British doctors will vote on allowing abortion up to birth. Here's what that looks like.

So Let say a mother kills her baby after birth because we'll say she has post pardom blues / depression and is taking meds for it, but those meds cause her to not act right. Her baby is about 5 days old, should she have the right to kill it. The way some of you think on here that is exactly what it is you are saying. KILL it and WHO cares. If you can't see how desensitized you've become because your schools have taught you this behavior well welcome to the world of nobody gives a shit about anybody not even the unborn.
That's deceptive. PP is not arguing for "post birth" abortions.

But there is a very small percentage of infants born with such severe birth defects that they are not expected to survive. Rather than put them through horrendous measures to prolong their lives a little - parents opt to let them die peacefully soon after birth. Defects include severe brain defects like ancephally for example.

I don't see how this is a bad thing.

Because this is where it will lead to next, and if it's not wrong then people who kill a preg. mother shouldn't be charged for two lives.

Also Doctors are notorious for being wrong about a babies status before it's born. I learned that first and personally. My mother was told my brother would have down syndrome, or being born with many issues because of her age, and for two she was on medicines for her seizures........... she worried herself sick for 9 months.

He was born perfectly fine and with a very High IQ. ............... they're always wrong. DNA test , Genetic testing and all.

Dude, they had women cutting off their gawd dam titties before cancer because women were told they might get cancer, who started the trend that HOLLYWOOD JACKASS ANGELINE JOLENE......... women started getting their titties cut off. WTF!!

As usual, you're wrong on every singlepoint.
Sad situation... People are just sick in the head these days. Murdering babies like it ain't nothing.

If someone is having an abortion in the third trimester, it's because something has gone horribly wrong with the pregnancy. The rest of you need to mind your own business.
. Can you say that with certainty on all accounts ?? No you can't can you, and if the industry hadn't engaged in horrible things already, then we wouldn't be having these conversations would we ??


Gun huggers claiming to be pro life. That too is ridiculous. 20 second graders murdered in the classroom and they don`t give a shit.

Same bunch is in favor of cutting Medicaid so poor children and babies can't get medical care.

Fetuses have value and worth.
Babies and children? Not so much.
That's deceptive. PP is not arguing for "post birth" abortions.

But there is a very small percentage of infants born with such severe birth defects that they are not expected to survive. Rather than put them through horrendous measures to prolong their lives a little - parents opt to let them die peacefully soon after birth. Defects include severe brain defects like ancephally for example.

I don't see how this is a bad thing.

Because this is where it will lead to next, and if it's not wrong then people who kill a preg. mother shouldn't be charged for two lives.

Also Doctors are notorious for being wrong about a babies status before it's born. I learned that first and personally. My mother was told my brother would have down syndrome, or being born with many issues because of her age, and for two she was on medicines for her seizures........... she worried herself sick for 9 months.

He was born perfectly fine and with a very High IQ. ............... they're always wrong. DNA test , Genetic testing and all.

Dude, they had women cutting off their gawd dam titties before cancer because women were told they might get cancer, who started the trend that HOLLYWOOD JACKASS ANGELINE JOLENE......... women started getting their titties cut off. WTF!!

As usual, you're wrong on every single point.

Ok, pretend your sister is preg. then you say to her just kill it. Mmmmk.


Pretend all the women in your family have breast cancer. Are you going to tell your sister not to have bilateral mastectomy?

Prophylactic mastectomy was common long before Angelina Jolie did it because, in certain cases and with certain types of breast cancer, it save lives. It was her decision to have a miserable, major surgery and not your place to denigrate her or any other woman for their choices.

You just hate Jolie because she adopts unwanted babies and donates millions to charities. You don't want fetuses aborted but you turned your back on needy children.

Then there's your heroes, the trumps, who steal from charities, make fun of the handicapped, believe POWs are not heroes because he likes soldiers who don't get caught and especially likes soldiers who give him their Purple Heart because he "always wanted on but its easier to take one from [a real man, who actually earned his]".
Fetuses have value and worth.
Babies and children? Not so much.

They are the same babies and children regardless of whether they are inside of or just outside of the womb.

Same faces, same hands, feet, fingers and toes.

Same life. . .

And once Roe is overturned, same rights.
Can you say that with certainty on all accounts ?? No you can't can you, and if the industry hadn't engaged in horrible things already, then we wouldn't be having these conversations would we ??

I'll take you whackadoodles more seriously on your concern for fetuses when you stop trying to yank school lunches and medicaid away from poor children who aren't in fetus form.

Other than that, I will say that no one has an abortion in the third trimester unless they really need one.
They are the same babies and children regardless of whether they are inside of or just outside of the womb.

Same faces, same hands, feet, fingers and toes.

Same life. . .

And once Roe is overturned, same rights.

Roe gets overturned, you will see Republicans run out of office in every state in the union when women get angry...

Which is why Republican appointees have never overturned it.
So Let say a mother kills her baby after birth because we'll say she has post pardom blues / depression and is taking meds for it, but those meds cause her to not act right. Her baby is about 5 days old, should she have the right to kill it. The way some of you think on here that is exactly what it is you are saying. KILL it and WHO cares. If you can't see how desensitized you've become because your schools have taught you this behavior well welcome to the world of nobody gives a shit about anybody not even the unborn.

Meh, the system is pretty lenient on women who suffer from Post Partem Depression Now. Obviously, that is a tragedy.

That said, women don't have abortions in the third trimester because they have depressed. They have them either because there's a real threat to their health or because the fetus is horribly deformed.

Crazy is making a baby live a horrible short life to please an imaginary pixie in the sky.
Fetuses have value and worth.
Babies and children? Not so much.

They are the same babies and children regardless of whether they are inside of or just outside of the womb.

Same faces, same hands, feet, fingers and toes.

Same life. . .

And once Roe is overturned, same rights.

Its not true now and never will be.

The rabid right fundie types vote to take away food and healthy care.

Nonetheless, the only real issue is that no one has the right to force another to reproduce.
Sad situation... People are just sick in the head these days. Murdering babies like it ain't nothing.

If someone is having an abortion in the third trimester, it's because something has gone horribly wrong with the pregnancy. The rest of you need to mind your own business.

Exactly - third trimester abortions are highly regulated and there usually needs to be a good health/life related reason.
Sad situation... People are just sick in the head these days. Murdering babies like it ain't nothing.

If someone is having an abortion in the third trimester, it's because something has gone horribly wrong with the pregnancy. The rest of you need to mind your own business.
. Can you say that with certainty on all accounts ?? No you can't can you, and if the industry hadn't engaged in horrible things already, then we wouldn't be having these conversations would we ??

I think you can say that on most accounts.
If someone is having an abortion in the third trimester, it's because something has gone horribly wrong with the pregnancy. The rest of you need to mind your own business.

That's not true.

Most women don't seek late-term abortions for medical reasons

There's little to no data on exactly why women get later-term abortions, but researchers have said only a small minority stem from medical reasons. And in a rare, 2013 study on late-term abortions, two University of California researchers didn't even include medical problems among reasons why women might seek abortions more than halfway through pregnancy.
They are the same babies and children regardless of whether they are inside of or just outside of the womb.

Same faces, same hands, feet, fingers and toes.

Same life. . .

And once Roe is overturned, same rights.

Roe gets overturned, you will see Republicans run out of office in every state in the union when women get angry...

Which is why Republican appointees have never overturned it.

Then change the Constitution to say that not all persons are entitled to the equal protections of our laws. Because, as it is now written.... the SCOTUS IS most likely going to overturn Roe. . . Especially when they decide to reconcile it with our fetal HOMICIDE laws.
That's deceptive. PP is not arguing for "post birth" abortions.

But there is a very small percentage of infants born with such severe birth defects that they are not expected to survive. Rather than put them through horrendous measures to prolong their lives a little - parents opt to let them die peacefully soon after birth. Defects include severe brain defects like ancephally for example.

I don't see how this is a bad thing.

And you think it would stop at the worst cases......? Really? You cross that line and the left wingers don't look back...
Fetuses have value and worth.
Babies and children? Not so much.

They are the same babies and children regardless of whether they are inside of or just outside of the womb.

Same faces, same hands, feet, fingers and toes.

Same life. . .

And once Roe is overturned, same rights.

Its not true now and never will be.

The rabid right fundie types vote to take away food and healthy care.

Nonetheless, the only real issue is that no o
ne has the right to force another to reproduce.

If a woman is pregnant, she already HAS reproduced. So, it's not a matter of forcing her to do that which she already did. It's a matter of protecting the child that she and her partner has already produced.
They are the same babies and children regardless of whether they are inside of or just outside of the womb.

Same faces, same hands, feet, fingers and toes.

Same life. . .

And once Roe is overturned, same rights.

Roe gets overturned, you will see Republicans run out of office in every state in the union when women get angry...

Which is why Republican appointees have never overturned it.
. So Republicans will lose when women get angry because they can no longer willy nilly just kill their babies by aborting them ?? Are you hearing yourself on these issues ??
That's deceptive. PP is not arguing for "post birth" abortions.

But there is a very small percentage of infants born with such severe birth defects that they are not expected to survive. Rather than put them through horrendous measures to prolong their lives a little - parents opt to let them die peacefully soon after birth. Defects include severe brain defects like ancephally for example.

I don't see how this is a bad thing.

That's because you're looking at the situation through the proverbial keyhole. This is what Liberals do in an effort to make themselves appear sane. It doesn't work. You're all nuts.
That's deceptive. PP is not arguing for "post birth" abortions.

But there is a very small percentage of infants born with such severe birth defects that they are not expected to survive. Rather than put them through horrendous measures to prolong their lives a little - parents opt to let them die peacefully soon after birth. Defects include severe brain defects like ancephally for example.

I don't see how this is a bad thing.

That's because you're looking at the situation through the proverbial keyhole. This is what Liberals do in an effort to make themselves appear sane. It doesn't work. You're all nuts.

No, not at all. Counter what I actually said.
Anatomy lessons for Doctors too. Morons.

That's deceptive. PP is not arguing for "post birth" abortions.

But there is a very small percentage of infants born with such severe birth defects that they are not expected to survive. Rather than put them through horrendous measures to prolong their lives a little - parents opt to let them die peacefully soon after birth. Defects include severe brain defects like ancephally for example.

I don't see how this is a bad thing.

That's because you're looking at the situation through the proverbial keyhole. This is what Liberals do in an effort to make themselves appear sane. It doesn't work. You're all nuts.

No, not at all. Counter what I actually said.

I did. You are literally too stupid to realize it.

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