Brennan STILL Has Top-Secret Clearance?

No, a classified courier, not a secret one. But no shock you would not know the difference.

Used to transport classified documents and computer disk between Japan, Okinawa and Korea as part of my regular duties as the control point custodian for the 1st MAW.

So do you still have both arms or are you posting with your toes?
LOL, I reported every PM. They know how many you sent to me and they know what they said. You have nowhere to hide son.

Of course you did and now everybody reading this knows you're a squealer....amongst other things.....that was the easiest confession I ever got here.

LOL, you don't even know that you've been played, I even warned you to post within the rules ;) Keep stalking me son and we'll see what happens.
A security clearance may be revoked at any time. There are 13 guidelines that are common to all agencies of the federal government that are used to determine eligibility for a clearance and to determine if an existing clearance ought to be revoked. There is an appeals process which varies with the employment status of the individual.

The Defense Security Service has this to say about the process of using the 13 Adjudication Guidelines:

The adjudication process is the careful weighing of a number of variables known as the whole-person concept. All available, reliable information about the person, past and present, favorable and unfavorable, is considered in reaching a clearance determination.

Each Guideline is comprised of three parts: 1) the Concern, 2) Potentially Disqualifying Conditions, and, 3) Mitigating Factors.

1) The Concern is a simple statement that sets forth the concerns the security community has about each Adjudicative Guideline.

2) The Potentially Disqualifying Conditions are conditions that, if present in the applicant’s life, may potentially disqualify him or her for eligibility or access.

3) The Mitigating Factors are used by adjudicators to balance against the Potentially Disqualifying Conditions. The Mitigating Factors consist of conditions that, if present in the applicant’s life, may cancel or lessen the severity of the Potentially Disqualifying Conditions.

One of the best ways to understand the guidelines for revoking a security clearance is to understand the adjudicative criteria.

Guideline A: Allegiance to the United States
Belonging to a terror group, advocating the unconstitutional overthrow of the government, associating or sympathizing with terrorists, terror groups or those seeking the overthrow of the government.
Guideline B: Foreign influence
Association with foreign citizens, business interest in foreign countries, potential that the individual could be coerced for some reason by a foreign government.
Guideline C: Foreign preference
Dual citizenship, service in a foreign military, accepting benefits such as scholarships or retirement benefits from a foreign country.
Guideline D: Sexual behavior
Criminal sexual behavior, sex addiction, sexual behavior that suggests a “lack of discretion or judgment.”
Guideline E: Personal conduct
Refusing to cooperate with the clearance investigation, refusing to complete requested paperwork, refusing testing. Associating with known criminals, adverse reports from past employers, neighbors or friends. Providing false information or concealing information from investigators.
Guideline F: Financial considerations
Pattern of not meeting financial obligations. White collar crime. Unexplained wealth.
Guideline G: Alcohol consumption
Alcohol-related incidents at work or away from work. Medical diagnosis of alcohol abuse or dependence. Continued alcohol use after a rehab program.
Guideline H: Drug involvement
Use of illegal drugs. Drug-related incidents at work or away from work. Medical diagnosis of drug abuse or dependence. Continued drug use after a rehab program.
Guideline I: Emotional, mental, and personality disorders
“a condition or treatment that may indicate a defect in judgment, reliability, or stability”. failure to follow prescribed treatments, including taking prescription medications. “A pattern of high-risk, irresponsible, aggressive, anti-social or emotionally unstable behavior”
Guideline J: Criminal conduct
Allegations or admissions of criminal conduct with or without charges being pressed. Conviction for a serious crime or multiple lesser crimes.

Guideline K: Security violations
“Unauthorized disclosure of classified information.” Deliberate security violations. Multiple violations. Negligence.
Guideline L: Outside activities
“Any service, whether compensated, volunteer, or employment with a foreign country, any foreign national, a representative of any foreign interest and any foreign, domestic, or international organization or person engaged in analysis, discussion, or publication of material on intelligence, defense, foreign affairs, or protected technology.”
Guideline M: Misuse of information technology systems
Illegal or unauthorized access to a computer system. Unauthorized actions to alter, restrict or deny access to systems. Unauthorized removal of software or hardware from systems, or adding unauthorized software or hardware to systems.
The process is governed by two executive orders. Executive order 12968 and / or executive order 10865 establish the initial framework for security clearance investigations and revocations.

What are the Guidelines for Revoking a Security Clearance? - ClearanceJobs

1. First of all, having a security clearance does not mean someone has access to classified data. Access to any data requires a "need to know", which the person who owns the data decides. And classified data is transmitted over secured transmission networks, I'd be quite surprised if I found out that Brennan has access to a secure data line. For sure somebody would have to answer some questions about that if it is true. In fact, if it is true then somebody should go to jail.

2. Since Brennan is something of a high-profile political figure, you would need a pretty solid case for providing false information to investigators or for allegations of criminal conduct. I do not doubt that Brennan is guilty of both, but this is as much about politics as anything else and you have to weigh the political gain vs possible loss if you attempt to revoke a person's clearance. Assuming the guy has no access anyway, does it matter that much? He certainly has no need to know a damn thing, and there's a difference between a guy like him that is not a gov't employee and a guy like Strzok who still is an FBI employee. Allegations against a former employee doesn't mean as much as those against a current employee, y'know?
No, a classified courier, not a secret one. But no shock you would not know the difference.

Used to transport classified documents and computer disk between Japan, Okinawa and Korea as part of my regular duties as the control point custodian for the 1st MAW.

So do you still have both arms or are you posting with your toes?

With each post you display what little knowledge you have of the real world. Everything you post and say is based off of fantasies from TV or movies.

I am betting you have never been out of the state you were born in
With each post you display what little knowledge you have of the real world. Everything you post and say is based off of fantasies from TV or movies.

I am betting you have never been out of the state you were born in

And you'd lose that bet like you've lost every bet you ever are without a doubt, the dumbest fucker on this board...nobody is even close....well, maybe Jake but he's had several head injuries.....ESAD little man.
There are no secrets left. The CIA hasn't done much since WW2 but the Agency enjoys a "secret" budget. Do you think China and Russia aren't fully aware of every detail of the CIA's budget? The dirty little secret is that political operatives in the United States want to make sure that Americans aren't aware of the CIA's budget.... and political agenda.
There are no secrets left. The CIA hasn't done much since WW2 but the Agency enjoys a "secret" budget. Do you think China and Russia aren't fully aware of every detail of the CIA's budget? The dirty little secret is that political operatives in the United States want to make sure that Americans aren't aware of the CIA's budget.... and political agenda.

Even if you cleaned up the FBI and CIA, you'd still have Foggy Bottom to deal with....Hillary had no idea what the rules were although she signed a statement that she did. She had her own server to avoid FOIA requests about her treachery. She had no ambition to sell out the country like Brennan did and still does...she just wanted to make as much as she could with inside information. There are probably thousands of security clearances nobody even knows they still have or want and I'm sure they are regularly compromised. Everybody spies on of our major industrial attackers is France.
Just wanted to add, my mother told me there was another arkancide after the body in Wiener's dumpster. Evidently someone was supposed to be involved with Obama's passports, now dead.
So this mental-case, commie-voting, Islam-convert, Trump-hating piece of shit can access anything on anybody he chooses....and then leak it to MSLSD viewers. How is this possible you ask? Good question because Clapper and who knows who else still have their clearance after leaving government. In the past, this may have been a cap-tip for a job well done and to help the guy get a cushy spot on some board of directors....but with these guys? Brennan is a disgraced partisan, probably guilty of multiple felonies in trying to bring down Trump, and an absolute threat to national security. Rand Paul and others are now aware of this and have vowed to get it stopped....hopefully they'll succeed if they can find an AWOL Jeff Sessions.

Why does Putin’s puppet still have security clearance? After proven to be a traitor to the United States on Monday, he should be sent to Guantanamo.
Just wanted to add, my mother told me there was another arkancide after the body in Wiener's dumpster. Evidently someone was supposed to be involved with Obama's passports, now dead.
You deplorables are fucking crazy.
“My mother told me”.
With each post you display what little knowledge you have of the real world. Everything you post and say is based off of fantasies from TV or movies.

I am betting you have never been out of the state you were born in

And you'd lose that bet like you've lost every bet you ever are without a doubt, the dumbest fucker on this board...nobody is even close....well, maybe Jake but he's had several head injuries.....ESAD little man.

You talk a big game but cannot back up a word of it

Sent from my iPhone using
He was privy to America’s every secret for years. If something happens that his knowledge could help with, he should be brought in to consult. Thus the clearance.

Apparently you didn't bother to read my reasons why he would never be "brought in to consult"...he's a mental case.
Your reasons are retarded. Thus he still has clearance.
Of course it makes no difference that he has leaked information on several people that were either embedded in or working on becoming embedded with terror cells. They were attempting to find out plans, names, places, etc. he also put the lives of those called on to extract them in jeopardy. Of course not it only matters that a known leaker and crazy reporter who agrees with your ideology keeps his clearance. No matter the damage to our country. No matter how many deaths he may cause.
So this mental-case, commie-voting, Islam-convert, Trump-hating piece of shit can access anything on anybody he chooses....and then leak it to MSLSD viewers. How is this possible you ask? Good question because Clapper and who knows who else still have their clearance after leaving government. In the past, this may have been a cap-tip for a job well done and to help the guy get a cushy spot on some board of directors....but with these guys? Brennan is a disgraced partisan, probably guilty of multiple felonies in trying to bring down Trump, and an absolute threat to national security. Rand Paul and others are now aware of this and have vowed to get it stopped....hopefully they'll succeed if they can find an AWOL Jeff Sessions.

He was privy to America’s every secret for years. If something happens that his knowledge could help with, he should be brought in to consult. Thus the clearance.
ISIS appreciated his input
Now don't get your panties in a bunch. It's RAND TO THE RESCUE!

  1. Verified account 2 hours ago
    Today I will meet with the President and I will ask him to revoke John Brennan’s security clearance!

  2. Verified account 2 hours ago
    Is John Brennan monetizing his security clearance? Is John Brennan making millions of dollars divulging secrets to the mainstream media with his attacks on @realDonaldTrump ?
Jesus - What happened to this guy? He could talk to Trump about his Fire and Fury tweet to Iran. Caging toddlers. The Helsinki FUBAR ... a MILLION things.
Instead, he pulls a page out of the Devin Nunes playbook? - Sad :(

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