Briben Hiden Joe Biden is afraid of President Trump.

But the little leftist tards like the ones here will vote for him anyway... because he has a D by his name, that's ALL THEY CARE ABOUT. Whether or not he's a drooling senile old idiot is NOT any concern to them. THEY JUST WANT THE D, because they know if they can get him in the White House, they'll just prop him up like Weekend At Bernies. They'll make it look like he's doing something but actually he won't be doing shit. His handlers will be running the executive branch. They'll tell him, just shut up and smile, go grope some little girl and sniff her hair, we're taking care of everything else.
Person, Man, Woman, Camera, TV.........a stable genius.
The Basement Dweller won't come out of his mommy's basement to debate the president.

He also refuses to name a VP candidate.

When he is not extorting Ukraine, or taking bribes from China and other foreign countries, he is ripping off portions of The President's Economic plan.

Biden has no plan but to stay in his bunker until the election is over and hopes that The American Sheeple are too dumb to notice.

Biden is chickenshit of President Trump.
Every day that passes Joe Biden gets a little more senile. How is Joe supposed to get up to speed for tough interviews if he never does any? Then again, his handlers must be doing prep debates with him and see how hopeless he is. They know that Joe cannot come out of the basement unless its to read a teleprompter.
p.s. they tried a scripted presser and Joe screwed it up by calling on the "questioners" by name, an obvious setup of scripted questions and answers.
Wait until he names that fat pie faced black mamy from GE as his VP. Oh there'll be a winning ticket. The senile old white guy and the flaming racist black woman... SURE winner there... I'm SURE of it.
And again I must state that I cannot understand why more black voters aren't settling in with the GOP.
I can't understand that either. Democratic Party has done nothing for Blacks.
Every day that passes Joe Biden gets a little more senile. How is Joe supposed to get up to speed for tough interviews if he never does any? Then again, his handlers must be doing prep debates with him and see how hopeless he is. They know that Joe cannot come out of the basement unless its to read a teleprompter.
p.s. they tried a scripted presser and Joe screwed it up by calling on the "questioners" by name, an obvious setup of scripted questions and answers.
Wait until he names that fat pie faced black mamy from GE as his VP. Oh there'll be a winning ticket. The senile old white guy and the flaming racist black woman... SURE winner there... I'm SURE of it.
And again I must state that I cannot understand why more black voters aren't settling in with the GOP.
I can't understand that either. Democratic Party has done nothing for Blacks.
You can't understand that either? Surprising. Very surprising...... :auiqs.jpg:
The Basement Dweller won't come out of his mommy's basement to debate the president.

He also refuses to name a VP candidate.

When he is not extorting Ukraine, or taking bribes from China and other foreign countries, he is ripping off portions of The President's Economic plan.

Biden has no plan but to stay in his bunker until the election is over and hopes that The American Sheeple are too dumb to notice.

Biden is chickenshit of President Trump.
Joe's probably afraid he'd get arrested after bitch slapping trump. Real men don't put up with pigs like him for very long.
Hahaha you Banana Republicans always project.

Trump has been fright fucked of Joe since 2017 and will be prepared to cancel any one on one debate this fall.

Trumpybear is outclassed.
Every day that passes Joe Biden gets a little more senile. How is Joe supposed to get up to speed for tough interviews if he never does any? Then again, his handlers must be doing prep debates with him and see how hopeless he is. They know that Joe cannot come out of the basement unless its to read a teleprompter.
p.s. they tried a scripted presser and Joe screwed it up by calling on the "questioners" by name, an obvious setup of scripted questions and answers.
Wait until he names that fat pie faced black mamy from GE as his VP. Oh there'll be a winning ticket. The senile old white guy and the flaming racist black woman... SURE winner there... I'm SURE of it.
And again I must state that I cannot understand why more black voters aren't settling in with the GOP.
I can't understand that either. Democratic Party has done nothing for Blacks.

Now just hold on one darn minute: the banned one particular word from the lexicon.

See how much better that made it for black Americans!
Joe probably figures Trump's a pig who doesn't debate, just insults. Never wrestle with a pig. You just get dirty and the pig likes it.
That's obviously not it. Biden is terrified to debate.

It's not that Biden is terrified to's that his HANDLERS are terrified to have him debate! Joe may not be "with it" enough to worry about a debate but trust me...the people that are running his campaign are scared shitless every time Biden opens his mouth in public!
This thread will most definitely come back up again during the debates.
The Basement Dweller won't come out of his mommy's basement to debate the president.

He also refuses to name a VP candidate.

When he is not extorting Ukraine, or taking bribes from China and other foreign countries, he is ripping off portions of The President's Economic plan.

Biden has no plan but to stay in his bunker until the election is over and hopes that The American Sheeple are too dumb to notice.

Who do you think he's bringing?

And hidden has two ds
DemNazis are implementing The Green New Deal right under everyone's noses using the ScamDemic as cover.

Airlines grounded.
Cars parked in garages.
People locked in their homes
Schools, Churches, Theaters, Stadiums closed.
Restaurants and Bars either closed or only allowed to operate at 50% capacity with onerous restrictions or risk being shut down.

Where is the legislation mandating Totalitarianism?

All these Mandates are Unconstitutional, yet Left Loves them.

Wear a mask they said. Mask is one letter away from Mark. I'm not wearing a mask, and I am not taking your vaccine or the Quantum Dot Matrix Tattoo that may go with it.

And people want more of this? More of what Joe Biden wants to implement which is total Fascist Control of America?

You all better get right with God, because it's not going to get any better.
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The Basement Dweller won't come out of his mommy's basement to debate the president.

He also refuses to name a VP candidate.

When he is not extorting Ukraine, or taking bribes from China and other foreign countries, he is ripping off portions of The President's Economic plan.

Biden has no plan but to stay in his bunker until the election is over and hopes that The American Sheeple are too dumb to notice.

Who do you think he's bringing?

And hidden has two ds
Is Joe Bidden Hidden up your Assen?
The Basement Dweller won't come out of his mommy's basement to debate the president.

He also refuses to name a VP candidate.

When he is not extorting Ukraine, or taking bribes from China and other foreign countries, he is ripping off portions of The President's Economic plan.

Biden has no plan but to stay in his bunker until the election is over and hopes that The American Sheeple are too dumb to notice.

Every American loving person who supports the spirit of our Constitution and the words spelled out in the Preamble and the Declaration of Independence fear Donald Trump.
So says the DemNazi who has advocates Martial Law, throwing Americans out of work, shutting down businesses, and locking Citizens in their homes, and forcing Americans to wear Muslim Muzzles on their faces.

You're a lunatic. Only fools believe you and Nostra's posts; you two are examples of Trump Administration and his supporters. Martial Law has been existing for the past week in Portland, and this form of fascism has been promised by Donald Trump in other cities who are protesting systemic racism and the murders of American Citizens by rogue cops.

Your comment on actions taken by responsible Governors to protect their constituency from a serious illness is not only misguided, they are evil. Deplorable does not come close to your comments, your damn lies and your irresponsible behavior.
Martial Law is locking down businesses, forcing people to wear muzzles, stay in their homes, not go to theaters, sporting events, concerts, fairs, schools, colleges, bars, restaurants, barbershops.

I bet the fellahs at the gay bar miss you.
Every day that passes Joe Biden gets a little more senile. How is Joe supposed to get up to speed for tough interviews if he never does any? Then again, his handlers must be doing prep debates with him and see how hopeless he is. They know that Joe cannot come out of the basement unless its to read a teleprompter.
p.s. they tried a scripted presser and Joe screwed it up by calling on the "questioners" by name, an obvious setup of scripted questions and answers.
Wait until he names that fat pie faced black mamy from GE as his VP. Oh there'll be a winning ticket. The senile old white guy and the flaming racist black woman... SURE winner there... I'm SURE of it.
He will have to pick a Black American because the DemNazis are losing The Black Vote.

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