Breitbart conspired against Ted Cruz & Marco Rubio

You're smarter than this.... The GOP'ers own Cruz after he sold his soul to those Devils for personal aspirations that had nothing to do with America....
Apparently you're not. I notice you didn't give even one single example of how Ted Cruz "sold his soul". Enough said.
Yea, like romney was 50 points ahead in 2012 running against obama and a terrible economy. We have had it with worms like rubio and bush.
Oh...but Donald freaking Trump. Now there's a real stand up guy. Spent his life throwing millions of dollars at Hillary Clinton, Harry Reid, and others. Yeah...his money went to get Dumbocrats elected. And now you support him. Unfreakingbelievable
I always had tremendous respect for the Breitbart news sites when Andrew Breitbart was around and running them. They were one of the few sites that would report the truth. But clearly, since his passing, it has deteriorated into something unethical and untrustworthy. Let's hope that this ends with Breitbart going out of business.

Report: Breitbart coordinated with liberal activist to take down Rubio, Cruz

are you surprised that bannon and his alt right loons wanted the "voice" of the rabid white supremacists as their candidate?
Well considering I had no idea who Bannon was - I can't comment either way. But I will tell you thing - white supremacy is almost exclusively left-wing. And Donald Trump is yet another example of that as he has spent his entire life as a Democrat. He made the maximum campaign contributions to Hillary Clinton, Harry Reid, and others. He voted Dumbocrat and spent money to ensure Dumbocrats got elected. The Dumbocrats created the KKK and they clearly continue those efforts to this day.
It's no surprise to Americans that you alt-LWNJs want the second coming of hitler in the form of your hitlery,,,,

The only difference this time is that instead of marching the Jews to your ovens, you are marching the middle class to them now......
Wrong. Cruz is a neo con who wants to play military adventurer all over the world. I prefer non interventionism and using the money wasted overseas HERE to fix things and help the American people NOT overthrowing some 2 bit dictator because he wouldn't kiss our ass. Either change with the times or complain the entire time Trump is president because even if he loses the GOP has changed for the better and if it tries to kick Trump and his followers out then we just found a new party and make the GOP a tiny regional party for rich assholes and neo con military adventurers.
Who is "we"? Trump has like 200 followers and most of them are family members that don't even like him. You dipshits have ensured a Hitlery Clinton presidency. I pray all of you Trump idiots form your own party. I don't want young people duped into thinking that loud-mouth, immature progressives are conservatives.

You can call it the "we are so stupid we elect unqualified progressives party". It's exactly the Dumbocrat Party except you people are honest about your positions and stupidity while the Dumbocrats lie about them. But all of you stand for the same things.
Wrong. Cruz is a neo con who wants to play military adventurer all over the world. I prefer non interventionism and using the money wasted overseas HERE to fix things and help the American people NOT overthrowing some 2 bit dictator because he wouldn't kiss our ass. Either change with the times or complain the entire time Trump is president because even if he loses the GOP has changed for the better and if it tries to kick Trump and his followers out then we just found a new party and make the GOP a tiny regional party for rich assholes and neo con military adventurers.
Who is "we"? Trump has like 200 followers and most of them are family members that don't even like him. You dipshits have ensured a Hitlery Clinton presidency. I pray all of you Trump idiots form your own party. I don't want young people duped into thinking that loud-mouth, immature progressives are conservatives.

You can call it the "we are so stupid we elect unqualified progressives party". It's exactly the Dumbocrat Party except you people are honest about your positions and stupidity while the Dumbocrats lie about them. But all of you stand for the same things.
You Teapers had a chance to fix the GOP. Ya failed. So Trump happened. Now the GOP will be a Family and Worker friendly party who will put America and American interests first. I know you want the old GOP.The GOP of 1% first and only and Israel being the only country you give a shit about.Its dead and gone. All the crying and gnashing of teeth and boo hooing won't fix that fact.
You Teapers had a chance to fix the GOP. Ya failed. So Trump happened. Now the GOP will be a Family and Worker friendly party who will put America and American interests first. I know you want the old GOP.The GOP of 1% first and only and Israel being the only country you give a shit about.Its dead and gone. All the crying and gnashing of teeth and boo hooing won't fix that fact.
Yeah...nothing says "family friendly" like Donald Trump :lmao:
You Teapers had a chance to fix the GOP. Ya failed. So Trump happened. Now the GOP will be a Family and Worker friendly party who will put America and American interests first. I know you want the old GOP.The GOP of 1% first and only and Israel being the only country you give a shit about.Its dead and gone. All the crying and gnashing of teeth and boo hooing won't fix that fact.
Yeah...nothing says "family friendly" like Donald Trump :lmao:
Guess you ain't seen how great his kids turned out. Its also about the policies he advocates that help families as well. Get used it son.
You Teapers had a chance to fix the GOP. Ya failed. So Trump happened. Now the GOP will be a Family and Worker friendly party who will put America and American interests first. I know you want the old GOP.The GOP of 1% first and only and Israel being the only country you give a shit about.Its dead and gone. All the crying and gnashing of teeth and boo hooing won't fix that fact.
Yeah...nothing says "family friendly" like Donald Trump :lmao:
Guess you ain't seen how great his kids turned out. Its also about the policies he advocates that help families as well. Get used it son.
You mean the children he sent off to boarding school to let someone else raise? Idiot.
Get used it son.
Get used to it? Get used to what? He's getting his ass handed to him by Hitlery freaking Clinton - the most unelectable candidate in U.S. history. Until the reality tv show clown showed up that is.

You Teapers had a chance to fix the GOP. Ya failed. So Trump happened. Now the GOP will be a Family and Worker friendly party who will put America and American interests first. I know you want the old GOP.The GOP of 1% first and only and Israel being the only country you give a shit about.Its dead and gone. All the crying and gnashing of teeth and boo hooing won't fix that fact.
Yeah...nothing says "family friendly" like Donald Trump :lmao:
Guess you ain't seen how great his kids turned out. Its also about the policies he advocates that help families as well. Get used it son.
You mean the children he sent off to boarding school to let someone else raise? Idiot.
And yet the leadership is STILL nothing but RINO'S! You people have a paper fetish for the constitution and want to conserve the status quo. WE the people want to blow it up and get something that benefits US!
You Teapers had a chance to fix the GOP. Ya failed.
Yep...nothing says "conservative" like Donald Trump. :lmao:

OH NOES! Healthcare that covers everyone! HORRIBLE! I bet you think we should be putting Elementary school students to work as well so they can pay to get an education eh? Like I said GET OVER IT. Your kinds time has passed. WE the people want our tax dollars to pay for things that benefit US and our children NOT foreign countries and WAR!
And yet the leadership is STILL nothing but RINO'S! You people have a paper fetish for the constitution and want to conserve the status quo. WE the people want to blow it up and get something that benefits US!
Bingo! Just like I are a progressive. Now go start that new party. :lol:
OH NOES! Healthcare that covers everyone! HORRIBLE! I bet you think we should be putting Elementary school students to work as well so they can pay to get an education eh? Like I said GET OVER IT. Your kinds time has passed. WE the people want our tax dollars to pay for things that benefit US and our children NOT foreign countries and WAR!'re a die-hard progressive. Right down to the fact that you can't even admit you're a progressive. Which itself is a primary trait of progressivism. :lol:
WE the people want our tax dollars to pay for things that benefit US and our children NOT foreign countries and WAR!
If that we're even remotely true you would have no problem getting the votes necessary to amend the Constitution. Do you know why you can't? Because We the people have told you - the unhinged super minority - to go fuck yourselves. You can't get the votes and you know it.
Of course they conspired against Cruz and Rubio. Breitbart is the platform of the alt-right.
Sad as that was not what Breitbart was intended to be. There is a good lesson there for anyone who places their name on a business. Have a contingency plan in place to either have your name removed from the business or a secession of trusted people for leadership moving forward.
And yet the leadership is STILL nothing but RINO'S! You people have a paper fetish for the constitution and want to conserve the status quo. WE the people want to blow it up and get something that benefits US!
Bingo! Just like I are a progressive. Now go start that new party. :lol:

OH NOES! Healthcare that covers everyone! HORRIBLE! I bet you think we should be putting Elementary school students to work as well so they can pay to get an education eh? Like I said GET OVER IT. Your kinds time has passed. WE the people want our tax dollars to pay for things that benefit US and our children NOT foreign countries and WAR!'re a die-hard progressive. Right down to the fact that you can't even admit you're a progressive. Which itself is a primary trait of progressivism. :lol:

WE the people want our tax dollars to pay for things that benefit US and our children NOT foreign countries and WAR!
If that we're even remotely true you would have no problem getting the votes necessary to amend the Constitution. Do you know why you can't? Because We the people have told you - the unhinged super minority - to go fuck yourselves. You can't get the votes and you know it.

Is all you do is whine? WE THE PEOPLE made Donald Trump the populist nationalist our candidate and told you cuckservative neo cons to go fuck yourselves. :) Call names all you want. Its pathetic your temper tantrum truly is.
And yet the leadership is STILL nothing but RINO'S! You people have a paper fetish for the constitution and want to conserve the status quo. WE the people want to blow it up and get something that benefits US!
The irony of that statement is so thick you could literally cut it with a knife. It's so bizarre listening to you whine about "RINO's" when you are a RINO, you support RINO's, and you stand for the RINO ideology. You're so confused that I really do feel sorry for you (and that's not sarcasm). You can't figure out which way is up and what you actually stand for.

My friend - the desire to "blow up the U.S. Constitution" is exclusively progressive. That makes it RINO. You contract yourself in every sentence. Another trademark of progressivism.
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