Bring it on.

Same as when Rumfeld was partying with Saddam as he gassed the Kurds with gas made from materials that we supplied.

ROFL... first Rumsfeld never partied with Hussein (President of Iraq, Not Hesistant-elect of the US)...

Secondly the US did not provide a drop of WMD to Iraq...

Once again you're reacting to the internet driven myth which began shortly after 9-11 during the 'anthrax scare' created by the ideologicla left to induce sympathy from a public which largely and correctly blamed them for 9-11.

With 'Anthrax' being on the mind of every American and most leftists, some idiot did a search and found the 'US government had provided Iraq with Anthrax...' What they failed to pass along is that the US Dept of Agriculture provides a crucial vaccine program to 3rd world governemnts to protect international lovestock herds, with 'anthrax' being but one of a litanny of vaccines...

The Kurds and Iranians were attacked by Nerve agent, which is a Chemical WMD... not the biologic WMD weaponized Anthrax; and the US has never given Chemical weapons, nerve agent of otherwise to Iraq or any other 3rd world shithole.

And the majority of our soldiers were not killed in the conquest of Iraq, they were killed during our occupation of Iraq. How many of our soldiers did we lose in the occupation of Germany or Japan?

How many?

Come on jack ass... answer your own question. Here's a clue... its not -0-...

Of course you ignorantly and erroneously believe that the US lost NO troops in the occupation of the Axis powers... Nor can you reconcile that the US went to extreme measures to AVOID unnecessary loss of Iraqi civilian life in the invasion and LIBERATION of Iraq... decidely NOT a comnquest... in contrast to the conquest of Germany, where the German civilian was recognized as 'The enemy'... visciously, mercilessly and ceasely attacked. the German military eviscerated... the Iraqi military was barely scratched... there were very few men of fighting age with a will to fight in post war axis nations, because where such had survived, they were vastly more concerned with EATING; which was a challenge, as there was very little left of Axis infrastructure, from farms, roads, bridges and places to store what little there was.

Your would-be point is assinine and thoroughly bereft of reason.
ROFL... first Rumsfeld never partied with Hussein (President of Iraq, Not Hesistant-elect of the US)...

Secondly the US did not provide a drop of WMD to Iraq...

OMG thats the dumbest thing I've ever heard. There is a picture you fucking fascist nutjob of Rumsfeld and the check he got in 82 from Hussein. This is exactly what I'm talking about you Fascist far right evangelical gay people hating fucking crackhead. The sad thing is that you passed this stupid shit onto your kids and the cycle continues. Get this straight you soon to be on social security and then hopefully dying soon thereafter fascist, YOUR BREED IS ALMOST EXTINCT THANK GOD!!! Your way of thinking is OVER so enjoy your insanity while it lasts
ROFL... first Rumsfeld never partied with Hussein (President of Iraq, Not Hesistant-elect of the US)...

Secondly the US did not provide a drop of WMD to Iraq...

OMG thats the dumbest thing I've ever heard. There is a picture you fucking fascist nutjob of Rumsfeld and the check he got in 82 from Hussein. This is exactly what I'm talking about you Fascist far right evangelical gay people hating fucking crackhead. The sad thing is that you passed this stupid shit onto your kids and the cycle continues. Get this straight you soon to be on social security and then hopefully dying soon thereafter fascist, YOUR BREED IS ALMOST EXTINCT THANK GOD!!! Your way of thinking is OVER so enjoy your insanity while it lasts

OH! I see... I didn't realize that a photo of Rumsfeld, diplomatic attache to the President of the US, shaking the hand of the head of state of a foreign sovereign constituted 'partying' ... nor did I realize that it was evidence of Hussein paying the Us for WMD... Yet you're emphatically asserting that such is the case; now if you would be so good as to show us how the photo equates to 'partying' and the US illegally selling Poison gas to a foreign nation, I'll be happy to concede and ever so humbly...

ROFLMNAO... Of course you can't actually do that, or anything close, because there is no potential correlation between a diplomatic photograph of two state representatives shaking hands equating to 'partying' and there sure as hell is no correlating that photo to the US selling WMD to Iraq.

So once again dipshit, you've exposed yourself as a rancid fool, disgracing your family gene pool in its entirety.


LOL... Oh GOD that's precious...
The following is mirrored from its source at:
UNObserver & International Report

Arming Iraq and the Path to War
by John King
U.N. Observer & International Report
31 March 2003

2003-03-31 | This is an accurate chronology of United States'
involvement in the arming of Iraq during the Iraq-Iran war. It is
a powerful indictment of the current bush administration attempt
to sell war as a component of his war on terrorism. It reveals our
ambitions in Iraq to be just another chapter in the attempt to
regain a foothold in the Mideast following the fall of the Shah of

A crisis always has a history, and the current crisis with Iraq is
no exception. Below are some relevant dates.

September 1980. Iraq invades Iran. The beginning of the Iraq-Iran

February 1982. Despite objections from Congress, President Reagan
removes Iraq from its list of known terrorist countries.[1]

December 1982. Hughes Aircraft ships 60 Defender helicopters to

1982-1988. Defense Intelligence Agency provides detailed
information for Iraq on Iranian deployments, tactical planning for
battles, plans for air strikes and bomb damage assessments.[4]

November 1983. A National Security Directive states that the U.S
would do "whatever was necessary and legal" to prevent Iraq from
losing its war with Iran.[1][15]

November 1983. Banca Nazionale del Lavoro of Italy and its Branch
in Atlanta begin to funnel $5 billion in unreported loans to Iraq.
Iraq, with the blessing and official approval of the U.S.
government, purchased computer controlled machine tools,
computers, scientific instruments, special alloy steel and
aluminum, chemicals, and other industrial goods for Iraq's
missile, chemical, biological and nuclear weapons programs.[14]

October 1983. The Reagan Administration begins secretly allowing
Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Egypt to transfer United States
weapons, including Howitzers, Huey helicopters, and bombs to Iraq.
These shipments violated the Arms Export Control Act.[16]

November 1983. George Schultz, the Secretary of State, is given
intelligence reports showing that Iraqi troops are daily using
chemical weapons against the Iranians.[1]

December 20 1983. Donald Rumsfeld, then a civilian and now Defense
Secretary, meets with Saddam Hussein to assure him of US
friendship and materials support.[1][15]

July 1984. CIA begins giving Iraq intelligence necessary to
calibrate its mustard gas attacks on Iranian troops.[19]

January 14 1984. State Department memo acknowledges United States
shipment of "dual-use" export hardware and technology. Dual use
items are civilian items such as heavy trucks, armored ambulances
and communications gear as well as industrial technology that can
have a military application.[2]

March 1986. The United States with Great Britain block all
Security Council resolutions condemning Iraq's use of chemical
weapons, and on March 21 the U.S. becomes the only country
refusing to sign a Security Council statement condemning Iraq's
use of these weapons.[10]

May 1986. The U.S. Department of Commerce licenses 70 biological
exports to Iraq between May of 1985 and 1989, including at least
21 batches of lethal strains of anthrax.[3]

May 1986. US Department of Commerce approves shipment of weapons
grade botulin poison to Iraq.[7]

March 1987. President Reagan bows to the findings of the Tower
Commission admitting the sale of arms to Iran in exchange for
hostages. Oliver North uses the profits from the sale to fund an
illegal war in Nicaragua.

The following is mirrored from its source at:
UNObserver & International Report

Arming Iraq and the Path to War
by John King
U.N. Observer & International Report
31 March 2003

2003-03-31 | This is an accurate chronology of United States'
involvement in the arming of Iraq during the Iraq-Iran war. It is
a powerful indictment of the current bush administration attempt
to sell war as a component of his war on terrorism. It reveals our
ambitions in Iraq to be just another chapter in the attempt to
regain a foothold in the Mideast following the fall of the Shah of

A crisis always has a history, and the current crisis with Iraq is
no exception. Below are some relevant dates.

September 1980. Iraq invades Iran. The beginning of the Iraq-Iran

February 1982. Despite objections from Congress, President Reagan
removes Iraq from its list of known terrorist countries.[1]

December 1982. Hughes Aircraft ships 60 Defender helicopters to

1982-1988. Defense Intelligence Agency provides detailed
information for Iraq on Iranian deployments, tactical planning for
battles, plans for air strikes and bomb damage assessments.[4]

November 1983. A National Security Directive states that the U.S
would do "whatever was necessary and legal" to prevent Iraq from
losing its war with Iran.[1][15]

November 1983. Banca Nazionale del Lavoro of Italy and its Branch
in Atlanta begin to funnel $5 billion in unreported loans to Iraq.
Iraq, with the blessing and official approval of the U.S.
government, purchased computer controlled machine tools,
computers, scientific instruments, special alloy steel and
aluminum, chemicals, and other industrial goods for Iraq's
missile, chemical, biological and nuclear weapons programs.[14]

October 1983. The Reagan Administration begins secretly allowing
Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Egypt to transfer United States
weapons, including Howitzers, Huey helicopters, and bombs to Iraq.
These shipments violated the Arms Export Control Act.[16]

November 1983. George Schultz, the Secretary of State, is given
intelligence reports showing that Iraqi troops are daily using
chemical weapons against the Iranians.[1]

December 20 1983. Donald Rumsfeld, then a civilian and now Defense
Secretary, meets with Saddam Hussein to assure him of US
friendship and materials support.[1][15]

July 1984. CIA begins giving Iraq intelligence necessary to
calibrate its mustard gas attacks on Iranian troops.[19]

January 14 1984. State Department memo acknowledges United States
shipment of "dual-use" export hardware and technology. Dual use
items are civilian items such as heavy trucks, armored ambulances
and communications gear as well as industrial technology that can
have a military application.[2]

March 1986. The United States with Great Britain block all
Security Council resolutions condemning Iraq's use of chemical
weapons, and on March 21 the U.S. becomes the only country
refusing to sign a Security Council statement condemning Iraq's
use of these weapons.[10]

May 1986. The U.S. Department of Commerce licenses 70 biological
exports to Iraq between May of 1985 and 1989, including at least
21 batches of lethal strains of anthrax.[3]

May 1986. US Department of Commerce approves shipment of weapons
grade botulin poison to Iraq.[7]

March 1987. President Reagan bows to the findings of the Tower
Commission admitting the sale of arms to Iran in exchange for
hostages. Oliver North uses the profits from the sale to fund an
illegal war in Nicaragua.


Situations change.
Yup. My boy's in the service, and daughter in law is in Iraq. A good friend who is teaching police forces in Iraq. Various other friends who are in Iraq and Afghanistan, one who works for the State department in Peru, flying helicopter in the drug wars over there. They joined knowing exactly what they were doing, and have nothing but contempt for the asswipes who minimalize their sacrifices and their intelligence in committing to the venture.

Allie, you are the asswipe here. I have never minimized the sacrifices or demeaned the intelliagence of our military men and women. Been there, done that. However, the incompetant and corrupt men that put them in harms way is an entirely differant matter. If you are so simple minded at to believe that you have to support criminality because that criminality puts our soldiers in harms way while waving the our flag, so be it.
ROFL... first Rumsfeld never partied with Hussein (President of Iraq, Not Hesistant-elect of the US)...

Secondly the US did not provide a drop of WMD to Iraq...

OMG thats the dumbest thing I've ever heard. There is a picture you fucking fascist nutjob of Rumsfeld and the check he got in 82 from Hussein. This is exactly what I'm talking about you Fascist far right evangelical gay people hating fucking crackhead. The sad thing is that you passed this stupid shit onto your kids and the cycle continues. Get this straight you soon to be on social security and then hopefully dying soon thereafter fascist, YOUR BREED IS ALMOST EXTINCT THANK GOD!!! Your way of thinking is OVER so enjoy your insanity while it lasts

How many OTHER US officials met with Saddam? The liar and crack whore is you, you retarded dumbshit.
I have two sons serving and if someone spoke ill of their service in my presence, I would kick the living shit out of them without mercy and be helpless to stop myself from doing so.

These people aren't Americans or anything close to it. I look at them with precisely the same bile induced antithapy that I do any enemy of the US; I find absolutely NO distinction between one of these leftist fucks and the mass murdering idiots that hijacked those planes on 9-11...

OK, dimbulb, show me one word I have posted that demeans the service of our men and women in the military. You are creating a strawman to support criminals. The administration that started this war on the basis of lies are the criminals. The bozos that blindly support them are equally culpable.

As for your physical threats. LOL
The following is mirrored from its source at:
UNObserver & International Report

Arming Iraq and the Path to War
by John King
U.N. Observer & International Report
31 March 2003

2003-03-31 | This is an accurate chronology of United States'
involvement in the arming of Iraq during the Iraq-Iran war. It is
a powerful indictment of the current bush administration attempt
to sell war as a component of his war on terrorism. It reveals our
ambitions in Iraq to be just another chapter in the attempt to
regain a foothold in the Mideast following the fall of the Shah of

A crisis always has a history, and the current crisis with Iraq is
no exception. Below are some relevant dates.

September 1980. Iraq invades Iran. The beginning of the Iraq-Iran

February 1982. Despite objections from Congress, President Reagan
removes Iraq from its list of known terrorist countries.[1]

December 1982. Hughes Aircraft ships 60 Defender helicopters to

1982-1988. Defense Intelligence Agency provides detailed
information for Iraq on Iranian deployments, tactical planning for
battles, plans for air strikes and bomb damage assessments.[4]

November 1983. A National Security Directive states that the U.S
would do "whatever was necessary and legal" to prevent Iraq from
losing its war with Iran.[1][15]

November 1983. Banca Nazionale del Lavoro of Italy and its Branch
in Atlanta begin to funnel $5 billion in unreported loans to Iraq.
Iraq, with the blessing and official approval of the U.S.
government, purchased computer controlled machine tools,
computers, scientific instruments, special alloy steel and
aluminum, chemicals, and other industrial goods for Iraq's
missile, chemical, biological and nuclear weapons programs.[14]

October 1983. The Reagan Administration begins secretly allowing
Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Egypt to transfer United States
weapons, including Howitzers, Huey helicopters, and bombs to Iraq.
These shipments violated the Arms Export Control Act.[16]

November 1983. George Schultz, the Secretary of State, is given
intelligence reports showing that Iraqi troops are daily using
chemical weapons against the Iranians.[1]

December 20 1983. Donald Rumsfeld, then a civilian and now Defense
Secretary, meets with Saddam Hussein to assure him of US
friendship and materials support.[1][15]

July 1984. CIA begins giving Iraq intelligence necessary to
calibrate its mustard gas attacks on Iranian troops.[19]

January 14 1984. State Department memo acknowledges United States
shipment of "dual-use" export hardware and technology. Dual use
items are civilian items such as heavy trucks, armored ambulances
and communications gear as well as industrial technology that can
have a military application.[2]

March 1986. The United States with Great Britain block all
Security Council resolutions condemning Iraq's use of chemical
weapons, and on March 21 the U.S. becomes the only country
refusing to sign a Security Council statement condemning Iraq's
use of these weapons.[10]

May 1986. The U.S. Department of Commerce licenses 70 biological
exports to Iraq between May of 1985 and 1989, including at least
21 batches of lethal strains of anthrax.[3]

May 1986. US Department of Commerce approves shipment of weapons
grade botulin poison to Iraq.[7]

March 1987. President Reagan bows to the findings of the Tower
Commission admitting the sale of arms to Iran in exchange for
hostages. Oliver North uses the profits from the sale to fund an
illegal war in Nicaragua.


And yet none of that is chemical weapons. Come on provide us that list of chemical weapons or admit your full of bullshit.

By the way the Helicopters that we sold to them were unarmed, civilian models.
OK, dimbulb, show me one word I have posted that demeans the service of our men and women in the military. You are creating a strawman to support criminals. The administration that started this war on the basis of lies are the criminals. The bozos that blindly support them are equally culpable.

As for your physical threats. LOL

You have yet to provide ANY evidence we got lied into war, once again MORON if Bush lied then Clinton and his entire Administration lied, as well as most of the rest of the World. Including all the democrats that voted for the war and every appropriations bill since that vote. The 3 or 4 investigations launched over the years to INCLUDE a Democratic one all found no evidence of lies.

Be specific provide us one shred of evidence Bush lied. You keep claiming it, it can not be that hard can it?
You have yet to provide ANY evidence we got lied into war, once again MORON if Bush lied then Clinton and his entire Administration lied, as well as most of the rest of the World. Including all the democrats that voted for the war and every appropriations bill since that vote. The 3 or 4 investigations launched over the years to INCLUDE a Democratic one all found no evidence of lies.

Be specific provide us one shred of evidence Bush lied. You keep claiming it, it can not be that hard can it?

He doesn't have to PROVE something that EVERYONE except for a few deadenders know is true.... THEY LIED ABOUT WMD's.

Having this argument is simply silly.

But any time you'd like, I'm sure we can all agree they should start investigating to get your "evidence".

Cool, eh?
He doesn't have to PROVE something that EVERYONE except for a few deadenders know is true.... THEY LIED ABOUT WMD's.

Having this argument is simply silly.

But any time you'd like, I'm sure we can all agree they should start investigating to get your "evidence".

Cool, eh?

Already BEEN done twice, once by the Democratically controlled Congress. And guess what they decided? Why they decided there was no EVIDENCE anyone lied to anyone. Nice try though.
He doesn't have to PROVE something that EVERYONE except for a few deadenders know is true.... THEY LIED ABOUT WMD's.

Having this argument is simply silly.

But any time you'd like, I'm sure we can all agree they should start investigating to get your "evidence".

Cool, eh?
OK let's start. Your party in the senate just produced a report that "substantiates" the prewar administration claims:

The recent U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence under a Democrat majority released a report in June 2008 called, "Report on Whether Public Statements Regarding Iraq by U.S. Government officials Were Substantiated by Intelligence Information". These were its conclusions:

"Statements by the President, Vice President, Secretary of State and the National Security Advisor regarding possible Iraqi nuclear weapons program were generally substantiated by intelligence community estimates, but did not convey the substantial disagreements that existed in the intelligence community."

"Statements ... regarding Iraq's possession of biological agents, weapons, production capability, and use of mobile biological laboratories were substantiated by intelligence information."

"Statements ... regarding Iraq's possession of chemical weapons were substantiated by intelligence information."

"Statements ... regarding Iraq's possession of weapons of mass destruction were generally substantiated by intelligence information, though many statements made regarding ongoing production prior to late 2002 reflected a higher level of certainty than the intelligence judgments themselves."

"Statements ... regarding Iraqi ballistic missiles were generally substantiated by available intelligence."

"Statements ... that Iraq was developing unmanned aerial vehicles that could be use to deliver chemical or biological weapons were generally substantiated by intelligence information, but did not convey the substantial disagreements or evolving views that existed in the intelligence community."

"Statements ... regarding Iraq's support for terrorist groups other than al-Qa'ida were substantiated by intelligence information."

"Statements that Iraq provided safe haven for Abu Musab al-Zarqawi and other al-Qa'ida-related terrorist members were substantiated by the intelligence assessments."

So basically a Democrat majority, after-the-fact report concludes that prewar "Public Statements Regarding Iraq by U.S. Government officials" "were generally substantiated by intelligence information" available at the time. In other words, congress was not misled by the administration into approving the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002.

In conclusion, the prewar intelligence that suggested that Saddam would be a future threat has been confirmed.
OK let's start. Your party in the senate just produced a report that "substantiates" the prewar administration claims:

I knew there was a reason you "forgot" to provide a link in your post.

I went to the actual report, unlike you. You went to a right wing blog.

What is your standard for honesty? That if Bush only lied 20% of the time, he's still your hero?

Conclusion 12: Statements and implications by the president and secretary of state suggesting that Iraq and al qaida had a partnership or that iraq had provided al qaida with weapons training were NOT substantiated by the intelligence.

Conclusion 14: The intelligence community did NOT confirm that muhammed atta met with Iraqi intelligence in Prague.

Conclusion 15: Statements by the president and the vice president indicating that saddam Hussein was prepared to give weapons of mass destruction to terrorist groups for attack against the united states were CONTRADICTED by available intelligence.
so, bush totally lied about saddam's relationship and intentions with respect to al qaeda.

And he exaggerated and misled on WMD. Bushco stated with certainty that they "knew for a fact" saddam had wmd and nuclear programs. When in fact, it wasn't "known for a fact".

Hey dude, how would you feel if a doctor told you that he knew "for a fact" that you had testicular cancer, and he had to cut off your dick or you would die.

And after your dick was cut off, you later found out that he didn't "know it for a fact", and that there was some disagreement among medical experts?

Would you be defending the doctor that cut off your dick? I think not! You just happen to be in love with George Dumbya Bush!
I knew there was a reason you "forgot" to provide a link in your post.

I went to the actual report, unlike you. You went to a right wing blog.

What is your standard for honesty? That if Bush only lied 20% of the time, he's still your hero?

Conclusion 12: Statements and implications by the president and secretary of state suggesting that Iraq and al qaida had a partnership or that iraq had provided al qaida with weapons training were NOT substantiated by the intelligence.

Conclusion 14: The intelligence community did NOT confirm that muhammed atta met with Iraqi intelligence in Prague.

Conclusion 15: Statements by the president and the vice president indicating that saddam Hussein was prepared to give weapons of mass destruction to terrorist groups for attack against the united states were CONTRADICTED by available intelligence.

That's because the intelligence community didn't have any intelligence at all. The bipartisan Senate Select Intelligence Committee report from the summer of 2004 found that:

Despite four decades of intelligence reporting on Iraq, there was little useful intelligence collected that helped analysts determine the Iraqi regime's possible links to al Qaeda. [...] The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) did not have a focused human intelligence (HUMINT) collection strategy targeting Iraq's links to terrorism until 2002. [...] The CIA had no [redacted] credible reporting on the leadership of either the Iraqi regime or al Qaeda, which would have enabled it to better define a cooperative relationship, if any did in fact exist.

Any possible connection between Saddam and al Qaeda was not apparent because no CIA intelligence had been gathered on the matter. In fact the CIA and other agencies had never penetrated the inner circles of either Saddam Hussein or Osama bin Laden:

In a stunning moment of candor, an "IC analyst" provided this characterization of the collection effort on Iraq: "I don't think we were really focused on the CT [counterterrorism] side, because we weren't concerned about the IIS [Iraqi Intelligence Service] going out and proactively conducting terrorist attacks. It wasn't until we realized that there was the possibility of going to war that we had to get a handle on that."

The administration relied on media reports and foreign intelligence because U.S. intelligence could tell them nothing about Iraq's connections to al Qaeda.
He doesn't have to PROVE something that EVERYONE except for a few deadenders know is true.... THEY LIED ABOUT WMD's.[/n]

Having this argument is simply silly.

But any time you'd like, I'm sure we can all agree they should start investigating to get your "evidence".

Cool, eh?


That dude posted some narrative from a rightwing blog, and didn't provide the link for obvious reasons.

The senate report he's refering to, specifies numerous times Bush didn't tell the truth, wasn't substantiated by the intelligence, or was flat out contradicted by the intelligence. If you only lie 20% of the time, that makes it all okay? LOL

In the cases where there was intelligence to support bush's statements, bush ALWAYS expressed the absolute worst case scenario, and neglected to mention that there were disagreements and caveats. He always tried to make it sound like it was a known fact; beyond a shadow of a doubt that Saddam had WMD, was allied with al qaeda, was going to give al qaeda WMD.

You're right about one thing. Bush voters are still madly in love with their hero. The 22% dead enders will defend bush's lies to the grave. Its just silly to argue with people who voted for Bush not just once, but twice, and continue to defend every mistake and lie he ever made.

Its almost homoerotic the way these dudes defend their hero with every fiber of their being!:eek:
Last edited:
And yet none of that is chemical weapons. Come on provide us that list of chemical weapons or admit your full of bullshit.

By the way the Helicopters that we sold to them were unarmed, civilian models.
not only that, but what that moron he was quoting listed "defender helocopters"
that is a lie, what they sold were CIVILIAN helocopters that Saddam got the FRENCH to turn into military

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