Out of 30,000 "palestinian"-terrorists Hamas/PIJ: how many were eliminated?

  • 10,000

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • 15,000

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • 70% of whatever Jihad regime provides

    Votes: 4 33.3%
  • Most of them - eliminated

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Most killed are non-combatants human shields used by Hamas

    Votes: 5 41.7%

  • Total voters
Jamal Huusseini, Hitler's Mufti's nephew, who already, in 1933, had ordered 10 Mein Kampf books, and with his uncle had founded in 1936 the Hitler-Youth modeled Futuwwa, was exiled in 1937 for his incitenent, and had helped the Mufti in 1941 pro-Nazi coup in Iraq - arrested in 1942, had met the Mufti who directed him in August 1946 to reject partition (NYT, Aug 9, 1946)- as he served as VP of the Arab Higher Committee (AHC).

That, weeks after he, and Ahmad Shukeiri [Shuqayri / Shukairy] justified the Holocaust reported July 1946.

The explanation by Jamal rejectjon was pure
Arab supremacy, Arab racism
As a non believer in God I dont expect you understand or agree with this

But the Jews are God’s chosen people and Israel is their homeland

Yep. That's what they say. God chose them, gave them the land and told them to kill all the Canaanites and their livestock.
What ever happened to the arms, the Araba got from the Nazis? Do you know about the 1936 1939 armed Arab onslaught?

And 1948 INVADING Arab armies?
Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Egypt all "didn't have "weapons?

Not much. They had some very old rifles from WW1. The Germans certainly didn't send them any.
Total BULLSHIT as ALL your posts are.

Amin al-Husseini wasn't even in Palestine at the time - since he had sought refuge in Egypt. - and had become a political nobody.

He never trained SS troops - what an absurd claim, but typical for your posts
Any proof and source - that the Arabs had been trained by the SS? - again just plain unsubstantiated garbage

Whilst the British allowed for the Jews to arm themselves - the Palestinians and Arabs in British Palestine were forbidden to carry or obtain arms. Due to the Arab uprising 1936-1939 - again you only keep proofing that you don't know anything about this issue.

The Muslim countries only kicked out the Jewish population upon Ben-Gurion in 1948, having used his terrorist organizations to drive out the Palestinians.
Again you only post statements - hiding the factual historic occurrences.

Your other garbage isn't worth commenting.

Futuwwa in dictionary means “youth, bravery, generosity” and “youth, hero, generous” are synonyms of Fata.
Futuwwa - Ibn Haldun University

İbn Haldun Üniversitesi
… فتوة, "young-manliness" or "chivalry") was a conception of adolescent moral behavior around which myriad institutions of Medieval confraternity developed
Futuwwa - Wikipedia

I think these were the forerunners of Palestinian scouting.
What a stupid lie. All the Arab states signed on with the Allies by 1939. The Palestinians had no weapons. Germany wasn't sending anyone weapons.

They were just families. The Zionists were destroying Arab villages .. more than 300 of them.

This savage bloodlust is Hitler's legacy. The Jews are afraid they will be expelled again or put in concentration camps again. They want a Jewish state .. They have to rid themselves of the Palestinian majority.
this ^^^ bullshit was actually created by nazi war criminals who escaped
the Nuremburg trials and were welcomed into---mostly Syria and Egypt and
PAID well to write Propaganda. ------a BAATHIST PROGRAM----famous Baathists
were ----Ga;mal Abdel Nasser, Saddam Hussein, Both mass murderers. BA'athism is arabian nazism
I have never said I was an oil executive. I am a Christian. I'm just opposed to theft and murder in God's name.
which is why she supports HAMAS and still dances on the dead bodies of
1.5 million Biafran babies (christians murdered by muslims in Nigeria)
What a stupid lie. All the Arab states signed on with the Allies by 1939. The Palestinians had no weapons. Germany wasn't sending anyone weapons.

They were just families. The Zionists were destroying Arab villages .. more than 300 of them.

This savage bloodlust is Hitler's legacy. The Jews are afraid they will be expelled again or put in concentration camps again. They want a Jewish state .. They have to rid themselves of the Palestinian majority.
Did not happen. Arabs were generally pro-Axis. They attacked Jewish villages and families, meaning the Arabs had uns.
Did not happen. Arabs were generally pro-Axis. They attacked Jewish villages and families, meaning the Arabs had uns.
some of the "arab" countries were under CONTROL of ALLIED nations----
The Palestine Mandate is one. THE UNITED KINGDOM controlled half the
world Surada's statement is meaningless-----ADOLF was and REMAINED
very popular in the UMMAH----The standard excuse was that he was "against"
England---the COLONIZER-----it is bullshit
Still shifting and spinning?
First of all, the subject is Palestinian Arabs ...
Nazism at Arab Palestinians was all over the place - not just the Mufti....

Here are some important facts:
  • 88% of Arab-Palestine pro-Nazism (Feb 1941 poll.
  • Ahmad Shukeiri writing in his book (Beirut, 1969, that they all cheered and prayed for Hitler. (Re 1940-1941).
  • 1935: Arab Nazi Club founded in Haifa.
  • 1936: Hitler-Youth modeled Futuwwa founded by the Husseinis (Jamal and Haj Amin).
    Istiqlal's Awni (Auni) Abd al-Hadi to Nazi magazine: 'Arabs Like Nazis.' (Jan. 1937)
  • 1937: Walter Doehle [Döhle], German consul in Jerusalem: "Arabs admire our Fuhrer."
  • 1937: 'all' Arab Palestine celebrate Muhamnad's birthday with Hitler, Mussolini photos. (NY Times, May 23, 1937)
  • Written in 1938: "Nazi flags and pictures of Hitler were prominently displayed in store windows. Booklets explaining Nazi methods of forcing Jews from the Reich were distributed freely... The shout of 'Heil Hitler' became a catchword which rang insolently over all Palestine."
  • Reported in 1938: Arab journals, 'Falastin' and 'Al Difa'a' publish every week articles with a racial tendency and frequently reproduce large portraits of various leaders of the Third Reich.
  • John Gunther (1939), "The greatest contemporary Arab hero is — Adolf Hitler." link
  • "Palestinian" Arab leader, in Jerusalem, in spring of 1967: "We Arabs supported Hitler to get the British out of Palestine and to keep the Jews from taking it over - and that was our big mistake..."
  • Dr. Zaid Hamzeh: "We Arabs Supported Hitler During WWII Because He Hated The Jews." (Re 1941)
  • Farouq Qaddoumi (b.1931), PLO Official: We Supported the Nazis in WWII. link
Last edited:
some of the "arab" countries were under CONTROL of ALLIED nations----
The Palestine Mandate is one. THE UNITED KINGDOM controlled half the
world Surada's statement is meaningless-----ADOLF was and REMAINED
very popular in the UMMAH----The standard excuse was that he was "against"
England---the COLONIZER-----it is bullshit
The above in no way prevented Arabs from attacking Jews, and to insist otherwise is bullshit.
The US went to war with Iraq after lying to the world about babies being killed in incubators in Kuwait, and now they're arming and funding Israel, as they really kill babies in incubators...
Still shifting and spinning?
First of all, the subject is Palestinian Arabs ...
Nazism at Arab Palestinians was all over the place - not just the Mufti....

Here are some important facts:
  • 88% of Arab-Palestine pro-Nazism (Feb 1941 poll.
  • Ahmad Shukeiri writing in his book (Beirut, 1969, that they all cheered and prayed for Hitler. (Re 1940-1941).
  • 1935: Arab Nazi Club founded in Haifa.
  • 1936: Hitler-Youth modeled Futuwwa founded by the Husseinis (Jamal and Haj Amin).
    Istiqlal's Awni (Auni) Abd al-Hadi to Nazi magazine: 'Arabs Like Nazis.' (Jan. 1937)
  • 1937: Walter Doehle [Döhle], German consul in Jerusalem: "Arabs admire our Fuhrer."
  • 1937: 'all' Arab Palestine celebrate Muhamnad's birthday with Hitler, Mussolini photos. (NY Times, May 23, 1937)
  • Written in 1938: "Nazi flags and pictures of Hitler were prominently displayed in store windows. Booklets explaining Nazi methods of forcing Jews from the Reich were distributed freely... The shout of 'Heil Hitler' became a catchword which rang insolently over all Palestine."
  • Reported in 1938: Arab journals, 'Falastin' and 'Al Difa'a' publish every week articles with a racial tendency and frequently reproduce large portraits of various leaders of the Third Reich.
  • John Gunther (1939), "The greatest contemporary Arab hero is — Adolf Hitler." link
  • "Palestinian" Arab leader, in Jerusalem, in spring of 1967: "We Arabs supported Hitler to get the British out of Palestine and to keep the Jews from taking it over - and that was our big mistake..."
  • Dr. Zaid Hamzeh: "We Arabs Supported Hitler During WWII Because He Hated The Jews." (Re 1941)
  • Farouq Qaddoumi (b.1931), PLO Official: We Supported the Nazis in WWII. link

The only thing that your dateline reveals is that the Arabs and Palestinians sought refuge in Nazism upon the Haganah having terrorized them since their formation in 1920. - as such WHY wouldn't they ??

BTW, the "Jewish legion" was already active in 1915 in Palestine and was also used by the British at Gallipoli.

As for your; British documents revealed that: Nazis 'shipped arms to Palestinians'
Aside from stating that the Nazis send weapons addressed to King Ibn Saud of Saudi Arabia - any other statement is without proof, but simply unsubstantiated accusations. Whatever some individual German or Consulate member might have said - would be 'his" personal opinion and not that of the NSDAP led government.

Hitler was known to having had absolutely no interest towards the Arabs and their ambitions towards independence from the British or French. It was the Wehrmacht "Abwehr" that had conducted it's own "enterprise" in regards to supporting the Iraq rebels who tried to overthrow the Iraqi government. Hitler was even furious about this "waste of resources" and ordered the operation to end.

The protocol in regards to Hitler's meeting with the Mufti clearly states; - upon having won the war - he Hitler will look kindly onto the Arab demands.

What is however known is the Fact, that the SS trained and armed Zionist terrorists - in order to terrorize the British mandate troops - and after the Nazis were defeated - that is exactly what the Zionist terrorists did form 1945 onward - attack British troops and installations and Palestinian settlements.

Your desperate attempt to paint the Arabs and Palestinians as Nazis - is beyond absurdity.
Do you have any idea as to how strong (factually) the Nazi movement in the USA was? as such people like you will come up with all kinds of absurd claims that the Americans embraced Nazism and Hitler. - correct?

The American ‘Nazi party’ Grew to Disturbing Levels in the 1930s​

In the 1930s the American Nazi party–or the German American Bund as they called themselves–grew to disturbing levels. Not only did they have rallies, they filled Madison Square Garden.

You and your ilk are simply trying to distract from the Fact: Zionist Radical Policy/Ideology = Nazi Policy/Ideology

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