Bring back the rep system.

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AGAIN hun, mods do what they do for free. Asking them to micro-monitor everyone here is asking too much PLUS it a big gov't solution being proffered by you SUPPOSEDLY small gov't-types :lol:

I also like how big Urn is also publicly admitting his addiction to the old, knee-jerk reactionary system that was rightly scrapped for being abused :thup:

You're the third person in as many days that I've said this to ... you need to take a reading comprehension class.

Those on the right ARE NOT the ones who asked the mods to micro-manage anything. That's YOU saying it, projecting onto us. You do that often.

Those on the right wished that the mods had left it to the posters to resolve the problem and, as a last resort if necessary, take away the ability to rep from the abusers and leave it alone for the vast majority of the board that played by the rules. Again, Dot ... Jake and Stat, BOTH left leaning, are the ones who whined to the mods and demanded that the mods take away repping for everyone. Jake is even gloating about it ... I notice you ignore who actually wanted (and got) mod interference. The left leaners are the ones who couldn't resolve the problem on their own!

How was Ernie abusing the system? He negged for posts that HE believed needed to be negged.
him & Mebelle60 (BOTH rw'ers quelle surprise!!! :doubt: ) "serial" negged. The FIRST thing they did when they logged-on was troll past posts to lock-on one to neg. Infantile crap like that rightfully doomed the failed "gotcha" system
This whole discussion is for naught anyway. CK will not bring it back cuz it is less of a headache for him and staff dealing with the bullshit that came with it so why bother?
I think that is the crux of it

Why should mods have to put up with all the whining and aggrivation of the rep system? Hard enough to mod a board this size without adding in playing referee to rep wars
Ironic rw'ers claim to be for small gov't then come on here demanding we have a system that requires constant monitoring by overseers. You can't make this stuff up.

If you disagree w/someone, MAN-UP & TELL THEM ON THE OPEN BOARD!!!The "back channel-like" rep system struck me as child-like when i arrived on the scene in 2011 & didn't take long for me to figure out it was being gamed by the very people who're whining now

what does this board have to do with the government? You fool, it's private property and as the manager Cereal can do with it has he pleases.
i find it hilarious how dot is ignoring the lefties like scat who were pathological neg reppers. that tool went on a four month neg rep rampage where he literally would neg me right on the 48 hour mark.

I remember very well when Mertex joined. She was slapped with red negs in her damn introduction thread. I was like WTF? So I started xapping her with pos rep..and others joined in. I can't count the times a newb would join just to be negged OUT.

Yeah, as I recall, even CK came in and gave me some pos rep. All this bs about missing the "ability to send nice messages" - to quite a few it was all about bullying....plain and simple, some of us were trying to use it the way it was intended and had to contend with the bullies.

Oh by the way, Gracie.....I really liked your post.

So why not take the ability to rep away from those abusing it and leave it for the rest of us who didn't abuse it? That's part of why people are pissed that it's gone.

I can see one specific reason.....many that were pinked were the ones that were abusing it, and they just keep coming back under different names, so they would continue to be able to do it. This way, nobody is able to abuse it anymore.
The way I see it, it's just as easy to tell people how much you hate them and their posts.....just start a thread, like this one. There is no need for the rep system when you can do it in a thread and everyone can see what you posted.

When we had the rep system, I never negged people except when they negged me, I negged them back. And when I first came here, I was told I was stupid to neg back those that had more rep than me, but I figured it was more stupid to just let those bullies continue to neg me when I could neg them back. They kept bragging about how I should do the other words, they were taking so many more points from me than I could take away from them....but really, if they were to do the math themselves, taking 1 or 2 points away from them is better than taking 0 points. So, it wasn't so much about the nice pms that you could send with a rep, it was more about the points, to those bullies, anyway. And I never got a nice note with a was always an insult and name-calling. I can still send a pm with this system if I want to, or I can just reply and tell them how much I appreciate their post. Not a biggie, if you ask me.

Oh, and about those that negged me.....well, as soon as I passed them up in points, they quit their negging.... coincidence? Hardly.

That's why some folks would rep new people and others that would be negged mercilessly by Warrior and others for simply having a different opinion. Just to help offset that so that they wouldn't be run off the site. Yes, it did happen. So some would help them build their rep because these bullies would always stop if you got close to them in rep and if you surpassed them, they'd start kissing your ass.

I saw how some new people were ganged upon. Those who came in and were obviously conservative didn't have to put up with that crap because the left didn't play those kind of games - so they have no idea what it was like and probably don't understand why there was retaliation.

I SERIOUSLY doubt that "the right" was the only one picking on people.

Sure you do......even though you claim you're not partisan......but I never saw a "rightie" being ganged upon with neg rep to the point they had "splats". If there was, tell me who, I'll be waiting.

shootspeeders and tank both lean right and I believe they had splats at various times. I know tank did.

The gang negging went both ways, stop pretending that only the right did it.

You've listed two......and I'm not even sure they ever had red splats....but there were many more lefties that were forced to leave because of the gang neg-repping.
Seems to me that many of you are crying about not having the ability to say something in private that you don't want to say in public.

What's that about? But you can still have private conversations with people.

For one who claims to be so smart...

It's more a matter of convenience for me. I could pos rep someone and, in doing so, the process allowed for the opportunity to offer a comment about that which was repped. Sometimes I liked to say things that were not necessarily pertinent or important to the discussion, things that could derail the discussion topic, so for me it's not a matter of saying something in private that I don't want to or wouldn't say publicly. That is not a malady from which I suffer... much to my wife's dismay...

Why can't you just post a comment? Say, hey, way to go, great post! Or whatever. I don't understand what all the fuss is about with this rep stuff. I found it rather redundant (as is agree, like, informative - we really only need ONE, IMO).

Although, yes, comments were fun, they are not the reason why I participate here, and you can still make comments on other's posts if you so choose.

Because rep comments were private. Posting what you'd post in a private comment in a public post doesn't cut it. At all. Rep comments fostered conversation between posters. I totally miss that.

Some of my favourite posts on the old board was when people would take snapshots of their rep comments and post them for all to see.
This whole discussion is for naught anyway. CK will not bring it back cuz it is less of a headache for him and staff dealing with the bullshit that came with it so why bother?
It does piss him off though. Not a total waste of time.

Nah, I don't think CK loses any sleep worrying or fretting about what some want or don't want......he has enough people that like this site to worry about a handful of naysayers.
That's why some folks would rep new people and others that would be negged mercilessly by Warrior and others for simply having a different opinion. Just to help offset that so that they wouldn't be run off the site. Yes, it did happen. So some would help them build their rep because these bullies would always stop if you got close to them in rep and if you surpassed them, they'd start kissing your ass.

I saw how some new people were ganged upon. Those who came in and were obviously conservative didn't have to put up with that crap because the left didn't play those kind of games - so they have no idea what it was like and probably don't understand why there was retaliation.

I SERIOUSLY doubt that "the right" was the only one picking on people.

Sure you do......even though you claim you're not partisan......but I never saw a "rightie" being ganged upon with neg rep to the point they had "splats". If there was, tell me who, I'll be waiting.

shootspeeders and tank both lean right and I believe they had splats at various times. I know tank did.

The gang negging went both ways, stop pretending that only the right did it.

You've listed two......and I'm not even sure they ever had red splats....but there were many more lefties that were forced to leave because of the gang neg-repping.

People were forced to leave by other members? That doesn't seem right.
You are lying, because you can't prove it. You and Ernie S. were part of a several years' assault by the extreme far righities against all you did not approve. Stats figured away for the rest of us to punish you guys and take away your collective power. The sane side of the Board beat down the crazy far right reactionaries. You have been whining ever since.

You and Stat came up with a way to punish some posters .... and you call others childish? You whine about being neg repped to the mods .. and you have the nerve to call others whiners? "Take away your collective power"? WHAT POWER??? Rep is meaningless, REMEMBER?? What childish assholes you both are. You think you figured a way to pull one over on those you claim abused the rep system? You moron, you screwed it for everyone, you ruined it for those of us (the majority, BOTH SIDES) who used the rep system as it should be used. In your plan to punish those 'abuser' posters, did it ever, ever occur to you that disabling the abusers ability to use the rep feature would do the trick? You just had to ruin it for the rest of us? Wow, just wow. Now we all know that Jake and Stat are responsible for the pussification of this place.

If rep is meaningless, why do you want it back? You can PM anyone you want and tell them how much you loved their post, if that's what you miss. Your idea that is has been ruined seems to me that rep wasn't really meaningless to you.

Go back and read BlackSand's posts on why. If you don't get it, you don't get it.

Yeah, I read her bs about how you can get to your neighbor by walking across the lawn or driving around the block.....really....who in the hell would drive around the block to go see their next door neighbor? The point is for you and BlackSand, it's not that more difficult to go to "Conversations" just have to hover your mouse over your username at the top right, click on conversations and start a conversation with whomever you don't have to drive around the block. It's really not any more difficult than hitting the rep button and typing a "limited" comment.

You miss the point ... repping someone was the start of the conversation. The ability to do that is now more cumbersome and no one does it. No one is linking to the post, going to converstions, pming the person, etc. It worked before but because whiners jake and stat whined ... well, it's gone.

What do you base that on? I happen to get a lot of pms regarding what I post..and I am in a lot of conversations, some that include more than one person! And, it wasn't Jake or Stat that are responsible for it going away, but more like the pink people that shall remain nameless and few that weren't kicked out but don't post as much or at all, like Koshergrl and Sunshine, among others.
him & Mebelle60 (BOTH rw'ers quelle surprise!!! :doubt: ) "serial" negged. The FIRST thing they did when they logged-on was troll past posts to lock-on one to neg. Infantile crap like that rightfully doomed the failed "gotcha" system

By your complete silence on the rest of my post I take it that you've realized that it was the left that whined and cried to the mods, asked for and got mod interference. So we can expect your spewage that it's the "rwr's who want more gov't interference" in this thread to stop.

Alrighty then.

You could only neg rep the same person once every 48 hours or you'd lose your own rep, so how did they 'serial' neg? So two negs, one from MB one from Ernie, every two days and the left went ballistic. So .... why didn't those getting negged and not being able to handle it turn it off, or ignore MB and E, or return the neg with a :lol: and take the wind out of their sails, or just allow friends to msg you? Why didn't they resolve the problem themselves? Why did they demand (and get) mod interference? Why are you ok with everyone getting punished (jake's term) for the actions of a few?
I guess I am all powerful, but every time I steal Zoom-boing's fairy wand and try to make her go away her butt hurt is so powerful that the wand fails.

Zoom, your problem is that you have trouble being polite in certain threads.

That's your problem to work, no one else.
How does "abuse of the rep system" impact anyone?

omg, it like totally impacts someone's life in every which way possible. I mean, being negged again and again, with mean comments along with the neg??? Like, it totally ruins one's life, for realz. No way you could just turn off the comments part, or only allow comments from friends, or reply with a :lol:, or you know, just ignore it all because it's all just virtual.


Like I said in a previous post.....those that didn't experience the negging and the hostility, not to mention the vulgarity in the neg messages because they happened to be in the same political party as those doing the ganging up have no way of knowing what it was like. I'm sure you would totally be able to ignore it and pretend that it didn't bother you if the same happened to you...............:rolleyes:

Just like you are ignoring and acting like it doesn't bother you that they took it away!:D
i find it hilarious how dot is ignoring the lefties like scat who were pathological neg reppers. that tool went on a four month neg rep rampage where he literally would neg me right on the 48 hour mark.


And some on the right did that too. It's not "serial negging" or a "neg rep rampage", it's using the system for its intended purpose. Having said that .... so Dottie is guilty of what he is complaining about? So typical.

Dottie is also spouting that it's the right who want more interference (he's saying gov't, which has zilch to do with this thread, but whatever) in spite of the FACT that it was two left leaners, jake and stat, who demanded the mods fix the problem! You can't make this shit up!
You and Stat came up with a way to punish some posters .... and you call others childish? You whine about being neg repped to the mods .. and you have the nerve to call others whiners? "Take away your collective power"? WHAT POWER??? Rep is meaningless, REMEMBER?? What childish assholes you both are. You think you figured a way to pull one over on those you claim abused the rep system? You moron, you screwed it for everyone, you ruined it for those of us (the majority, BOTH SIDES) who used the rep system as it should be used. In your plan to punish those 'abuser' posters, did it ever, ever occur to you that disabling the abusers ability to use the rep feature would do the trick? You just had to ruin it for the rest of us? Wow, just wow. Now we all know that Jake and Stat are responsible for the pussification of this place.

If rep is meaningless, why do you want it back? You can PM anyone you want and tell them how much you loved their post, if that's what you miss. Your idea that is has been ruined seems to me that rep wasn't really meaningless to you.

Go back and read BlackSand's posts on why. If you don't get it, you don't get it.

Yeah, I read her bs about how you can get to your neighbor by walking across the lawn or driving around the block.....really....who in the hell would drive around the block to go see their next door neighbor? The point is for you and BlackSand, it's not that more difficult to go to "Conversations" just have to hover your mouse over your username at the top right, click on conversations and start a conversation with whomever you don't have to drive around the block. It's really not any more difficult than hitting the rep button and typing a "limited" comment.

You miss the point ... repping someone was the start of the conversation. The ability to do that is now more cumbersome and no one does it. No one is linking to the post, going to converstions, pming the person, etc. It worked before but because whiners jake and stat whined ... well, it's gone.

What do you base that on? I happen to get a lot of pms regarding what I post..and I am in a lot of conversations, some that include more than one person! And, it wasn't Jake or Stat that are responsible for it going away, but more like the pink people that shall remain nameless and few that weren't kicked out but don't post as much or at all, like Koshergrl and Sunshine, among others.

Then why is Jake claiming in several threads that he did? I believe his exact words are "we weren't going to let the extreme right destroy this board"

Now, I realize Jake is a liar, so it is very possible that he did no such thing, but perhaps you should get your story straight in either case.
I guess I am all powerful, but every time I steal Zoom-boing's fairy wand and try to make her go away her butt hurt is so powerful that the wand fails.

Zoom, your problem is that you have trouble being polite in certain threads.

That's your problem to work, no one else.

And when Stat figured out to break the far right neg fest, the far right has been crying ever since.
I guess I am all powerful, but every time I steal Zoom-boing's fairy wand and try to make her go away her butt hurt is so powerful that the wand fails.

Zoom, your problem is that you have trouble being polite in certain threads.

That's your problem to work, no one else.

And when Stat figured out to break the far right neg fest, the far right has been crying ever since.

Stat learned the 48 hour neg art from Yurt and Ernie S. who applied it relentlessly.
How does "abuse of the rep system" impact anyone?

omg, it like totally impacts someone's life in every which way possible. I mean, being negged again and again, with mean comments along with the neg??? Like, it totally ruins one's life, for realz. No way you could just turn off the comments part, or only allow comments from friends, or reply with a :lol:, or you know, just ignore it all because it's all just virtual.


Like I said in a previous post.....those that didn't experience the negging and the hostility, not to mention the vulgarity in the neg messages because they happened to be in the same political party as those doing the ganging up have no way of knowing what it was like. I'm sure you would totally be able to ignore it and pretend that it didn't bother you if the same happened to you...............:rolleyes:

Uh, yeah I would. There were many avenues a poster could have taken. The one I choose was to respond with a :lol: The last one I would have chosen was to whine to the mods about it and have them ruin it for everyone. But then, I'm not a leftist like the two who did just that.
No, this statement is false: "It's not "serial negging" or a "neg rep rampage", it's using the system for its intended purpose." The way daveman, liability, Ernie S., Yurt, and many other used it was not the way for which neg rep was created. And if it was, good then the mods realized that it had to go.
Like I said in a previous post.....those that didn't experience the negging and the hostility, not to mention the vulgarity in the neg messages because they happened to be in the same political party as those doing the ganging up have no way of knowing what it was like. I'm sure you would totally be able to ignore it and pretend that it didn't bother you if the same happened to you...............:rolleyes:

Just like you are ignoring and acting like it doesn't bother you that they took it away!:D

Huh? I have repeatedly said that I wish they hadn't taken it away, primarily because of the conversations that rep started. Try again.
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