Britain to adopt new antisemitism definition

Who gives a fuck? Antisemitism is not an offense. So your regime may call righteous criticism antisemitism but what does it change? It doesn´t make normal people antisemites or nazis.

Yes it is, and in Germany it is a serious offense as it is seen as holocaust denial. When was the last time you critisised Israel or the Jews without it being linked to them being Jewish ?
No, it isn´t. There is no law addressing antisemitism.

Try again as all civilised nations have laws against racism, and that is what anti semitism is
Germany has only an anti-discrimination law. However, we have freedom of opinion - officially. There is no law against antisemitism, racism or whatever.
But show me your British law against antisemitism - You won´t as it doesn´t exist and will instead keep insisting on it exists.

What would an antisemitism paragraph look like? Maybe:
"Antisemites are hereby banned from the country or else incarcerated in an re-education camp until they aren´t Antisemites anymore. Everyone found guilty of being an Antisemite faces the full force of the law and cannot be pardoned. "

Read the OP dumbo as it is in that. And Germany has laws against holocaust denial which is racism and anti semitism. Try looking at the statute books again

Germany faces struggle over racism law
Yes, denial is not allowed in the regime. This is a special zionist law violating the constitution which grants an environment without censorship.
What if you are just afraid of Jews?

Try us ... we're not scary at all.

A lot less scary than muslims, nazi's, marxists and socialists in my experience
Muslims aren't scary. I can fight them. Nazis are nice and funny.

Cultural Marxists are dangerous. They can bully the shit out of you in huge gangs and stir up the community against you and stalk you, ruin your marriage and cost you your job, destroy your prospects, Jews are similar to that but more organized and more ruthless, concentrated. Both groups are far too dangerous to have anything to do with.

Don't know why anyone would be afraid of muzzies or nazis. They are marginalized minorities.

I would hardly call one third of the worlds population a marginalized minority, but I would call 1% of the worlds population a marginalised minority. And that is the Jews at 12 million people, the muslims at 1.5 billion are a deadly force and are trained from birth to be killing machines
What if you are just afraid of Jews?

Try us ... we're not scary at all.

A lot less scary than muslims, nazi's, marxists and socialists in my experience
Muslims aren't scary. I can fight them. Nazis are nice and funny.

Cultural Marxists are dangerous. They can bully the shit out of you in huge gangs and stir up the community against you and stalk you, ruin your marriage and cost you your job, destroy your prospects, Jews are similar to that but more organized and more ruthless, concentrated. Both groups are far too dangerous to have anything to do with.

Don't know why anyone would be afraid of muzzies or nazis. They are marginalized minorities.

I would hardly call one third of the worlds population a marginalized minority, but I would call 1% of the worlds population a marginalised minority. And that is the Jews at 12 million people, the muslims at 1.5 billion are a deadly force and are trained from birth to be killing machines
They say the same about us. Everyone can justify his hatreds when asked.
Will they Jews still be allowed to incite hatred against the islamonazis?

No as this is not a Jewish trait, and it is illegal in the UK
It is illegal to incite hate against the islamonazis?

Correct, but not to tell the truth about them and their actions. So when they target children with illegal weapons and we report it that is not inviting hatred is it ?
Truth is its own sufficient defense. I wonder whether the new British law includes that caveat.
This latest call by the British prime minister, Theresa May, for everyone to accept the same definition of the word antisemitism because it had become apparent that people had different definitions and this is causing miscommunication. Since Britain announced that it will be leaving the European Union there has been a marked increased in crimes against foreigners and Jews. With the imprisonment in 2014 of a man who was using antisemitic language in his internet messages among other insults to a Jewish politician, Luciana Berger, it was made clear that his crime was not for the antisemitism, despite the newspaper headlines, but for sending "an offensive, indecent or obscene message", for example, he called the politician a "communist jewess" and "You can always trust a Jew to show their true colours eventually." For this the man was sent to prison for one month.
Man jailed for antisemitic tweet to Labour MP
Then last week another man, Joshua Bonehill-Paine, was imprisoned for two years because he had written to the same Jewish politician five times which was "racially aggravated harassment" and "hate crime" but not antisemitism. For example Bonehill-Paine had called the politician "a rodent" and "an evil money grabber". "Garron, then 21, from Merseyside, had admitted sending a picture on Twitter depicting Ms Berger, 35, with a holocaust-era Star of David on her forehead and the hashtag ‘Hitler was right’."
Anti-Semitic Joshua Bonehill-Paine who abused Labour's Luciana Berger online is jailed | Daily Mail Online
It would appear that Theresa May is getting ready to propose a specific crime of antisemitism but needed to get the wording right. There is likely to be no problem getting the law passed because it does not include opposition to Zionism or criticism of Israel, the so-called "new antisemitism", as being antisemitic.
New antisemitism - Wikipedia

And it is termed anti semitism no matter what you say. Any action that is hate for the Jews or Israel is deemed to be anti semitism and the culprit can and will be tried in a court of law. Just as well we dont have draconian laws like the rest of Europe that literally bans lawyers from defending holocaust denial as to do so would be holocaust denial.
Both of these scum should have been given life in solitary to teach you nazi's a lesson, and to make you see just what will happen to Jew haters in a civilised nation.

It actually makes anti Zionism an offense and says it is anti semitism
American: You locked a 21-year-old kid up in a cage for two fucking years because he said something mean on line? That is fucking insane. What the hell happened to Europeans? Even Mboto Sese Seko laughs at you. You are like a bunch of eight-year-old girls. Truly. You pathetic Eloi sissies.

European: But you don't understand. The person he said mean things to was a J-word.

American: What? Jungle bunny?

European: No. Rhymes with "poo".

American: Jew? Are you kidding me? The kid was thrown IN PRISON because the mean things he said were to a Jew? If he had said them to, say, a carnival barker or a Uraguayan, or a cod fish he would have been ok? Holy fuck. Maybe Hitler was right.

And here is an example of anti semitism, a piece written to cause upset or fear in any Jew reading it. The context is mildly anti semitic and then the hammer blow comes in the last sentence, this causes offence and so is deemed anti semitic
American: You locked a 21-year-old kid up in a cage for two fucking years because he said something mean on line? That is fucking insane. What the hell happened to Europeans? Even Mboto Sese Seko laughs at you. You are like a bunch of eight-year-old girls. Truly. You pathetic Eloi sissies.

European: But you don't understand. The person he said mean things to was a J-word.

American: What? Jungle bunny?

European: No. Rhymes with "poo".

American: Jew? Are you kidding me? The kid was thrown IN PRISON because the mean things he said were to a Jew? If he had said them to, say, a carnival barker or a Uraguayan, or a cod fish he would have been ok? Holy fuck. Maybe Hitler was right.
Were I English, I would be concerned about imprisoning people for writing offensive things online.
England is leaving the European Union and English courts will not be subject to the Court of Justice of the European Union.

Why shouldn't you be more concerned with gunning down innocent people because of their skin colour, or allowing your country to be taken over by fat cats who can afford to buy of a few million people so they become POTUS.
Yes it is, and in Germany it is a serious offense as it is seen as holocaust denial. When was the last time you critisised Israel or the Jews without it being linked to them being Jewish ?
No, it isn´t. There is no law addressing antisemitism.

Try again as all civilised nations have laws against racism, and that is what anti semitism is
Germany has only an anti-discrimination law. However, we have freedom of opinion - officially. There is no law against antisemitism, racism or whatever.
But show me your British law against antisemitism - You won´t as it doesn´t exist and will instead keep insisting on it exists.

What would an antisemitism paragraph look like? Maybe:
"Antisemites are hereby banned from the country or else incarcerated in an re-education camp until they aren´t Antisemites anymore. Everyone found guilty of being an Antisemite faces the full force of the law and cannot be pardoned. "

Read the OP dumbo as it is in that. And Germany has laws against holocaust denial which is racism and anti semitism. Try looking at the statute books again

Germany faces struggle over racism law
Yes, denial is not allowed in the regime. This is a special zionist law violating the constitution which grants an environment without censorship.

How does it violate the constitution then, give the details ?
What if you are just afraid of Jews?

Try us ... we're not scary at all.

A lot less scary than muslims, nazi's, marxists and socialists in my experience
Muslims aren't scary. I can fight them. Nazis are nice and funny.

Cultural Marxists are dangerous. They can bully the shit out of you in huge gangs and stir up the community against you and stalk you, ruin your marriage and cost you your job, destroy your prospects, Jews are similar to that but more organized and more ruthless, concentrated. Both groups are far too dangerous to have anything to do with.

Don't know why anyone would be afraid of muzzies or nazis. They are marginalized minorities.

I would hardly call one third of the worlds population a marginalized minority, but I would call 1% of the worlds population a marginalised minority. And that is the Jews at 12 million people, the muslims at 1.5 billion are a deadly force and are trained from birth to be killing machines
They say the same about us. Everyone can justify his hatreds when asked.

But only to themselves and others who think as they do, the rest still see's them for what they are
No, it isn´t. There is no law addressing antisemitism.

Try again as all civilised nations have laws against racism, and that is what anti semitism is
Germany has only an anti-discrimination law. However, we have freedom of opinion - officially. There is no law against antisemitism, racism or whatever.
But show me your British law against antisemitism - You won´t as it doesn´t exist and will instead keep insisting on it exists.

What would an antisemitism paragraph look like? Maybe:
"Antisemites are hereby banned from the country or else incarcerated in an re-education camp until they aren´t Antisemites anymore. Everyone found guilty of being an Antisemite faces the full force of the law and cannot be pardoned. "

Read the OP dumbo as it is in that. And Germany has laws against holocaust denial which is racism and anti semitism. Try looking at the statute books again

Germany faces struggle over racism law
Yes, denial is not allowed in the regime. This is a special zionist law violating the constitution which grants an environment without censorship.

How does it violate the constitution then, give the details ?
It is because denial does not hurt anyone. You can deny any massacre but not that ones with Jews. This is a form of racism and it violates the anti-discrimination law. It is unlawful regardless of otherwise opinion or moral provision.

The constitution (German basic law) says (Article 5):

(1) Jeder hat das Recht, seine Meinung in Wort, Schrift und Bild frei zu äußern und zu verbreiten und sich aus allgemein zugänglichen Quellen ungehindert zu unterrichten. Die Pressefreiheit und die Freiheit der Berichterstattung durch Rundfunk und Film werden gewährleistet. Eine Zensur findet nicht statt.

(2) Diese Rechte finden ihre Schranken in den Vorschriften der allgemeinen Gesetze, den gesetzlichen Bestimmungen zum Schutze der Jugend und in dem Recht der persönlichen Ehre.

(3) Kunst und Wissenschaft, Forschung und Lehre sind frei. Die Freiheit der Lehre entbindet nicht von der Treue zur Verfassung.
American: You locked a 21-year-old kid up in a cage for two fucking years because he said something mean on line? That is fucking insane. What the hell happened to Europeans? Even Mboto Sese Seko laughs at you. You are like a bunch of eight-year-old girls. Truly. You pathetic Eloi sissies.

European: But you don't understand. The person he said mean things to was a J-word.

American: What? Jungle bunny?

European: No. Rhymes with "poo".

American: Jew? Are you kidding me? The kid was thrown IN PRISON because the mean things he said were to a Jew? If he had said them to, say, a carnival barker or a Uraguayan, or a cod fish he would have been ok? Holy fuck. Maybe Hitler was right.

And here is an example of anti semitism, a piece written to cause upset or fear in any Jew reading it. The context is mildly anti semitic and then the hammer blow comes in the last sentence, this causes offence and so is deemed anti semitic
Maybe if you weren't throwing 21-year-old kids into prison for having an opinion, that American wouldn't begin to wonder whether his country had been on the wrong side in WWII.
Try again as all civilised nations have laws against racism, and that is what anti semitism is
Germany has only an anti-discrimination law. However, we have freedom of opinion - officially. There is no law against antisemitism, racism or whatever.
But show me your British law against antisemitism - You won´t as it doesn´t exist and will instead keep insisting on it exists.

What would an antisemitism paragraph look like? Maybe:
"Antisemites are hereby banned from the country or else incarcerated in an re-education camp until they aren´t Antisemites anymore. Everyone found guilty of being an Antisemite faces the full force of the law and cannot be pardoned. "

Read the OP dumbo as it is in that. And Germany has laws against holocaust denial which is racism and anti semitism. Try looking at the statute books again

Germany faces struggle over racism law
Yes, denial is not allowed in the regime. This is a special zionist law violating the constitution which grants an environment without censorship.

How does it violate the constitution then, give the details ?
It is because denial does not hurt anyone. You can deny any massacre but not that ones with Jews. This is a form of racism and it violates the anti-discrimination law. It is unlawful regardless of otherwise opinion or moral provision.

The constitution (German basic law) says (Article 5):

(1) Jeder hat das Recht, seine Meinung in Wort, Schrift und Bild frei zu äußern und zu verbreiten und sich aus allgemein zugänglichen Quellen ungehindert zu unterrichten. Die Pressefreiheit und die Freiheit der Berichterstattung durch Rundfunk und Film werden gewährleistet. Eine Zensur findet nicht statt.

(2) Diese Rechte finden ihre Schranken in den Vorschriften der allgemeinen Gesetze, den gesetzlichen Bestimmungen zum Schutze der Jugend und in dem Recht der persönlichen Ehre.

(3) Kunst und Wissenschaft, Forschung und Lehre sind frei. Die Freiheit der Lehre entbindet nicht von der Treue zur Verfassung.

Then you can produce evidence of a massacre by the Jews that was not in response to an act of war or a terrorist attack. Once you start applying the rules equally to all sides you see that you have been anti semitic all along
these scum should have been given life in solitary
Nice. Maybe a little introspection is in order and some contemplation on the remarkable 190 countries that have kicked out the Jews. Ask yourself why.

If you have to ask why then you will never accept the truth, try it was because they were racists and had been brought up to hate the Jews and blame them for murdering their god. The Jews were an easy target that could be used to rid them of their impotency, and were different enough so as to raise fear and distrust very easily
American: You locked a 21-year-old kid up in a cage for two fucking years because he said something mean on line? That is fucking insane. What the hell happened to Europeans? Even Mboto Sese Seko laughs at you. You are like a bunch of eight-year-old girls. Truly. You pathetic Eloi sissies.

European: But you don't understand. The person he said mean things to was a J-word.

American: What? Jungle bunny?

European: No. Rhymes with "poo".

American: Jew? Are you kidding me? The kid was thrown IN PRISON because the mean things he said were to a Jew? If he had said them to, say, a carnival barker or a Uraguayan, or a cod fish he would have been ok? Holy fuck. Maybe Hitler was right.

And here is an example of anti semitism, a piece written to cause upset or fear in any Jew reading it. The context is mildly anti semitic and then the hammer blow comes in the last sentence, this causes offence and so is deemed anti semitic
Maybe if you weren't throwing 21-year-old kids into prison for having an opinion, that American wouldn't begin to wonder whether his country had been on the wrong side in WWII.

Are you far from the mark or what, I have nothing to do with the US, or Israel for that matter
Germany has only an anti-discrimination law. However, we have freedom of opinion - officially. There is no law against antisemitism, racism or whatever.
But show me your British law against antisemitism - You won´t as it doesn´t exist and will instead keep insisting on it exists.

What would an antisemitism paragraph look like? Maybe:
"Antisemites are hereby banned from the country or else incarcerated in an re-education camp until they aren´t Antisemites anymore. Everyone found guilty of being an Antisemite faces the full force of the law and cannot be pardoned. "

Read the OP dumbo as it is in that. And Germany has laws against holocaust denial which is racism and anti semitism. Try looking at the statute books again

Germany faces struggle over racism law
Yes, denial is not allowed in the regime. This is a special zionist law violating the constitution which grants an environment without censorship.

How does it violate the constitution then, give the details ?
It is because denial does not hurt anyone. You can deny any massacre but not that ones with Jews. This is a form of racism and it violates the anti-discrimination law. It is unlawful regardless of otherwise opinion or moral provision.

The constitution (German basic law) says (Article 5):

(1) Jeder hat das Recht, seine Meinung in Wort, Schrift und Bild frei zu äußern und zu verbreiten und sich aus allgemein zugänglichen Quellen ungehindert zu unterrichten. Die Pressefreiheit und die Freiheit der Berichterstattung durch Rundfunk und Film werden gewährleistet. Eine Zensur findet nicht statt.

(2) Diese Rechte finden ihre Schranken in den Vorschriften der allgemeinen Gesetze, den gesetzlichen Bestimmungen zum Schutze der Jugend und in dem Recht der persönlichen Ehre.

(3) Kunst und Wissenschaft, Forschung und Lehre sind frei. Die Freiheit der Lehre entbindet nicht von der Treue zur Verfassung.

Then you can produce evidence of a massacre by the Jews that was not in response to an act of war or a terrorist attack. Once you start applying the rules equally to all sides you see that you have been anti semitic all along
You misunderstood and clearly intended to. And of course you claim, as we can read, Jews may massacre anyone in response to an act of war that could be having an own country or expressing criticism.

Once you start applying the rules equally to all sides you see that you have been a puppet of zion all along. A puppet most Israelis do not agree with, I claim.
American: You locked a 21-year-old kid up in a cage for two fucking years because he said something mean on line? That is fucking insane. What the hell happened to Europeans? Even Mboto Sese Seko laughs at you. You are like a bunch of eight-year-old girls. Truly. You pathetic Eloi sissies.

European: But you don't understand. The person he said mean things to was a J-word.

American: What? Jungle bunny?

European: No. Rhymes with "poo".

American: Jew? Are you kidding me? The kid was thrown IN PRISON because the mean things he said were to a Jew? If he had said them to, say, a carnival barker or a Uraguayan, or a cod fish he would have been ok? Holy fuck. Maybe Hitler was right.

And here is an example of anti semitism, a piece written to cause upset or fear in any Jew reading it. The context is mildly anti semitic and then the hammer blow comes in the last sentence, this causes offence and so is deemed anti semitic
Maybe if you weren't throwing 21-year-old kids into prison for having an opinion, that American wouldn't begin to wonder whether his country had been on the wrong side in WWII.
No, that is a Jewish effort and you know it. Jews are the reason that kid is sitting in a cage for two years--two years sitting in a cage because he said mean things to a Jew. Is that insane? How can you be surprised Jews are so hated? And you wished he's gotten life in solitary! You are monstrous.
Read the OP dumbo as it is in that. And Germany has laws against holocaust denial which is racism and anti semitism. Try looking at the statute books again

Germany faces struggle over racism law
Yes, denial is not allowed in the regime. This is a special zionist law violating the constitution which grants an environment without censorship.

How does it violate the constitution then, give the details ?
It is because denial does not hurt anyone. You can deny any massacre but not that ones with Jews. This is a form of racism and it violates the anti-discrimination law. It is unlawful regardless of otherwise opinion or moral provision.

The constitution (German basic law) says (Article 5):

(1) Jeder hat das Recht, seine Meinung in Wort, Schrift und Bild frei zu äußern und zu verbreiten und sich aus allgemein zugänglichen Quellen ungehindert zu unterrichten. Die Pressefreiheit und die Freiheit der Berichterstattung durch Rundfunk und Film werden gewährleistet. Eine Zensur findet nicht statt.

(2) Diese Rechte finden ihre Schranken in den Vorschriften der allgemeinen Gesetze, den gesetzlichen Bestimmungen zum Schutze der Jugend und in dem Recht der persönlichen Ehre.

(3) Kunst und Wissenschaft, Forschung und Lehre sind frei. Die Freiheit der Lehre entbindet nicht von der Treue zur Verfassung.

Then you can produce evidence of a massacre by the Jews that was not in response to an act of war or a terrorist attack. Once you start applying the rules equally to all sides you see that you have been anti semitic all along
You misunderstood and clearly intended to. And of course you claim, as we can read, Jews may massacre anyone in response to an act of war that could be having an own country or expressing criticism.

Once you start applying the rules equally to all sides you see that you have been a puppet of zion all along. A puppet most Israelis do not agree with, I claim.

RUBBISH the only party to have a country is the Jews, the arab muslims never were granted one on the lands they infest. If the rules were applied equally then the Jews would be in charge of Jerusalem and the temple would have been built by now. Any nation can respond to an act of war in the same manner as the Jews have done, and the US would not hesitate to do so. It is only called a massacre when it is the Jews responding to terrorism, illegal weapons and violence
The only party to have a country is the Jews
The puppet has spoken.

Since you English (Angelsachsen) are Germans, return that island immediately to us! We also claim the borders of 1181 plus Denmark and Silesia, Prussia and Transilvania!

Much of the Middle East belongs to the Palmyrene Empire. Return it to Syria now!

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