BREAKING: White Marine Vet To Be Charged In Death of Jordan Neely

I wonder if they will do a blood toxicology on him. . . and if they do, will the results be released?

And if they are released, would it even matter?

It didn't seem to in that George Floyd case, the establishment propaganda seemed to be more persuasive.
In both cases, the men were drug abusers, probably did untold harm to their bodies, and that played a role in their deaths.

The DA and the NY liberal elite are desperate to cast blame on the white guy, but the truth is if they weren’t so eager to keep criminals out of prison, the victim would be alive today - with three hots and a cot.
Ever deal with someone wigging out?

5 of us had to restrain our one friend on E and amphetamines back in college because he thought he could jump between two roofs. 12 feet apart from each other.


we had to duct tape him to a chair for the night.

Show him on the video "wigging out"...
Where are the Cops Dante? Why are good citizens put into these situations on a DAILY BASIS?
Where are the cops? What situation, having a man yelling and in need of psychiatric help?

Why are so many deranged people on the streets?

The Mental Health Systems Act of 1980 (MHSA) was United States legislation signed by President Jimmy Carter which provided grants to community mental health centers. In 1981 President Ronald Reagan, who had made major efforts during his Governorship to reduce funding and enlistment for California mental institutions, pushed a political effort through the U.S. Congress to repeal most of MHSA.[1] The MHSA was considered landmark legislation in mental health care policy.
Not innocent.

Intimidation is a crime.

"Intimidation" is the name of a criminal offence in several U.S. states. The definitions of the crime of Intimidation differ by state.

Crimes closely related to intimidation are menacing, coercion, terrorizing,[13] and assault.[notes 1]

"For self-defense, use of force is justified when a person reasonably believes that the force is necessary to defend themself or another against the immediate use of unlawful force.[10]"

Intimidation - Wikipedia

So let's lock that 'innocent' bullshit in a fuckin' box and toss it in the ocean.
The man was arrested or charged with intimidation? Oh wait! He was an innocent man murdered.

The man was not intimidating a particular person. Intimidation as a crime has parameters this doesn't fit in.. You're making shit uo because you don't card about INNOCENT LIFE
He was in a chokehold for THREE minutes dumbshit.

You're still the fucking liar piece of shit.

No need to ask again...the answer is always you.

False. Penny had him in a choke hold for several minutes before Vasquez started recording. And the recording lasted several minutes after that.
If it was indeed only 2 minutes and 55 seconds I suspect it will be a very short trial with Penny walking away exonerated.

Others say it was 15 minutes...

According to witnesses, Penny held Neely in a chokehold for almost 15 minutes, the lawyers said.
What were the witnesses names?

See, this is purposeful misreporting of what the witnesses ACTUALLY said. The never said he was in the chokehold for that entire fifteen minutes. They reported that he had been subdued, and that the encounter itself had lasted for fifteen minutes.

I already exposed how after WaPo bought the video, they chose to only release three minutes, and that they may indeed have more, but this is a conscious effort to manipulate public perceptions. And now? Here we have MSM LYING about, "according to witnessess."

This is verbatim what he said, (though the statement was originally in Spanish.)

". . . Before the show went on, and even though so far Jordan didn't seem to want to assault anyone, a young man with brown hair and gray jacket grabbed him by the back of the neck and deposited him on the floor while he was pinning him with his legs.

As they reached Broadway Lafayette, the doors opened and people exited the car. Jordan and the Marine remained in that position for at least 5 minutes. While other passengers (including myself) and the train operator called the police (as heard in the video).

Upon returning to the scene and as Neely struggled to free himself from the key, other Samaritans came to the Marine's aid presumably seeking to prevent the other from escaping. One of them, who had just been approached by a woman, seemed to mediate between the two struggling on the ground. The second one was trying to help Jordan not to escape.

Suddenly I decided to enter the car again. It's a dramatic final minute and a half. Jordan gives his last kicks and then, when he stops moving, he is released. At that point I interrupted the recording. As I pulled out and looked for the transfer to the 6 line, I heard the police bequest. It had been at least 15 minutes since the Marine had tied Jordan up. . . "

If he was in a choke hold the entire fifteen minutes w/o air, how could Neely possibly still be struggling according to their narrative?

I tell you how, b/c all the corporate media are manipulating and lying to people.
Oh? What crime did he ever commit that warrants a life sentence? :cuckoo:
Check Post 408 and take a LONG look at his rap sheet . Still don’t think so? Too bad it wasn’t your face that was busted up
The man was arrested or charged with intimidation? Oh wait! He was an innocent man murdered.

The man was not intimidating a particular person. Intimidation as a crime has parameters this doesn't fit in.. You're making shit uo because you don't card about INNOCENT LIFE
Fake news.

There are witnesses.

Neely was both intimidating and terrorizing people in a confined space without exits.

Those are facts.
False. Penny had him in a choke hold for several minutes before Vasquez started recording. And the recording lasted several minutes after that.
Watch the video.

Neely is awake and fighting.

As SOON as he stops fighting as becomes non-responsive, he is released and placed into a recovery position.

I found the video in it's entirety at the link below.

Watch it, read the article, then come back.

Golfing Gator

[A witness who was restraining Neely' hands] also claimed that Penny was not "squeezing" Neely's neck. This same person later asks Neely if he can hear. When the unconscious Neely does not respond, the person pinning Neely's arms down then asks Penny to release him, which he does.


Did ya read your own link...?

Extended video shows Daniel Penny appearing to ignore a person who warned 'you're going to kill him' while he had Jordan Neely in a chokehold

A bystander can be heard telling people that Jordan Neely may die in a longer video of the incident.

The bystander noted that Neely had defecated, which indicates someone may be close to dying.

"Because after he's defecated himself, that's it. You've got to let him go," the bystander can be heard saying in the video.

Did ya read your own link...?

Extended video shows Daniel Penny appearing to ignore a person who warned 'you're going to kill him' while he had Jordan Neely in a chokehold
A bystander can be heard telling people that Jordan Neely may die in a longer video of the incident.
The bystander noted that Neely had defecated, which indicates someone may be close to dying.
"Because after he's defecated himself, that's it. You've got to let him go," the bystander can be heard saying in the video.
Watch the fucking video, dolt.


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