Bring back the rep system.

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So why not take the ability to rep away from those abusing it and leave it for the rest of us who didn't abuse it? That's part of why people are pissed that it's gone.

Because the "bad people" were not the only ones abusing the neg rep system.


?? Why not take the ability to rep away from those abusing the system ... good OR bad ... and leave it for the rest of us who didn't abuse it?

Crap ... You have been here since 2008 and don't know how that story goes? Well ... There is really only one reason you take everyone's toy away because two parties cannot play nice together.

It happens when one side is favored over the other ... And you cannot take the toy away from the favored one without them pitching a shit-fit. So you take it away from everyone and call it fair.


Ahhh, I see said the blind man. Thanks. No, I don't pay much attention to the freakin' drama queens on here or their dramas, whining and moaning about such nonense as "whaaaa, they negged me again!!" As Steph would say, good grief! lol
How does "abuse of the rep system" impact anyone?

omg, it like totally impacts someone's life in every which way possible. I mean, being negged again and again, with mean comments along with the neg??? Like, it totally ruins one's life, for realz. No way you could just turn off the comments part, or only allow comments from friends, or reply with a :lol:, or you know, just ignore it all because it's all just virtual.

How does "abuse of the rep system" impact anyone?

omg, it like totally impacts someone's life in every which way possible. I mean, being negged again and again, with mean comments along with the neg??? Like, it totally ruins one's life, for realz. No way you could just turn off the comments part, or only allow comments from friends, or reply with a :lol:, or you know, just ignore it all because it's all just virtual.


I had no idea! Thank goodness they took away this scourge of the message board!
omg, it like totally impacts someone's life in every which way possible. I mean, being negged again and again, with mean comments along with the neg??? Like, it totally ruins one's life, for realz. No way you could just turn off the comments part, or only allow comments from friends, or reply with a :lol:, or you know, just ignore it all because it's all just virtual.


Well ... I have to give credit where it is due.

I am sure it got rid of problems when the site's format changed and the options available were limited to positive or neutral responses. If perhaps the staff was tired of dealing with kids who couldn't play nice together ... The new system fixes that problem.

The worst neg rep gang bangers on USMB were the liberal women.
No way its far better than it was before.see I never had problems with posters like you disagreeing with posts of mine because you could do it in a mature adult way.YOU didnt engage in name calling like that childish troll strolling bones did.since they wont ban trolls like him,then it needs to stay the way it is.

Once again, if people abused the rep system then take the rep system away from the abusers and leave it for the rest of us.
wrong hun. The rw'ers that remain (the ones whinging in this thread) here would be the 1st ones to lose the privilege.

There was posters going through archives and red x ing.....Now that sounds like targeting to me folks....
yep. Ernie S. & Mebelle60 were well known for that rw butt hurt tactic. Mebelle60 eventually came around but not the other one.
My goodness. What kind of income loss and/or health problems resulted from this neg repping?

None whatsoever!

It was all about ego and partisanship.

The right was happy to oppress the left with negs and believed that they "owned" this forum. Then the left figured out how to use the rep system to their advantage by effectively "negating" the neg reps. The left were giving away "free" rep to everyone and that made rep all but meaningless. The right was not happy and there were some spectacular meltdowns on the right which resulted in permanent banning of some of the main instigators.

So perhaps there were mental health problems but I suspect that those were there to begin with and not caused by the rep system at all. Rep is gone and good riddance in my opinion. It was way too easy to abuse and therefore did not bring much of value to the board. Nowadays you have to be able to express your point in a cogent and coherent manner. That is a good thing.
My goodness. What kind of income loss and/or health problems resulted from this neg repping?

You would be surprised at how close your hyperbole was matched in some cases. The fights were epic at times ... Children running around pulling each others hair a squealing like pigs rolling in their own crap.

It was probably a headache for staff ... But I am twisted enough it was quite humorous to watch.

I just don't understand, I guess.

Apparently, the rep system could be turned off individually.

There is an ignore feature.

If that's not enough, every computer comes with a power button!
This whole discussion is for naught anyway. CK will not bring it back cuz it is less of a headache for him and staff dealing with the bullshit that came with it so why bother?
I think that is the crux of it

Why should mods have to put up with all the whining and aggrivation of the rep system? Hard enough to mod a board this size without adding in playing referee to rep wars
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I just don't understand, I guess.

Apparently, the rep system could be turned off individually.

There is an ignore feature.

If that's not enough, every computer comes with a power button!

Now you are being logical and pragmatic. Blacksand is correct when she described it as children throwing temper tantrums.
No way its far better than it was before.see I never had problems with posters like you disagreeing with posts of mine because you could do it in a mature adult way.YOU didnt engage in name calling like that childish troll strolling bones did.since they wont ban trolls like him,then it needs to stay the way it is.

Once again, if people abused the rep system then take the rep system away from the abusers and leave it for the rest of us.
wrong hun. The rw'ers that remain (the ones whinging in this thread) here would be the 1st ones to lose the privilege.

There was posters going through archives and red x ing.....Now that sounds like targeting to me folks....
yep. Ernie S. & Mebelle60 were well known for that rw butt hurt tactic. Mebelle60 eventually came around but not the other one.

I'm a remaining rw'r ... tell me, how would I lose the privilege of rep? I never abused it.

Since I quoted you and can now see mooglows post .... what he is describing is abuse of the system. Take away the ability to rep from those posters.
This whole discussion is for naught anyway. CK will not bring it back cuz it is less of a headache for him and staff dealing with the bullshit that came with it so why bother?
I think that is the crux of it

Why should mods have to put up with all the whining and aggrivation of the rep system? Hard enough to mod a board this size without adding in playing referee to rep wars

So some kids don't know how to play with others and the answer is to not let any of the kids play with others?

This whole discussion is for naught anyway. CK will not bring it back cuz it is less of a headache for him and staff dealing with the bullshit that came with it so why bother?
I think that is the crux of it

Why should mods have to put up with all the whining and aggrivation of the rep system? Hard enough to mod a board this size without adding in playing referee to rep wars

The only reason the staff had to put up with rep wars is because some members had a hard time acting like adults. The fact the staff thought is was necessary to play referee in a situation where all they had to do was punish the offenders on both sides ... Is their own damn fault.

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