Bring back the rep system.

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If rep is meaningless, why do you want it back? You can PM anyone you want and tell them how much you loved their post, if that's what you miss. Your idea that is has been ruined seems to me that rep wasn't really meaningless to you.

Go back and read BlackSand's posts on why. If you don't get it, you don't get it.

Yeah, I read her bs about how you can get to your neighbor by walking across the lawn or driving around the block.....really....who in the hell would drive around the block to go see their next door neighbor? The point is for you and BlackSand, it's not that more difficult to go to "Conversations" just have to hover your mouse over your username at the top right, click on conversations and start a conversation with whomever you don't have to drive around the block. It's really not any more difficult than hitting the rep button and typing a "limited" comment.

You miss the point ... repping someone was the start of the conversation. The ability to do that is now more cumbersome and no one does it. No one is linking to the post, going to converstions, pming the person, etc. It worked before but because whiners jake and stat whined ... well, it's gone.

What do you base that on? I happen to get a lot of pms regarding what I post..and I am in a lot of conversations, some that include more than one person! And, it wasn't Jake or Stat that are responsible for it going away, but more like the pink people that shall remain nameless and few that weren't kicked out but don't post as much or at all, like Koshergrl and Sunshine, among others.

Then why is Jake claiming in several threads that he did? I believe his exact words are "we weren't going to let the extreme right destroy this board"

Now, I realize Jake is a liar, so it is very possible that he did no such thing, but perhaps you should get your story straight in either case.

What? I said we would not let the extreme right destroy the board, and we succeeded. What's your problem?
No, this statement is false: "It's not "serial negging" or a "neg rep rampage", it's using the system for its intended purpose." The way daveman, liability, Ernie S., Yurt, and many other used it was not the way for which neg rep was created. And if it was, good then the mods realized that it had to go.

So tell us, how was neg rep suppose to be used if not for posts that people believe should be negged?
The statement "The last one I would have chosen was to whine to the mods about it and have them ruin it for everyone" is a fallacy, hiding that Zoom is mad that it "destroyed" it for her.

But she is still here.
My goodness. What kind of income loss and/or health problems resulted from this neg repping?

Not much......and there was no monetary gain from the positive repping, so I don't understand all the whining about bringing it back when they have the same abilities that were provided with the rep system in the new system, except for the points.....which was the highlight of the abusers' life.
No, this statement is false: "It's not "serial negging" or a "neg rep rampage", it's using the system for its intended purpose." The way daveman, liability, Ernie S., Yurt, and many other used it was not the way for which neg rep was created. And if it was, good then the mods realized that it had to go.

So tell us, how was neg rep suppose to be used if not for posts that people believe should be negged?

As a rep gang bang to run people off, particularly newbies? That is why 007 is so bitter: he has to share USMB with folks he does not like, with folks who are quite capable of telling him and showing he is wrong.
No, this statement is false: "It's not "serial negging" or a "neg rep rampage", it's using the system for its intended purpose." The way daveman, liability, Ernie S., Yurt, and many other used it was not the way for which neg rep was created. And if it was, good then the mods realized that it had to go.

So tell us, how was neg rep suppose to be used if not for posts that people believe should be negged?

As a rep gang bang to run people off, particularly newbies? That is why 007 is so bitter: he has to share USMB with folks he does not like, with folks who are quite capable of telling him and showing he is wrong.

It's not the points that 007 is unhappy about, it is he can't drive people away.

That's why the Tavern was destroyed, that is why the CS takes its shots, that's why some on the far right, if they can't make the Board their playpen, they would destroy it if the could.
My goodness. What kind of income loss and/or health problems resulted from this neg repping?

You would be surprised at how close your hyperbole was matched in some cases. The fights were epic at times ... Children running around pulling each others hair a squealing like pigs rolling in their own crap.

It was probably a headache for staff ... But I am twisted enough it was quite humorous to watch.


Yep, and I remember you the way, it still goes on in the FZ, so rep was probably not the cause of it.
I just don't understand, I guess.

Apparently, the rep system could be turned off individually.

There is an ignore feature.

If that's not enough, every computer comes with a power button!

What are you? A genuis? Of course all that was available....and the few that got it turned off got hounded mercilessly for turning it, it's too bad you weren't here to offer your valuable advice, I'm sure you would have put an end to it.
Holy Jesus, if NOT having it causes this much humor, I can only imagine how funny it would be to have it . I've changed my mind, bring back rep, whatever the hell that is.
him & Mebelle60 (BOTH rw'ers quelle surprise!!! :doubt: ) "serial" negged. The FIRST thing they did when they logged-on was troll past posts to lock-on one to neg. Infantile crap like that rightfully doomed the failed "gotcha" system

By your complete silence on the rest of my post I take it that you've realized that it was the left that whined and cried to the mods, asked for and got mod interference. So we can expect your spewage that it's the "rwr's who want more gov't interference" in this thread to stop.

Alrighty then.

You could only neg rep the same person once every 48 hours or you'd lose your own rep, so how did they 'serial' neg? So two negs, one from MB one from Ernie, every two days and the left went ballistic. So .... why didn't those getting negged and not being able to handle it turn it off, or ignore MB and E, or return the neg with a :lol: and take the wind out of their sails, or just allow friends to msg you? Why didn't they resolve the problem themselves? Why did they demand (and get) mod interference? Why are you ok with everyone getting punished (jake's term) for the actions of a few?
thanks for reminding me of the 48-hour rule instituted after rw cliques, gang neg repped anyone who didn't conform to their worship :bowdown: of the Repub party. kg & rat in the hat hounded a n00b off of the board because he wouldn't sing the Right's praises lol. You're funny hun. :p
The statement "The last one I would have chosen was to whine to the mods about it and have them ruin it for everyone" is a fallacy, hiding that Zoom is mad that it "destroyed" it for her.

But she is still here.

wtf does that even mean?

You're becoming weirder and weirder Jake.

Please show me where I said taking away rep destroyed this board. It pussified it. True story.
him & Mebelle60 (BOTH rw'ers quelle surprise!!! :doubt: ) "serial" negged. The FIRST thing they did when they logged-on was troll past posts to lock-on one to neg. Infantile crap like that rightfully doomed the failed "gotcha" system

By your complete silence on the rest of my post I take it that you've realized that it was the left that whined and cried to the mods, asked for and got mod interference. So we can expect your spewage that it's the "rwr's who want more gov't interference" in this thread to stop.

Alrighty then.

You could only neg rep the same person once every 48 hours or you'd lose your own rep, so how did they 'serial' neg? So two negs, one from MB one from Ernie, every two days and the left went ballistic. So .... why didn't those getting negged and not being able to handle it turn it off, or ignore MB and E, or return the neg with a :lol: and take the wind out of their sails, or just allow friends to msg you? Why didn't they resolve the problem themselves? Why did they demand (and get) mod interference? Why are you ok with everyone getting punished (jake's term) for the actions of a few?
thanks for reminding me of the 48-hour rule instituted after rw cliques, gang neg repped anyone who didn't conform to their worship :bowdown: of the Repub party. kg & rat in the hat hounded a n00b off of the board because he wouldn't sing the Right's praises lol. You're funny hun. :p

It would take a pretty weak person to let someone "hound them off a board"

I remember when I first joined, that dolt Dana (who is most assuredly a liberal by the way) put a big red ex on every post I made. Didn't matter how innocuous, that dolt put a red ex on it, I just laughed at her stupidity and moved on.
i find it hilarious how dot is ignoring the lefties like scat who were pathological neg reppers. that tool went on a four month neg rep rampage where he literally would neg me right on the 48 hour mark.


And some on the right did that too. It's not "serial negging" or a "neg rep rampage", it's using the system for its intended purpose. Having said that .... so Dottie is guilty of what he is complaining about? So typical.

Dottie is also spouting that it's the right who want more interference (he's saying gov't, which has zilch to do with this thread, but whatever) in spite of the FACT that it was two left leaners, jake and stat, who demanded the mods fix the problem! You can't make this shit up!
its a metaphor you dumb cu..... errr.....Zoom-boing you dope. Went right over your head.
it's our nature, and Zoom-boing is our High Priestess to lead us in this word war.
Ironic rw'ers claim to be for small gov't then come on here demanding we have a system that requires constant monitoring by overseers. You can't make this stuff up.

Monitoring and punishment (big government) is only necessary when people fall short of what could be expected in personal responsibility ... That sounds more left-wing than right.


Yeah sure, that's why most of the ones that were pinked and ushered out were lefties, right?
Poor Malbear fucked up again. :lol: Son, if you follow Yurt's path, you will receive disdain on the board for the remainder of your days here.
thanks for reminding me of the 48-hour rule instituted after rw cliques, gang neg repped anyone who didn't conform to their worship :bowdown: of the Repub party. kg & rat in the hat hounded a n00b off of the board because he wouldn't sing the Right's praises lol. You're funny hun. :p

Once again I notice you cherry pick and ignore the entirety of my post.

Are you claiming that only those on the right did this with rep prior to the 48 hour rule? Cause you know that would be a lie.

The 48 hour rule solved the problem. But the left just couldn't let it go.
The statement "The last one I would have chosen was to whine to the mods about it and have them ruin it for everyone" is a fallacy, hiding that Zoom is mad that it "destroyed" it for her.

But she is still here.

wtf does that even mean?

You're becoming weirder and weirder Jake.

Please show me where I said taking away rep destroyed this board. It pussified it. True story.
so forcing people to settle their disagreements on the open board as opposed to ganging-up & using back channels is "pussifieng it" :eusa_eh: On what planet?
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