Brit Teachers Afraid to Teach About 9-11 Because Muslims Might Be Offended

The real reason is because they know 911 was an inside job and the evidence is overwhelming. This muslim story is just an excuse to avoid the subject.
White kids are bombarded with the legacy of slavery all the time; so why can't muslims face the blame for the sins of their fathers?

>> Kamal Hanif OBE, who was appointed by the Government to turn around three schools at the heart of the “Trojan Horse” scandal, said that some teachers have a “misplaced” concern that they will cause offence if they raise 9/11 in the classroom.

He said that some teachers - particularly those who work in schools with a high proportion of Muslim students - see it as a contentious topic and shy away from teaching it.

“Teachers sometimes have a fear that this might be controversial,” he said.

“[They think] if we teach about this we might get Muslim parents objecting.” <<​

Whelp --- if said teachers were to bullshit their way through the way the bigots on this site do, their concern would be justified. Wouldn't it.
In the gargantuan, half-million-word English language, there does not exist a word I DETEST more than "offended." Nobody is born with a right to never be offended. Besides, much like liberals, EVERYTHING is offensive to muslim inbreds, everything's an insult. If muslim inbreds are offended, they can take their sense of offense, heat it up to the glowing hot temperature of their choice, and stick in the bodily orifice of their choice.

>> Kamal Hanif OBE, who was appointed by the Government to turn around three schools at the heart of the “Trojan Horse” scandal, said that some teachers have a “misplaced” concern that they will cause offence if they raise 9/11 in the classroom.

He said that some teachers - particularly those who work in schools with a high proportion of Muslim students - see it as a contentious topic and shy away from teaching it.

“Teachers sometimes have a fear that this might be controversial,” he said.

“[They think] if we teach about this we might get Muslim parents objecting.” <<​

Whelp --- if said teachers were to bullshit their way through the way the bigots on this site do, their concern would be justified. Wouldn't it.
Yeah, you closed minded bigots riot and murder at everything you disagree with.

Muslims love to hear about 9/11
They sure did a lot of dancing in the streets that day.

On rooftops on TV, I understand. Thousands of them. :eek:

They were all up there going like this...

In my opinion, 9/11 has to be acknowledged in some way because it is a part of our history. I don't know why anyone would find it to be offensive when at the end of the day, every group of people has their bad apples.

God bless you always!!!


Muslims love to hear about 9/11
They sure did a lot of dancing in the streets that day.
Iran’s exceptional reaction to 9/11 attacks: candlelit vigils for the victims and 60k soccer fans respected a minute’s silence

“Iran’s sympathetic response to the American tragedy has been exceptional for a country under US economic siege for two decades. Only hours after the Sept. 11 attack, President Muhammad Khatami condemned it, as did Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Other officials have sent sympathetic messages, including one from the mayor of Tehran to the mayor of New York – the first public official contact between Iran and the US since the 1979 Iranian revolution. […]

More important, 60,000 spectators observed a minute of silence during a soccer match in Iran’s Azadi Stadium, and hundreds of young Iranians held a candle-lit vigil in Tehran.”
Source: The Christian Science Monitor | US and Iran must work together against Taliban by R. K. Ramazani – September 24, 2001

>> Kamal Hanif OBE, who was appointed by the Government to turn around three schools at the heart of the “Trojan Horse” scandal, said that some teachers have a “misplaced” concern that they will cause offence if they raise 9/11 in the classroom.

He said that some teachers - particularly those who work in schools with a high proportion of Muslim students - see it as a contentious topic and shy away from teaching it.

“Teachers sometimes have a fear that this might be controversial,” he said.

“[They think] if we teach about this we might get Muslim parents objecting.” <<​

Whelp --- if said teachers were to bullshit their way through the way the bigots on this site do, their concern would be justified. Wouldn't it.

Who gives a fuck how the Muslims would feel?

>> Kamal Hanif OBE, who was appointed by the Government to turn around three schools at the heart of the “Trojan Horse” scandal, said that some teachers have a “misplaced” concern that they will cause offence if they raise 9/11 in the classroom.

He said that some teachers - particularly those who work in schools with a high proportion of Muslim students - see it as a contentious topic and shy away from teaching it.

“Teachers sometimes have a fear that this might be controversial,” he said.

“[They think] if we teach about this we might get Muslim parents objecting.” <<​

Whelp --- if said teachers were to bullshit their way through the way the bigots on this site do, their concern would be justified. Wouldn't it.

Who gives a fuck how the Muslims would feel?
Apparently Trump cares. He lied about seeing thousands of Muslims cheering.

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