British doctors will vote on allowing abortion up to birth. Here's what that looks like.

That's deceptive. PP is not arguing for "post birth" abortions.

But there is a very small percentage of infants born with such severe birth defects that they are not expected to survive. Rather than put them through horrendous measures to prolong their lives a little - parents opt to let them die peacefully soon after birth. Defects include severe brain defects like ancephally for example.

I don't see how this is a bad thing.

That's because you're looking at the situation through the proverbial keyhole. This is what Liberals do in an effort to make themselves appear sane. It doesn't work. You're all nuts.

No, not at all. Counter what I actually said.


The scientific fact that an abortion ends the life of a living human being isn’t so convenient these days for Planned Parenthood – after all they are now the largest abortion chain in the country. Back in 1952 before Planned Parenthood was an abortion operation, they sure had a more accurate understanding of science before their twisted abortion ideology of today took over. Just look at their pamphlet below that states that abortion “kills the life of a baby after it has begun.”

Planned Parenthood in 1952: Abortion "kills the life of a baby" - Live Action Pro Life Blog
Fetuses have value and worth.
Babies and children? Not so much.

They are the same babies and children regardless of whether they are inside of or just outside of the womb.

Same faces, same hands, feet, fingers and toes.

Same life. . .

And once Roe is overturned, same rights.

Its not true now and never will be.

The rabid right fundie types vote to take away food and healthy care.

Nonetheless, the only real issue is that no one has the right to force another to reproduce.

Part of the Mother’s Body?
From conception onward, pregnancy involves two (or more) separate bodies.
The slogan, "My Body, My Choice," betrays a tragic misunderstanding of what is taking place inside the womb. At no point in pregnancy is the developing embryo or fetus simply a part of the mother's body.

Planned Parenthood’s Racist Roots
Founded by an outspoken eugenicist, there are plenty of skeletons in the closet.
During her lifetime, Margaret Sanger publicly urged the elimination of "human weeds," the "cessation of charity," and the sterilization of "genetically inferior races." She championed the "science" of eugenics, ridiculed God and marriage, and founded Planned Parenthood, which has grown to become the largest abortion-provider in America.

Abortion for Profit
Many abortion supporters have a huge financial stake in keeping abortion legal.
Abortion is a lucrative business. Those who defend it the most ardently often have a financial interest in keeping it legal and commonplace. Couple this with the abortion industry's consistent opposition to measures requiring more full patient disclosure, and there is good reason to wonder if they care more about profits than they do about women.

FACTS like it or not.
Gun huggers claiming to be pro life. That too is ridiculous. 20 second graders murdered in the classroom and they don`t give a shit.

the kid who used the gun was a liberal who was on prescribed meds, which meds, which all liberals see their Doctors as medical god never asking questions and just take the Doc. word for what ever pill they dish out.

Half these drugs these kids are on cause a desire to kill or cause suicidal urges.
Gun huggers claiming to be pro life. That too is ridiculous. 20 second graders murdered in the classroom and they don`t give a shit.

And no most gun owners aren like that it's your gun hating, trump haters, feminist, antifa, blm, groups who chant take the guns, and then go have an abortion three hours later.

Your neighborhood snitch who turns people in to CPS because a parent raised their voice at their kid or spanked it, are the same two faced hypocritical snitches who do all of that, and then go have an abortion all in the same week.
If someone is having an abortion in the third trimester, it's because something has gone horribly wrong with the pregnancy. The rest of you need to mind your own business.

That's not true.

Most women don't seek late-term abortions for medical reasons

There's little to no data on exactly why women get later-term abortions, but researchers have said only a small minority stem from medical reasons. And in a rare, 2013 study on late-term abortions, two University of California researchers didn't even include medical problems among reasons why women might seek abortions more than halfway through pregnancy.

YOu can't claim theirs little data and then claim something isn't true.

You can apply a little fucking common sense and realize that a woman isn't going to wait six months to have an abortion, put up with six months of morning sickness and then decide to end it.

But anti-choice nuts and common sense aren't even in the same zip code.

So Republicans will lose when women get angry because they can no longer willy nilly just kill their babies by aborting them ?? Are you hearing yourself on these issues ??

Yeah, I think when you brand 50 million women who have had abortions as murderers under the law, they aren't going to be too happy about it.

You see, you guys have appointed NINE count them NINE justices to SCOTUS since Roe was decided - Stevens, O'Connor, Kennedy, Scalia, Souter, Thomas, Alito, Roberts and Garland.

Yet abortion is still legal, just like it was legal when 5 Republican Appointees joined with two Democrats to decide Roe to start with.

You see what you dumb shits don't get is the GOP is about stopping abortion or gay marriage or anything else you inbreds care about. They are about making sure the rich can screw the working class at every opportunity.
Then change the Constitution to say that not all persons are entitled to the equal protections of our laws. Because, as it is now written.... the SCOTUS IS most likely going to overturn Roe. . . Especially when they decide to reconcile it with our fetal HOMICIDE laws.

Actually, if anything is likely to fail a constitutional muster, it's those idiotic fetal homicide laws.
If someone is having an abortion in the third trimester, it's because something has gone horribly wrong with the pregnancy. The rest of you need to mind your own business.

That's not true.

Most women don't seek late-term abortions for medical reasons

There's little to no data on exactly why women get later-term abortions, but researchers have said only a small minority stem from medical reasons. And in a rare, 2013 study on late-term abortions, two University of California researchers didn't even include medical problems among reasons why women might seek abortions more than halfway through pregnancy.

YOu can't claim theirs little data and then claim something isn't true.

You can apply a little fucking common sense and realize that a woman isn't going to wait six months to have an abortion, put up with six months of morning sickness and then decide to end it.

But anti-choice nuts and common sense aren't even in the same zip code.

Your statement is diametrically opposed to what the studies are suggesting. Common sense tells us your statement can't possibly be true no matter how hard you try to rationalize it.
Your statement is diametrically opposed to what the studies are suggesting. Common sense tells us your statement can't possibly be true no matter how hard you try to rationalize it.

Except the study you cited says that there is LITTLE TO NO DATA. Probably because we have things like HIPPA and other laws that keep the creeps from snooping around medical records.
If someone is having an abortion in the third trimester, it's because something has gone horribly wrong with the pregnancy. The rest of you need to mind your own business.

That's not true.

Most women don't seek late-term abortions for medical reasons

There's little to no data on exactly why women get later-term abortions, but researchers have said only a small minority stem from medical reasons. And in a rare, 2013 study on late-term abortions, two University of California researchers didn't even include medical problems among reasons why women might seek abortions more than halfway through pregnancy.

YOu can't claim theirs little data and then claim something isn't true.

You can apply a little fucking common sense and realize that a woman isn't going to wait six months to have an abortion, put up with six months of morning sickness and then decide to end it.

But anti-choice nuts and common sense aren't even in the same zip code.

So Republicans will lose when women get angry because they can no longer willy nilly just kill their babies by aborting them ?? Are you hearing yourself on these issues ??

Yeah, I think when you brand 50 million women who have had abortions as murderers under the law, they aren't going to be too happy about it.

You see, you guys have appointed NINE count them NINE justices to SCOTUS since Roe was decided - Stevens, O'Connor, Kennedy, Scalia, Souter, Thomas, Alito, Roberts and Garland.

Yet abortion is still legal, just like it was legal when 5 Republican Appointees joined with two Democrats to decide Roe to start with.

You see what you dumb shits don't get is the GOP is about stopping abortion or gay marriage or anything else you inbreds care about. They are about making sure the rich can screw the working class at every opportunity.
. Awwwwhhhhhh, so there it is folks... "The GOP is about stopping abortion", so here is one group that will be resisting Trump's agenda in which they figure that he will be after them and their pro-abortion stance. Then you spoke of the gay marriage folks or advocates, and so here you have the next group that is after Trump, and then you threw in that "anything else" open ended fear mongering terminology or blanket analogy in hopes that more groups will get on board your train.
Then change the Constitution to say that not all persons are entitled to the equal protections of our laws. Because, as it is now written.... the SCOTUS IS most likely going to overturn Roe. . . Especially when they decide to reconcile it with our fetal HOMICIDE laws.

Actually, if anything is likely to fail a constitutional muster, it's those idiotic fetal homicide laws.


That's not what the SCOTUS hinted at when it made the statement quoted in my signature.
Awwwwhhhhhh, so there it is folks... "The GOP is about stopping abortion", so here is one group that will be resisting Trump's agenda in which they figure that he will be after them and their pro-abortion stance. Then you spoke of the gay marriage folks or advocates, and so here you have the next group that is after Trump, and then you threw in that "anything else" open ended fear mongering terminology or blanket analogy in hopes that more groups will get on board your train.

No, guy, you miss the point. THe GOP talks all this smack to keep stupid, poor people like you voting against your own economic interests...

But at the end of the day, abortion is still WONDERFULLY LEGAL, and rich people still get their tax cuts and their deregulation and all the other stuff they screw you with.

That's not what the SCOTUS hinted at when it made the statement quoted in my signature.

I'm going to explain this to you slowly because you are slightly retarded.

women were getting just as many abortions before Roe v. Wade as they were after Roe v. Wade. They would go into their doctor's office, the doctor would write something else down on the chart, and the little unwanted reminder of that wild frat party would end up in a medical waste bin where it belonged.

This was a great and wonderful thing, but the laws were unworkable and kind of silly, which is why they had to go.

That's not what the SCOTUS hinted at when it made the statement quoted in my signature.

I'm going to explain this to you slowly because you are slightly retarded.

women were getting just as many abortions before Roe v. Wade as they were after Roe v. Wade. They would go into their doctor's office, the doctor would write something else down on the chart, and the little unwanted reminder of that wild frat party would end up in a medical waste bin where it belonged.

This was a great and wonderful thing, but the laws were unworkable and kind of silly, which is why they had to go.

You can change the subject all you want. The point is still the same and the quite from the Supreme Court in my signature is not going to go away.
You can change the subject all you want. The point is still the same and the quite from the Supreme Court in my signature is not going to go away.

Abortion is gloriously legal. That's not going to go away... Muh-heh-heh-heh-heh...
No doubt that idiots like you once said the same thing about slavery.

Naw, the ones who want "slavery" are the ones who would make a 13 year old have her rapist's baby to please an imaginary fairy in the sky.

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