Out of 30,000 "palestinian"-terrorists Hamas/PIJ: how many were eliminated?

  • 10,000

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • 15,000

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • 70% of whatever Jihad regime provides

    Votes: 4 33.3%
  • Most of them - eliminated

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Most killed are non-combatants human shields used by Hamas

    Votes: 5 41.7%

  • Total voters
Iran is a classic example of trying to modernize culturally a socially repressed people too much too quickly. When the Shaw was in power the place began looking like Europe complete with miniskirts and boogie bars. The Mullahs pointed at the "sinfulness " of women bare thighs and breasts barely contained in bras and all the modernized/Westernized cultural shifts (alcohol) were tossed out as a "reform" amid calls for piety.

It was basically a grab for power by using religion....not really a religion siezing power.

And at the crux of it all is a prophecy by Mohammed. One that Israel would never exist again after it fell in 70AD.
Because Islam has the same test for a false prophet as Judaism. (100% accurate or else it's a false prophet.) And with Israel existing the whole foundation of Islam is proven to be a defunct religion.
And that's a problem for the leadership of Muslims everywhere...leadership of a dead religion that is obviously a lie. Israel exists....otherwise they are upset about nothing.
The Koran becomes the ramblings of a madman instead of a prophet.

What would you do if a major portion of your identity was proven to be a lie?
Interesting. You mean the Shah
Here is Rashid Ali al Kailani (Gaylani) touring with Mufti a concentration camp 1943


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I remember the history of Israel because I lived through a lot of it.

I also watched as Israel fought Egypt over the Suez canal. (Personally I think Israel was wrong on that one but whatever eh?)

I watched as Carter gave legitimacy to Yasser Arafat as a leader and how just about EVERYONE thought he was an idiot for doing so.

I've watched how so many people treat the "Palestinians " as some sort of people group when they are nothing more than freeloading terrorists....wanting something for nothing and using terrorism against civillians to get it. I seen the pictures of Israel before the Jews moved there and afterwards I have been myself to see what they have turned it into.

The "Palestinians" have also been busy....but their construction has been mostly a joke. Outside investors have built most everything for them...and many have lost millions because the people there prefer to live in a garbage dump.

The Jews fuss at each other constantly about "being better Jews " by following traffic laws and heaven forbid that you cause litter....you might as well be spitting on Jacob's grave if you did that. They love their land and are somehow hardwired to love that patch of sand. It's kinda nuts how much they love their nation. They might mutter under their breath about Muslims being godless as they ignore the calls to prayer but there's no real animosity there.

I know what "Palestinians " claim....but it's a lie. The Arabs there when Israel claimed its land in 1948 were made into citizens of Israel....no one was kicked out. Israel wanted people as it didn't have enough. They brought in Jewish refugees from everywhere....from concentration camps and Russian prisons and Polish orphanages. Just a few Jews leading the charge of bringing every Jew they could to Israel to build infrastructure....everything from roads to shopping malls and of course hospitals, libraries and homes. Water, sewer, trash collection, electricity and every bit of infrastructure there was built by Jews. There was none when they got there. It was empty land. Just a few nomadic Bedoins living there...and an old abandoned train station. (Now a shopping mall)

They destroyed over 300 Arab villages and shot people who tried to return. I never heard such idiocy about Bedouin. There were 400,000 Muslims in Palestine in 1870 and the census didn't even try to count the Bedouin.
Iran is a classic example of trying to modernize culturally a socially repressed people too much too quickly. When the Shaw was in power the place began looking like Europe complete with miniskirts and boogie bars. The Mullahs pointed at the "sinfulness " of women bare thighs and breasts barely contained in bras and all the modernized/Westernized cultural shifts (alcohol) were tossed out as a "reform" amid calls for piety.

It was basically a grab for power by using religion....not really a religion siezing power.

And at the crux of it all is a prophecy by Mohammed. One that Israel would never exist again after it fell in 70AD.
Because Islam has the same test for a false prophet as Judaism. (100% accurate or else it's a false prophet.) And with Israel existing the whole foundation of Islam is proven to be a defunct religion.
And that's a problem for the leadership of Muslims everywhere...leadership of a dead religion that is obviously a lie. Israel exists....otherwise they are upset about nothing.
The Koran becomes the ramblings of a madman instead of a prophet.

What would you do if a major portion of your identity was proven to be a lie?

Were you in Iran? I was quite frequently. The expats community was huge.
The problem wasn't modernity and mullahs. The problem was the British screwed the Iranians out of oil revenue. They paid 6% when everyone else was paying 50%. After the fiasco of 1953 they did raise the revenue share to 13%.

That is about leadership.

But did you read about the 88% of Arab-Palestine pro-Nazism (Feb 1941 poll) or Shukeiri's testimony in his 1969 book that they all supported Hitler in 1941?

The 2014 survey, 93% of Palestinian are antisemitic...

Total lies.

The Arab nations were always on the side of the Allies and never supported Hitler.
The polls never showed popular support for the Axis Powers.

Arabs have never been anti-Jewish.
The Jews continually tended to prefer living in Moslem countries over Christian ones.
If Moslem had any animosity towards Jews, then there would have been no Jews at all after 1400 years of Moslem rule in the Mideast.

The word Semitic means "of Arab origins", so the word anti-Semitic means being against Arabs, not Jews.
All expelling were done by the Brits not by the Arabs.

I'm not even going into the Rashid Ali coup...

Read also "Rape of Palestine" published in 1938. - on Nazism among Arabs especially since 1936.

Brits had no authority in Arab states, to expel anyone.

The violence in Palestine was entirely by the Zionists, who not only had all the weapons, but clearly were violent.
Like blowing up the King David Hote, gunning down Folke Beradotte, massacring Arab villages like Deir Yassin, etc.
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"Balfour project" who is that author?

The Balfour Declaration is one of the most disgusting pieces of history.
The goal of the Balfour Declaration was to try to turn German Jews in to British spies, by enticing them with promises of Palestine that the British has no right or intent to actually give.
But Chaim Weizmann and David ben Gurion facilitates evil espionage against Germany, like the formula for synthetic acetone for cordite, and the Zimmerman Letter, that caused the defeat of Germany, even though Germany was the innocent victim in WWI.

England did not even own Palestine or have the right to make any offers, and could not have captured Palestine from the Turks without the assistance of the Palestinian Arab, who they had promised Palestine independence to.
The Balfour Declaration is one of the most disgusting pieces of history.
The goal of the Balfour Declaration was to try to turn German Jews in to British spies, by enticing them with promises of Palestine that the British has no right or intent to actually give.
But Chaim Weizmann and David ben Gurion facilitates evil espionage against Germany, like the formula for synthetic acetone for cordite, and the Zimmerman Letter, that caused the defeat of Germany, even though Germany was the innocent victim in WWI.

England did not even own Palestine or have the right to make any offers, and could not have captured Palestine from the Turks without the assistance of the Palestinian Arab, who they had promised Palestine independence to.

It's actually one of the highlights of HUMAN HISTORY.

Dr. Weizman was a brilliant chemist,
who gave the allies an advantage in defeating the Caliphate.
It's only historic justice that Israeli re-constitution defeats Arab imperialism.
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It's actually one of the highlights of HUMAN HISTORY.

Dr. Weizman was a brilliant chemist,
who gave the allies an advantage in defeating the Caliphate.
It's only historic justice that Israeli re-constitution defeats Arab imperialism.

Turks are not Arabs.
Caliphate just means "state".
Turks only pretend to be Moslems, and actually were part of the force that wiped out the Islamic leadership in Baghdad around 1200 AD.

Chaim Weizmann was a good chemist, but he stole the formula from the Germans.
And it was evil to turn traitor against the Germans, who were totally innocent in WWI.
They did not start it, the Allies did by assassinating Archduke Ferdinand and by the French invading Bavaria.
And the allies never won in battle, but instead illegally starved the Germans into surrender by sinking food ships.
Your statement is a general inaccurate one.

* First of all there was never an "Arab state" in Israel/Palestine.
But Istiqlal's Awni Abd Al Hadi went to meet Nazis in 1939.

And already stated in 1937 that 'Arabs Like Hitler. "

And bragged to Nazi magazine Völkischer Beobachter (Jan 23) that he read Mein Kampf.

And of course NYT reported that on Muhammad's birthday ALL ARAB Palestine celebrated with pics of Hitler...
"Hitler and Duce Cheered"

Since the war broke out, the Brits took control on all Arab press in Palestine - as, author Mustafa Kabaha wrote (in "The Palestinian Arab In/outsiders: Media and Conflict in Israel, 2011, p.58).

But before the war and right after - pro Hitler was prevalent.
And of course Futuwwa (1936+) was modeled on Hitler Youths.

* Iraq had a pro Nazi coup in 1941.

* Saudi Arabia sent the emissary Khalif al-Wud to meet Hitler and talk about arms.

* Situation in Libya was horrific.

* Egypt was generally on the side of the Allies but many military personalities were Hitlerist, including Anwar Sadat.
Incidentally, in 1937, both Press editor, Shanti of Ad Difa'a and al-Issa of Filastin met Nazi Joseph Goebbles' aid in Cairo.



Kabahā, Muṣṭafá. The Palestinian Press as Shaper of Public Opinion 1929-39: Writing Up a Storm. United Kingdom: Vallentine Mitchell, 2007. p.142.

'Filastin' expressed appreciation for Nazi leader Adolf Hitler and compared him to Palestinian leaders, saying: Hitler, who has proven himself a remarkable [sic] leader striving to redeem his people, did not rely on personal or family influence or on social, scientific and economic status.

He based his acts on the sincerity of his mission, while in Palestine the leaders are corrupt, liars, robbers, servants of the Mandate government, who prefer this government to the homeland and to the future of its sons.
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The zionists refer to the military operations and bombing campaigns they periodically launch against Gaza as "mowing the lawn" to the great amusement of people in the West.

On October, 7 the palestinians decided to "mow the lawn" themselves but this time the "grass" and "weeds" were Jews and suddenly the joke was not so funny anymore.
First time I have ever heard of it. Jose supports Hamas; ignore him. He is a mouth puppet for jihad.
Swastika Palestine


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Flashback to the 1930-40s+ Arab "palestinian" Nazism


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It's actually one of the highlights of HUMAN HISTORY.

Dr. Weizman was a brilliant chemist,
who gave the allies an advantage in defeating the Caliphate.
It's only historic justice that Israeli re-constitution defeats Arab imperialism.

The Ottomans? Ibn Saud had already chased the Turkish garrisons out of Arabia before WW1.The Arabs helped the British with the clean up.
These acknowledgements that the British Government had not possessed the right “to dispose of Palestine” appeared decades after the commitments to the Arabs not only had been infringed by the Sykes-Picot agreement but, in disregard of the inherent rights and the wishes of the Palestinian people, the British Government had given Zionist leaders separate assurances regarding the establishment of a “national home for the Jewish people in Palestine”, an undertaking that sowed the seeds of prolonged conflict in Palestine.

II. The Balfour Declaration
These undertakings to the Zionist Organization were made known in a declaration issued by the British Foreign Secretary, Sir Arthur James Balfour, (whose name it has borne since):

“Foreign Office,
2 November 1917

“Dear Lord Rothschild,

I have much pleasure in conveying to you on behalf of His Majesty’s Government the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations, which has been submitted to and approved by the Cabinet:

‘His Majesty’s Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.’

I should be grateful if you would bring this declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation.
Yours sincerely,
Arthur James Balfour”.

The pivotal role of the Balfour Declaration in virtually every phase of the Palestinian issue cannot be exaggerated. The Declaration, which determined the direction of subsequent developments in Palestine, was incorporated in the Mandate. Its implementation brought Arab opposition and revolt. It caused unending difficulties for the Mandatory in the last stages pitting British, Jews and Arabs against each other. It ultimately led to partition and to the problem as it exists today. Any understanding of the Palestine issue, therefore, requires some examination of this Declaration which can be considered the root of the problem of Palestine.

The historical background of the “Jewish national home” concept
The Balfour Declaration was the direct outcome of a sustained effort by the Zionist Organization to establish a Jewish State in Palestine.

Moved by anti-Semitism and pogroms in Eastern Europe, Theodor Herzl, founder of the Zionist movement, wrote in Der Judenstaat (The Jewish State) in 1896:

“The Idea which I have developed in this pamphlet is a very old one: it is the restoration of the Jewish State.

That's true.. it makes Netanyahu's constant threats against Iran all the weirder.

Jews have been in Iran for 2500 years. Not so many as when I was a kid.

The threats are from the oppressive apartheid Mullahcracy regime, who even a few days ago its Hezbollah (who also massacred 85 innocent people in Argentina in 1994
AMIA Bombing) plotted to attack Jews in Brazil. Or Iranian plots in Turkey last year.

And of course Iran terror and domination map is vast, with its:

* Houthis in Yemen. (Whose slogan is against the US and against [any] Jews).

* Bases in Syria

* Strongholds in Iraq

* Hezbollah in Lebanon

* Hamas and PIJ (Palestinian Islamic Jihad) among "Palestinian" Arabs in: Gaza, West Bank and in Lebanon.


Not to mention PALLYWOOD-Y FAKENESS hate bots online and posing as "Jewish" such as the case of 'aduk.'


And in Latin America including via dirty money:

- Tri-Border area (TBA).

- Maicao, Colombia.

- And a presence in socialist Venezuela (Alex Saad just an example) as well as in socialist Nicaragua.
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The Zionists should have gone somewhere else. ..where there were no people.

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