck trump and all republicans that support that crap.
I have a feeling this will be ANOTHER Republican amnesty shit show.
Fuck the duopoly
Well, Trump has already reduced illegal immigration from Mexico by 2/3 over Obama's last year and he hasn't yet started on the wall or E-verify, so I can't imagine where you doubts come from.
From him wanting to give almost 2 million illegals amnesty.
That's where
If you're talking about the DACA people, there are only about 800,000 and since they can't reasonably be held responsible for what their parents did, they are a special case and special arrangements should be made for them if this does not appear as an invitation to future illegals. Trump wants to balance the damage allowing them to stay will do with the border wall to protect US immigration laws. So far he had done a spectacular job in reducing illegal immigration, far better than anyone would have thought possible, so a reasonable person would give him the benefit of the doubt on this issue.
There are an estimated 1.3 to 2M of ELIGIBLE recipients. Thats what his proposal covers.
Nice big paragraph about nothing though.
Never gonna happen.
1. I never heard or saw President Trump actually say it so its fake news until then
2. Democraps will never fund the wall fully
3. Patriotic American Republicans will NEVER pass this.

AKA its dead on arrival.
Its on the white house website. Try again
I don't like it, but if we can get an end to chain migration, and much more border security, then we'll see.

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump is proposing giving 1.8 million young undocumented immigrants a pathway to citizenship in exchange for $25 billion for his long-promised wall and a host of other strict immigration cuts, according to a framework proposed Thursday.

The outlines of the deal were described by a White House official for staff on Capitol Hill that CNN was given access to on Thursday afternoon.

White House proposes path to citizenship for 1.8 million people - CNNPolitics

what path though

the one where you leave the country and then apply for citizenship

Well, Trump has already reduced illegal immigration from Mexico by 2/3 over Obama's last year and he hasn't yet started on the wall or E-verify, so I can't imagine where you doubts come from.
From him wanting to give almost 2 million illegals amnesty.
That's where
If you're talking about the DACA people, there are only about 800,000 and since they can't reasonably be held responsible for what their parents did, they are a special case and special arrangements should be made for them if this does not appear as an invitation to future illegals. Trump wants to balance the damage allowing them to stay will do with the border wall to protect US immigration laws. So far he had done a spectacular job in reducing illegal immigration, far better than anyone would have thought possible, so a reasonable person would give him the benefit of the doubt on this issue.
Not for 25 billion dollars. Half the illegal immigrants in the country came by motor vehicles, plane, and boat. Haven't seen a wall yet that would stop, a plane, boat, or vehicle at a legal boarder crossing. Once illegal immigration adapts as it always has, the wall, will be a 25 billion dollar environmental and economic monument to Trump's stupidity. There are several places near major cities and towns where a wall would be effective. However, in most places a combination 20 foot fencing or electronic fencing, and increased patrols would be far more effective.

Why don't we crack down on the companies who hire them?
I guess that's a big no-no because it's their Capitalist freedom to gouge American workers, not once by cutting him out of jobs, not twice by undermining his wages, but thrice by making him pay for the tab, by having illegals pay less into the tax system, than they take out of it.

I say 3 strikes, and you're out.

But, most Americans are aPATHETIC, sub-Humans, who do nothing, they don't care if their society is falling apart around them, so long as they got theirs, and now "Chimp, Chimp"

E-Verify at all places of employment, heavily fining all employers who hire illegals, there's a lot more that we could do than just a wall and deportation.

We'll settle for the wall and an end to chain migration, the visa lottery and merit based immigration. Democrats can vote for your solution when they are in the majority and own the White House.
I don't like it, but if we can get an end to chain migration, and much more border security, then we'll see.

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump is proposing giving 1.8 million young undocumented immigrants a pathway to citizenship in exchange for $25 billion for his long-promised wall and a host of other strict immigration cuts, according to a framework proposed Thursday.

The outlines of the deal were described by a White House official for staff on Capitol Hill that CNN was given access to on Thursday afternoon.

White House proposes path to citizenship for 1.8 million people - CNNPolitics

It would be awesome to go back and quote every Trumpkin on the board who calls anyone who said Trump would do amnesty a liar. Wonder what thy say now? Many make excuses for him. They are beginning to sound like cell phone lady.
From him wanting to give almost 2 million illegals amnesty.
That's where
If you're talking about the DACA people, there are only about 800,000 and since they can't reasonably be held responsible for what their parents did, they are a special case and special arrangements should be made for them if this does not appear as an invitation to future illegals. Trump wants to balance the damage allowing them to stay will do with the border wall to protect US immigration laws. So far he had done a spectacular job in reducing illegal immigration, far better than anyone would have thought possible, so a reasonable person would give him the benefit of the doubt on this issue.
Not for 25 billion dollars. Half the illegal immigrants in the country came by motor vehicles, plane, and boat. Haven't seen a wall yet that would stop, a plane, boat, or vehicle at a legal boarder crossing. Once illegal immigration adapts as it always has, the wall, will be a 25 billion dollar environmental and economic monument to Trump's stupidity. There are several places near major cities and towns where a wall would be effective. However, in most places a combination 20 foot fencing or electronic fencing, and increased patrols would be far more effective.

Why don't we crack down on the companies who hire them?
I guess that's a big no-no because it's their Capitalist freedom to gouge American workers, not once by cutting him out of jobs, not twice by undermining his wages, but thrice by making him pay for the tab, by having illegals pay less into the tax system, than they take out of it.

I say 3 strikes, and you're out.

But, most Americans are aPATHETIC, sub-Humans, who do nothing, they don't care if their society is falling apart around them, so long as they got theirs, and now "Chimp, Chimp"

E-Verify at all places of employment, heavily fining all employers who hire illegals, there's a lot more that we could do than just a wall and deportation.

We'll settle for the wall and an end to chain migration, the visa lottery and merit based immigration. Democrats can vote for your solution when they are in the majority and own the White House.

We were told no amnesty. We get amnesty.
If you're talking about the DACA people, there are only about 800,000 and since they can't reasonably be held responsible for what their parents did, they are a special case and special arrangements should be made for them if this does not appear as an invitation to future illegals. Trump wants to balance the damage allowing them to stay will do with the border wall to protect US immigration laws. So far he had done a spectacular job in reducing illegal immigration, far better than anyone would have thought possible, so a reasonable person would give him the benefit of the doubt on this issue.
Not for 25 billion dollars. Half the illegal immigrants in the country came by motor vehicles, plane, and boat. Haven't seen a wall yet that would stop, a plane, boat, or vehicle at a legal boarder crossing. Once illegal immigration adapts as it always has, the wall, will be a 25 billion dollar environmental and economic monument to Trump's stupidity. There are several places near major cities and towns where a wall would be effective. However, in most places a combination 20 foot fencing or electronic fencing, and increased patrols would be far more effective.

Why don't we crack down on the companies who hire them?
I guess that's a big no-no because it's their Capitalist freedom to gouge American workers, not once by cutting him out of jobs, not twice by undermining his wages, but thrice by making him pay for the tab, by having illegals pay less into the tax system, than they take out of it.

I say 3 strikes, and you're out.

But, most Americans are aPATHETIC, sub-Humans, who do nothing, they don't care if their society is falling apart around them, so long as they got theirs, and now "Chimp, Chimp"

E-Verify at all places of employment, heavily fining all employers who hire illegals, there's a lot more that we could do than just a wall and deportation.

We'll settle for the wall and an end to chain migration, the visa lottery and merit based immigration. Democrats can vote for your solution when they are in the majority and own the White House.

We were told no amnesty. We get amnesty.
Another republican amnesty shit show. Brought to you by the amnesty party that refuses to acknowledge that
I don't like it, but if we can get an end to chain migration, and much more border security, then we'll see.

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump is proposing giving 1.8 million young undocumented immigrants a pathway to citizenship in exchange for $25 billion for his long-promised wall and a host of other strict immigration cuts, according to a framework proposed Thursday.

The outlines of the deal were described by a White House official for staff on Capitol Hill that CNN was given access to on Thursday afternoon.

White House proposes path to citizenship for 1.8 million people - CNNPolitics

It would be awesome to go back and quote every Trumpkin on the board who calls anyone who said Trump would do amnesty a liar. Wonder what thy say now? Many make excuses for him. They are beginning to sound like cell phone lady.
Please quote Trump saying he wouldn't give the DACA people a way to become citizens.
If you're talking about the DACA people, there are only about 800,000 and since they can't reasonably be held responsible for what their parents did, they are a special case and special arrangements should be made for them if this does not appear as an invitation to future illegals. Trump wants to balance the damage allowing them to stay will do with the border wall to protect US immigration laws. So far he had done a spectacular job in reducing illegal immigration, far better than anyone would have thought possible, so a reasonable person would give him the benefit of the doubt on this issue.
Not for 25 billion dollars. Half the illegal immigrants in the country came by motor vehicles, plane, and boat. Haven't seen a wall yet that would stop, a plane, boat, or vehicle at a legal boarder crossing. Once illegal immigration adapts as it always has, the wall, will be a 25 billion dollar environmental and economic monument to Trump's stupidity. There are several places near major cities and towns where a wall would be effective. However, in most places a combination 20 foot fencing or electronic fencing, and increased patrols would be far more effective.

Why don't we crack down on the companies who hire them?
I guess that's a big no-no because it's their Capitalist freedom to gouge American workers, not once by cutting him out of jobs, not twice by undermining his wages, but thrice by making him pay for the tab, by having illegals pay less into the tax system, than they take out of it.

I say 3 strikes, and you're out.

But, most Americans are aPATHETIC, sub-Humans, who do nothing, they don't care if their society is falling apart around them, so long as they got theirs, and now "Chimp, Chimp"

E-Verify at all places of employment, heavily fining all employers who hire illegals, there's a lot more that we could do than just a wall and deportation.

We'll settle for the wall and an end to chain migration, the visa lottery and merit based immigration. Democrats can vote for your solution when they are in the majority and own the White House.

We were told no amnesty. We get amnesty.
I don' tthink Trump said that, moron.
I don't like it, but if we can get an end to chain migration, and much more border security, then we'll see.

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump is proposing giving 1.8 million young undocumented immigrants a pathway to citizenship in exchange for $25 billion for his long-promised wall and a host of other strict immigration cuts, according to a framework proposed Thursday.

The outlines of the deal were described by a White House official for staff on Capitol Hill that CNN was given access to on Thursday afternoon.

White House proposes path to citizenship for 1.8 million people - CNNPolitics

It would be awesome to go back and quote every Trumpkin on the board who calls anyone who said Trump would do amnesty a liar. Wonder what thy say now? Many make excuses for him. They are beginning to sound like cell phone lady.
Please quote Trump saying he wouldn't give the DACA people a way to become citizens.

Go to his announcement on day as a candidate for president of the United States. Start there. Gotta face it dude, whatever he said, he in no way suggesting that 1.8 millions illegals like the fella who shot two cops I. California or the rapist in Seattle, no none of that. Trump is crawfishinn’ on his campaign rhetoric and y’all ate it up like cell phone lady. Now after a year of yalls shit, here your guys is doing exactly what he said he wouldn’t. Amnesty. Had I known he would come out the gate on his back belly exposed I would have just voted for Hillary. Would have been the same on this issue.

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