BREAKING: White Marine Vet To Be Charged In Death of Jordan Neely

Had he let go after 5 or when the guy stopped moving he would not be in trouble.
Doncha just luv armchair Liberals who weigh in on life-death situations with their baseless opinions? One thing is certain, had the NY DA's office enforced the law, the violent mentally ill criminal Neely would have been locked up and there would have been no life-death situation. Another manufactured crisis by the Democrats.
But lard ass Bragg loves to prosecute innocence.

Yes, how ironic. The very same racist DA who has been letting (mostly minority) serious criminals back out on the streets left and right is now going to prosecute this one poor white boy who stepped in to protect the public.

Something he might not have had to do if NYC and BLM hadn't defunded the police.
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You have them in a submissive hold and they are still fighting only a dumbass would let them go
I would not jump into guard on a subway car with lots of people around. I would take his back take him down and hold him until we got to the next station then throw his ass off and if necessary kick his ass on the platform until the police arrive. Jumping in the guard and choking the guy to death was not a real well thought out approach.
some things deserve repeating. this is one of them: Took the life of an innocent man.

He did not perform an bortion of an underdeveloped fetus. He took the life of an innocent man.
Not innocent.

Intimidation is a crime.

"Intimidation" is the name of a criminal offence in several U.S. states. The definitions of the crime of Intimidation differ by state.

Crimes closely related to intimidation are menacing, coercion, terrorizing,[13] and assault.[notes 1]

"For self-defense, use of force is justified when a person reasonably believes that the force is necessary to defend themself or another against the immediate use of unlawful force.[10]"

Intimidation - Wikipedia

So let's lock that 'innocent' bullshit in a fuckin' box and toss it in the ocean.
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Should you ever find yourself being directly responsible for the death of another person, you will be arrested. No if, ands, or buts. 12 of your peers will decide what to do with you.
Maybe. But you should definately expect that you will be.
I would not jump into guard on a subway car with lots of people around. I would take his back take him down and hold him until we got to the next station then throw his ass off and if necessary kick his ass on the platform until the police arrive. Jumping in the guard and choking the guy to death was not a real well thought out approach.
People use chokeholds because they work, it's almost impossible for the person in the hold to get power behind punches, there is control the mouth so you don't get bit and end up with who knows what and you can cut off their air which tends to take the fight out of them.

I don't know why all these black people are dying from a chokehold. It doesn't seem normal. Who hasn't been put in a chokehold while wrestling or training. You know anyone who has died from it?
Retired people, farmers, and soldiers are three of the biggest welfare classes in the country.

Having been all three, I know what I'm talking about. But at least I'm not afraid to admit it. :laughing0301:

I am not really retired, still working full time but also getting my military retirement. Give me 6 more years and then I will join the ranks of the fully retired.
Just as fake as everything else you post.

Here is the give away.

A REAL Marine might feel that this guy went to far. He might even express that opinion.

But what he WOULDN'T do is mock people that were raising money for another Marines defense.

That's where you fucked up.

So, if you try the "I'm a Marine" lie again...keep that in mind.

Even when your fellow Marine, or Soldier or whatever...even if you think they fucked don't try to fuck them over.

So...go try to sell that bullshit to someone else, Stolen Valor. No one here is buying it.

This is where you are wrong.

While in Okinawa we had a Marine that raped a Okinawan young lady. We did not raise money for his defense, just as I would not raise money for this Marine's defense.

The money I get in my bank account each month says you are wrong, and that is all that matters.

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