Brennan STILL Has Top-Secret Clearance?

I used to go there multiple times a week. Brennan will keep his clearance until it’s decided he doesn’t need to have it anymore.

To service the vending machines? He and the others are no longer qualified to have that clearance, it is either an oversight or a thumb in Trump's eye...either way it will end if it hasn't already.
There are two parts...1. Having the right access level and 2. Having a need to see it.

Having a TS does not mean you can look at all TS documents, you still need a reason.

You are correct. You should also know that once toy have been granted a Security Clearance, while it can be 'revoked', it is usually valid for a certain number of years before it has to be renewed.

HAVING A SECURITY CLEARANCE, as you pointed out, is still not reason to have ACCESS to classified.

Brennan is no longer Director of the CIA. He does not work in an official capacity for the US Government; therefore, he no longer has a legal 'NEED TO KNOW'.

(Once Hillary Clinton stepped down from being Secretary of State and left the employment of the Federal Government she maintained a valid Security clearance, but she no longer had a legal 'need to know' and therefore no longer had the need for access to classified....ESPECIALLY TOP SECRET READ-IN CLASSIFIED DATA, which was found on her server. When you are 'read-out' of a program you are briefed you will never talk about that program again and have no access to data involving that information...and you sign a document acknowledging that. The fact that such data was in Hillary's possession, on her server, & in her e-mails was evidence of her having broken those laws regarding the handling of classified.")

ALSO, since Brennan has been proven to have committed Perjury under oath before Congress his security clearance should have been revoked by now. Prosecution is not required to have your security clearance revoked. If an investigation is conducted and you are found to have violated rules, regs, laws, jeopardized national security, engaged in questionable acts, etc... you security clearance can be revoked.

Brennan should not have one today.
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and correct, just because people have TS clearance does not mean they can arbitrarily get any TS info they want, it is on a need to know basis with all kinds of protocol to be met, before receiving it, EVEN FOR the people working in the gvt with TS clearance...
they all keep their clearance after they leave their high positions....Obama still has top secret clearance, Mueller did too, same with Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, George Bush, 1 and 2, and anyone else that was high up in the ranks that had top Secret clearance that leaves the government on good terms....they are periodically reviewed for their clearance.

Presidents of course...but this wackadoo? sorry, no.
I used to go there multiple times a week. Brennan will keep his clearance until it’s decided he doesn’t need to have it anymore.

To service the vending machines? He and the others are no longer qualified to have that clearance, it is either an oversight or a thumb in Trump's eye...either way it will end if it hasn't already.
nope! not true at all!
if Brennan ever broke his top secret clearance, he would lose it....same with the ex presidents...
if Brennan ever broke his top secret clearance, he would lose it....same with the ex presidents...
Unfortunately, like with almost everything these days, you actually have to have someone willing to step forward and hold individuals accountable.

Stripping Brennan of hs Security clearance right now would do untold harm in undermining the Liberal / Mueller narrative and investigation of Trump.

God forbid the American people be reminded that Holder, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, etc lied under oath before Congress ...that Brennan was THE Obama guy who illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices, etc....


So this mental-case, commie-voting, Islam-convert, Trump-hating piece of shit can access anything on anybody he chooses....and then leak it to MSLSD viewers. How is this possible you ask? Good question because Clapper and who knows who else still have their clearance after leaving government. In the past, this may have been a cap-tip for a job well done and to help the guy get a cushy spot on some board of directors....but with these guys? Brennan is a disgraced partisan, probably guilty of multiple felonies in trying to bring down Trump, and an absolute threat to national security. Rand Paul and others are now aware of this and have vowed to get it stopped....hopefully they'll succeed if they can find an AWOL Jeff Sessions.


After Trump and Pence put in Mexican cage, Brennan to be fearless leader.
:spinner:Deep state! Deep state!

This one oughta make it to the top of the politics forum. Meanwhile, watch legitimate anti-Donald threads get thrown in the rubber room.
:spinner:Deep state! Deep state!

This one oughta make it to the top of the politics forum. Meanwhile, watch legitimate anti-Donald threads get thrown in the rubber room.
Is not proper American saying President Trump make Republican party of racist and help Russian Empire
:spinner:Deep state! Deep state!

This one oughta make it to the top of the politics forum. Meanwhile, watch legitimate anti-Donald threads get thrown in the rubber room.

Look at my ratings and then look at don't you have some runs in your nylons to look after? :eusa_eh:
Fuck you people are stupid. That is not the way a clearance works. There are two parts...1. Having the right access level and 2. Having a need to see it.

Having a TS does not mean you can look at all TS documents, you still need a reason.

You people are such sheep

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Bah bah BULLSHIT. If you have access you can log onto any agency site you please...he would still have a secured ISP addy with his clearance....go back to painting your toenails, REMFer.

Bull fucking shit. You have no clue what you are talking about. I had my clearance for 6 years after I got out of the Corps but that did not mean I had the same access.

You are taking out of your ass. I spent the better part of my Marine Corps career dealing with classified material, including being a Control point custodian and a classified courier.

You fucking brain dead sheep believe lie you are fed. You are pathetic.

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if Brennan ever broke his top secret clearance, he would lose it....same with the ex presidents...

Not how it works.....past presidents still have SS protection....anybody could snatch Brennan off a street corner and milk him dry...not that he'd resist much. Maybe you should ask yourself how he visited Mecca with the Saudi king seeing as how infidels are never allowed there.
Brennan STILL Has Top-Secret Clearance?
So this mental-case, commie-voting, Islam-convert, Trump-hating piece of shit can access anything on anybody he chooses....Brennan is a disgraced partisan,

And there you've answered your own question Tom. Brennan has his top clearance, he's a disgraced partisan, and much of our top intelligence agencies are controlled by disgraceful partisans. So OF COURSE they want him in the full pipeline so he can keep feeding it to anti-Trump forces on the outside.

Trump was right again.
:spinner:Deep state! Deep state!

This one oughta make it to the top of the politics forum. Meanwhile, watch legitimate anti-Donald threads get thrown in the rubber room.

Look at my ratings and then look at don't you have some runs in your nylons to look after? :eusa_eh:
I couldn’t give a shit about my ratings. This may be a high school popularity contest to you, princess, but to me, it’s for entertainment value and a place to vent once in a while.

Go hit the powder room before Biff sees you.

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