Bring back the rep system.

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Sometimes a few bad apples ruin it for everyone. Didn't you learn that in school?

Yes, I did because it applied to children.

So the mods decided to treat us all as children instead of dealing with the bad apples. That never happened in days past.

And the pussification of this place continues . . . .
Actually, many of the posters behaved worse than children. When given a chance they doubled down on dumb

No real loss
Just my $.02 worth...I am glad it is gone.
We had "rep teams" here that was obvious. Someone new could come to the site and somehow their rep points would rocket to the top in a matter of weeks. At the same time some of the best posters here had only modest points at best.
I was asked once to join in on one of these groups, and was the brunt of several other neg-rep campaigns when I would disagree with a poster who had stratospheric rep points - and sure enough I was gang-negged for doing so.
Not to mention...some members rep points made no sense, it sure looked like points were added by someone.
Who needs the drama. We are better without it.
Yep, and I remember you the way, it still goes on in the FZ, so rep was probably not the cause of it.

That is a full out lie .. Because I never negged anyone for any reason. I was only negged twice myself ... Both were friends of yours. One is now banned and the other is still hanging around.

In both cases when I got negged .. I sent them a positive rep in return, wished them luck in their endeavors and hopes they had a pleasant day. I never heard from either of them as far as negs after that.

thanks for reminding me of the 48-hour rule instituted after rw cliques, gang neg repped anyone who didn't conform to their worship :bowdown: of the Repub party. kg & rat in the hat hounded a n00b off of the board because he wouldn't sing the Right's praises lol. You're funny hun. :p

Once again I notice you cherry pick and ignore the entirety of my post.

Are you claiming that only those on the right did this with rep prior to the 48 hour rule? Cause you know that would be a lie.

The 48 hour rule solved the problem. But the left just couldn't let it go.
it didn't solve the problem hun because the people who relied on it as a crutch, in lieu of debating on the open board, howled even louder. :crybaby: Care to try again?
The statement "The last one I would have chosen was to whine to the mods about it and have them ruin it for everyone" is a fallacy, hiding that Zoom is mad that it "destroyed" it for her.

But she is still here.

wtf does that even mean?

You're becoming weirder and weirder Jake.

Please show me where I said taking away rep destroyed this board. It pussified it. True story.
so forcing people to settle their aggreements on the open board as opposed to ganging-up & using back channels is "pussifieng it" :eusa_eh: On what planet?

"settle their aggreements on the open board". What??

This board is now pc, you can only "be positive!" by thanking/agreeing/informative a post. No explanation, just click the button. If you disagree you must explain. So, where's the balance? You need to explain why you disagree with tank, shootspeeders, francolooneybin, cultsmasher and the like? The disagree button caused a red x and the left still couldn't handle that! My goodness you guys are thin skinned!
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This whole discussion is for naught anyway. CK will not bring it back cuz it is less of a headache for him and staff dealing with the bullshit that came with it so why bother?
I think that is the crux of it

Why should mods have to put up with all the whining and aggravation of the rep system? Hard enough to mod a board this size without adding in playing referee to rep wars

The only reason the staff had to put up with rep wars is because some members had a hard time acting like adults. The fact the staff thought is was necessary to play referee in a situation where all they had to do was punish the offenders on both sides ... Is their own damn fault.

Mods tried several times to tame the abuses. They put a limit on how often you could neg, they warned the abusers, they allowed people to opt out. Still the gang negging continued
Finally, they dumped it totally and allowed a red x. You still had posters bragging about how many red x's they could drop

Children need to be treated like children. If they don't play nice, take away their toys
^ that
Sometimes a few bad apples ruin it for everyone. Didn't you learn that in school?

Yes, I did because it applied to children.

So the mods decided to treat us all as children instead of dealing with the bad apples. That never happened in days past.

And the pussification of this place continues . . . .
AGAIN hun, mods do what they do for free. Asking them to micro-monitor everyone here is asking too much PLUS it a big gov't solution being proffered by you SUPPOSEDLY small gov't-types :lol:

I also like how big Urn is also publicly admitting his addiction to the old, knee-jerk reactionary system that was rightly scrapped for being abused :thup:
Those who were abusing the system led to its demise. It was fun for a while, but it just got too nasty
Wasn't like the mods didn't give them a chance. But some people just can't take a hint
Poor Malbear fucked up again. :lol: Son, if you follow Yurt's path, you will receive disdain of the board for the remainder of your days here.

Recognizing that you are a lying old man isn't the same as following Yurt's path, what the hell ever that means old man.

In my short time here, I have received quite a bit of positive feedback, and I seriously doubt that pointing out what a liar you are is going to change that.
No, this statement is false: "It's not "serial negging" or a "neg rep rampage", it's using the system for its intended purpose." The way daveman, liability, Ernie S., Yurt, and many other used it was not the way for which neg rep was created. And if it was, good then the mods realized that it had to go.

you keep spouting this lie. how did i use rep in a way it was not intended? back up your claims for once you sniveling shit.
i find it hilarious how dot is ignoring the lefties like scat who were pathological neg reppers. that tool went on a four month neg rep rampage where he literally would neg me right on the 48 hour mark.


And some on the right did that too. It's not "serial negging" or a "neg rep rampage", it's using the system for its intended purpose. Having said that .... so Dottie is guilty of what he is complaining about? So typical.

Dottie is also spouting that it's the right who want more interference (he's saying gov't, which has zilch to do with this thread, but whatever) in spite of the FACT that it was two left leaners, jake and stat, who demanded the mods fix the problem! You can't make this shit up!
its a metaphor you dumb cu..... errr.....Zoom-boing you dope. Went right over your head.

Hey Jake, why aren't you telling the polka dot that's he's not being polite!


Poor, poor dottie. Has to resort to crudeness in order to get her point across.

Poor thing.

Sometimes a few bad apples ruin it for everyone. Didn't you learn that in school?

Yes, I did because it applied to children.

So the mods decided to treat us all as children instead of dealing with the bad apples. That never happened in days past.

And the pussification of this place continues . . . .
Actually, many of the posters behaved worse than children. When given a chance they doubled down on dumb

No real loss
Annnd another one who ignores the point.
No, this statement is false: "It's not "serial negging" or a "neg rep rampage", it's using the system for its intended purpose." The way daveman, liability, Ernie S., Yurt, and many other used it was not the way for which neg rep was created. And if it was, good then the mods realized that it had to go.

you keep spouting this lie. how did i use rep in a way it was not intended? back up your claims for once you sniveling shit.

Be honest.

Did you rep people either positively or negatively for the manner in which they posted their opinion or simply because you disagreed with their opinion? And yes, those are two entirely different things.

I'm on a sports board, and they have a similar set up to what you guys are talking about you used to have, and it is SUPPOSED to be used to "reward" and "punish" based on the content of the post, not the opinion, but invariably people misuse it and either give a plus or a minus karma (that's what they call it there) based on whether they agree with the poster or not, instead of on whether the post was well written or not.

That's how I try to do with the thank yous here. I've thanked quite a few opinions that I don't agree with , simply because the person presented their case well, and obviously articulated their opinions clearly.

On the other hand, I HAVE seen posts here that while I agreed with their OPINION, I hated their PRESENTATION and would not mind having a button to indicate that.

Human nature says that this board was probably like the sports board I'm on now, and would probably be that way again if it were brought back.
Mods tried several times to tame the abuses. They put a limit on how often you could neg, they warned the abusers, they allowed people to opt out. Still the gang negging continued
Finally, they dumped it totally and allowed a red x. You still had posters bragging about how many red x's they could drop

Children need to be treated like children. If they don't play nice, take away their toys

Mods didn't take away the ability to rep from the abusers and leave it alone for the rest of us, they took it away from everyone. That's the problem, that's what people are complaining about.
Exactly! I did use neg rep frequently as a type of behavior modification or as a tool to let others know that the idiot with the string of red splats should be avoided.

Yes I got into rep wars with a few people. We traded negs back and forth til one of us got bored. BUT when I negged, there was a valid reason. I didn't neg simply because of a difference in opinion. I negged vulgar, hypocritical, hateful or terminally stupid people.

Oh horseshit Ernie. You negged me on the 48s in my early days here and even told me in advance you were going to do it. Now how do you neg "vulgar, hypocritical, hateful terminally stupid" posts that don't even exist yet?
i have no idea what fake is talking about. i rarely negged anyone and it was always for a reason. even when scat was negging me every 48 hours i wouldn't simply neg rep him in return. the reality is, it was jake and his ilk who had the neg rep gang and as always, he merely projects out.
Mods tried several times to tame the abuses. They put a limit on how often you could neg, they warned the abusers, they allowed people to opt out. Still the gang negging continued
Finally, they dumped it totally and allowed a red x. You still had posters bragging about how many red x's they could drop

Children need to be treated like children. If they don't play nice, take away their toys

Mods didn't take away the ability to rep from the abusers and leave it alone for the rest of us, they took it away from everyone. That's the problem, that's what people are complaining about.
Exactly! I did use neg rep frequently as a type of behavior modification or as a tool to let others know that the idiot with the string of red splats should be avoided.

Yes I got into rep wars with a few people. We traded negs back and forth til one of us got bored. BUT when I negged, there was a valid reason. I didn't neg simply because of a difference in opinion. I negged vulgar, hypocritical, hateful or terminally stupid people.

Oh horseshit Ernie. You negged me on the 48s in my early days here and even told me in advance you were going to do it. Now how do you neg "vulgar, hypocritical, hateful terminally stupid" posts that don't even exist yet?

Ernie would go to the neg rep thread and brag about how he was going to neg people every 48 and I particularly remember Mertex being one of his victims.
i have no idea what fake is talking about. i rarely negged anyone and it was always for a reason. even when scat was negging me every 48 hours i wouldn't simply neg rep him in return. the reality is, it was jake and his ilk who had the neg rep gang and as always, he merely projects out.

I suspect the real reality is that "both sides" had groups that did it. Again, it's human nature.
Poor Malbear fucked up again. :lol: Son, if you follow Yurt's path, you will receive disdain of the board for the remainder of your days here.

Recognizing that you are a lying old man isn't the same as following Yurt's path, what the hell ever that means old man.

In my short time here, I have received quite a bit of positive feedback, and I seriously doubt that pointing out what a liar you are is going to change that.

Yup, you are Yurt Jr. :lol:
You are lying, because you can't prove it. You and Ernie S. were part of a several years' assault by the extreme far righities against all you did not approve. Stats figured away for the rest of us to punish you guys and take away your collective power. The sane side of the Board beat down the crazy far right reactionaries. You have been whining ever since.

You and Stat came up with a way to punish some posters .... and you call others childish? You whine about being neg repped to the mods .. and you have the nerve to call others whiners? "Take away your collective power"? WHAT POWER??? Rep is meaningless, REMEMBER?? What childish assholes you both are. You think you figured a way to pull one over on those you claim abused the rep system? You moron, you screwed it for everyone, you ruined it for those of us (the majority, BOTH SIDES) who used the rep system as it should be used. In your plan to punish those 'abuser' posters, did it ever, ever occur to you that disabling the abusers ability to use the rep feature would do the trick? You just had to ruin it for the rest of us? Wow, just wow. Now we all know that Jake and Stat are responsible for the pussification of this place.

If rep is meaningless, why do you want it back? You can PM anyone you want and tell them how much you loved their post, if that's what you miss. Your idea that is has been ruined seems to me that rep wasn't really meaningless to you.

Go back and read BlackSand's posts on why. If you don't get it, you don't get it.

Yeah, I read her bs about how you can get to your neighbor by walking across the lawn or driving around the block.....really....who in the hell would drive around the block to go see their next door neighbor? The point is for you and BlackSand, it's not that more difficult to go to "Conversations" just have to hover your mouse over your username at the top right, click on conversations and start a conversation with whomever you don't have to drive around the block. It's really not any more difficult than hitting the rep button and typing a "limited" comment.

You miss the point ... repping someone was the start of the conversation. The ability to do that is now more cumbersome and no one does it. No one is linking to the post, going to converstions, pming the person, etc. It worked before but because whiners jake and stat whined ... well, it's gone.

I woulda put an "agree" on this one but for the last line where it descends back down to finger-pointing.

I don't believe "the right" did this or "the left" did that as regards rep. I believe individual posters, who personally can't handle their worldviews being challenged, abused the system, and all this stupid finger-pointing is paranoid delusion. I know exactly who used to hunt me down and it wasn't "the right". It was "the whiners". Those exist on every side. That's a personal trait, not a political one.
Poor Malbear fucked up again. :lol: Son, if you follow Yurt's path, you will receive disdain of the board for the remainder of your days here.

Recognizing that you are a lying old man isn't the same as following Yurt's path, what the hell ever that means old man.

In my short time here, I have received quite a bit of positive feedback, and I seriously doubt that pointing out what a liar you are is going to change that.

Yup, you are Yurt Jr. :lol:

Jake, if my own father , who is 63, ever begins to behave the way you do, I'll probably have him committed. Grow up old man.
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