Briben Hiden Joe Biden is afraid of President Trump.

The Basement Dweller won't come out of his mommy's basement to debate the president.

He also refuses to name a VP candidate.

When he is not extorting Ukraine, or taking bribes from China and other foreign countries, he is ripping off portions of The President's Economic plan.

Biden has no plan but to stay in his bunker until the election is over and hopes that The American Sheeple are too dumb to notice.

Every American loving person who supports the spirit of our Constitution and the words spelled out in the Preamble and the Declaration of Independence fear Donald Trump.
So says the DemNazi who has advocates Martial Law, throwing Americans out of work, shutting down businesses, and locking Citizens in their homes, and forcing Americans to wear Muslim Muzzles on their faces.

Really? Right now the Republican governors Florida, Texas and Arizona are doing exactly what you just said. Is that mean they are NAZIs and Muslim Muzzles?

You do know that you are lying.
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You're a lunatic. Only fools believe you and Nostra's posts; you two are examples of Trump Administration and his supporters. Martial Law has been existing for the past week in Portland, and this form of fascism has been promised by Donald Trump in other cities who are protesting systemic racism and the murders of American Citizens by rogue cops.

Your comment on actions taken by responsible Governors to protect their constituency from a serious illness is not only misguided, they are evil. Deplorable does not come close to your comments, your damn lies and your irresponsible behavior.
What an unhinged fact free chunk of insanity. Put this asinine rant in a time capsule. No one in decades to come will believe bi-polar powered junk like this infected the population.
The Basement Dweller won't come out of his mommy's basement to debate the president.

He also refuses to name a VP candidate.

When he is not extorting Ukraine, or taking bribes from China and other foreign countries, he is ripping off portions of The President's Economic plan.

Biden has no plan but to stay in his bunker until the election is over and hopes that The American Sheeple are too dumb to notice.

Every American loving person who supports the spirit of our Constitution and the words spelled out in the Preamble and the Declaration of Independence fear Donald Trump.

Wrong. Some people hate Donald Trump and some fear him but it's not due to "the spirit of our Constitution and the words spelled out in the Preamble and the Declaration of Independence". That's mostly cuz they've been brain-washed by the Far Left MSM and they're too stupid and/or lazy to actually think or themselves. But those who can think for themselves fear the Far Left crazy bastards and what they'll do this country if Puppet Joe Biden gets elected.

Wrong, I fear Donald Trump for two very good reasons: He's a narcissist megalomaniac who believes he is above the law; and, he is an asshole who has divided our nation into tribes abusing his power.

He's already stated he believes the coming election is rigged to defeat him, and he is working to suppress the vote knowing he's going to lose if there is a larger turnout.
The Basement Dweller won't come out of his mommy's basement to debate the president.

He also refuses to name a VP candidate.

When he is not extorting Ukraine, or taking bribes from China and other foreign countries, he is ripping off portions of The President's Economic plan.

Biden has no plan but to stay in his bunker until the election is over and hopes that The American Sheeple are too dumb to notice.

What do you want him to do? Get out there like Trumpy spreading infections in his rallies? Biden already agreed on all 3 debates not sure what you are all talking about.

From you. Refuses to name VP? Really? Why would he do that? He made an announcement yesterday that he will name his VP first week of August.

From you. Biden extorting money Ukraine and China. Do you have any proof of that aside coming from pathological liar Trump? Biden tax returns are available.

But you purposely ignored Trump corruptions and ripping from campaign donors. Where is Trump tax returns? Trump paid $25 millions for fake Trump university, paid $2 millions for fake fraud Trump foundation. HOW ABOUT THAT?

Here is another example of Trump corruption. Trump Jr girl friend Kimberly Guilfoyle and daughter in-law Lara Trump each are getting paid $180,000 SECRETLY by Trump campaign finance. HOW ABOUT THAT?

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Trump needs to start calling them "THE BIDEN RIOTS" everyday! over and over. and then lets see if Biden starts talking

This is the problem when you you only watch Fox News. Biden constantly blast Trump stupidity, racism, ignorance, ineptness, incompetent and failure of handling the Pandemic crisis.

Yet that is a problem; Trump supporters are incapable of defending Donald Trump since each one of these "blast"s are true.
Every day that passes Joe Biden gets a little more senile. How is Joe supposed to get up to speed for tough interviews if he never does any? Then again, his handlers must be doing prep debates with him and see how hopeless he is. They know that Joe cannot come out of the basement unless its to read a teleprompter.
p.s. they tried a scripted presser and Joe screwed it up by calling on the "questioners" by name, an obvious setup of scripted questions and answers.
Person woman man camera TV
The Basement Dweller won't come out of his mommy's basement to debate the president.

He also refuses to name a VP candidate.

When he is not extorting Ukraine, or taking bribes from China and other foreign countries, he is ripping off portions of The President's Economic plan.

Biden has no plan but to stay in his bunker until the election is over and hopes that The American Sheeple are too dumb to notice.

What do you want him to do? Get out there like Trumpy spreading infections in his rallies?
From you. Refuses to name VP? Really? Why would he do that? made an announcement yesterday that he will name his VP first week of August.
Biden is an infection all to himself. The infection of Senile Stupidity with complications of Extortion, Bribery, and Inflammation of The DemNazi Bowels.
The Basement Dweller won't come out of his mommy's basement to debate the president.

He also refuses to name a VP candidate.

When he is not extorting Ukraine, or taking bribes from China and other foreign countries, he is ripping off portions of The President's Economic plan.

Biden has no plan but to stay in his bunker until the election is over and hopes that The American Sheeple are too dumb to notice.

What do you want him to do? Get out there like Trumpy spreading infections in his rallies?
From you. Refuses to name VP? Really? Why would he do that? made an announcement yesterday that he will name his VP first week of August.
Biden is an infection all to himself. The infection of Senile Stupidity with complications of Extortion, Bribery, and Inflammation of The DemNazi Bowels.

Well I asked you to prove it. Where is it?? I gave you are real honest facts examples of Trump corruptions. I’m expecting you to do the same.

DemNazi? Really? In reality American NAZIs armed came out in Michigan when Trump incite violence against his own Americans LIBERATE LIBERATE with Trump/Pence flag and NAZI flags. Then in Florida Trump tweeted WHITE POWER. You are a Trump supporter that mean you are a NAZI. It’s that simple.

Give me an example why you called the democrats DemNazi because I don’t see any democrats supporting NAZI.
The Basement Dweller won't come out of his mommy's basement to debate the president.

He also refuses to name a VP candidate.

When he is not extorting Ukraine, or taking bribes from China and other foreign countries, he is ripping off portions of The President's Economic plan.

Biden has no plan but to stay in his bunker until the election is over and hopes that The American Sheeple are too dumb to notice.

What do you want him to do? Get out there like Trumpy spreading infections in his rallies?
From you. Refuses to name VP? Really? Why would he do that? made an announcement yesterday that he will name his VP first week of August.
Biden is an infection all to himself. The infection of Senile Stupidity with complications of Extortion, Bribery, and Inflammation of The DemNazi Bowels.

Well I asked you to prove it. Where is it?? I gave you are real honest facts examples of Trump corruptions. I’m expecting you to do the same.

DemNazi? Really? In reality American NAZIs armed came out in Michigan when Trump incite violence against his own Americans LIBERATE LIBERATE with Trump/Pence flag and NAZI flags. Then in Florida Trump tweeted WHITE POWER. You are a Trump supporter that mean you are a NAZI. It’s that simple.

Give me an example why you called the democrats DemNazi because I don’t see any democrats supporting NAZI.
Lie Lie Lie.
The Basement Dweller won't come out of his mommy's basement to debate the president.

He also refuses to name a VP candidate.

When he is not extorting Ukraine, or taking bribes from China and other foreign countries, he is ripping off portions of The President's Economic plan.

Biden has no plan but to stay in his bunker until the election is over and hopes that The American Sheeple are too dumb to notice.

What do you want him to do? Get out there like Trumpy spreading infections in his rallies?
From you. Refuses to name VP? Really? Why would he do that? made an announcement yesterday that he will name his VP first week of August.
Biden is an infection all to himself. The infection of Senile Stupidity with complications of Extortion, Bribery, and Inflammation of The DemNazi Bowels.

Well I asked you to prove it. Where is it?? I gave you are real honest facts examples of Trump corruptions. I’m expecting you to do the same.

DemNazi? Really? In reality American NAZIs armed came out in Michigan when Trump incite violence against his own Americans LIBERATE LIBERATE with Trump/Pence flag and NAZI flags. Then in Florida Trump tweeted WHITE POWER. You are a Trump supporter that mean you are a NAZI. It’s that simple.

Give me an example why you called the democrats DemNazi because I don’t see any democrats supporting NAZI.
Lie Lie Lie.

Prove to me where I lied. Give me an example on any threads or any topics where I lied. I’ll wait.
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The Basement Dweller won't come out of his mommy's basement to debate the president.

He also refuses to name a VP candidate.

When he is not extorting Ukraine, or taking bribes from China and other foreign countries, he is ripping off portions of The President's Economic plan.

Biden has no plan but to stay in his bunker until the election is over and hopes that The American Sheeple are too dumb to notice.

What do you want him to do? Get out there like Trumpy spreading infections in his rallies?
From you. Refuses to name VP? Really? Why would he do that? made an announcement yesterday that he will name his VP first week of August.
Biden is an infection all to himself. The infection of Senile Stupidity with complications of Extortion, Bribery, and Inflammation of The DemNazi Bowels.

All these BULLSHIT about extortion & bribery of Biden....... You and the rest cannot come out of any single proven facts that Biden was corrupt. Yet you have a 100% evidence that Trump is a corrupted, disgusting, dishonest person.

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