Bring back the rep system.

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This whole discussion is for naught anyway. CK will not bring it back cuz it is less of a headache for him and staff dealing with the bullshit that came with it so why bother?
I think that is the crux of it

Why should mods have to put up with all the whining and aggrivation of the rep system? Hard enough to mod a board this size without adding in playing referee to rep wars
Ironic rw'ers claim to be for small gov't then come on here demanding we have a system that requires constant monitoring by overseers. You can't make this stuff up.

If you disagree w/someone, MAN-UP & TELL THEM ON THE OPEN BOARD!!!The "back channel-like" rep system struck me as child-like when i arrived on the scene in 2011 & didn't take long for me to figure out it was being gamed by the very people who're whining now
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Ironic rw'ers claim to be for small gov't then come on here demanding we have a system that requires constant monitoring by overseers. You can't make this stuff up.

Monitoring and punishment (big government) is only necessary when people fall short of what could be expected in personal responsibility ... That sounds more left-wing than right.

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[ Ironic rw'ers claim to be for small gov't then come on here demanding we have a system that requires constant monitoring by overseers. You can't make this stuff up.

If you disagree w/someone, MAN-UP & TELL THEM ON THE OPEN BOARD!!!The "back channel-like" rep system struck me as child-like when i arrived on the scene in 2011 & didn't take long for me to figure out it was being gamed by the very people who're whining now

That's what see? Wrong, Dot. The mods should have butted out and let the posters resolve the 'neg repping problem' by turning off notifications, or blocking msgs from anyone who isn't a friend, or by ignoring it or respond with a :lol:. By Jake's own admission earlier in this thread, he and Stat were the ones who ran to the mods and demanded they (the mods) resolve the problem. Jake and Stat lean left (despite Jake's insistence that he's a R).

I'm voicing my complaints ... how did I game the system, Dot? I'd love to hear that.
Monitoring and punishment (big government) is only necessary when people fall short of what could be expected in personal responsibility ... That sounds more left-wing than right.

Give me a break. People on the right are just as guilty, they just claim it's "free speech" when called on it. IMO, the right wing's take on personal responsibility amounts to "it's for the other guy".
This whole discussion is for naught anyway. CK will not bring it back cuz it is less of a headache for him and staff dealing with the bullshit that came with it so why bother?
I think that is the crux of it

Why should mods have to put up with all the whining and aggrivation of the rep system? Hard enough to mod a board this size without adding in playing referee to rep wars

So some kids don't know how to play with others and the answer is to not let any of the kids play with others?

Sometimes a few bad apples ruin it for everyone. Didn't you learn that in school?
This whole discussion is for naught anyway. CK will not bring it back cuz it is less of a headache for him and staff dealing with the bullshit that came with it so why bother?
I think that is the crux of it

Why should mods have to put up with all the whining and aggrivation of the rep system? Hard enough to mod a board this size without adding in playing referee to rep wars

The only reason the staff had to put up with rep wars is because some members had a hard time acting like adults. The fact the staff thought is was necessary to play referee in a situation where all they had to do was punish the offenders on both sides ... Is their own damn fault.

Mods tried several times to tame the abuses. They put a limit on how often you could neg, they warned the abusers, they allowed people to opt out. Still the gang negging continued
Finally, they dumped it totally and allowed a red x. You still had posters bragging about how many red x's they could drop

Children need to be treated like children. If they don't play nice, take away their toys
Sometimes a few bad apples ruin it for everyone. Didn't you learn that in school?

Yes, I did because it applied to children.

So the mods decided to treat us all as children instead of dealing with the bad apples. That never happened in days past.

And the pussification of this place continues . . . .
Lol! If I remember correctly, one of my first posts was neg repped by the poster who started this thread. :D ROFL. As if it really means anything though? How does it actually affect your life? That's the question you should ask yourselves. :)
Mods tried several times to tame the abuses. They put a limit on how often you could neg, they warned the abusers, they allowed people to opt out. Still the gang negging continued
Finally, they dumped it totally and allowed a red x. You still had posters bragging about how many red x's they could drop

Children need to be treated like children. If they don't play nice, take away their toys

Mods didn't take away the ability to rep from the abusers and leave it alone for the rest of us, they took it away from everyone. That's the problem, that's what people are complaining about.
Mods tried several times to tame the abuses. They put a limit on how often you could neg, they warned the abusers, they allowed people to opt out. Still the gang negging continued
Finally, they dumped it totally and allowed a red x. You still had posters bragging about how many red x's they could drop

Children need to be treated like children. If they don't play nice, take away their toys

True, very true ... Just another example of what happens when you fail to address the problem at the root cause versus social engineering that doesn't address the issues at hand.

No way its far better than it was before.see I never had problems with posters like you disagreeing with posts of mine because you could do it in a mature adult way.YOU didnt engage in name calling like that childish troll strolling bones did.since they wont ban trolls like him,then it needs to stay the way it is.

Once again, if people abused the rep system then take the rep system away from the abusers and leave it for the rest of us.
wrong hun. The rw'ers that remain (the ones whinging in this thread) here would be the 1st ones to lose the privilege.

There was posters going through archives and red x ing.....Now that sounds like targeting to me folks....
yep. Ernie S. & Mebelle60 were well known for that rw butt hurt tactic. Mebelle60 eventually came around but not the other one.
I did go back to neg YOU for using a certain word; one that I and likely 99% of the women here find extremely offensive. It seems to have done the trick. Your use of the "C" word has virtually disappeared.

You're welcome.
Mods tried several times to tame the abuses. They put a limit on how often you could neg, they warned the abusers, they allowed people to opt out. Still the gang negging continued
Finally, they dumped it totally and allowed a red x. You still had posters bragging about how many red x's they could drop

Children need to be treated like children. If they don't play nice, take away their toys

Mods didn't take away the ability to rep from the abusers and leave it alone for the rest of us, they took it away from everyone. That's the problem, that's what people are complaining about.
Exactly! I did use neg rep frequently as a type of behavior modification or as a tool to let others know that the idiot with the string of red splats should be avoided.

Yes I got into rep wars with a few people. We traded negs back and forth til one of us got bored. BUT when I negged, there was a valid reason. I didn't neg simply because of a difference in opinion. I negged vulgar, hypocritical, hateful or terminally stupid people.
This whole discussion is for naught anyway. CK will not bring it back cuz it is less of a headache for him and staff dealing with the bullshit that came with it so why bother?
I think that is the crux of it

Why should mods have to put up with all the whining and aggravation of the rep system? Hard enough to mod a board this size without adding in playing referee to rep wars

The only reason the staff had to put up with rep wars is because some members had a hard time acting like adults. The fact the staff thought is was necessary to play referee in a situation where all they had to do was punish the offenders on both sides ... Is their own damn fault.

Mods tried several times to tame the abuses. They put a limit on how often you could neg, they warned the abusers, they allowed people to opt out. Still the gang negging continued
Finally, they dumped it totally and allowed a red x. You still had posters bragging about how many red x's they could drop

Children need to be treated like children. If they don't play nice, take away their toys
^ that
Sometimes a few bad apples ruin it for everyone. Didn't you learn that in school?

Yes, I did because it applied to children.

So the mods decided to treat us all as children instead of dealing with the bad apples. That never happened in days past.

And the pussification of this place continues . . . .
AGAIN hun, mods do what they do for free. Asking them to micro-monitor everyone here is asking too much PLUS it a big gov't solution being proffered by you SUPPOSEDLY small gov't-types :lol:

I also like how big Urn is also publicly admitting his addiction to the old, knee-jerk reactionary system that was rightly scrapped for being abused :thup:
AGAIN hun, mods do what they do for free. Asking them to micro-monitor everyone here is asking too much PLUS it a big gov't solution being proffered by you SUPPOSEDLY small gov't-types :lol:

I also like how big Urn is also publicly admitting his addiction to the old, knee-jerk reactionary system that was rightly scrapped for being abused :thup:

That is like suggesting EBT Cards should be scrapped because a few people decide to abuse the system.

AGAIN hun, mods do what they do for free. Asking them to micro-monitor everyone here is asking too much PLUS it a big gov't solution being proffered by you SUPPOSEDLY small gov't-types :lol:

I also like how big Urn is also publicly admitting his addiction to the old, knee-jerk reactionary system that was rightly scrapped for being abused :thup:

You're the third person in as many days that I've said this to ... you need to take a reading comprehension class.

Those on the right ARE NOT the ones who asked the mods to micro-manage anything. That's YOU saying it, projecting onto us. You do that often.

Those on the right wished that the mods had left it to the posters to resolve the problem and, as a last resort if necessary, take away the ability to rep from the abusers and leave it alone for the vast majority of the board that played by the rules. Again, Dot ... Jake and Stat, BOTH left leaning, are the ones who whined to the mods and demanded that the mods take away repping for everyone. Jake is even gloating about it ... I notice you ignore who actually wanted (and got) mod interference. The left leaners are the ones who couldn't resolve the problem on their own!

How was Ernie abusing the system? He negged for posts that HE believed needed to be negged.
Or our 2nd Amendment rights should be trampled because gang bangers in Chicago are shooting each other.

People got their tender feewings hurt because they acted like asses and they bitched and moaned.

Same thing always happens when you let a Liberal run anything.
The reputation comments were an enjoyable aspect of USMB. I only received about 2-3 nasty comments from hacks over the year. I feel there should be an icon that allows us to disagree, but I can understand how there always has to be those who ruin a good thing. If a limit could be placed on the number of red X's you can dish out daily, that would be a good step. Not sure if it is possible, but if it is, please consider it.
No way its far better than it was before.see I never had problems with posters like you disagreeing with posts of mine because you could do it in a mature adult way.YOU didnt engage in name calling like that childish troll strolling bones did.since they wont ban trolls like him,then it needs to stay the way it is.

Once again, if people abused the rep system then take the rep system away from the abusers and leave it for the rest of us.
wrong hun. The rw'ers that remain (the ones whinging in this thread) here would be the 1st ones to lose the privilege.

There was posters going through archives and red x ing.....Now that sounds like targeting to me folks....
yep. Ernie S. & Mebelle60 were well known for that rw butt hurt tactic. Mebelle60 eventually came around but not the other one.
I did go back to neg YOU for using a certain word; one that I and likely 99% of the women here find extremely offensive. It seems to have done the trick. Your use of the "C" word has virtually disappeared.

You're welcome.
Glad to see that you've accepted reality and moved on there big Urn.
Lol! If I remember correctly, one of my first posts was neg repped by the poster who started this thread. :D ROFL. As if it really means anything though? How does it actually affect your life? That's the question you should ask yourselves. :)
it wasd way for certain rw'ers here to vent their rw agression w/o having to go to the trouble to debate someone on the merits. The non-rw'ers here proved how irrelevant rep was when we pos-repped someone to 6K+ in < 2 months. Some rw'ers head's were spinning lol
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