British Female Jihadist Medic Pictured Holding Severed Head

Those meddlesome colonialists are reaping what theyve sown.

Those poor, peaceful, oppressed, occupied, jihadists....revenge is at hand...

If only we opened up a dialogue and "understood" the mindless neanderthals better.... Lol

What would you do if your land was repeatedly invaded, your country was made by someone else, a king from somewhere else was imposed on you, and you were forced to sell your resources to benefit those invaders?

Seriously, imagine China invaded the US, and did all these things, what would you do? Take up arms and try and kick these people out, or just sit back and take it?

You stupid fucking brainwashed hack. This country has not subjugated anyone. This country liberated Kuwait from a tyrant all to the thanks and loud cheers of that country. This country was invited by Saudi Arabia to protect them.

This country liberated tortured and oppressed people from an actual torturer.

This country pursued al qaeda who was being protected by the taliban. Oh wait a minute. You stupid fucking truther. You think the poor brown terrorists were peaceful people, growing their poppy seeds in peace and harmony and evil white right wing corporatists wanted their oil.

Fucking morons.
We are at fault in one respect. We created the market for oil, discovered their oil deposits, drilled it, and gave them whatever wealth they have. Thankless goat herding, backwards, fascists.... Lmfao
You stupid fucking brainwashed hack. This country has not subjugated anyone. This country liberated Kuwait from a tyrant all to the thanks and loud cheers of that country. This country was invited by Saudi Arabia to protect them.

This country liberated tortured and oppressed people from an actual torturer.

This country pursued al qaeda who was being protected by the taliban. Oh wait a minute. You stupid fucking truther. You think the poor brown terrorists were peaceful people, growing their poppy seeds in peace and harmony and evil white right wing corporatists wanted their oil.

Fucking morons.

First let me congratulate you on your use of profanity and insults, it takes a genius to use them.

Second, what I am talking about is the BRITISH EMPIRE, anyone with half a sense of history would know which country I am talking about here, IRAQ!!!! But then again, it is similar to many Muslim countries and I could have used any one of them.

The US has taken on the mantle of the British, and has subjugated loads. They imposed puppets in Iraq and Afghanistan, helped to topple leaders in Venezuela, Libya, Iran and others.

You give an example of the US liberating Kuwait from Iraq as evidence that the US has never subjugated anyone? How does this ever get to be evidence for this? Yeah, Saudi Arabia is probably the ONLY Muslim country to not have suffered at the hands of the west, why? Because all they had was sand under the empire, and they've toed the US line ever since.

Look at the US since Bush took over, semi-invasion of Afghanistan, invasion of OPEC Iraq, bombing of OPEC Libya, sanctions against OPEC Iran because it doesn't do what the wants it to do, helping to take down OPEC Venezuela's leader, though the coup d'etat ultimately failed.

See the link? OPEC, OPEC, OPEC, OPEC, and one non-OPEC.
Syria, sod Syria, since when was it part of OPEC? Okay, McCain made some noises, probably more to do with Israel than anything else.

The country pursued al Qaeda which it actually helped to enlarge by all the "War on Terror" nonsense, oh and the invasion of two Muslim countries, the hatred against Iran, etc etc etc.

Do I think they were peaceful? Not necessarily, but this isn't the point. It's the FACT that the US, Britain, France, Russia etc have been pounding on Muslim countries for a long time.

You didn't answer the point I was actually making, how you'd feel if this had happened to you. Really, how would you feel? Instead you attacked me and gave some, quite frankly, appalling 'evidence' as to why you think the US has never done anything to anyone.
If you really think the US has not suffered the wrath of Muslim countries because of its intrusive and threatening foreign policy in Muslim countries, then there is no hope for you, other than to learn something.

You know the Taliban was reducing poppy production just before the US invaded right? And that poppy production under the US puppet Karzi and his US/British troops increased MASSIVELY right? Oh wait, this is a fact, you don't do facts.

Next time, get rid of the insults, get rid of the nonsense and answer as if you were an adult.
We are at fault in one respect. We created the market for oil, discovered their oil deposits, drilled it, and gave them whatever wealth they have. Thankless goat herding, backwards, fascists.... Lmfao

And they should be bloody thankful they got invaded to. Oh wait, I mean to say they were liberated. cough, efing cough.
You stupid fucking brainwashed hack. This country has not subjugated anyone. This country liberated Kuwait from a tyrant all to the thanks and loud cheers of that country. This country was invited by Saudi Arabia to protect them.

This country liberated tortured and oppressed people from an actual torturer.

This country pursued al qaeda who was being protected by the taliban. Oh wait a minute. You stupid fucking truther. You think the poor brown terrorists were peaceful people, growing their poppy seeds in peace and harmony and evil white right wing corporatists wanted their oil.

Fucking morons.

First let me congratulate you on your use of profanity and insults, it takes a genius to use them.

Second, what I am talking about is the BRITISH EMPIRE, anyone with half a sense of history would know which country I am talking about here, IRAQ!!!! But then again, it is similar to many Muslim countries and I could have used any one of them.

The US has taken on the mantle of the British, and has subjugated loads. They imposed puppets in Iraq and Afghanistan, helped to topple leaders in Venezuela, Libya, Iran and others.

You give an example of the US liberating Kuwait from Iraq as evidence that the US has never subjugated anyone? How does this ever get to be evidence for this? Yeah, Saudi Arabia is probably the ONLY Muslim country to not have suffered at the hands of the west, why? Because all they had was sand under the empire, and they've toed the US line ever since.

Look at the US since Bush took over, semi-invasion of Afghanistan, invasion of OPEC Iraq, bombing of OPEC Libya, sanctions against OPEC Iran because it doesn't do what the wants it to do, helping to take down OPEC Venezuela's leader, though the coup d'etat ultimately failed.

See the link? OPEC, OPEC, OPEC, OPEC, and one non-OPEC.
Syria, sod Syria, since when was it part of OPEC? Okay, McCain made some noises, probably more to do with Israel than anything else.

The country pursued al Qaeda which it actually helped to enlarge by all the "War on Terror" nonsense, oh and the invasion of two Muslim countries, the hatred against Iran, etc etc etc.

Do I think they were peaceful? Not necessarily, but this isn't the point. It's the FACT that the US, Britain, France, Russia etc have been pounding on Muslim countries for a long time.

You didn't answer the point I was actually making, how you'd feel if this had happened to you. Really, how would you feel? Instead you attacked me and gave some, quite frankly, appalling 'evidence' as to why you think the US has never done anything to anyone.
If you really think the US has not suffered the wrath of Muslim countries because of its intrusive and threatening foreign policy in Muslim countries, then there is no hope for you, other than to learn something.

You know the Taliban was reducing poppy production just before the US invaded right? And that poppy production under the US puppet Karzi and his US/British troops increased MASSIVELY right? Oh wait, this is a fact, you don't do facts.

Next time, get rid of the insults, get rid of the nonsense and answer as if you were an adult.

Fuck you.
Fuck you.

great post. Showing your intellectual side huh?

Just one question, why do you come onto a politics message board when you don't bother to actually talk or debate politics and you're not even interested in politics?
We are at fault in one respect. We created the market for oil, discovered their oil deposits, drilled it, and gave them whatever wealth they have. Thankless goat herding, backwards, fascists.... Lmfao

And they should be bloody thankful they got invaded to. Oh wait, I mean to say they were liberated. cough, efing cough.

Your pathetic sarcasm and disapproval of them being liberated is noted, you fucking American hating left wing, propaganda hack.

I get it, it is ALL BECAUSE OF OIL.

Quick, how much oil has America received from Iraq. Answer: Nothing.

What I cannot tell is if that makes you happy. Now, get in your prius, step on the pussy pedal, and let us know more of your left wing shit.
"Kids minds aren't as fragile as some people think they are. "
along with my mind, i am considered by many to be "hard hearted", i can stand looking at photos of dead bodies that are mutilated, does anyone here recall the video several years ago where a muslime slit the throat of a Russian soldier and let him bleed out, that ALMOST grossed me out.

fucking muslimes who adhere to their book of atrocities, called the Koran should be wiped out to the very last baby.., none should be left alive !! :up: ....... also :lmao:

ooooh !! BTW ....., all liberscum who disagree with this post :fu: ............ :asshole:
We are at fault in one respect. We created the market for oil, discovered their oil deposits, drilled it, and gave them whatever wealth they have. Thankless goat herding, backwards, fascists.... Lmfao

And they should be bloody thankful they got invaded to. Oh wait, I mean to say they were liberated. cough, efing cough.

Your pathetic sarcasm and disapproval of them being liberated is noted, you fucking American hating left wing, propaganda hack.

I get it, it is ALL BECAUSE OF OIL.

Quick, how much oil has America received from Iraq. Answer: Nothing.

What I cannot tell is if that makes you happy. Now, get in your prius, step on the pussy pedal, and let us know more of your left wing shit.

They weren't liberated, the US govt didn't get that in 2003, and they don't get it now. Wonder why they kept on killing US troops? The US went in for the oil and nothing else. Simples.

Also, if you think it's about how much oil the US has received from Iraq, then you clearly don't understand the whole situation. The US went in to stop OPEC from controlling oil prices. It went in to make Iraq produce more oil.


Notice the difference before and after? One is more stable and rising, the other less stable and falling. Hmm.

I'm sorry you think the world is so simple, and I'm sorry you believe the rubbish you're told by you party.
But didn't Barry give a nice speech in Egypt about how we should all get along? What's with these people, don't they understand Teleprompterese?
The United States inflicted minor damage on those ignorant towel heads....

The muslim on muslim violence though has been vast. PRECIOUS
I do not yet understand ISIS's obvious desire to stir up the Brits. Why are they doing this/
They use British killers, and the last victim was British.
Do they somehow think that this will divide the Brits and the Americans?? Could they be that dumb?

When you act out of religious faith instead of logic and reality, this is the result. North London has been referred to for last 8 years or so as "Londonistan" because the Muslim population has grown exponentially. I'm just really glad I am not there, the shit could hit the fan there and badly.
Check your kids video game collection. Probably equally as graphic video in there. That is why they are less affected.

If Jihadists just want to die in glory, we can meet them in the desert and drop a daisy cutter on them.
I suppose if they stopped being aggressors, we'd be inclined to leave them alone. It sure doesn't work for them when they attack us. Time for a new strategy?
It's written in the Koran.

“When you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks” (Qur'an 47:4)

And that's exactly what they are doing.

Helloooooo Western world......wakey, wakey.
It's written in the Koran.

“When you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks” (Qur'an 47:4)

And that's exactly what they are doing.

Helloooooo Western world......wakey, wakey.

Try reading the Koran rather than cherry picked quotes from anti-Islamic websites. You may be surprised to find that the Bible contains far more references to genocide and killing of unbelievers.

True story :)
It's written in the Koran.

“When you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks” (Qur'an 47:4)

And that's exactly what they are doing.

Helloooooo Western world......wakey, wakey.

Try reading the Koran rather than cherry picked quotes from anti-Islamic websites. You may be surprised to find that the Bible contains far more references to genocide and killing of unbelievers.

True story :)

silly lie------I read both the bible and the Koran long before al gore invented the internet. In fact----the statements in the Koran and hadiths clearly DIRECTS
that persons who do not adhere to islam or---if monotheists refuse to be utterly subjugated to Islamic rule must be killed----WORLD WIDE. There are no such
statements in the bible. I doubt that Coyote read either. I never access propaganda
sites -------or cite them ----no need. I got my information in the pre-gore era ---about islam from muslims and about Christianity from Christians and about Judaism from jews. The oft repeated statement by islamo-Nazi-propagandaists that the bible
(old testament) contains violent passages is absolutely true----the book includes a
history of many wars. The islamo Nazi pig statement that it directs the execution of persons for "lack of belief"----is a typical Nazi dog lie. . Regarding pre christian
jewish jurisprudence----there is no penalty for "non-belief" (of course----it IS often
described as "insanity"<<<< the big time excuse for the no penalty issue is-----
"Ya can't blame a person for being nuts" <<< really TRUE STORY

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