Brexit Vote Aftermath

Like the U.S. states, the states of the EU have similar autonomy within a larger and stronger Union. MEPs are elected by the people of the states of the EU just as the people of the states of the U.S. vote for their federal represntatives. The EU is not a foreign power to the states, no more than the U.S. is a foreign power to the states. You are a nutter.

A specious argument. The EU countries are in no way comparable to the United States.

The status of states vis-a-vis the EU is comparable to the status of the states of the United States vis-a-vis the U.S. under the terms of the Articles of Confederation period. To wit:

"Each state retains its sovereignty, freedom, and independence, and every power, jurisdiction, and right, which is not by this Confederation expressly delegated to the United States, in Congress assembled."

For heaven's sake.

Try living here. Really living here. Sans the protection of some government or other.

Non Sequitur

Well yes.

What else could you say?

It is one of his many get outs that he uses when he is painted into a corner. Do it to him too many times and he will put you on ignore.
The EU has freedom of movement within the EU. That is the deal. If you want access to the single market with the free movement of goods and services an EU state has to accept the free movement of people. That's the deal. Don't like it, get the f_ck out. But don't expect to have the EU allow free movement of your products and services, get it?

The UK leaving is the best thing for the EU. The UK's services will move into the EU single market. EU cities will get the business that London had. And, the rest of the EU will integrate further without the UK complaining about it.

Why do you act like being in the EU is some big thing?

Even if the EU takes the nuclear option with the U.K..... The UK will be fine. They will just trade more with those outside the EU. It will hurt EU members more.... Because the Brits don't export more than they import.

I'm sure the USA, Canada, Russia, China, Australia, etc will more than make up the difference.

A state being in the EU has the same advantages of a state being in the US. A state in either entity can trade products and services as if they are the same state. No borders, no customs duties and unlimited access to a Single Market.

I don't think any of you are thinking straight. The UK's major "industry" is services, particularly financial services. Most of the services that the City provides to citizens and commercial entities of other EU states are not considered "exports", so the real nature of British exports to the EU are drastically understated. For example, the money that an EU company spends keeping an account or an investment fund in the UK does not come up as an export. Once the UK leaves the EU and the banking passport removed from British banks, an EU citizen/company would no longer use the UK for services as UK will have become a foreign country for banking purposes.

How can the U.S.A., Canada, Russia, China, Australia etc. make up the difference? They have their own services providers, why should they want to allow a different nation to replace their home grown services providers. What are you people smoking.
So the UK does the EU, as that is what you are saying. The EU only does 25% of the total trade, meaning 75% is from outside the EU.

Frankly, I don’t know what to say about it. Where did you get that the EU does 25% of the total trade? It is only four countries inside the EU do 25% of the trade.

NOPE as that is illegal trade controls by the EU so meaning the EU will be taken to court for placing these in our way.

Nonsense, to put it mildly. Every country or trading block has a right to put in place their rules on their territory.
The EU has freedom of movement within the EU. That is the deal. If you want access to the single market with the free movement of goods and services an EU state has to accept the free movement of people. That's the deal. Don't like it, get the f_ck out. But don't expect to have the EU allow free movement of your products and services, get it?

The UK leaving is the best thing for the EU. The UK's services will move into the EU single market. EU cities will get the business that London had. And, the rest of the EU will integrate further without the UK complaining about it.

Why do you act like being in the EU is some big thing?

Even if the EU takes the nuclear option with the U.K..... The UK will be fine. They will just trade more with those outside the EU. It will hurt EU members more.... Because the Brits don't export more than they import.

I'm sure the USA, Canada, Russia, China, Australia, etc will more than make up the difference.

And that is what the fools cant see, that Britain has lost its capacity to produce through EU intervention over the years and is now reliant on imports. It does not matter where those imports come from as long as they are cheap and good quality, So the EU lose out to their own dictatorial methods

Yeah, it is terrible. But what can we say about other countries of the EU? Have they lost their exports too and rely only on imports? Let’s see at a few of them (the first figures are exports, the second ones are imports):

Germany 1.292; 983.9

Sweden 151.1; 133.2

Denmark 94.21; 83.81

Netherlands 488.3; 404.6

Finland 66.9; 58.05

Ireland 140.4; 81.39

Their exports exceed their imports, despite the evil EU. So, maybe you the Brits had better look at the mirror to find the guilty ones of your troubles? Maybe it is you who can afford nothing worth to the rest of Europe and the world? Obviously, it is you the Brits who have been choosing production of foreign manufacturers because they are cheaper and of better quality. But what makes you think that after Brexit the rest of the world will suddenly choose your production if even you don’t do it?
We want the right to choose our trading partners, and not have the EU choose them for us. We will trade with the EU if they allow us access. You seem to foret that trade is a two way street and any obstacles the EU place in its path we will respond to with our own obstacles. The EU is reliant on the UK for taking much of its produce like BMW, Mercedes, Citreon, Audi, VW and other cars. A vast sum of money these companies cant afford to lose, so what concesions is the EU prepared to offer. They have already shown their starting point which is a halt to immigration for 6 years, we hold all the aces and can make demands the EU wont like.

Sure, you can use landaus and dogcarts instead of them. They have significant advantages in comparison with European cars: they will reduce your reliance on imports; you will spite those bastard eurocrats; you can easily imagine that you returned in the times of the old and good England of the Queen Victoria.

A vast sum of money these companies cant afford to lose, so what concesions is the EU prepared to offer. They have already shown their starting point which is a halt to immigration for 6 years, we hold all the aces and can make demands the EU wont like.

Britain is more reliant on the EU, because almost half of your exports go to the EU, while only around 15% of the EU exports go to Britain. You are welcome to provide information that refutes this, but with relevant figures.
The EU has freedom of movement within the EU. That is the deal. If you want access to the single market with the free movement of goods and services an EU state has to accept the free movement of people. That's the deal. Don't like it, get the f_ck out. But don't expect to have the EU allow free movement of your products and services, get it?

The UK leaving is the best thing for the EU. The UK's services will move into the EU single market. EU cities will get the business that London had. And, the rest of the EU will integrate further without the UK complaining about it.

Why do you act like being in the EU is some big thing?

Even if the EU takes the nuclear option with the U.K..... The UK will be fine. They will just trade more with those outside the EU. It will hurt EU members more.... Because the Brits don't export more than they import.

I'm sure the USA, Canada, Russia, China, Australia, etc will more than make up the difference.

And that is what the fools cant see, that Britain has lost its capacity to produce through EU intervention over the years and is now reliant on imports. It does not matter where those imports come from as long as they are cheap and good quality, So the EU lose out to their own dictatorial methods

Yeah, it is terrible. But what can we say about other countries of the EU? Have they lost their exports too and rely only on imports? Let’s see at a few of them (the first figures are exports, the second ones are imports):

Germany 1.292; 983.9

Sweden 151.1; 133.2

Denmark 94.21; 83.81

Netherlands 488.3; 404.6

Finland 66.9; 58.05

Ireland 140.4; 81.39

Their exports exceed their imports, despite the evil EU. So, maybe you the Brits had better look at the mirror to find the guilty ones of your troubles? Maybe it is you who can afford nothing worth to the rest of Europe and the world? Obviously, it is you the Brits who have been choosing production of foreign manufacturers because they are cheaper and of better quality. But what makes you think that after Brexit the rest of the world will suddenly choose your production if even you don’t do it?

What makes you think we are thinking that?
We want the right to choose our trading partners, and not have the EU choose them for us. We will trade with the EU if they allow us access. You seem to foret that trade is a two way street and any obstacles the EU place in its path we will respond to with our own obstacles. The EU is reliant on the UK for taking much of its produce like BMW, Mercedes, Citreon, Audi, VW and other cars. A vast sum of money these companies cant afford to lose, so what concesions is the EU prepared to offer. They have already shown their starting point which is a halt to immigration for 6 years, we hold all the aces and can make demands the EU wont like.

Sure, you can use landaus and dogcarts instead of them. They have significant advantages in comparison with European cars: they will reduce your reliance on imports; you will spite those bastard eurocrats; you can easily imagine that you returned in the times of the old and good England of the Queen Victoria.

A vast sum of money these companies cant afford to lose, so what concesions is the EU prepared to offer. They have already shown their starting point which is a halt to immigration for 6 years, we hold all the aces and can make demands the EU wont like.

Britain is more reliant on the EU, because almost half of your exports go to the EU, while only around 15% of the EU exports go to Britain. You are welcome to provide information that refutes this, but with relevant figures.

What you don't seem to realise is that British people put principle above money.
The EU has freedom of movement within the EU. That is the deal. If you want access to the single market with the free movement of goods and services an EU state has to accept the free movement of people. That's the deal. Don't like it, get the f_ck out. But don't expect to have the EU allow free movement of your products and services, get it?

The UK leaving is the best thing for the EU. The UK's services will move into the EU single market. EU cities will get the business that London had. And, the rest of the EU will integrate further without the UK complaining about it.

Why do you act like being in the EU is some big thing?

Even if the EU takes the nuclear option with the U.K..... The UK will be fine. They will just trade more with those outside the EU. It will hurt EU members more.... Because the Brits don't export more than they import.

I'm sure the USA, Canada, Russia, China, Australia, etc will more than make up the difference.

And that is what the fools cant see, that Britain has lost its capacity to produce through EU intervention over the years and is now reliant on imports. It does not matter where those imports come from as long as they are cheap and good quality, So the EU lose out to their own dictatorial methods

Yeah, it is terrible. But what can we say about other countries of the EU? Have they lost their exports too and rely only on imports? Let’s see at a few of them (the first figures are exports, the second ones are imports):

Germany 1.292; 983.9

Sweden 151.1; 133.2

Denmark 94.21; 83.81

Netherlands 488.3; 404.6

Finland 66.9; 58.05

Ireland 140.4; 81.39

Their exports exceed their imports, despite the evil EU. So, maybe you the Brits had better look at the mirror to find the guilty ones of your troubles? Maybe it is you who can afford nothing worth to the rest of Europe and the world? Obviously, it is you the Brits who have been choosing production of foreign manufacturers because they are cheaper and of better quality. But what makes you think that after Brexit the rest of the world will suddenly choose your production if even you don’t do it?

What makes you think we are thinking that?

Brexiters often say that Britain will be able to sign trade deals with many countries. This means that these countries will begin to buy you production in a higher scale, otherwise these trade deals won’t make sense.
We want the right to choose our trading partners, and not have the EU choose them for us. We will trade with the EU if they allow us access. You seem to foret that trade is a two way street and any obstacles the EU place in its path we will respond to with our own obstacles. The EU is reliant on the UK for taking much of its produce like BMW, Mercedes, Citreon, Audi, VW and other cars. A vast sum of money these companies cant afford to lose, so what concesions is the EU prepared to offer. They have already shown their starting point which is a halt to immigration for 6 years, we hold all the aces and can make demands the EU wont like.

Sure, you can use landaus and dogcarts instead of them. They have significant advantages in comparison with European cars: they will reduce your reliance on imports; you will spite those bastard eurocrats; you can easily imagine that you returned in the times of the old and good England of the Queen Victoria.

A vast sum of money these companies cant afford to lose, so what concesions is the EU prepared to offer. They have already shown their starting point which is a halt to immigration for 6 years, we hold all the aces and can make demands the EU wont like.

Britain is more reliant on the EU, because almost half of your exports go to the EU, while only around 15% of the EU exports go to Britain. You are welcome to provide information that refutes this, but with relevant figures.

What you don't seem to realise is that British people put principle above money.

Oh, come on. In this case get out of the EU as fast as you can and don’t transform the process in a soap opera.
The EU has freedom of movement within the EU. That is the deal. If you want access to the single market with the free movement of goods and services an EU state has to accept the free movement of people. That's the deal. Don't like it, get the f_ck out. But don't expect to have the EU allow free movement of your products and services, get it?

The UK leaving is the best thing for the EU. The UK's services will move into the EU single market. EU cities will get the business that London had. And, the rest of the EU will integrate further without the UK complaining about it.

Why do you act like being in the EU is some big thing?

Even if the EU takes the nuclear option with the U.K..... The UK will be fine. They will just trade more with those outside the EU. It will hurt EU members more.... Because the Brits don't export more than they import.

I'm sure the USA, Canada, Russia, China, Australia, etc will more than make up the difference.

And that is what the fools cant see, that Britain has lost its capacity to produce through EU intervention over the years and is now reliant on imports. It does not matter where those imports come from as long as they are cheap and good quality, So the EU lose out to their own dictatorial methods

Yeah, it is terrible. But what can we say about other countries of the EU? Have they lost their exports too and rely only on imports? Let’s see at a few of them (the first figures are exports, the second ones are imports):

Germany 1.292; 983.9

Sweden 151.1; 133.2

Denmark 94.21; 83.81

Netherlands 488.3; 404.6

Finland 66.9; 58.05

Ireland 140.4; 81.39

Their exports exceed their imports, despite the evil EU. So, maybe you the Brits had better look at the mirror to find the guilty ones of your troubles? Maybe it is you who can afford nothing worth to the rest of Europe and the world? Obviously, it is you the Brits who have been choosing production of foreign manufacturers because they are cheaper and of better quality. But what makes you think that after Brexit the rest of the world will suddenly choose your production if even you don’t do it?

What makes you think we are thinking that?

Brexiters often say that Britain will be able to sign trade deals with many countries. This means that these countries will begin to buy you production in a higher scale, otherwise these trade deals won’t make sense.

We'll see. I'm not a fortune teller, but at least I won't have to adhere to straight cucumbers.
So the UK does the EU, as that is what you are saying. The EU only does 25% of the total trade, meaning 75% is from outside the EU.

Frankly, I don’t know what to say about it. Where did you get that the EU does 25% of the total trade? It is only four countries inside the EU do 25% of the trade.

NOPE as that is illegal trade controls by the EU so meaning the EU will be taken to court for placing these in our way.

Nonsense, to put it mildly. Every country or trading block has a right to put in place their rules on their territory.

From your post of course as that is what you wrote

As long as they dont breach international laws on trade, as in subsidisng an industry to make it's goods cheaper and more favourable compared to other nations goods. And it is a two street in as much as you charge me 10% of the cost in import tax so I charge you 10% or more import tax on your goods. So they put in place their rules and find they are not needed as no one is trading with them anymore. Then they have to lift the rules and start from scratch in a market that is very volatile. The EU has already lost billions in lost trade through the VAG group fiddling the emisions on their diesel engines. Can they afford for one of the big 5 to go bust ?
A simple concept that anyone can understand if I sell my apples for 10c and you sell your apples for 12 c I will sell more apples than you. If you subsidise the apple growers so they get more for their apples you introduce an illegal practise and your apples will be banned from the market. This is what the EU did and lost all of its trade so they had to go the other way and ban all subsidise, that is why French farmers became richer than footballers. The only way to make money is to cut your profit margins and work harder. That is why I recieved so many awards when I came up with ways to save £1 a tonne on finished steel. A 1 million ton order meant a saving of £1 million, which became pure profit and an edge over its rivals. Many of the methods are still in my name and cant be used without my permision, so the near east is left with outdated methods and poor quality steel.
We want the right to choose our trading partners, and not have the EU choose them for us. We will trade with the EU if they allow us access. You seem to foret that trade is a two way street and any obstacles the EU place in its path we will respond to with our own obstacles. The EU is reliant on the UK for taking much of its produce like BMW, Mercedes, Citreon, Audi, VW and other cars. A vast sum of money these companies cant afford to lose, so what concesions is the EU prepared to offer. They have already shown their starting point which is a halt to immigration for 6 years, we hold all the aces and can make demands the EU wont like.

Sure, you can use landaus and dogcarts instead of them. They have significant advantages in comparison with European cars: they will reduce your reliance on imports; you will spite those bastard eurocrats; you can easily imagine that you returned in the times of the old and good England of the Queen Victoria.

A vast sum of money these companies cant afford to lose, so what concesions is the EU prepared to offer. They have already shown their starting point which is a halt to immigration for 6 years, we hold all the aces and can make demands the EU wont like.

Britain is more reliant on the EU, because almost half of your exports go to the EU, while only around 15% of the EU exports go to Britain. You are welcome to provide information that refutes this, but with relevant figures.

Try this and see the truth

[ARCHIVED CONTENT] UK Government Web Archive – The National Archives

and this

Do half the UK's exports go to Europe?

he proportion of all goods and services exported going to the EU was 44% last year.
Why do you act like being in the EU is some big thing?

Even if the EU takes the nuclear option with the U.K..... The UK will be fine. They will just trade more with those outside the EU. It will hurt EU members more.... Because the Brits don't export more than they import.

I'm sure the USA, Canada, Russia, China, Australia, etc will more than make up the difference.

And that is what the fools cant see, that Britain has lost its capacity to produce through EU intervention over the years and is now reliant on imports. It does not matter where those imports come from as long as they are cheap and good quality, So the EU lose out to their own dictatorial methods

Yeah, it is terrible. But what can we say about other countries of the EU? Have they lost their exports too and rely only on imports? Let’s see at a few of them (the first figures are exports, the second ones are imports):

Germany 1.292; 983.9

Sweden 151.1; 133.2

Denmark 94.21; 83.81

Netherlands 488.3; 404.6

Finland 66.9; 58.05

Ireland 140.4; 81.39

Their exports exceed their imports, despite the evil EU. So, maybe you the Brits had better look at the mirror to find the guilty ones of your troubles? Maybe it is you who can afford nothing worth to the rest of Europe and the world? Obviously, it is you the Brits who have been choosing production of foreign manufacturers because they are cheaper and of better quality. But what makes you think that after Brexit the rest of the world will suddenly choose your production if even you don’t do it?

What makes you think we are thinking that?

Brexiters often say that Britain will be able to sign trade deals with many countries. This means that these countries will begin to buy you production in a higher scale, otherwise these trade deals won’t make sense.

We'll see. I'm not a fortune teller, but at least I won't have to adhere to straight cucumbers.

Or tasteless apples
If the UK want to sell to the EU Single Market, they will have to adhere to all the EU rules and regulations just as selling to the U.S. market requires adherence to all U.S. rules and regulations. I am not sure you Brexiters have thought this through. LOL
We want the right to choose our trading partners, and not have the EU choose them for us. We will trade with the EU if they allow us access. You seem to foret that trade is a two way street and any obstacles the EU place in its path we will respond to with our own obstacles. The EU is reliant on the UK for taking much of its produce like BMW, Mercedes, Citreon, Audi, VW and other cars. A vast sum of money these companies cant afford to lose, so what concesions is the EU prepared to offer. They have already shown their starting point which is a halt to immigration for 6 years, we hold all the aces and can make demands the EU wont like.

Sure, you can use landaus and dogcarts instead of them. They have significant advantages in comparison with European cars: they will reduce your reliance on imports; you will spite those bastard eurocrats; you can easily imagine that you returned in the times of the old and good England of the Queen Victoria.

A vast sum of money these companies cant afford to lose, so what concesions is the EU prepared to offer. They have already shown their starting point which is a halt to immigration for 6 years, we hold all the aces and can make demands the EU wont like.

Britain is more reliant on the EU, because almost half of your exports go to the EU, while only around 15% of the EU exports go to Britain. You are welcome to provide information that refutes this, but with relevant figures.

What you don't seem to realise is that British people put principle above money.

Yeah right.
From your post of course as that is what you wrote

In this case you got me wrong. I will repeat for you once more: Germany, France, Netherlands, and Ireland receive 25% of Britain’s exports (it means that four countries of the EU receive 25% of the exports, not the EU as a whole).

As long as they dont breach international laws on trade, as in subsidisng an industry to make it's goods cheaper and more favourable compared to other nations goods. And it is a two street in as much as you charge me 10% of the cost in import tax so I charge you 10% or more import tax on your goods. So they put in place their rules and find they are not needed as no one is trading with them anymore. Then they have to lift the rules and start from scratch in a market that is very volatile. The EU has already lost billions in lost trade through the VAG group fiddling the emisions on their diesel engines. Can they afford for one of the big 5 to go bust ?

The EU puts Britain in a place with Turkey in trading terms and that means no one will trade with them anymore? I think you are exaggerating a little bit. Of course you also can place the EU in Turkey’s place. But who will win because of that? My bet is that it is not Britain.

A simple concept that anyone can understand if I sell my apples for 10c and you sell your apples for 12 c I will sell more apples than you. If you subsidise the apple growers so they get more for their apples you introduce an illegal practise and your apples will be banned from the market. This is what the EU did and lost all of its trade so they had to go the other way and ban all subsidise, that is why French farmers became richer than footballers. The only way to make money is to cut your profit margins and work harder. That is why I recieved so many awards when I came up with ways to save £1 a tonne on finished steel. A 1 million ton order meant a saving of £1 million, which became pure profit and an edge over its rivals. Many of the methods are still in my name and cant be used without my permision, so the near east is left with outdated methods and poor quality steel.

I am glad for you. Could you tell me how it has helped the British steel producers? I mean what levels of steel production are now in comparison with say 1990?
We want the right to choose our trading partners, and not have the EU choose them for us. We will trade with the EU if they allow us access. You seem to foret that trade is a two way street and any obstacles the EU place in its path we will respond to with our own obstacles. The EU is reliant on the UK for taking much of its produce like BMW, Mercedes, Citreon, Audi, VW and other cars. A vast sum of money these companies cant afford to lose, so what concesions is the EU prepared to offer. They have already shown their starting point which is a halt to immigration for 6 years, we hold all the aces and can make demands the EU wont like.

Sure, you can use landaus and dogcarts instead of them. They have significant advantages in comparison with European cars: they will reduce your reliance on imports; you will spite those bastard eurocrats; you can easily imagine that you returned in the times of the old and good England of the Queen Victoria.

A vast sum of money these companies cant afford to lose, so what concesions is the EU prepared to offer. They have already shown their starting point which is a halt to immigration for 6 years, we hold all the aces and can make demands the EU wont like.

Britain is more reliant on the EU, because almost half of your exports go to the EU, while only around 15% of the EU exports go to Britain. You are welcome to provide information that refutes this, but with relevant figures.

Try this and see the truth

[ARCHIVED CONTENT] UK Government Web Archive – The National Archives

and this

Do half the UK's exports go to Europe?

he proportion of all goods and services exported going to the EU was 44% last year.

Okay, 44 per cent. I have to admit that it is not a half, but it is nearer to it than 20% you claimed before, isn’t it? As far as I can understand, you raise no objection about Britain’s share in the EU’s exports (I mean that 15% of the EU’s exports go to Britain). 44 against 15. Am I only one who think that the odds aren't in Britain’s favour in a case of trade war?
Actually, may of the services, particularly financial services, that the UK provides to EU states (the euro clearing house), EU companies (bank accounts, investment funds, etc.) and EU citizens (bank accounts, investment services, etc.) are not counted in the exports ledger and the UK will lose all of these services as they are contingent on the UK being in the EU. Once out of the EU the UK will be considered a foreign country and those accounts will be closed and transferred to EU location/institutions.
If the UK want to sell to the EU Single Market, they will have to adhere to all the EU rules and regulations just as selling to the U.S. market requires adherence to all U.S. rules and regulations. I am not sure you Brexiters have thought this through. LOL

I know that you have not looked at the whole picture as you dont know what you are talking about. What are the rules for selling to the EU by a non EU nation then. What does the US need to do to sell goods to the EU, and if it is open borders why are so many people still being turned awzay from the US
From your post of course as that is what you wrote

In this case you got me wrong. I will repeat for you once more: Germany, France, Netherlands, and Ireland receive 25% of Britain’s exports (it means that four countries of the EU receive 25% of the exports, not the EU as a whole).

As long as they dont breach international laws on trade, as in subsidisng an industry to make it's goods cheaper and more favourable compared to other nations goods. And it is a two street in as much as you charge me 10% of the cost in import tax so I charge you 10% or more import tax on your goods. So they put in place their rules and find they are not needed as no one is trading with them anymore. Then they have to lift the rules and start from scratch in a market that is very volatile. The EU has already lost billions in lost trade through the VAG group fiddling the emisions on their diesel engines. Can they afford for one of the big 5 to go bust ?

The EU puts Britain in a place with Turkey in trading terms and that means no one will trade with them anymore? I think you are exaggerating a little bit. Of course you also can place the EU in Turkey’s place. But who will win because of that? My bet is that it is not Britain.

A simple concept that anyone can understand if I sell my apples for 10c and you sell your apples for 12 c I will sell more apples than you. If you subsidise the apple growers so they get more for their apples you introduce an illegal practise and your apples will be banned from the market. This is what the EU did and lost all of its trade so they had to go the other way and ban all subsidise, that is why French farmers became richer than footballers. The only way to make money is to cut your profit margins and work harder. That is why I recieved so many awards when I came up with ways to save £1 a tonne on finished steel. A 1 million ton order meant a saving of £1 million, which became pure profit and an edge over its rivals. Many of the methods are still in my name and cant be used without my permision, so the near east is left with outdated methods and poor quality steel.

I am glad for you. Could you tell me how it has helped the British steel producers? I mean what levels of steel production are now in comparison with say 1990?

All done under EU laws, rules and regulations and the EU benefits as a whole. Now where does the other 75% of our exports go ?

It wont be Britain doing this but the rest of the world under existing international trade laws.

The same place that most of Britains other industries went, to foriegn asset strippers. And then they got EU loans to relocate to mainland Europe and set up shop there. Do you see the picture yet, the EU has systematically destroyed the British industries and taken them all to Europe. No more steel making, no more train building, no more ship building all gone to europe and still we are the best performer out of the 28 member states.

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