Bridgegate update


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Well? What's the body count here?

Anything new?

What did Christie know and when did he know it?

Oh, Hillary still not getting the Dem nomination
Shrillary will be your next president. Given her age and condition of her memory (Benghazi? Where in Hell is Behghazi? Is there any such place as Behghazi? What difference does it make now?) then the important thing to watch is who's gonna be your next Vice President.
Well? What's the body count here?

Anything new?

What did Christie know and when did he know it?

Oh, Hillary still not getting the Dem nomination

Who cares? What did Dianne Feinstein know about the funds she oversaw that wound up going to her husband's business? I think it was 10s of millions if memory serves.

Now THERE'S a scandal.
Some friends of mine have a pool going on how many days Maddow will do a bridegate story till the November midterms the pot doubles every day she does one at this point the winner may become on of the 1%
Well? What's the body count here?

Anything new?

What did Christie know and when did he know it?

Oh, Hillary still not getting the Dem nomination

Just turn on MSNBC...they dedicate 90% of their programming to this very issue!!

I used to. After their nonstop coverage of this BS phantom story I stopped watching MSNBC for the most part. A friend and I only turn it on to see if the word "Christie" or "Bridgate" show up within the first 3 seconds of viewing. We're thinking of starting a pool for number of times, frequency and onset of the mention. But nah, that would mean watching

Since Maddow is the general over there, you can be sure there is something about Christie that the gays are deathly afraid of. I think they know how good his chances will be and what a GOP administration would mean for the cult's inroads thusfar.

If she wants a pulitzer, she should get it exposing the dangers of fracking.
I'm opening up some pistachio nuts now...
They are really good by the way...
I'm sure I'm contributing to whatever the Libs are calling it today.Global something or other.
And I farted a few times on the drive home from work.
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