Out of 30,000 "palestinian"-terrorists Hamas/PIJ: how many were eliminated?

  • 10,000

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • 15,000

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • 70% of whatever Jihad regime provides

    Votes: 4 33.3%
  • Most of them - eliminated

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Most killed are non-combatants human shields used by Hamas

    Votes: 5 41.7%

  • Total voters
Hitler despised Arabs.
And still they kissed his s$$

Do you know that All Husseini and Rachid Ali tried hard to onvince their Nazi buddies to drop 'anti semitic' replace it with 'anti-jewish'?

Even after the Holocaust, after the Nuremberg trials and hanging, Arab Palestinian press was glorifying Nazi war criminals.


‎⁨UNKNOWN⁩ | ⁨The Palestine Post⁩ | 18 October 1946 | Newspapers | The National Library of Israel

Palestine Post Reporter.
The Arabic press left its readers in no doubt of its opinion that the Nazis condemned at Nuremberg were men of great courage. Ad-Difaa's front page headline on Wednesday (the day of their execution) read "Nazi Leaders Await Death with Pride and Courage."
Referring to Goering's suicide, yesterday's Al Wahda wrote: "Goering preferred the death his leader had chosen. He considered death by hanging a disgrace, chose his leader's and carried out his way, intention."
Falastin's comment was: "Another black page of history has been turned with the death of the Nazi leaders by hanging."


‎⁨MEETS TODAY ⁩ | ⁨The Palestine Post⁩ | 31 October 1945 | Newspapers | The National Library of Israel

Ahead of those trials, FALASTIN (filastin) defended Nazism

Falastin Defends Nazism.
Spirited defence of the Nazi leaders to be tried at Nuremberg shortly, and condemnation of those preparing to prosecute Nazism which is -- as much a way of life as democracy and -- socialism, were contained yesterday in a leading article in the, Falastin C. Arab daily of Jaffa. The trial prepared by the Allies was at the least a very contradiction of humane justice and religious ethics, the paper stated. War criminals, it went on, was a new term devised by a belligerent power for the vanquished side, whereas the responsibility for war crimes devolved upon both. Falastin could understand the trial of Gestapo men who organized political and racial murders, which had no justification on military and security grounds, but asked why the Nazi leaders responsible for disseminating the fundamentals of Nazism, should be brought to trial and where the justice was of trying European quislings? The trial of the founders of the Nazi syste, (Falastin considers) is in effect a blow at the most elementary right: freedom of thought and belief" in which the 20th century excels over the Dark Ages.
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The other way around. The so called Nakba is a RESULT of Arab Nazism

The Arabs had no exposure to socialism. They were awestruck by the Jewish socialists in Palestine battling it out and demonstrating in the streets of Jerusalem in the 1920s.

During May Day 1921, the party organized a small, unauthorized rally between Jaffa and Tel Aviv. At the rally, party had a banner in Yiddish, calling for the creation of a 'Soviet Palestine'.[12]

Fistfights erupted as the JKP-PKP rally and the larger, authorized Histadrut rally clashed with each other. Police forces drove the communist rallyists out into the sand dunes between Tel Aviv and Jaffa. Later during the day, violence between Arab and Jews erupted in the city, partly as a consequence of the earlier JKP-PKP/Histadrut clash; the firing of rifles into the air by the police led to rumours that Arabs had been killed.[13] Two party members were killed whilst defending a Jewish neighbourhood.[2][12]

After these events, the party was weakened. The British authorities blamed the party for the riots. Also, the intention of the party of forming Jewish-Arab class unity became more difficult as communal tension heightened. The party found itself politically isolated, as polarization between Zionist and Arabic national aspirations aggravated.[2] The party received harsh criticism from Zionists for its role in the May Day clash. The right-wing Zionist leader Ze'ev Jabotinsky accused the party of 'unforgivable treachery' a few days after the riots.[14
Nope. The German envoys from Arab states were expelled in the mid 1930s.
All expelling were done by the Brits not by the Arabs.

I'm not even going into the Rashid Ali coup...

Read also "Rape of Palestine" published in 1938. - on Nazism among Arabs especially since 1936.

Lol the tiny socialist group in majority Arab Nazi Palestine.

Arab Press in Palestine was censored by the Brits between 1939-45.
Isn't it ironic. While in 1948 Arab leaders told the people to leave (till they throw the Jews into the sea) and now Arab-supremacist jihado-fascist leadership in Gaza tells them to stay put... for that 'Dead-Baby Strategy'. They sure "love" their people.
All expelling were done by the Brits not by the Arabs.

I'm not even going into the Rashid Ali coup...

Read also "Rape of Palestine" published in 1938. - on Nazism among Arabs especially since 1936.

Damn, you're ignorant.

The Rashidi ran off without a fight. A year later they were invited back to help administer the new government.


At the time of the Basel congress, Arabs represented 95 percent of the population of Palestine and they owned 99 percent of the land.2 Thus it was obvious from the beginning of Zionism that dispossession of the Palestinian majority, either politically or physically, would be an inevitable requirement for achieving a Jewish state. It was not only land that was needed to reach Zionism's goal, but land without another people in the majority.

Since Palestinian Arabs were by far the majority throughout the period up to Israel's establishment as a Jewish state in 1948, the Zionist state could emerge only by denying the majority its rights or by becoming the majority either through immigration or in reducing the number of Palestinians by ethnic cleansing. There was no other way to create a Jewish, rather than democratic, state.3

That the Jewish state was secured in 1948 by the expulsion of the Palestinians should have come as no surprise. Expulsion as Zionism's logical imperative was clearly seen by Herzl as early as June 12, 1895. At the time he was still formulating his ideas about Zionism and confided to his diary: "We shall try to spirit the penniless population [Palestinians] across the border by procuring employment for it in the transit countries, while denying it any employment in our own country. Both the process of expropriation and the removal of the poor must be carried out discreetly and circumspectly."4 Even if this was perhaps the fanciful imagining of a rather romantic personality, as some sympathizers of Herzl contend, its essential imperative was inescapable. This was recognized by most early Zionists, as evidenced by the fact that the theme of expulsion consistently ran through Zionist thought from the very beginning.5

For instance, as early as 1905, Israel Zangwill, an organizer of Zionism in Britain and one of Zionism's top propagandists, who had coined the slogan "a land without a people for a people without a land," acknowledged in a speech in Manchester that Palestine was not a land without people. In fact, it was filled with Arabs: "[We] must be prepared either to drive out by the sword the [Arab] tribes in possession as our forefathers did or to grapple with the problem of a large alien population, mostly Mohammedan and accustomed for centuries to despise us."6 This comment came at a time when there were around 645,000 Muslims and Christians in Palestine and only 55,000 Jews, mainly non-Zionists or anti-Zionists in the Orthodox neighborhoods of Jerusalem and other cities.7

Edited-meister copyright infringement
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Can you please summarize instead of such a loo-----ong quote? Shukran.
Rashid Ali was in Betlin post 1941 coup, together with Mufti and hundreds of other nazi-Arabs.

Ling before racist-Arab Omar Shakir abusing HRW platform...

The Apartheid slur was invented before so called occupation. It was in Oct 1961 by Hitler's helper Ahmad Shukeiri.



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The Apartheid slur was invented before so called occupation. It was in Oct 1961 by Hitler's helper Ahmad Shukeiri.

I remember the history of Israel because I lived through a lot of it.

I also watched as Israel fought Egypt over the Suez canal. (Personally I think Israel was wrong on that one but whatever eh?)

I watched as Carter gave legitimacy to Yasser Arafat as a leader and how just about EVERYONE thought he was an idiot for doing so.

I've watched how so many people treat the "Palestinians " as some sort of people group when they are nothing more than freeloading terrorists....wanting something for nothing and using terrorism against civillians to get it. I seen the pictures of Israel before the Jews moved there and afterwards I have been myself to see what they have turned it into.

The "Palestinians" have also been busy....but their construction has been mostly a joke. Outside investors have built most everything for them...and many have lost millions because the people there prefer to live in a garbage dump.

The Jews fuss at each other constantly about "being better Jews " by following traffic laws and heaven forbid that you cause litter....you might as well be spitting on Jacob's grave if you did that. They love their land and are somehow hardwired to love that patch of sand. It's kinda nuts how much they love their nation. They might mutter under their breath about Muslims being godless as they ignore the calls to prayer but there's no real animosity there.

I know what "Palestinians " claim....but it's a lie. The Arabs there when Israel claimed its land in 1948 were made into citizens of Israel....no one was kicked out. Israel wanted people as it didn't have enough. They brought in Jewish refugees from everywhere....from concentration camps and Russian prisons and Polish orphanages. Just a few Jews leading the charge of bringing every Jew they could to Israel to build infrastructure....everything from roads to shopping malls and of course hospitals, libraries and homes. Water, sewer, trash collection, electricity and every bit of infrastructure there was built by Jews. There was none when they got there. It was empty land. Just a few nomadic Bedoins living there...and an old abandoned train station. (Now a shopping mall)
I remember the history of Israel because I lived through a lot of it.

I also watched as Israel fought Egypt over the Suez canal. (Personally I think Israel was wrong on that one but whatever eh?)

I watched as Carter gave legitimacy to Yasser Arafat as a leader and how just about EVERYONE thought he was an idiot for doing so.

I've watched how so many people treat the "Palestinians " as some sort of people group when they are nothing more than freeloading terrorists....wanting something for nothing and using terrorism against civillians to get it. I seen the pictures of Israel before the Jews moved there and afterwards I have been myself to see what they have turned it into.

The "Palestinians" have also been busy....but their construction has been mostly a joke. Outside investors have built most everything for them...and many have lost millions because the people there prefer to live in a garbage dump.

The Jews fuss at each other constantly about "being better Jews " by following traffic laws and heaven forbid that you cause litter....you might as well be spitting on Jacob's grave if you did that. They love their land and are somehow hardwired to love that patch of sand. It's kinda nuts how much they love their nation. They might mutter under their breath about Muslims being godless as they ignore the calls to prayer but there's no real animosity there.

I know what "Palestinians " claim....but it's a lie. The Arabs there when Israel claimed its land in 1948 were made into citizens of Israel....no one was kicked out. Israel wanted people as it didn't have enough. They brought in Jewish refugees from everywhere....from concentration camps and Russian prisons and Polish orphanages. Just a few Jews leading the charge of bringing every Jew they could to Israel to build infrastructure....everything from roads to shopping malls and of course hospitals, libraries and homes. Water, sewer, trash collection, electricity and every bit of infrastructure there was built by Jews. There was none when they got there. It was empty land. Just a few nomadic Bedoins living there...and an old abandoned train station. (Now a shopping mall)

EoZ has been doing great images on the apartheid slur...

I remember also when Carter said in an interview that his "apartheid" charge was only meant to encourage discussion. In any case he always that his charge/slur was on the territories and not on Israel proper. And that Israel is a free equal democracy for all. (LATimes, Dec. 8, 2006)

All in all Carter is largely at fault for the Mullahcracy now in Islamic-Fascist Republic of Iran .

Worth mentioning that the Ayatollahs always saw Israel as serving US interests. (Big Satan Little Satan )
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This is very recent:

Nazism again in Huwara: Swastikas and PLO flags on a wall in Huwara
'Destroy the wall immediately. The policy of accepting Nazi terror is over!' Samaria leader Yossi Dagan demands.



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I remember also when Carter said in an interview that his "apartheid" charge was only meant to encourage discussion. In any case he always that his charge/slur was on the territories and not on Israel peoper.

All in all Carter is largely at fault for the Mullahcracy now in Islamic-Fascist Republic of Iran .

Worth mentioning that the Ayatollahs always saw Israel as serving US interests. (Big Satan Little Satan )
Iran is a classic example of trying to modernize culturally a socially repressed people too much too quickly. When the Shaw was in power the place began looking like Europe complete with miniskirts and boogie bars. The Mullahs pointed at the "sinfulness " of women bare thighs and breasts barely contained in bras and all the modernized/Westernized cultural shifts (alcohol) were tossed out as a "reform" amid calls for piety.

It was basically a grab for power by using religion....not really a religion siezing power.

And at the crux of it all is a prophecy by Mohammed. One that Israel would never exist again after it fell in 70AD.
Because Islam has the same test for a false prophet as Judaism. (100% accurate or else it's a false prophet.) And with Israel existing the whole foundation of Islam is proven to be a defunct religion.
And that's a problem for the leadership of Muslims everywhere...leadership of a dead religion that is obviously a lie. Israel exists....otherwise they are upset about nothing.
The Koran becomes the ramblings of a madman instead of a prophet.

What would you do if a major portion of your identity was proven to be a lie?

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