Briahna Joy Gray on Her Firing from The Hill After Criticizing Israel


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Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022

This is something that is affected both the left and right when it comes to the media. We can recall Candace Owens being canceled for her refusal to tow an extremist pro Israel line. Mehdi Hassan of msnbc was also canceled for criticizing Israel. Owens is it even necessarily a critic of Israel, but refuses to be completely one-sided.

And then there is the case of Briahna Joy Gray…. A one time campaign manager for Bernie Sanders. She was pretty good and fair minded journalist working for the hell. But she was also fair minded and critical toward certain actions by Israel. So she was fired for it.

These types of cancellations represented dark age in American journalism. And something that is a shame to the many good people of Israel, who probably want nothing to do with these decisions and completely disagree with them. It’s the Israeli lobbyist AIPAC and folks should make a lot of money from the military industrial complex and working for Israel, who are working and engaging in censoring people that they don’t like. It’s disgraceful that this is happening in America.
A lot of the conservatives and fellow Trump supporters here who also support Israel will at least take the time and effort to bring forth their arguments. I’m certain that none of them support suppressing the free speech of people like Candace Owens. I’m certain these folks do not agree with with Candace Owens being fired from a daily wire or even firing somebody on MSNBC or the hill for criticizing Israel as these conservative institutions claimed to support free speech.

That’s why I can’t stand Ben Shapiro btw… one of the biggest frauds around claiming his support, free speech and standing up against the radical left, but the guy basically got Candace Owens fired, and he has certainly done nothing to help out with the cause of Candace Owens or free speech when it comes to criticizing Israel.

Otoh when it comes to left-wing supporters of Israel like Fort Fun Indiana or candycorn I don’t know if it’s the same. As they vote for candidates that agree with suppressing free speech on social media they blatantly support radical left-wing elements like BLM or the insane idea that white homeless folks are privileged, they either support or ignore their politicians saying that men can get pregnant.

This is something that is affected both the left and right when it comes to the media. We can recall Candace Owens being canceled for her refusal to tow an extremist pro Israel line. Mehdi Hassan of msnbc was also canceled for criticizing Israel. Owens is it even necessarily a critic of Israel, but refuses to be completely one-sided.

And then there is the case of Briahna Joy Gray…. A one time campaign manager for Bernie Sanders. She was pretty good and fair minded journalist working for the hell. But she was also fair minded and critical toward certain actions by Israel. So she was fired for it.

These types of cancellations represented dark age in American journalism. And something that is a shame to the many good people of Israel, who probably want nothing to do with these decisions and completely disagree with them. It’s the Israeli lobbyist AIPAC and folks should make a lot of money from the military industrial complex and working for Israel, who are working and engaging in censoring people that they don’t like. It’s disgraceful that this is happening in America.

Moral of the story, don't criticize Israel?
Good on Don Lemon for giving some airtime to Gray …. Like Tucker Carlson he will interview people from both sides of the fence.

Moral of the story, don't criticize Israel?
It can come with some serious repercussions, including financial ones. And that’s really unfortunate as I don’t believe most people in Israel would agree with these sinister actions to cancel people for criticizing a government. Actually many people in Israel, criticize their government or at least a part of their government.

I recall a conservative Jewish rabbi calling for a financial penalties of Candace Owens for perceived criticism of Israel. That is a terrible thing, and it actually gives into the various stereotypes that most Jewish people are standing against.
Opposing mass-murderer Muslims is not necessarily the same as blind support of Israel.

Where did that come from my friend. Candace Owens or Gray do not support anything that you’re trying to get out. Owens is one of the best conservatives in America and a great voice for the country. There is no justification for her removal from the daily wire. And separately I don’t understand how any conservative can support a fraud like Ben Shapiro.
Where did that come from my friend. Candace Owens or Gray do not support anything that you’re trying to get out. Owens is one of the best conservatives in America and a great voice for the country. There is no justification for her removal from the daily wire. And separately I don’t understand how any conservative can support a fraud like Ben Shapiro.
The opposition to Israel is always relative to Palestine. Palestinians are mass-murderers.
The opposition to Israel is always relative to Palestine. Palestinians are mass-murderers.

I’m not sure what your point is in relation to the unjust firing of Candace Owens or Gray. I’m not sure what you mean by oppose Israel, as I don’t believe that either of these folks oppose the existence of Israel.
as I don’t believe that either of these folks oppose the existence of Israel
Just the ability to defend themselves.
The day their people were brutally massacred they told the world they wouldn't stop until they got their people back and ended Hamas.
.Yet you can't stop with your attempt to undermine them at every opportunity. You've been shown that Hamas and Gaza are woven together like a fabric.

None of this matters to people if your ilk.

Noa Argamani and the three others are JEWS, not the "Israeli government." But you insist on trying to convince us that you "don't hate Jews but you criticize only their government. But you hate these four Jews. That's clear.
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This is something that is affected both the left and right when it comes to the media. We can recall Candace Owens being canceled for her refusal to tow an extremist pro Israel line. Mehdi Hassan of msnbc was also canceled for criticizing Israel. Owens is it even necessarily a critic of Israel, but refuses to be completely one-sided.

And then there is the case of Briahna Joy Gray…. A one time campaign manager for Bernie Sanders. She was pretty good and fair minded journalist working for the hell. But she was also fair minded and critical toward certain actions by Israel. So she was fired for it.

These types of cancellations represented dark age in American journalism. And something that is a shame to the many good people of Israel, who probably want nothing to do with these decisions and completely disagree with them. It’s the Israeli lobbyist AIPAC and folks should make a lot of money from the military industrial complex and working for Israel, who are working and engaging in censoring people that they don’t like. It’s disgraceful that this is happening in America.

She's no victim. A private company has the right to terminate their employees. Get over it.

A political commentator was sacked from The Hill — days after rolling her eyes while interviewing the sister of an Israeli abducted on Oct. 7 victim
I’m not sure what your point is in relation to the unjust firing of Candace Owens or Gray. I’m not sure what you mean by oppose Israel, as I don’t believe that either of these folks oppose the existence of Israel.
Let’s just say that their opposition to Israel timed out with a mass-murder attack on Israel by Muslims.
A lot of the conservatives and fellow Trump supporters here who also support Israel will at least take the time and effort to bring forth their arguments. I’m certain that none of them support suppressing the free speech of people like Candace Owens. I’m certain these folks do not agree with with Candace Owens being fired from a daily wire or even firing somebody on MSNBC or the hill for criticizing Israel as these conservative institutions claimed to support free speech.

That’s why I can’t stand Ben Shapiro btw… one of the biggest frauds around claiming his support, free speech and standing up against the radical left, but the guy basically got Candace Owens fired, and he has certainly done nothing to help out with the cause of Candace Owens or free speech when it comes to criticizing Israel.

Otoh when it comes to left-wing supporters of Israel like Fort Fun Indiana or candycorn I don’t know if it’s the same. As they vote for candidates that agree with suppressing free speech on social media they blatantly support radical left-wing elements like BLM or the insane idea that white homeless folks are privileged, they either support or ignore their politicians saying that men can get pregnant.

Anybody who took time to read the whole story would see that Gray's demeanor was unacceptable as a reporter and dismissive to the person being interviewed. Her own comments suggested this wasn't the first time.

She has repeatedly denied any testimony regarding rape and other mistreatment of women/people by Hamas. This event was just the straw the broke the proverbial camel's back. I think The Hill gave her plenty of rope before it ran out. When the editorial policy of the publication you work for is to be fair and balanced re Israel and other topics, and you aren't, you shouldn't be working there.
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Anybody who took time to read the whole story would see that Gray's demeanor was unacceptable as a reporter and dismissive to the person being interviewed. Her own comments suggested this wasn't the first time.

She has repeatedly denied any testimony regarding rape and other mistreatment of women/people by Hamas. This event was just the straw the broke the proverbial camel's back. I think The Hill gave her plenty of rope before it ran out. When the editorial policy of the publication you work for is to be fair and balanced re Israel and other topics, and you aren't, you shouldn't be working there.
What anyone thinks might be fair and balanced discussion regarding foreign countries or wars is a matter of debate. To be very specific the hill and the show the rising that Gray worked on would have two people one from the left and one from the right speaking about various issues. Their entire purpose was to stand for free speech in different viewpoints. So they have now lost that ability to claim that they stand for free speech and an open minded workplace.

The hill allows controversial discussions about other topics like the coronavirus or trans people.

We can get into opinions about the Israel Palestine conflict. This is mainly about free speech and platforms that support it

In addition Hill relied on reliable information from news outlets all over the world when It came to covering the Israel Palestine topic. I think you should watch the video interview(s) because you are getting your point about hill and the situation of the Israel Palestine conflict incorrect.

The unfortunate thing is outlets like the daily wire and the hill claim to be for free speech, but they are not supporting that ideology. In a way they are reminding us of left-wing cancel culture that will destroy people for disagreeing with a BLM narrative for example while allowing their own workers to support blatantly ridiculous things like the idea that men can get pregnant or that homeless whites are privileged.
Let’s just say that their opposition to Israel timed out with a mass-murder attack on Israel by Muslims.
with respect I’m not not sure what your point is or how you can connect what you’re saying to people like Candace Owens or Gray …I don’t think it’s appropriate to claim that these folks like Candace Owens oppose Israel.

Tons of people in Israel are protesting against the types of people that you support like Netanyahu or the Israeli war cabinet. One can be pro-Israel and disagree with some of the government policies of Israel.
If I ran a free speech platform or at least one that claimed to, and I had a employee who was a blatant supporter of BLM, said that men can get pregnant or whites are privileged. I would not fire them. Instead I would debate them. That’s the entire point of free speech.

We all understand that there are media platforms that openly say they are left or right. The issue at hand here is the hill and the daily wire which claim to stand for free speech and not offending people. That’s what Ben Shapiro says “we don’t care about your feelings.”

And that’s why people like Ben Shapiro are a fraud. The guy is a supporter of Israel, who claims to stand for free speech when in reality he doesn’t stand for free speech… he supported the removal of Candace Owens one of the best conservative voices in America. Owens did not even oppose Israel. She simply disagreed with an extreme pro Israel approach. This is an ugly time For journalism, especially conservative journalism in some parts of America.
What anyone thinks might be fair and balanced discussion regarding foreign countries or wars is a matter of debate. To be very specific the hill and the show the rising that Gray worked on would have two people one from the left and one from the right speaking about various issues. Their entire purpose was to stand for free speech in different viewpoints. So they have now lost that ability to claim that they stand for free speech and an open minded workplace.

The hill allows controversial discussions about other topics like the coronavirus or trans people.

We can get into opinions about the Israel Palestine conflict. This is mainly about free speech and platforms that support it

In addition Hill relied on reliable information from news outlets all over the world when It came to covering the Israel Palestine topic. I think you should watch the video interview(s) because you are getting your point about hill and the situation of the Israel Palestine conflict incorrect.

The unfortunate thing is outlets like the daily wire and the hill claim to be for free speech, but they are not supporting that ideology. In a way they are reminding us of left-wing cancel culture that will destroy people for disagreeing with a BLM narrative for example while allowing their own workers to support blatantly ridiculous things like the idea that men can get pregnant or that homeless whites are privileged.
Two sides of a controversy is one thing. Denigrating a person being interviewed who has suffered extreme trauma and effectively insinuating she is disbelieved is something else. Most especially when it was not the first offense.

I have been an investigative reporter--I was a journalism major in college--and have interviewed many people in traumatic situations. If I had behaved as that reporter did, I would have been summarily dismissed on the spot the very first time I did it. And should be because it violates all the principles of a basic code of journalistic ethics. (Admittedly very few people calling themselves journalists these days even know what a code of ethics is.)
Two sides of a controversy is one thing. Denigrating a person being interviewed who has suffered extreme trauma and effectively insinuating she is disbelieved is something else. Most especially when it was not the first offense.

I have been an investigative reporter--I was a journalism major in college--and have interviewed many people in traumatic situations. If I had behaved as that reporter did, I would have been summarily dismissed on the spot the very first time I did it. And should be because it violates all the principles of a basic code of journalistic ethics. (Admittedly very few people calling themselves journalists these days even know what a code of ethics is.)
I don’t understand what you’re trying to say. Gray did not interview someone who was sexually assaulted as far as I know. To that point, it seems like you are trying to knowingly or not knowingly get into an argument about the Israel, Palestine conflict. And that’s OK but there’s two points here what we think about the Israel, Palestine conflict, and the ability of one to exercise their opinion on the conflict freely or not.

Maybe you’re talking about the following

Apparently Gray interviewed the sister of someone who is captured by Hamas. She did not interview the captured person.

Again there could be conservative journalists who respond to victims of the IDF in a way that might offend pro Palestinian people. But if they work for a free speech platform, they should not be fired.

I watched the two videos from this thread. Gray is getting her information from reliable sources when it comes to the Israel Palestine war. But again the overriding point is freedom of speech. Not our emotions.

I am offended by BLM supporters, but I would not believe in shutting them out if I was hosting a free speech platform, which is what the hill and the daily wire claim to do.

This point really cannot be overrode.. I understand that there are left leaning and right leading journalistic outlets but then there are those that claim to stand for free speech and either they do or they don’t. And that would include things such as wtc conspiracies or holocaust denial, you name it anything that might be controversial or offensive to some people.
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