Bring back the rep system.

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Okay I've read the entire thread. I don't really have a dog in the fight as I don't need all the fingers on one hand to count the neg reps I've given, and, except for a few trolls who didn't last long here, I believe I have received neg reps from maybe five or so people, most multiple times, and none of which I particularly appreciated as assets to USMB. In fact the neg reps I've received have only underscored justification for the negative opinion I held of those people. :)

My only problem with rep is that it had become a sort of cliquish obligatory thing. If you want to be in the 'swell people' club you have to distribute a proper amount of rep everyday.....that sort of thing. It no longer indicated the quality of posts. And I found that tiresome.

I very much approved taking away the red X because of the few really childish a-holes who followed people around to disagree with everything they posted even if it was a comment of the weather. That didn't happen to me but did to many people who would log in to find their alerts box with nothing but dozens of red X notifications. Another case where the childish, hateful, and vindictive ruined it for everybody else.

cereal_killer So why not just see if it is possible to have a comment box attached to the like, agree, and informative buttons? That would restore the social interaction feature without feeding the ability of trolls to be trolls. If you really need to say something angry or hateful to somebody, it isn't asking too much to make the effort to send a PM. Otherwise you'll have to do it on open boards or while adding to the member's 'likes' for that post.
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No, this statement is false: "It's not "serial negging" or a "neg rep rampage", it's using the system for its intended purpose." The way daveman, liability, Ernie S., Yurt, and many other used it was not the way for which neg rep was created. And if it was, good then the mods realized that it had to go.

you keep spouting this lie. how did i use rep in a way it was not intended? back up your claims for once you sniveling shit.

You are lying again. A long time ago I told you if you kept up the way you were going with that crowd (all vicious far righites by the way) that you would end up this way. All you can do is cry. And here you are crying..

i notice you ONCE AGAIN fail to answer my question or back up your claim. why is that jake? you know you are lying so you will just deflect, obfuscate and run away like usual. how did i abuse rep? and prove i was in some neg rep gang with ernie, because that is an absolute LIE.

No, this statement is false: "It's not "serial negging" or a "neg rep rampage", it's using the system for its intended purpose." The way daveman, liability, Ernie S., Yurt, and many other used it was not the way for which neg rep was created. And if it was, good then the mods realized that it had to go.

you keep spouting this lie. how did i use rep in a way it was not intended? back up your claims for once you sniveling shit.

You are lying again. A long time ago I told you if you kept up the way you were going with that crowd (all vicious far righites by the way) that you would end up this way. All you can do is cry. And here you are crying..

i notice you ONCE AGAIN fail to answer my question or back up your claim. why is that jake? you know you are lying so you will just deflect, obfuscate and run away like usual. how did i abuse rep? and prove i was in some neg rep gang with ernie, because that is an absolute LIE.


You never back anything up, Yurt, you simply lie.

And, yes, I was right here you are ONCE AGAIN proof in that you are flailing and crying. And here I am again shooting your nonsense down.

Jake, you made a claim. Be a man and back it up. Yurt is innocent until YOU prove him guilty gramps.
This is kinda like the old days of rep wars, watching the far right running around and lying and crying and then melting down. One of things they do is to make claims, then you will say that's not so, then they challenge you to refute their unsubstantiated claim. Yurt and MalBear are doing that already above.

Watch Yurt.
This is kinda like the old days of rep wars, watching the far right running around and lying and crying and then melting down. One of things they do is to make claims, then you will say that's not so, then they challenge you to refute their unsubstantiated claim. Yurt and MalBear are doing that already above.

Watch Yurt.

what? you made the claim that i abused the rep system and you made the claim i was in a neg rep gang with ernie.

YOU made those claim, YOU have not substantiated your claims when i asked you to.

my gawd, how the heck can you sit there and claim i'm the one not backing up my claims when i've repeatedly asked YOU to back up your claims? you're the worst liar on the internet.
you keep spouting this lie. how did i use rep in a way it was not intended? back up your claims for once you sniveling shit.

You are lying again. A long time ago I told you if you kept up the way you were going with that crowd (all vicious far righites by the way) that you would end up this way. All you can do is cry. And here you are crying..

i notice you ONCE AGAIN fail to answer my question or back up your claim. why is that jake? you know you are lying so you will just deflect, obfuscate and run away like usual. how did i abuse rep? and prove i was in some neg rep gang with ernie, because that is an absolute LIE.


You never back anything up, Yurt, you simply lie.

And, yes, I was right here you are ONCE AGAIN proof in that you are flailing and crying. And here I am again shooting your nonsense down.

Jake, you made a claim. Be a man and back it up. Yurt is innocent until YOU prove him guilty gramps.

now the tool is claiming i'm the one not backing up my claims


the guy is a human projector, i swear he has done this before. you ask him to back up his claims and then amazingly after failing to do so, he has the temerity to claim you're the one not backing up your claims. how the hell does anyone believe anything jake says. i mean the posts are right here in this thread, i've asked him about a half dozen times to substantiate his claims and he refuses, NOW he absurdly claims, i'm not backing up my claims.

This is kinda like the old days of rep wars, watching the far right running around and lying and crying and then melting down. One of things they do is to make claims, then you will say that's not so, then they challenge you to refute their unsubstantiated claim. Yurt and MalBear are doing that already above.

Watch Yurt.

Wait? What? What claim have I made in this thread Jake? Specifically what I have I claimed ?

JakeStarkey what claim did I make in this thread Jake?
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i have no idea what fake is talking about. i rarely negged anyone and it was always for a reason. even when scat was negging me every 48 hours i wouldn't simply neg rep him in return. the reality is, it was jake and his ilk who had the neg rep gang and as always, he merely projects out.

I suspect the real reality is that "both sides" had groups that did it. Again, it's human nature.

I am sure there were some lefties who did it.

What the far right is unhappy about is that Stat figured out the system statistically so that people could pos rep each other so much that soon they had as much rep as those on the far right, then the bitterness began that the rep factories made the far right powerless, or something silly to that extent.

So , you think it's amusing that this Stat found a way to abuse the system to give people positive rep but are mad that they "right" abused the system giving people negative rep?

That's about right for you Jake, complete hypocrite, and liar.

I reiterate, bring this rep back, it amuses me.
The right had their own pos rep circle jerks. The rep system had nothing to do with merit and everything to do with how you gamed the system
i have no idea what fake is talking about. i rarely negged anyone and it was always for a reason. even when scat was negging me every 48 hours i wouldn't simply neg rep him in return. the reality is, it was jake and his ilk who had the neg rep gang and as always, he merely projects out.

I suspect the real reality is that "both sides" had groups that did it. Again, it's human nature.

I am sure there were some lefties who did it.

What the far right is unhappy about is that Stat figured out the system statistically so that people could pos rep each other so much that soon they had as much rep as those on the far right, then the bitterness began that the rep factories made the far right powerless, or something silly to that extent.

So , you think it's amusing that this Stat found a way to abuse the system to give people positive rep but are mad that they "right" abused the system giving people negative rep?

That's about right for you Jake, complete hypocrite, and liar.

I reiterate, bring this rep back, it amuses me.
The right had their own pos rep circle jerks. The rep system had nothing to do with merit and everything to do with how you gamed the system

I wouldn't doubt that.

Jake admitted that the left did so as well
Mods tried several times to tame the abuses. They put a limit on how often you could neg, they warned the abusers, they allowed people to opt out. Still the gang negging continued
Finally, they dumped it totally and allowed a red x. You still had posters bragging about how many red x's they could drop

Children need to be treated like children. If they don't play nice, take away their toys

Mods didn't take away the ability to rep from the abusers and leave it alone for the rest of us, they took it away from everyone. That's the problem, that's what people are complaining about.
Exactly! I did use neg rep frequently as a type of behavior modification or as a tool to let others know that the idiot with the string of red splats should be avoided.

Yes I got into rep wars with a few people. We traded negs back and forth til one of us got bored. BUT when I negged, there was a valid reason. I didn't neg simply because of a difference in opinion. I negged vulgar, hypocritical, hateful or terminally stupid people.

Oh horseshit Ernie. You negged me on the 48s in my early days here and even told me in advance you were going to do it. Now how do you neg "vulgar, hypocritical, hateful terminally stupid" posts that don't even exist yet?
You're full of shit, as usual. I negged stupid shit. There were several people who's stupid shit I could only neg once every 48 hours. If the time limit had been 15 minutes, there would have been no shortage of neg worthy posts.

Don't lie Ernie. I have your very words saying just that. I could quote it back to you verbatim if it wasn't against site rules, but you and I both know it exists. Man up already.
And then, I gather, some were doing the 'ernie' to Ernie, which finally drove him into near inactivity for some time. He claims it was the new bar, but really he could not take what he dished out.
Ironic rw'ers claim to be for small gov't then come on here demanding we have a system that requires constant monitoring by overseers. You can't make this stuff up.



Not government


I hope that helps.
him & Mebelle60 (BOTH rw'ers quelle surprise!!! :doubt: ) "serial" negged. The FIRST thing they did when they logged-on was troll past posts to lock-on one to neg. Infantile crap like that rightfully doomed the failed "gotcha" system

By your complete silence on the rest of my post I take it that you've realized that it was the left that whined and cried to the mods, asked for and got mod interference. So we can expect your spewage that it's the "rwr's who want more gov't interference" in this thread to stop.

Alrighty then.

You could only neg rep the same person once every 48 hours or you'd lose your own rep, so how did they 'serial' neg? So two negs, one from MB one from Ernie, every two days and the left went ballistic. So .... why didn't those getting negged and not being able to handle it turn it off, or ignore MB and E, or return the neg with a :lol: and take the wind out of their sails, or just allow friends to msg you? Why didn't they resolve the problem themselves? Why did they demand (and get) mod interference? Why are you ok with everyone getting punished (jake's term) for the actions of a few?
thanks for reminding me of the 48-hour rule instituted after rw cliques, gang neg repped anyone who didn't conform to their worship :bowdown: of the Repub party. kg & rat in the hat hounded a n00b off of the board because he wouldn't sing the Right's praises lol. You're funny hun. :p

You are a lying sack of shit. I didn't "hound" decker off the board with negs. In fact, I never negged him. He left because I was ridiculing his "dyslexic concern troll" act on his visitor wall.
You are lying again. A long time ago I told you if you kept up the way you were going with that crowd (all vicious far righites by the way) that you would end up this way. All you can do is cry. And here you are crying..

i notice you ONCE AGAIN fail to answer my question or back up your claim. why is that jake? you know you are lying so you will just deflect, obfuscate and run away like usual. how did i abuse rep? and prove i was in some neg rep gang with ernie, because that is an absolute LIE.


You never back anything up, Yurt, you simply lie.

And, yes, I was right here you are ONCE AGAIN proof in that you are flailing and crying. And here I am again shooting your nonsense down.

Jake, you made a claim. Be a man and back it up. Yurt is innocent until YOU prove him guilty gramps.

now the tool is claiming i'm the one not backing up my claims


the guy is a human projector, i swear he has done this before. you ask him to back up his claims and then amazingly after failing to do so, he has the temerity to claim you're the one not backing up your claims. how the hell does anyone believe anything jake says. i mean the posts are right here in this thread, i've asked him about a half dozen times to substantiate his claims and he refuses, NOW he absurdly claims, i'm not backing up my claims.


and jake runs away jakin again.....
I woulda put an "agree" on this one but for the last line where it descends back down to finger-pointing.

I don't believe "the right" did this or "the left" did that as regards rep. I believe individual posters, who personally can't handle their worldviews being challenged, abused the system, and all this stupid finger-pointing is paranoid delusion. I know exactly who used to hunt me down and it wasn't "the right". It was "the whiners". Those exist on every side. That's a personal trait, not a political one.

Finger pointing? Specifically, jake and stat whined and got rep taken away. Yes, abusers on both sides existed but instead of taking the ability to rep away from them, jake and crew forced the mods to take it away from everyone. Damn right I"ll point my finger at the assholes who ruined it for the majority who used it as intended.

you crack me up jake, no self awareness.....

You are lying, because you can't prove it. You and Ernie S. were part of a several years' assault by the extreme far righities against all you did not approve. Stats figured away for the rest of us to punish you guys and take away your collective power. The sane side of the Board beat down the crazy far right reactionaries. You have been whining ever since.

Bring back the rep system. Page 8 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
him & Mebelle60 (BOTH rw'ers quelle surprise!!! :doubt: ) "serial" negged. The FIRST thing they did when they logged-on was troll past posts to lock-on one to neg. Infantile crap like that rightfully doomed the failed "gotcha" system

By your complete silence on the rest of my post I take it that you've realized that it was the left that whined and cried to the mods, asked for and got mod interference. So we can expect your spewage that it's the "rwr's who want more gov't interference" in this thread to stop.

Alrighty then.

You could only neg rep the same person once every 48 hours or you'd lose your own rep, so how did they 'serial' neg? So two negs, one from MB one from Ernie, every two days and the left went ballistic. So .... why didn't those getting negged and not being able to handle it turn it off, or ignore MB and E, or return the neg with a :lol: and take the wind out of their sails, or just allow friends to msg you? Why didn't they resolve the problem themselves? Why did they demand (and get) mod interference? Why are you ok with everyone getting punished (jake's term) for the actions of a few?
thanks for reminding me of the 48-hour rule instituted after rw cliques, gang neg repped anyone who didn't conform to their worship :bowdown: of the Repub party. kg & rat in the hat hounded a n00b off of the board because he wouldn't sing the Right's praises lol. You're funny hun. :p

You are a lying sack of shit. I didn't "hound" decker off the board with negs. In fact, I never negged him. He left because I was ridiculing his "dyslexic concern troll" act on his visitor wall.

snottie lied, shocker....
This whole discussion is for naught anyway. CK will not bring it back cuz it is less of a headache for him and staff dealing with the bullshit that came with it so why bother?
I think that is the crux of it

Why should mods have to put up with all the whining and aggravation of the rep system? Hard enough to mod a board this size without adding in playing referee to rep wars

The only reason the staff had to put up with rep wars is because some members had a hard time acting like adults. The fact the staff thought is was necessary to play referee in a situation where all they had to do was punish the offenders on both sides ... Is their own damn fault.

Mods tried several times to tame the abuses. They put a limit on how often you could neg, they warned the abusers, they allowed people to opt out. Still the gang negging continued
Finally, they dumped it totally and allowed a red x. You still had posters bragging about how many red x's they could drop

Children need to be treated like children. If they don't play nice, take away their toys
^ that

For posting "^ that."
now the tool is claiming i'm the one not backing up my claims:lol:

the guy is a human projector, i swear he has done this before. you ask him to back up his claims and then amazingly after failing to do so, he has the temerity to claim you're the one not backing up your claims. how the hell does anyone believe anything jake says. i mean the posts are right here in this thread, i've asked him about a half dozen times to substantiate his claims and he refuses, NOW he absurdly claims, i'm not backing up my claims.


and jake runs away jakin again.....

Everyone knows it's his m.o. Once upon a time, long ago and far away, I had some respect for jake. Now? He's a jackass who never, ever backs up his claims. He's also gotten really weird ... er, weirder of late. Senility perhaps? The drink? dk, dc
I woulda put an "agree" on this one but for the last line where it descends back down to finger-pointing.

I don't believe "the right" did this or "the left" did that as regards rep. I believe individual posters, who personally can't handle their worldviews being challenged, abused the system, and all this stupid finger-pointing is paranoid delusion. I know exactly who used to hunt me down and it wasn't "the right". It was "the whiners". Those exist on every side. That's a personal trait, not a political one.

Finger pointing? Specifically, jake and stat whined and got rep taken away. Yes, abusers on both sides existed but instead of taking the ability to rep away from them, jake and crew forced the mods to take it away from everyone. Damn right I"ll point my finger at the assholes who ruined it for the majority who used it as intended.

you crack me up jake, no self awareness.....

You are lying, because you can't prove it. You and Ernie S. were part of a several years' assault by the extreme far righities against all you did not approve. Stats figured away for the rest of us to punish you guys and take away your collective power. The sane side of the Board beat down the crazy far right reactionaries. You have been whining ever since.

Bring back the rep system. Page 8 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Yeah, Rep went away because of the new board software change. Not because anyone whined and had it taken away. Jake was incorrect in that line you underlined. Stat and others were pos repping newbies with differing opinions to keep them from being discouraged and leaving the board because they were being bombarded with negs when they got here. Once someone's rep got high enough they were left alone.
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