Breaking !

I love the one meeting described. OMG he met with the Russian ambassador along with other ambassadors at a Heritage Foundation gathering.


Doing his job.

However, Justice officials acknowledged that Mr. Sessions had spoken with Mr. Kislyak twice: once, among a group of ambassadors who approached him at a Heritage Foundation event during the Republican National Convention in Cleveland in July and, separately, in an office meeting on Sept. 8.

The contacts were first reported by The Washington Post."

This conspiracy will destroy the nation
Poor Donald. He was riding high last night after his address to Congress, and then the shit hits the fan tonight. Well that's what happens when you blow Putin and then try to lie about it later

The only shit hitting the fan is that spraying you people in the face.
sessions is being asked to resign by a couple of people, he lied under oath, or lied before congress...and never corrected the record, when he could have....if he initially forgot....? so, now he is saying he didn't discuss the campaign with the Russians.... no one ever asked him or said he discussed the trump campaign....they are saying, that he lied about meeting with the Russian Ambassador, one ever asked what was said in their or his conversations???

it's always the ''cover up'' that gets them, isn't it?
ok, I'll bite...........anyone wanna tell me just what big news is breaking here that the WH AKA Trump Administration should be so worried about??????

All I see is that the Obama Administration rushed to secure whatever intelligence had been gathered before the inauguration because they feared Trump would destroy it. It doesn't say a damn thing about just what that intel is or if there is anything damaging.......other than a snippet about Sessions
Dispersing classified intelligence is a big no no correct? This is really going to heat up. :)

"President Trump’s claims that the Obama administration sought to undermine his presidency received some support on Wednesday from a New York Times report on the Obama White House’s activities in the weeks before the inauguration.

According to The Times, Obama White House officials waged a campaign to procure, save and disperse classified intelligence regarding Trump associates’ contacts with Russians.

The campaign also involved curtailing the Trump team’s access to highly classified information and of lowering classification ratings on other information about the ongoing Russia investigation so that it could be more widely shared across the government."

Read more: CONFIRMED: Obama Sabotaged Trump’s Transition To The White House
ok, I'll bite...........anyone wanna tell me just what big news is breaking here that the WH AKA Trump Administration should be so worried about??????

All I see is that the Obama Administration rushed to secure whatever intelligence had been gathered before the inauguration because they feared Trump would destroy it. It doesn't say a damn thing about just what that intel is or if there is anything damaging.......other than a snippet about Sessions

See, what happened right was...the President looked all Presidential last night, and liberal Democrats, AKA the #Resistenz, they were completely demoralized and the #Resistenz was on the verge of falling apart. Well, the liberals at the NY Times, AKA the Grey Liberal Whore...they saw the writing on the wall...if the #Resistenz collapses, they sell fewer they threw some BS together to keep the suckers...ahem...#Resistenz...afloat for another 3-5 days...staving off the inevitable implosion.
ok, I'll bite...........anyone wanna tell me just what big news is breaking here that the WH AKA Trump Administration should be so worried about??????

All I see is that the Obama Administration rushed to secure whatever intelligence had been gathered before the inauguration because they feared Trump would destroy it. It doesn't say a damn thing about just what that intel is or if there is anything damaging.......other than a snippet about Sessions

See, what happened right was...the President looked all Presidential last night, and liberal Democrats, AKA the #Resistenz, they were completely demoralized and the #Resistenz was on the verge of falling apart. Well, the liberals at the NY Times, AKA the Grey Liberal Whore...they saw the writing on the wall...if the #Resistenz collapses, they sell fewer they threw some BS together to keep the suckers...ahem...#Resistenz...afloat for another 3-5 days...staving off the inevitable implosion.

Well Lord have mercy, why didn't someone say so.......We can't have THAT....what would we do without the #Resistenz??? :lmao::lmao::lmao:
here ya go boys, use this ..

Hell's getting HOT in the WH about RIGHT NOW !!

Yeah, and it's not just because Kellyanne Conway was squatting on the sofa in the oval office, either. Hehehe
What really happened in that photo of Kellyanne Conway squatting on the Oval Office couch
Damn, she's hot!

Show me an intellectually honest liberal and I will show you a Conservative in the making.

Get your eyes checked bruh
Just a confirmation of what everyone already knew. Obama has been undermining this country and it's institutions for 8 years. Why would he stop now, after putting all his sycophants in place before he was evicted?
Thank GOODNESS they did this....otherwise the Trump team could have burned and "disappeared" all of the investigation"s intelligence that they gathered! GOD BLESS AMERICA and its Patriots!!

Very smart thinking to preserve all the evidence gathered, by distributing it to multiple intelligence agencies...

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