BREAKING: White Marine Vet To Be Charged In Death of Jordan Neely

What can I say? Was he right to subdue the jerk and keep him from harming anyone? Yes. Was he right to hold the choke long past when he lost consciousness, stopped struggling and died? No.

Had it not been for 15 worthless idiots standing around videotaping it on their cellphones instead of helping out, Neely might not have died and another good soldier wouldn't be facing trial for trying to help others.

Poor Michael. The whole thing is a damned shame. I really liked his album "Thriller" when it came out, but that sleeping with children at his Neverland Ranch was pretty damned creepy.

Criminal scum delt with justifiably and as expected New York are such cowards they have given into the terrorist mob and charged him.

Sad day
Question: What should be the limits for vilgilante justice? Is it OK for citizens to act as police officers in cases such as this? Just curious.
Question: What should be the limits for vilgilante justice? Is it OK for citizens to act as police officers in cases such as this? Just curious.

If you were being assaulted you'd be screaming for a "vigilante"...or anyone to help

Personally I'd just walk away from you while it happened. Just because you're an ass

Sorta like the defund the police jackasses getting in a jam and screaming call 911

It's going to take more than this LEAST twice this much.
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Fake Marine thinks raising money for a real Marine is funny.

What a piece of shit.

Did I hurt your little feelings?

That Marine was not taught to put someone in a choke hold for 15 minutes. The choke hold is taught as a non-lethal option.

Had he let go after 5 or when the guy stopped moving he would not be in trouble.
He was throwing things at people on the subway and also saying that he's ready to die. That raises the threat level. Neely could also have been high on drugs similar to George Floyd's death. The Marine should get nothing more than involuntary manslaughter, or case dismissed better yet.
The problem is that even though this Good Samaritan likely saved people from being seriously harmed by a longtime criminal who should have been in prison, he will be tried by leftists who have bought into the “white man evil” and “black man innocent victim.” Add in the black activists who will be threatening to burn, loot, and murder if whitey isn’t made to pay, and I fear this honorable U.S. Marine will be made an example of due to politics.
Did I hurt your little feelings?

That Marine was not taught to put someone in a choke hold for 15 minutes. The choke hold is taught as a non-lethal option.

Had he let go after 5 or when the guy stopped moving he would not be in trouble.
Every word that comes out of you mouth is a lie.

Fake Marine, fake independent, fake American.

This Marine is trying to protect those around him from violence.

And when he put Neely in the recovery position, he was still breathing and moving.
He's White, his fate was sealed. He should be given a medal 🏅.


There were others including a black guy who helped restrain his arms. Why haven't they been charged?

He's being lynched. Figuratively of course.
Every word that comes out if you mouth is a lie.

Fake Marine, fake independent, fake American.


As long as the DOD keeps putting money in my bank on the 1st of every month till the day I die, I do not really give a fuck what you think

As long as the DOD keeps putting money in my bank on the 1st of every month till the day I die, I do not really give a fuck what you think
More lies.

You're no more a Marine than I'm the King of England.

A Marine wouldn't hang a fellow Marine out to dry for attempting to protect those around him.

That's a fact.

I am 100% positive that you are no Marine.
More lies.

You're no more a Marine than I'm the King of England.

A Marine wouldn't hang a fellow Marine out to dry for attempting to protect those around him.

That's a fact.

I am 100% positive that you are no Marine.

The Marine fucked up and killed someone. There is always a consequence to such things.

As for what you think about me, as I said, I do not care as long as I get one of these every month.

there's more: snippet:

[ Authorities have not said how long he had been in the chokehold, but Vasquez wrote on Facebook that the men were in that position “for about 15 minutes” while bystanders and the train operator called the police.

Days after the incident, Penny, whom authorities did not identify by then, released a statement saying that he acted in self-defense after Neely “aggressively” threatened him and other passengers. In the three paragraphs released on May 6 by his lawyers, Penny, a college student and Marine veteran, said that he “never intended to harm Mr. Neely and could not have foreseen his untimely death.”

Penny served in the Marines as a rifleman from 2017 to 2021, reaching the rank of sergeant, according to records provided by the service. A Marine Corps spokesperson said in an email that the service is aware of the incident involving Penny and will cooperate, if asked, with the agencies investigating the events.

“To be clear: the Marine Corps is not confirming any detail of any video you may have seen nor are we confirming any individual was involved,” the spokesperson said in an unsigned email responding to a query. “We are merely confirming that a person with the name you’ve presented us has served in the Marine Corps.”

Neely’s death generated outrage among some public officials. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) called the incident “disgusting” and labeled the man who placed Neely in the chokehold a “murderer.” The Rev. Al Sharpton had also urged authorities to pursue manslaughter or murder charges. ]
snippets: Now other Marines are questioning Penny's actions, and one has started a petition calling for his prosecution, arguing Penny did not act in accordance with the training Marines receive.

Gabriel Murphy, a fellow Marine veteran who had a remarkably similar career to Penny, served one tour in the Corps from 2006 to 2010 as an assaultman Marine with 1st Battalion, 5th Marines, where he deployed with the 11th MEU in 2007 and to Afghanistan in 2009. He also ended up leaving the service as a corporal.

Last week, Murphy started an online petition that argued that "the individual who choked Mr. Neely to death should be prosecuted for murder." The petition had been signed by nearly 6,000 people as of Tuesday afternoon.

"I hope that the military community joins me in disavowing the actions of this individual," it added.

In an interview with, Murphy said that training on chokeholds is "not something you touch once in boot camp and then go forget about."


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