

And so it begins.........without the EU you are doomed...............


Same tactics as always................If the UK returns to the Pound they will have their own central bank again that will rise or fall on their on accord..................Not having to pander to the IMF and the EU for permission on their own path.....................

If the welsh are screwed.......they are screwed.........doesn't matter which central bank gets to hit the enter key for a loan to save them................Like the IMF banks really have that money to begin with............LOL


You said: "If the UK returns to the Pound". The UK has never "left" the Pound (it never switched to the Euro). The Bank of England is also the central bank of the UK. Not sure if you understand the dynamics at work.


Oops............oh well.........sue me..................

Makes it easier to get out of the EU then.............

My point still stands that if the Welsh are screwed they are screwed either way...............the UK shouldn't let a foreign ruler decide their ways and laws.

My observation regarding the Welsh wasn't an argument for the British to stay in the EU. The op argued that billions of Euros hadn't been given to Wales. I simply pointed out that not only had billions been given to the Welsh but this massive infusion of welfare failed to produce a positive impact.

The Welsh are increasingly dependent on welfare and will continue to be irrespective of whether the UK stays in the EU or not.

We have the same problem here......................It matters not..............the issue is should the UK rule themselves or be ruled by an EU parliament.

The lion share of the UK economy is built around services and London's financial services is one of the largest, if not the largest in the world. The UK wants to maintain their leadership in this sector. The EU on the other hand seems intent on reducing the UK's dominance in finance. If an agreement can't be found to provide the UK greater control over its economy than I can understand a decision by the UK to leave the EU.

The Southern countries in the EU are economically's not just Greece.............No reason to stay on a ship that is flooding when the Isle is dry.
The truth of it is that we will stay in because people will not want to put their jobs at risk.
The bonus in all of this would be the end of Farage and the tories being split down the middle for a decade.
Its going to be a great summer.

German poll finds one in three firms would leave UK after Brexit
This is the basis of my confidence. People may have some concerns about immigration but the danger of losing your job outweighs that.
When you add in the companies from the US,China,Canada, India and so on. They have all set up in the UK to give them access to the EU.If the UK leaves then so might they.
Who is going to take that risk?
Remember that as we get closer to the vote the louder these voices will become.

They used the same tactic in Scotlnd last year.

Idiots (1).jpg
I have come across the article that would be liked by the “in-supporters”. I have to admit that the reasons given in it seem to be sound for me.
Here’s how to argue with a Brexiter – and win | Timothy Garton Ash

As far as I can understand, there are a few conditions of crucial importance for Britain: not participating in further integration of the EU; using its own currency; maintaining its own policy on immigration. And these conditions were met. Nevertheless, many Britons don’t support the idea of staying in. Why? Do they think that the conditions are not fair? Or that the EU won’t abide by the agreement?

A bit of both and the fear that the next neo Marxist government will sell the country down the river for the chance to get their grubby hands on the money. Leaving will hit ever so many career politicians that rely on MEP's wages to exist. Like many I want eggs with double yolks, bright carrots that taste of carrot, potatoes without scab and apples that have some flavour. All the things banned by the EU because they are unfair on other farmers and don't meet the EU standards. The EU has nearly wiped out the banana crops because they demanded a certain bend to comply with their demands, this led to old trees being destroyed and newer less hardy trees being planted in their place. Now we face a major disease problem with banana's that is killing the trees.
Once again your stupidity leads you into trouble.
Banana myths and others debunked.
BBC NEWS | Europe | Guide to the best euromyths

If the UK likes being dictated to by the rest of Europe in the EU then they will stay............If not, then they will leave..............Personally, I think they lost part of themselves when they joined the EU.............They will be punished should they this poster already stated...............

If you leave the EU......our companies will pack up and leave you.................Tis a threat now isn't it..........

Do you Brits succumb to threats like this...........................Or stand up and say we make our decisions and not you..........If you are unhappy here then leave.............

Grow a set............Regain your Nation.....................Don't do it..............bow down to your masters..........
The Welsh enjoy living on handouts and the EU has given them 6 billion over the last few years, which they squandered. Tommy doesn't want that to stop. Sense of entitlement, seeeeeee? :)
Made up figures again.Cant your type be honest about anything ?

If the UK likes being dictated to by the rest of Europe in the EU then they will stay............If not, then they will leave..............Personally, I think they lost part of themselves when they joined the EU.............They will be punished should they this poster already stated...............

If you leave the EU......our companies will pack up and leave you.................Tis a threat now isn't it..........

Do you Brits succumb to threats like this...........................Or stand up and say we make our decisions and not you..........If you are unhappy here then leave.............

Grow a set............Regain your Nation.....................Don't do it..............bow down to your masters..........
I would prefer to be governed from Brussels than Eton. My interests are better looked after.
This pic was taken in 1987 not 1887 and there are a handful of cabinet ministers in it. This is the reality of Britain today where the privileged few shit on everybody else..
Lol. You are so jealous and bitter :)
Where is your holocaust, nazi girl ?

The EU has nearly wiped out the banana crops because they demanded a certain bend to comply with their demands, this led to old trees being destroyed and newer less hardy trees being planted in their place. Now we face a major disease problem with banana's that is killing the trees.

What banana trees are you talking about and where they grow? I hope you don’t try to cultivate bananas in Britain.
The EU has nearly wiped out the banana crops because they demanded a certain bend to comply with their demands, this led to old trees being destroyed and newer less hardy trees being planted in their place. Now we face a major disease problem with banana's that is killing the trees.

What banana trees are you talking about and where they grow? I hope you don’t try to cultivate bananas in Britain.

The banana trees grow at the bottom of Tommy's garden, he tends them with his army of helpers Elves and Faeries.

Tommy's hoping that his fantasy will come true, that Britain becomes full of beautiful banana trees, which is guaranteed to happen once Britain becomes the Banana Republic that Marxist lunatics like Tommy jerk themselves off dreaming about.

German poll finds one in three firms would leave UK after Brexit
This is the basis of my confidence. People may have some concerns about immigration but the danger of losing your job outweighs that.
When you add in the companies from the US,China,Canada, India and so on. They have all set up in the UK to give them access to the EU.If the UK leaves then so might they.
Who is going to take that risk?
Remember that as we get closer to the vote the louder these voices will become.

They used the same tactic in Scotlnd last year.
This sums up the feelings of many. There is nothing to get excited abut here.

Can we sustain a black hole in our health care budget caused by those who have never paid in and have no intention of paying in. The latest forecast is for the NHS to collapse under the strain and for the migrants to still keep demanding treatment. We are paying £4 million a week in some London hospitals for translation services that could be better used on proper health care. We are seeing the disabled and frail having to struggle because migrants are taking all the social services time and money. And most telling of all we see housing stock being given to migrants who then destroy it and sell the brand new white goods to pay their families back home. We cant afford the EU anymore, just as we cant afford the greedy, lazy, ungrateful racist scots and welsh who see the English as their personal bank accounts. So let the EU sink under its own weight and take the scots and welsh with it, England will prevail as it always has and come out on top.

The feelings of the majority is that the EU is overran with neo Marxists who don't care about anything but their champagne lifestyles. So they want out before we are destroyed and become Europes prison island

You see when you use such hysterical figures your whole case evaporates.And then the usual racist agenda becomes clear. Idiot.

Not hysterical figures at all but true facts gained through freedom of information requests. I see the queues of migrants at my local hospital taking up valuable resources because a child has a splinter in its finger. Many cant understand English never mind speak it and they need to have an interpreter present. Then you have the migrants that demand private rooms so that the infidel cant see their wives, very threatening and aggressive sometimes to get their own way.
Want to tell the board about the unfair allocation of welfare handed out to the scots and welsh, that gives every scot £2000 per annum over and above that given to the majority tax payers. The welsh a little bit less of course because they don't have the clout of the scots

Your claims of racism fall on stony ground because the claims are based on the truth
I have come across the article that would be liked by the “in-supporters”. I have to admit that the reasons given in it seem to be sound for me.
Here’s how to argue with a Brexiter – and win | Timothy Garton Ash

As far as I can understand, there are a few conditions of crucial importance for Britain: not participating in further integration of the EU; using its own currency; maintaining its own policy on immigration. And these conditions were met. Nevertheless, many Britons don’t support the idea of staying in. Why? Do they think that the conditions are not fair? Or that the EU won’t abide by the agreement?

A bit of both and the fear that the next neo Marxist government will sell the country down the river for the chance to get their grubby hands on the money. Leaving will hit ever so many career politicians that rely on MEP's wages to exist. Like many I want eggs with double yolks, bright carrots that taste of carrot, potatoes without scab and apples that have some flavour. All the things banned by the EU because they are unfair on other farmers and don't meet the EU standards. The EU has nearly wiped out the banana crops because they demanded a certain bend to comply with their demands, this led to old trees being destroyed and newer less hardy trees being planted in their place. Now we face a major disease problem with banana's that is killing the trees.
Once again your stupidity leads you into trouble.
Banana myths and others debunked.
BBC NEWS | Europe | Guide to the best euromyths

Did you read the bit about bananas and how they must conform to EU rules. This led to the growers having to only plant trees that grew bananas that conformed to EU rules, this led to weaker plants due to inbreeding and they are susceptible to disease.

Now where can I buy Pentland Firth potatoes, Hispi cabbage and Orange pippins even as seed stock. Why do all the potatoes you buy have scab that is a result of cross breeding out resistance to get a better yield. Why can the French produce camembert cheese alongside cheddar and Wensleydale, yet the British cant produce camembert or brie under EU laws ? Wait until they start in on Whiskey or is it Whisky, and who can distill it. Every regional food/drink in Europe is protected in law until it comes to British ones that happen to be big sellers, and then any company can steal the name and use for their own inferior produce.
If the UK likes being dictated to by the rest of Europe in the EU then they will stay............If not, then they will leave..............Personally, I think they lost part of themselves when they joined the EU.............They will be punished should they this poster already stated...............

If you leave the EU......our companies will pack up and leave you.................Tis a threat now isn't it..........

Do you Brits succumb to threats like this...........................Or stand up and say we make our decisions and not you..........If you are unhappy here then leave.............

Grow a set............Regain your Nation.....................Don't do it..............bow down to your masters..........
I would prefer to be governed from Brussels than Eton. My interests are better looked after.
This pic was taken in 1987 not 1887 and there are a handful of cabinet ministers in it. This is the reality of Britain today where the privileged few shit on everybody else..

And how about one showing the labour M.P's then

Invoking nationalistic stuff instead of an argument. The leave the EU side is worse than the stay in the EU side for the most part. The Express is always coming out with "the Euro's going to die this year" and has been peddling this crap for a decade already, and every year they're wrong, and every year they come back.

That's not to say there aren't some seriously bad points to the EU, there are, however the arguments for an against should not be down to one liners.
I beg to differ...........Nationalism is the core of this dispute.

But not the core of the arguments. All of the arguments are about whether the UK is better off in or out of the UK. Nationalism doesn't make a country better off.
of course britain will stay; Now we see only maneuvers and speculations to have more benefits from EU to UK. Looks like EU is more interested in UK than vice versa.
Russia will destroy EU by sending thousands of refugees there. Europeans are too liberal and sophisticated to simply manage the problem of breaking the laws, 'cause they don't even know what is law! The liberty ate it all!

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