Out of 30,000 "palestinian"-terrorists Hamas/PIJ: how many were eliminated?

  • 10,000

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • 15,000

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • 70% of whatever Jihad regime provides

    Votes: 4 33.3%
  • Most of them - eliminated

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Most killed are non-combatants human shields used by Hamas

    Votes: 5 41.7%

  • Total voters
this ^^^ bullshit was actually created by nazi war criminals who escaped
the Nuremburg trials and were welcomed into---mostly Syria and Egypt and
PAID well to write Propaganda. ------a BAATHIST PROGRAM----famous Baathists
were ----Ga;mal Abdel Nasser, Saddam Hussein, Both mass murderers. BA'athism is arabian nazism

You're just full of lies, aren't you?

Baathism was founded by a Christian.

By 15 May 1948, the population was 805,900, of which 649,600, i.e. 80.6%, were Jews and 156,000, i.e. 19.4%, were the remaining Palestinians of the region which was occupied and named as Israel later on.

The reported population in 1922 was 757,182, including the military and persons of foreign nationality.

The division into religious groups was 590,890 Muslims, 83,794 Jews, 73,024 Christians, 7,028 Druze, 408 Sikhs, 265 Baháʼís, 156 Metawalis, and 163 Samaritans
History. The Bath party was founded on 7 April 1947 as the Arab Ba'ath Party by Michel Aflaq (an Antiochian Orthodox Christian), Salah al-Din al-Bitar (a Sunni Muslim), and the followers of Zaki al-Arsuzi (an Alawite who later became an atheist) in Damascus, Syria, leading to the establishment of the Syrian Regional Branch.
Genocide is a terrible crime.

The population of Palestine in 1914 was around 690 thousand; of whom only 8% were Jewish.
You got the stats for Jews and muslims in ADEN YEMEN----600 AD vs 1960 AD?
how about the port of sharaj?
You're just full of lies, aren't you?

Baathism was founded by a Christian.

By 15 May 1948, the population was 805,900, of which 649,600, i.e. 80.6%, were Jews and 156,000, i.e. 19.4%, were the remaining Palestinians of the region which was occupied and named as Israel later on.

The reported population in 1922 was 757,182, including the military and persons of foreign nationality.

The division into religious groups was 590,890 Muslims, 83,794 Jews, 73,024 Christians, 7,028 Druze, 408 Sikhs, 265 Baháʼís, 156 Metawalis, and 163 Samaritans
ANGLICANs are MURDERING PIGS---check out the LOYALISTS vs THE PATRIOTS in american history after you study the ANGLICAN GENOCIDE
OF AMERICAN NATIVES----(the catholics did the canadian natives and the
south american natives for the glory of -----HERNON CORTEZ---mass murderer
BAATHISM is arab nazism----Famous Baathists include SADDAM HUSSEIN---murderer of kurds and shiites by the HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS----he even
got the recipe for Nitrogen Mustard gas (an outlawed horrific weapon of
MASS DESTRUCTION since World War I) from his BAATHIST murdering friend--
GAMAL ABDEL NASSER. Nitrogen Mustard gas leaves the survivors thereof
with chronic horrific respiratory failure that ultimately kills them. It was the
SCOURGE of the Post World War I era. BA'ATHISM "founded by a christian"??? so? ADOLF HITLER WAS A CATHOLIC IN GOOD STANDING along with his pal
down the throats of her own six toddlers for the glory of the church loving NAZI PARTY)
But our Hitler has no excuse

Joe Biden defends ‘difficult decision’ to send cluster munitions to Ukraine​

This article is more than 4 months old
Rights groups condemn supply of widely banned weapons and fellow Democrat calls it a ‘terrible mistake’

"Cluster munitions are prohibited by more than 100 countries. They typically scatter numerous smaller bomblets over a wide area, sometimes as big as a football pitch, and can kill indiscriminately. Those that fail to explode threaten civilians, especially children, for decades after a conflict ends."
Brits had no authority in Arab states, to expel anyone.

The violence in Palestine was entirely by the Zionists, who not only had all the weapons, but clearly were violent.
Like blowing up the King David Hote, gunning down Folke Beradotte, massacring Arab villages like Deir Yassin, etc.
The League of Nations gave the entire Ottoman Empire to France and the UK to run. The Brits split their portion up at the direction of the League into Jordan and what was to become Israel. Instead of leaving that stand, the Brits attempted to split Israel into halves splitting the already small Jewish country into two, smaller and indefensible countries. Then the Brits confiscated as many weapons from the Jews as they could find while restricting Jewish immigration. While at the same time arming the Muslims to the teeth with modern weapons, aircraft and tanks, then trained them and put battle-hardened British Army officers in command of the Arab units.

The King David Hotel was the British command post and thus a military target. Deirdre Yassin was one of the fortified strongpoints the Arabs were using to blockade the food shipments into Jerusalem. It also was a military target. The Muslims were trying to starve the Jews in Jerusalem to death.
By 1939 every Arab state had signed on with the Allies.

Quit blaming the Mufti. He tried to prevent what is happening now.
The Mufti was no different in ideology that today‘s Hamas. a piece of Islamonazi scum.
The Mufti was no different in ideology that today‘s Hamas. a piece of Islamonazi scum.
He was the main 'founder' of the conflict. BTW, after his instigated 1929 Hebron massacre (on non-Zionists)


he claimed to be believing in the infamous forgery as was reported on Dec 4, 1929 .
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Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon and Syria have taken in thousands of Palestinian refugees. Didn't you know?
Are those the same refugees that they later committed massacres on, a few years later? :rofl:
Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon and Syria have taken in thousands of Palestinian refugees. Didn't you know?
The question (#64) was about now - 2023. Not about decades ago.

And most Jordanians are "Palestinian" Arabs anyhow.
The League of Nations gave the entire Ottoman Empire to France and the UK to run. The Brits split their portion up at the direction of the League into Jordan and what was to become Israel. Instead of leaving that stand, the Brits attempted to split Israel into halves splitting the already small Jewish country into two, smaller and indefensible countries. Then the Brits confiscated as many weapons from the Jews as they could find while restricting Jewish immigration. While at the same time arming the Muslims to the teeth with modern weapons, aircraft and tanks, then trained them and put battle-hardened British Army officers in command of the Arab units.

The King David Hotel was the British command post and thus a military target. Deirdre Yassin was one of the fortified strongpoints the Arabs were using to blockade the food shipments into Jerusalem. It also was a military target. The Muslims were trying to starve the Jews in Jerusalem to death.

That's a lie. The British didn't arm the Arabs.. they didn't confiscate weapons from Jews. The Jews who bombed the King David hotel dressed up as Arabs.

Deir Yassin was not a fortified stronghold.. just a unarmed village. Why do you think Eisenhower was so furious? Ariel Sharon was just a butcher.

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