Britain to adopt new antisemitism definition

What was the prior regime definition of antisemitism?
It appears the English did not know a single meaning of the English word antisemitism so Theresa May wants everyone to agree on the one adopted by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA).
So when they don´t know it what is the issue then? The more so as this person supports real antismites and brutal slaughterers!

New UK regime under May also supports al-Qaeda
Ever since the Arab Spring erupted in Syria, the English have supported the American call for Assad to step-down. It is a case of what the Yanks do, we do.
Don´t confuse the Brits with the government. The English want a British UK and what they get is the next bunch of slaves who support radical Islamism! Any government that supports terrorism is criminal and must be toppled!

Of topic rambling again
What was the prior regime definition of antisemitism?
It appears the English did not know a single meaning of the English word antisemitism so Theresa May wants everyone to agree on the one adopted by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA).
So when they don´t know it what is the issue then? The more so as this person supports real antismites and brutal slaughterers!

New UK regime under May also supports al-Qaeda
Ever since the Arab Spring erupted in Syria, the English have supported the American call for Assad to step-down. It is a case of what the Yanks do, we do.
Don´t confuse the Brits with the government. The English want a British UK and what they get is the next bunch of slaves who support radical Islamism! Any government that supports terrorism is criminal and must be toppled!
In democracies, governments are toppled at the ballot box. The Tories have a majority in parliament because of the way the electorate in England voted.

And they will keep it as long as people remember who invited the islamonazi extremists to rape 12 year old girls during their 14 year reign
It appears the English did not know a single meaning of the English word antisemitism so Theresa May wants everyone to agree on the one adopted by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA).
So when they don´t know it what is the issue then? The more so as this person supports real antismites and brutal slaughterers!

New UK regime under May also supports al-Qaeda
Ever since the Arab Spring erupted in Syria, the English have supported the American call for Assad to step-down. It is a case of what the Yanks do, we do.
Don´t confuse the Brits with the government. The English want a British UK and what they get is the next bunch of slaves who support radical Islamism! Any government that supports terrorism is criminal and must be toppled!
In democracies, governments are toppled at the ballot box. The Tories have a majority in parliament because of the way the electorate in England voted.
In democracies, the outcomes of referendums are implemented and terrorists are not supported.

In democracies the referendums are held and the terrorists are not welcomed with open arms. Will you let Merkel fix the next elections as well ?
Your avatar's reminiscences on how Syrian farm land was acquired inform your Jewish landlord comments, no doubt.

You mean re acquired after it was stolen in 1948 when Syria tried to invade Israel, and failed
You mean re acquired after it was stolen in 1948 when Syria tried to invade Israel, and failed
Your purported ignorance of his reminiscences is a defensive measure to be expected, as is your lauding of the Palestinians' right to have their land stolen.
What was the prior regime definition of antisemitism?

The same more or less, without the anti Zionism being seen as anti Semitism. Now it is and this means the nazi's in the UK are screwed
Who gives a fuck? Antisemitism is not an offense. So your regime may call righteous criticism antisemitism but what does it change? It doesn´t make normal people antisemites or nazis.

Yes it is, and in Germany it is a serious offense as it is seen as holocaust denial. When was the last time you critisised Israel or the Jews without it being linked to them being Jewish ?
No, it isn´t. There is no law addressing antisemitism.
So when they don´t know it what is the issue then? The more so as this person supports real antismites and brutal slaughterers!

New UK regime under May also supports al-Qaeda
Ever since the Arab Spring erupted in Syria, the English have supported the American call for Assad to step-down. It is a case of what the Yanks do, we do.
Don´t confuse the Brits with the government. The English want a British UK and what they get is the next bunch of slaves who support radical Islamism! Any government that supports terrorism is criminal and must be toppled!
In democracies, governments are toppled at the ballot box. The Tories have a majority in parliament because of the way the electorate in England voted.
In democracies, the outcomes of referendums are implemented and terrorists are not supported.

In democracies the referendums are held and the terrorists are not welcomed with open arms. Will you let Merkel fix the next elections as well ?
"The UK government is set to announce the adoption of a new definition of anti-Semitism, with Prime Minister Theresa May to call the move an effort towards tackling hate crimes against Jews. The definition was agreed in May 2016 at a conference of the Berlin-based intergovernmental organisation International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA).
...The definition adopted stated: "Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities."
... The prime minister will laud Israel for guaranteeing the rights of "people of all religions, races and sexualities" and say that the Jewish state wants to "enable everyone to flourish" Sky News reported.
PM Theresa May hopes new definition of anti-Semitism will help tackle hate crimes against Jews better
It is remarkable that Theresa May will be praising Israel in a speech to be delivered later today for the manner in which Israelis guarantee the rights of Arab Muslims because the Jewish state wants them to flourish if only because this is a manifest lie but also for the omission of Israel from the "new definition of antisemitism". For some years, the Israelis and Jews in the United States and Britain have equated anti-Zionism with antisemitism and called on those who condemned Israeli policies to be labeled as promoters of the "new antisemitism". Undoubtedly, the Israeli lobby must have tried to get critics of Israel to be branded as antisemites in the new definition but failed. Perhaps as a consolation, May will heap praise on Israel as a model state of human rights in its policies within Israel and in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. How can that woman speak of Israel in such glowing terms, it must be wondered.


Theresa May

Bad news for you.

More than bad news, it means that the islamonazi's will no longer be allowed to incite hatred against the Jews
Will they Jews still be allowed to incite hatred against the islamonazis?

No as this is not a Jewish trait, and it is illegal in the UK
It is illegal to incite hate against the islamonazis?
Anti-Semitism: (n) 1. a mortal sin anyone anywhere in the world can be guilty of except a Jew; 2. to be proven guilty of which requires little more than the accusation of such by any Jew.
"The UK government is set to announce the adoption of a new definition of anti-Semitism, with Prime Minister Theresa May to call the move an effort towards tackling hate crimes against Jews. The definition was agreed in May 2016 at a conference of the Berlin-based intergovernmental organisation International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA).
...The definition adopted stated: "Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities."
... The prime minister will laud Israel for guaranteeing the rights of "people of all religions, races and sexualities" and say that the Jewish state wants to "enable everyone to flourish" Sky News reported.
PM Theresa May hopes new definition of anti-Semitism will help tackle hate crimes against Jews better
It is remarkable that Theresa May will be praising Israel in a speech to be delivered later today for the manner in which Israelis guarantee the rights of Arab Muslims because the Jewish state wants them to flourish if only because this is a manifest lie but also for the omission of Israel from the "new definition of antisemitism". For some years, the Israelis and Jews in the United States and Britain have equated anti-Zionism with antisemitism and called on those who condemned Israeli policies to be labeled as promoters of the "new antisemitism". Undoubtedly, the Israeli lobby must have tried to get critics of Israel to be branded as antisemites in the new definition but failed. Perhaps as a consolation, May will heap praise on Israel as a model state of human rights in its policies within Israel and in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. How can that woman speak of Israel in such glowing terms, it must be wondered.


Theresa May
Anti-Semitism: (n) 1. a mortal sin anyone anywhere in the world can be guilty of except a Jew; 2. to be proven guilty of which requires little more than the accusation of such by any Jew; 3. a powerful Jewish weapon against non-Jews to the extent the non-Jews buy the "mortal sin" bit.

Hope you're not in the UK, Mate.
Nope, the Brits are going to have to throw off the Jewish yoke themselves.

In our secret meetings here in the States, we refer to them as the Yokels.


What Jewish yoke is that, at the moment we are still living under an islamonazi/neomarxist yoke
You mean re acquired after it was stolen in 1948 when Syria tried to invade Israel, and failed
Your purported ignorance of his reminiscences is a defensive measure to be expected, as is your lauding of the Palestinians' right to have their land stolen.

Strange that as the land was stolen by Syria so whan did the palestinians acquire it.

Come to that can you provide a link showing when the arab muslims acquired the land under international treaty, and who signed on their behalf to accept the borders forced on them ?
What was the prior regime definition of antisemitism?

The same more or less, without the anti Zionism being seen as anti Semitism. Now it is and this means the nazi's in the UK are screwed
Who gives a fuck? Antisemitism is not an offense. So your regime may call righteous criticism antisemitism but what does it change? It doesn´t make normal people antisemites or nazis.

Yes it is, and in Germany it is a serious offense as it is seen as holocaust denial. When was the last time you critisised Israel or the Jews without it being linked to them being Jewish ?
No, it isn´t. There is no law addressing antisemitism.

Try again as all civilised nations have laws against racism, and that is what anti semitism is
"The UK government is set to announce the adoption of a new definition of anti-Semitism, with Prime Minister Theresa May to call the move an effort towards tackling hate crimes against Jews. The definition was agreed in May 2016 at a conference of the Berlin-based intergovernmental organisation International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA).
...The definition adopted stated: "Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities."
... The prime minister will laud Israel for guaranteeing the rights of "people of all religions, races and sexualities" and say that the Jewish state wants to "enable everyone to flourish" Sky News reported.
PM Theresa May hopes new definition of anti-Semitism will help tackle hate crimes against Jews better
It is remarkable that Theresa May will be praising Israel in a speech to be delivered later today for the manner in which Israelis guarantee the rights of Arab Muslims because the Jewish state wants them to flourish if only because this is a manifest lie but also for the omission of Israel from the "new definition of antisemitism". For some years, the Israelis and Jews in the United States and Britain have equated anti-Zionism with antisemitism and called on those who condemned Israeli policies to be labeled as promoters of the "new antisemitism". Undoubtedly, the Israeli lobby must have tried to get critics of Israel to be branded as antisemites in the new definition but failed. Perhaps as a consolation, May will heap praise on Israel as a model state of human rights in its policies within Israel and in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. How can that woman speak of Israel in such glowing terms, it must be wondered.


Theresa May

Bad news for you.

More than bad news, it means that the islamonazi's will no longer be allowed to incite hatred against the Jews
Will they Jews still be allowed to incite hatred against the islamonazis?

No as this is not a Jewish trait, and it is illegal in the UK
It is illegal to incite hate against the islamonazis?

Correct, but not to tell the truth about them and their actions. So when they target children with illegal weapons and we report it that is not inviting hatred is it ?
Bad news for you.

More than bad news, it means that the islamonazi's will no longer be allowed to incite hatred against the Jews
Will they Jews still be allowed to incite hatred against the islamonazis?

No as this is not a Jewish trait, and it is illegal in the UK
It is illegal to incite hate against the islamonazis?

Correct, but not to tell the truth about them and their actions. So when they target children with illegal weapons and we report it that is not inviting hatred is it ?
Truth is its own sufficient defense. I wonder whether the new British law includes that caveat.
What was the prior regime definition of antisemitism?

The same more or less, without the anti Zionism being seen as anti Semitism. Now it is and this means the nazi's in the UK are screwed
Who gives a fuck? Antisemitism is not an offense. So your regime may call righteous criticism antisemitism but what does it change? It doesn´t make normal people antisemites or nazis.

Yes it is, and in Germany it is a serious offense as it is seen as holocaust denial. When was the last time you critisised Israel or the Jews without it being linked to them being Jewish ?
No, it isn´t. There is no law addressing antisemitism.

Try again as all civilised nations have laws against racism, and that is what anti semitism is
Germany has only an anti-discrimination law. However, we have freedom of opinion - officially. There is no law against antisemitism, racism or whatever.
But show me your British law against antisemitism - You won´t as it doesn´t exist and will instead keep insisting on it exists.

What would an antisemitism paragraph look like? Maybe:
"Antisemites are hereby banned from the country or else incarcerated in an re-education camp until they aren´t Antisemites anymore. Everyone found guilty of being an Antisemite faces the full force of the law and cannot be pardoned. "
What if you are just afraid of Jews?

Try us ... we're not scary at all.

A lot less scary than muslims, nazi's, marxists and socialists in my experience
Muslims aren't scary. I can fight them. Nazis are nice and funny.

Cultural Marxists are dangerous. They can bully the shit out of you in huge gangs and stir up the community against you and stalk you, ruin your marriage and cost you your job, destroy your prospects, Jews are similar to that but more organized and more ruthless, concentrated. Both groups are far too dangerous to have anything to do with.

Don't know why anyone would be afraid of muzzies or nazis. They are marginalized minorities.
More than bad news, it means that the islamonazi's will no longer be allowed to incite hatred against the Jews
Will they Jews still be allowed to incite hatred against the islamonazis?

No as this is not a Jewish trait, and it is illegal in the UK
It is illegal to incite hate against the islamonazis?

Correct, but not to tell the truth about them and their actions. So when they target children with illegal weapons and we report it that is not inviting hatred is it ?
Truth is its own sufficient defense. I wonder whether the new British law includes that caveat.
This latest call by the British prime minister, Theresa May, for everyone to accept the same definition of the word antisemitism because it had become apparent that people had different definitions and this is causing miscommunication. Since Britain announced that it will be leaving the European Union there has been a marked increased in crimes against foreigners and Jews. With the imprisonment in 2014 of a man who was using antisemitic language in his internet messages among other insults to a Jewish politician, Luciana Berger, it was made clear that his crime was not for the antisemitism, despite the newspaper headlines, but for sending "an offensive, indecent or obscene message", for example, he called the politician a "communist jewess" and "You can always trust a Jew to show their true colours eventually." For this the man was sent to prison for one month.
Man jailed for antisemitic tweet to Labour MP
Then last week another man, Joshua Bonehill-Paine, was imprisoned for two years because he had written to the same Jewish politician five times which was "racially aggravated harassment" and "hate crime" but not antisemitism. For example Bonehill-Paine had called the politician "a rodent" and "an evil money grabber". "Garron, then 21, from Merseyside, had admitted sending a picture on Twitter depicting Ms Berger, 35, with a holocaust-era Star of David on her forehead and the hashtag ‘Hitler was right’."
Anti-Semitic Joshua Bonehill-Paine who abused Labour's Luciana Berger online is jailed | Daily Mail Online
It would appear that Theresa May is getting ready to propose a specific crime of antisemitism but needed to get the wording right. There is likely to be no problem getting the law passed because it does not include opposition to Zionism or criticism of Israel, the so-called "new antisemitism", as being antisemitic.
New antisemitism - Wikipedia
American: You locked a 21-year-old kid up in a cage for two fucking years because he said something mean on line? That is fucking insane. What the hell happened to Europeans? Even Mboto Sese Seko laughs at you. You are like a bunch of eight-year-old girls. Truly. You pathetic Eloi sissies.

European: But you don't understand. The person he said mean things to was a J-word.

American: What? Jungle bunny?

European: No. Rhymes with "poo".

American: Jew? Are you kidding me? The kid was thrown IN PRISON because the mean things he said were to a Jew? If he had said them to, say, a carnival barker or a Uraguayan, or a cod fish he would have been ok? Holy fuck. Maybe Hitler was right.
American: You locked a 21-year-old kid up in a cage for two fucking years because he said something mean on line? That is fucking insane. What the hell happened to Europeans? Even Mboto Sese Seko laughs at you. You are like a bunch of eight-year-old girls. Truly. You pathetic Eloi sissies.

European: But you don't understand. The person he said mean things to was a J-word.

American: What? Jungle bunny?

European: No. Rhymes with "poo".

American: Jew? Are you kidding me? The kid was thrown IN PRISON because the mean things he said were to a Jew? If he had said them to, say, a carnival barker or a Uraguayan, or a cod fish he would have been ok? Holy fuck. Maybe Hitler was right.
Were I English, I would be concerned about imprisoning people for writing offensive things online.
England is leaving the European Union and English courts will not be subject to the Court of Justice of the European Union.
More than bad news, it means that the islamonazi's will no longer be allowed to incite hatred against the Jews
Will they Jews still be allowed to incite hatred against the islamonazis?

No as this is not a Jewish trait, and it is illegal in the UK
It is illegal to incite hate against the islamonazis?

Correct, but not to tell the truth about them and their actions. So when they target children with illegal weapons and we report it that is not inviting hatred is it ?
Truth is its own sufficient defense. I wonder whether the new British law includes that caveat.

Which is why so many nazi's are forced to LIE about Israel and the Jews
The same more or less, without the anti Zionism being seen as anti Semitism. Now it is and this means the nazi's in the UK are screwed
Who gives a fuck? Antisemitism is not an offense. So your regime may call righteous criticism antisemitism but what does it change? It doesn´t make normal people antisemites or nazis.

Yes it is, and in Germany it is a serious offense as it is seen as holocaust denial. When was the last time you critisised Israel or the Jews without it being linked to them being Jewish ?
No, it isn´t. There is no law addressing antisemitism.

Try again as all civilised nations have laws against racism, and that is what anti semitism is
Germany has only an anti-discrimination law. However, we have freedom of opinion - officially. There is no law against antisemitism, racism or whatever.
But show me your British law against antisemitism - You won´t as it doesn´t exist and will instead keep insisting on it exists.

What would an antisemitism paragraph look like? Maybe:
"Antisemites are hereby banned from the country or else incarcerated in an re-education camp until they aren´t Antisemites anymore. Everyone found guilty of being an Antisemite faces the full force of the law and cannot be pardoned. "

Read the OP dumbo as it is in that. And Germany has laws against holocaust denial which is racism and anti semitism. Try looking at the statute books again

Germany faces struggle over racism law

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