Out of 30,000 "palestinian"-terrorists Hamas/PIJ: how many were eliminated?

  • 10,000

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • 15,000

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • 70% of whatever Jihad regime provides

    Votes: 4 33.3%
  • Most of them - eliminated

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Most killed are non-combatants human shields used by Hamas

    Votes: 5 41.7%

  • Total voters
I recognize that which happened was inevitable. But to suggest that Palestinians are the same quality as our indigenous peoples indicates an equality of nature and ability that simply does not exist.

We are one with our climate, terrain, and life. You are antithetical to all of yours.

The Jews simply do not want you trying to kill them every time they turn their back on you after you have promised you won;t.

The Palestinians are the natives who go back over 10,000 years and paid for and own all the land Israel has stolen through murder of the owners.
The Israelis are illegal immigrants from after 1930, who violated all their promises and treaties, and even violated the 1948 UN partition.
Now Israel illegally occupies 85% of Palestine, even though they never paid for almost any land at all.
The Palestinians are not the murderers and thieves, and never had arms or armies.
They are the legal owners.
Good luck with continuing that kind of hate and revenge.

What "hate and revenge"?
I am pointing out that the Israelis are clearly liars, started all the violence, have all the weapons, and have almost eradicated all of Palestine. There is only 15% of Palestine left for the 13 million natives. And the original 85% is now illegally occupied by 7 million immigrant Israelis who have no legal right to any land.
Genocidal jihad

The obvious genocide is by the immigrant Israelis against the native Arabs.
The Palestinians were never a threat to anyone because they never had arms or armies.
The immigrant Israelis promised to never have political ambitions when they negotiated their immigration being allowed.
They lied and started murdering almost immediately.
The only genocide is by Israeli.
The word "jihad" does not mean war, but the struggle to do the right thing, even if difficult.
bullshit. never heard that term and never saw the reaction you're referring to. These hamas people and their supporters are monsters.

It is Israelis that lied to immigrate, then murdered to steal land.
It is Israel that illegally holds tens of thousands of innocent Palestinians hostage for decades.
What "hate and revenge"?
I am pointing out that the Israelis are clearly liars, started all the violence, have all the weapons, and have almost eradicated all of Palestine. There is only 15% of Palestine left for the 13 million natives. And the original 85% is now illegally occupied by 7 million immigrant Israelis who have no legal right to any land.
Accept reality. Do you want peace or continuing war?
It is Israelis that lied to immigrate, then murdered to steal land.
It is Israel that illegally holds tens of thousands of innocent Palestinians hostage for decades.
I support democracy, modern technology, modern medicine and innovation. I support scientific advancement. You support savages.
Accept reality. Do you want peace or continuing war?

The only way to have peace is if law is defended, which includes the illegal Zionist immigrants stop murdering native Arabs in order to steal their homes.
All Israel has to do is let the Arab back into their personally owned properties in both the Palestinians and Israelis side of the 1948 partition, and there would never have been any war at all.
The war was started by Menachim Begins gang called Irgun, massacring hundreds of Arab villages.
Look at a 1945 map of Palestine and compare it with one from 1952.
You will see hundreds of native Arab villages mysteriously disappeared.
All of the Israelis are then also guilty since they elected Menachim Begin as Prime Minister, knowing he had blown up the King David Hotel, gunned down the UN moderator Folke Bernadotte, etc.
So then all Israelis are collectively guilty after the fact.
I support democracy, modern technology, modern medicine and innovation. I support scientific advancement. You support savages.

Those committing genocide on the Arab natives in order to steal their homes, are obviously the ONLY violent savages.
The fact the Palestinian native are more low tech means they are more natural and innocent.
High tech is more material, greedy, capitalistic, and evil.
The only way to have peace is if law is defended, which includes the illegal Zionist immigrants stop murdering native Arabs in order to steal their homes.
All Israel has to do is let the Arab back into their personally owned properties in both the Palestinians and Israelis side of the 1948 partition, and there would never have been any war at all.
The war was started by Menachim Begins gang called Irgun, massacring hundreds of Arab villages.
Look at a 1945 map of Palestine and compare it with one from 1952.
You will see hundreds of native Arab villages mysteriously disappeared.
All of the Israelis are then also guilty since they elected Menachim Begin as Prime Minister, knowing he had blown up the King David Hotel, gunned down the UN moderator Folke Bernadotte, etc.
So then all Israelis are collectively guilty after the fact.
Muslims are savages. I choose civilization.
Those committing genocide on the Arab natives in order to steal their homes, are obviously the ONLY violent savages.
The fact the Palestinian native are more low tech means they are more natural and innocent.
High tech is more material, greedy, capitalistic, and evil.
You can't stop progress. The world is a better place without Islam.
using their people for that 'Dead Baby Strategy' to get sympathy ("genocide" myth)
This tactic of using its ewn people as human shields by anti-Israel racist terrorists dates back to at least 1982/3 Lebanon by Arafat.

Remind me of the posts condemning the US for 100% supporting its proxy UAF armies for doing the very same thing throughout their attack on Russia in the Russian territory of Donbass .
Why do double standards apply ?

US terrorists OK .
Other terrorists not .
Interesting .
An hour before the ceasefire: the terrorist tunnel in Shifa was destroyed
Troops of the 36th Division and the Yahalom were operating in the heart of Gaza until they received the order to stop • An underground tunnel was destroyed and several other shafts discovered inside the hospital • Now, the troops have already positioned themselves on the defense lines • Gaza residents have begun to return to their homes, the IDF spokesman warned in Arabic: The war is not over - don't move north" •

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