Brief synopsis of last night's debate

Chafee, O'Malley and Webb are out
(perhaps Webb would make an excellent Sec. of Defense)
O'Malley......Looks presidential but has no wiggle room between Sanders and Clinton (perhaps an excellent candidate for the Dept. of Energy.)
Chafee's best line (paraphrased): "I didn't leave the GOP, the GOP left me"......
(Very, very true thanks to the Tea Partiers.)

Sanders (feisty Brooklynite and a favorite of the young.....but like Ron Paul perhaps off the mainstream voter bloc who simply does NOT understand the meaning of social democrat)

Clinton (not my favorite candidate) is UNBEATABLE, not only within the Democratic Party's nomination but certainly can beat the daylights out of any of the GOP clown posse.)

Sure, there will be right wingers still desperately calling for her incarceration, but the smarter ones well know that is just wishful thinking. Bottom line: No GOP'er in the WH for another decade.

Not a single one of them brought up how their past and future programs are going to be sustainable or how they will bring down the accumulated deficits (debt).
All I heard was we will give you more this and that and continue to add to accumulated deficits.


They tried to out free-shit each other.........I see the free shit you just offered and up that free shit with my idea for more free shit. It was a free-shit fest.
Free shit muppets were salivating while not questioning, knowing, or understanding how all this stuff gets paid for by a country that is almost 19 trillion in debt with a least 120 trillion more in unfunded liabilities.
Like almost crying when that family couldn't sue a gun manufacturer? LMAO He is a fuckin idiot! A rabid, emotional idiot.

One step at a time....Did you hear that a gun dealer in Milwaukee just lost an $8 million law suit.
Slowly, liability will resurface.
They tried to out free-shit each other.........I see the free shit you just offered and up that free shit with my idea for more free shit. It was a free-shit fest.
Free shit muppets were salivating while not questioning, knowing, or understanding how all this stuff gets paid for by a country that is almost 19 trillion in debt with a least 120 trillion more in unfunded liabilities.

The quick response (you're too dense for anything more explicit) is this: We never , EVER ask how a war is to be financed, do we?
O'Malley looked good last night. Definitely wasnt a loss for that guy

O'Malley doesn't DESERVE any votes from anybody once he fucking APOLOGIZED for having said (a few weeks back) that ALL LIVES MATTER.

Yep. He fucking APOLOGIZED for having had the audacity to SAY such a thing.

Doesn't matter that what he said was absolutely and undeniably right.

They pounced on him, those true believer socialist Democrat hack bastards. And like a completely craven pussy, he APOLOGIZED.



OH NOES, He Apologized?!?!? Wow that means something important
He apologized for saying All Lives Matter. Why in the holy fuck would somebody apologize for saying something like that?

So you can cry about it maybe?
O'Malley looked good last night. Definitely wasnt a loss for that guy

O'Malley doesn't DESERVE any votes from anybody once he fucking APOLOGIZED for having said (a few weeks back) that ALL LIVES MATTER.

Yep. He fucking APOLOGIZED for having had the audacity to SAY such a thing.

Doesn't matter that what he said was absolutely and undeniably right.

They pounced on him, those true believer socialist Democrat hack bastards. And like a completely craven pussy, he APOLOGIZED.



OH NOES, He Apologized?!?!? Wow that means something important
He apologized for saying All Lives Matter. Why in the holy fuck would somebody apologize for saying something like that?

So you can cry about it maybe?
Are you fuckin stupid?
The responses of the candidates showed from where they get their money.

Webb's answers on energy showed that he is backed by fossil fuel and nuke.

Clinton's refusal to consider reinstating Glass Steigal shows her Wall Street funding.

Sanders seems to be working for the common man.

What a difference between this debate and the Republican minutia fest.
O'Malley looked good last night. Definitely wasnt a loss for that guy

O'Malley doesn't DESERVE any votes from anybody once he fucking APOLOGIZED for having said (a few weeks back) that ALL LIVES MATTER.

Yep. He fucking APOLOGIZED for having had the audacity to SAY such a thing.

Doesn't matter that what he said was absolutely and undeniably right.

They pounced on him, those true believer socialist Democrat hack bastards. And like a completely craven pussy, he APOLOGIZED.



OH NOES, He Apologized?!?!? Wow that means something important
He apologized for saying All Lives Matter. Why in the holy fuck would somebody apologize for saying something like that?

So you can cry about it maybe?
Are you fuckin stupid?

I was right, he did it to make you cry. Go ahead CRY

Chafee's best line (paraphrased): "I didn't leave the GOP, the GOP left me"......
(Very, very true thanks to the Tea Partiers.)

He stole that line from Reagan. Reagan did it better.

The party didn't leave him. Chafee has always been a liberal, even as a Republican.
Not a single one of them brought up how their past and future programs are going to be sustainable or how they will bring down the accumulated deficits (debt).
All I heard was we will give you more this and that and continue to add to accumulated deficits.

Of course, you only heard what you wanted to hear (or not hear)....Did you hear anything at all about Wall Street bankers?
(and, btw......there IS a difference between deficit and debt.)

Yes I did.
Did you hear anything on their big spending programs which is what I am talking about?
Having Wall St. to pay for college education is not doing anything to help pay for the big spending programs. Taxing them is not going to bring in enough to really do anything. Every time a Dem gets more taxes they add more freebie programs. Not paying down the debt.
Yes there is a difference between the deficit and debt. Not one of them addressed the debt.
Our Debt is nothing more than unpaid for accumulated deficits of which both parties are guilty of.
Here is a briefer and more accurate synopsis of the debate last night:

Every Democrat Candidate:

"If elected, I will take money from those who earned it and give it to those that didn't. Also, I will ban stuff."
Here is a briefer and more accurate synopsis of the debate last night:

Every Democrat Candidate:

"If elected, I will take money from those who earned it and give it to those that didn't. Also, I will ban stuff."

Never disappoint others with your abject stupidity....good going.
Did you hear anything on their big spending programs which is what I am talking about?
Having Wall St. to pay for college education is not doing anything to help pay for the big spending programs. Taxing them is not going to bring in enough to really do anything. Every time a Dem gets more taxes they add more freebie programs. Not paying down the debt.
Yes there is a difference between the deficit and debt. Not one of them addressed the debt.
Our Debt is nothing more than unpaid for accumulated deficits of which both parties are guilty of.

Well, I DID hear Sanders proposing to extend SS taxes beyond the $118K cap...I DID hear that single payer health insurance would be cheaper than the rip off of hospitals and pharmaceutical.....and, yes, I DID hear that Wall Streeters are going to subsidize Higher Ed, with Hillary's added caveat of 10 hours per week student employment.
Chafee, O'Malley and Webb are out
(perhaps Webb would make an excellent Sec. of Defense)
O'Malley......Looks presidential but has no wiggle room between Sanders and Clinton (perhaps an excellent candidate for the Dept. of Energy.)
Chafee's best line (paraphrased): "I didn't leave the GOP, the GOP left me"......
(Very, very true thanks to the Tea Partiers.)

Sanders (feisty Brooklynite and a favorite of the young.....but like Ron Paul perhaps off the mainstream voter bloc who simply does NOT understand the meaning of social democrat)

Clinton (not my favorite candidate) is UNBEATABLE, not only within the Democratic Party's nomination but certainly can beat the daylights out of any of the GOP clown posse.)

Sure, there will be right wingers still desperately calling for her incarceration, but the smarter ones well know that is just wishful thinking. Bottom line: No GOP'er in the WH for another decade.

With the intelligence of the commiecrat voters, anything is possible. I saw one really smart commiecrat who participated in a focus group on the Kelly File late last night who actually thought the national highway system was part of FDR's new deal. The demonstrated ignorance of the commiecrats never cease to amaze.
Chafee, O'Malley and Webb are out
(perhaps Webb would make an excellent Sec. of Defense)
O'Malley......Looks presidential but has no wiggle room between Sanders and Clinton (perhaps an excellent candidate for the Dept. of Energy.)
Chafee's best line (paraphrased): "I didn't leave the GOP, the GOP left me"......
(Very, very true thanks to the Tea Partiers.)

Sanders (feisty Brooklynite and a favorite of the young.....but like Ron Paul perhaps off the mainstream voter bloc who simply does NOT understand the meaning of social democrat)

Clinton (not my favorite candidate) is UNBEATABLE, not only within the Democratic Party's nomination but certainly can beat the daylights out of any of the GOP clown posse.)

Sure, there will be right wingers still desperately calling for her incarceration, but the smarter ones well know that is just wishful thinking. Bottom line: No GOP'er in the WH for another decade.

Don't discount O'Malley. He's been a victorious underdog his entire career. The other two were out before they even announced. They're fucking morons. O'Malley started slow, but he revved up by the end. His strategy was to go in with memorized, scripted speeches. He struggled to remember and found it difficult to weave them into the context of the discussions that unfolded. He changed strategies about a quarter of the way through. He began improvising, firing on offense, and parrying attempted attacks at him. Now that he's had a taste, O'Malley will likely be the shining star of the next debate.

Sanders' entire campaign is based on an insurgency of the masses. His "overthrow the establishment" is the same phenomenon that has garnered Trump attention, but it will be equally failed in the long run. Sanders' surge is now prepared to stall, and his performance in the debate proves that he has reached his plateau. The question is, where will Sanders' support go when the decline begins? It won't rush to Clinton. It'll flow to O'Malley.

Clinton has shown her experience. But her well practiced deflections of substantive issues will not be enough to win over anti-Hillary Democrats. And as O'Malley emerges and shows that he is a more viable candidate than previously thought (due to his comparative obscurity) many of the reluctantly-Hillary voters will be eager for a fresh face.
Sanders' entire campaign is based on an insurgency of the masses. His "overthrow the establishment" is the same phenomenon that has garnered Trump attention, but it will be equally failed in the long run. Sanders' surge is now prepared to stall, and his performance in the debate proves that he has reached his plateau. The question is, where will Sanders' support go when the decline begins? It won't rush to Clinton. It'll flow to O'Malley.

Actually, the above is a well-thought out speculation.....and I agree. Thanks.

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