British Female Jihadist Medic Pictured Holding Severed Head

Not really. You must have the intellectual capacity of a sixth grader if you cannot grasp why Islamic groups are condemning this group as not holding to Islamic principles.

Let's see, the recognized leaders of Wahhabism (that's basically where the theological roots and rational for jihad can be traced to) are in Saudi Arabia. In fact, the governing legitimacy in Saudi Arabia depends on their blessing. That is why Islam is so strict in that nation. Even they don't recognize ISIS as having any legitimacy. But, let's see if we can draw an analogy that you CAN understand, since your intellectual capacity seems to be in short supply.

Do you see this group?

Do you think 90% of Christians consider them Christian even though they call themselves a BAPTIST CHURCH?

Well then, if you get that, maybe you might understand the point of view of 90% of the world's Muslims. Mmmmkay? Now, stop being an ass.
Of course they're Christians and of course ISIS and Al Qaeda are Muslims . You and I do not get to define the religion of others.

Now, I think you're a self-righteous wanker who is trying to dictate what others' think or believe.

Sorry, I don't suffer fools gladly.
Not really. You must have the intellectual capacity of a sixth grader if you cannot grasp why Islamic groups are condemning this group as not holding to Islamic principles.

Let's see, the recognized leaders of Wahhabism (that's basically where the theological roots and rational for jihad can be traced to) are in Saudi Arabia. In fact, the governing legitimacy in Saudi Arabia depends on their blessing. That is why Islam is so strict in that nation. Even they don't recognize ISIS as having any legitimacy. But, let's see if we can draw an analogy that you CAN understand, since your intellectual capacity seems to be in short supply.

Do you see this group?

Do you think 90% of Christians consider them Christian even though they call themselves a BAPTIST CHURCH?

Well then, if you get that, maybe you might understand the point of view of 90% of the world's Muslims. Mmmmkay? Now, stop being an ass.
Of course they're Christians and of course ISIS and Al Qaeda are Muslims . You and I do not get to define the religion of others.

Now, I think you're a self-righteous wanker who is trying to dictate what others' think or believe.

Sorry, I don't suffer fools gladly.
Clearly that is not so.

Matthew 7:15-16
Not really. You must have the intellectual capacity of a sixth grader if you cannot grasp why Islamic groups are condemning this group as not holding to Islamic principles.

Let's see, the recognized leaders of Wahhabism (that's basically where the theological roots and rational for jihad can be traced to) are in Saudi Arabia. In fact, the governing legitimacy in Saudi Arabia depends on their blessing. That is why Islam is so strict in that nation. Even they don't recognize ISIS as having any legitimacy. But, let's see if we can draw an analogy that you CAN understand, since your intellectual capacity seems to be in short supply.

Do you see this group?

Do you think 90% of Christians consider them Christian even though they call themselves a BAPTIST CHURCH?

Well then, if you get that, maybe you might understand the point of view of 90% of the world's Muslims. Mmmmkay? Now, stop being an ass.
Of course they're Christians and of course ISIS and Al Qaeda are Muslims . You and I do not get to define the religion of others.

Now, I think you're a self-righteous wanker who is trying to dictate what others' think or believe.

Sorry, I don't suffer fools gladly.
Clearly that is not so.

Matthew 7:15-16
I don't know what Matthew said about it, but I assure you I do not suffer fools gladly.
It's written in the Koran.

“When you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks” (Qur'an 47:4)

And that's exactly what they are doing.

Helloooooo Western world......wakey, wakey.

Try reading the Koran rather than cherry picked quotes from anti-Islamic websites. You may be surprised to find that the Bible contains far more references to genocide and killing of unbelievers.

True story :)
It's written in the Koran.

“When you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks” (Qur'an 47:4)

And that's exactly what they are doing.

Helloooooo Western world......wakey, wakey.

Try reading the Koran rather than cherry picked quotes from anti-Islamic websites. You may be surprised to find that the Bible contains far more references to genocide and killing of unbelievers.

True story :)

It is ridiculous to compare the current barbaric brutality and cruelty which is condoned and encouraged by the Koran and Islamic theologians, to any out of date references in the Bible which no one, not even the most fundamental believers act upon or take seriously.

Any person who makes constant politically correct and naive comparisons obvioulsly doesn't want to see the danger posed by jihadist Islam. The term for these people who sit on the fence in their attempt at being fair in all their naivite, are referred to as useful donkeys and are sneered at by the Islamists for their weakness, while they carry on with their joyful condoned work of beheadings, rapes, burning alive of women. stoning to death, name it, anything goes in their aim of worldwide conquest.

Lets be realistic and stop stupid comparisons which only strengthen the barbaric Islamist enemy who would drag us all back to the Dark Ages of the 7th Century when Mohammed started his rampagings,
It's written in the Koran.

“When you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks” (Qur'an 47:4)

And that's exactly what they are doing.

Helloooooo Western world......wakey, wakey.

Try reading the Koran rather than cherry picked quotes from anti-Islamic websites. You may be surprised to find that the Bible contains far more references to genocide and killing of unbelievers.

True story :)
It's written in the Koran.

“When you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks” (Qur'an 47:4)

And that's exactly what they are doing.

Helloooooo Western world......wakey, wakey.

Try reading the Koran rather than cherry picked quotes from anti-Islamic websites. You may be surprised to find that the Bible contains far more references to genocide and killing of unbelievers.

True story :)

It is ridiculous to compare the current barbaric brutality and cruelty which is condoned and encouraged by the Koran and Islamic theologians, to any out of date references in the Bible which no one, not even the most fundamental believers act upon or take seriously.

Any person who makes constant politically correct and naive comparisons obvioulsly doesn't want to see the danger posed by jihadist Islam. The term for these people who sit on the fence in their attempt at being fair in all their naivite, are referred to as useful donkeys and are sneered at by the Islamists for their weakness, while they carry on with their joyful condoned work of beheadings, rapes, burning alive of women. stoning to death, name it, anything goes in their aim of worldwide conquest.

Lets be realistic and stop stupid comparisons which only strengthen the barbaric Islamist enemy who would drag us all back to the Dark Ages of the 7th Century when Mohammed started his rampagings,

You seem to switch back and forth. Are you referring Islamic extremists or are you referring to Muslims as a whole?

Their "aim of worldwide conquest" - can you be any more ignorant? Maybe you should spend less time in anti-Islamic hate sites. Of the Islamic extremist groups - most seem intent on forcing their brand of Islam on their own lands - I'm not seeing much "world wide conquest" going on.

Historically speaking - Mohammad was a hell of lot more civilized than his biblical predessors (who's violent tendancies you conveniently overlook or call "out dated"). It's not exactly outdated either...look at what is happening to gays in Uganda and the anti-homosexual legislation in other African countries that have the support of a number American churches. Biblically drive legislation.
Not really. You must have the intellectual capacity of a sixth grader if you cannot grasp why Islamic groups are condemning this group as not holding to Islamic principles.

Let's see, the recognized leaders of Wahhabism (that's basically where the theological roots and rational for jihad can be traced to) are in Saudi Arabia. In fact, the governing legitimacy in Saudi Arabia depends on their blessing. That is why Islam is so strict in that nation. Even they don't recognize ISIS as having any legitimacy. But, let's see if we can draw an analogy that you CAN understand, since your intellectual capacity seems to be in short supply.

Do you see this group?

Do you think 90% of Christians consider them Christian even though they call themselves a BAPTIST CHURCH?

Well then, if you get that, maybe you might understand the point of view of 90% of the world's Muslims. Mmmmkay? Now, stop being an ass.
Of course they're Christians and of course ISIS and Al Qaeda are Muslims . You and I do not get to define the religion of others.

Now, I think you're a self-righteous wanker who is trying to dictate what others' think or believe.

Sorry, I don't suffer fools gladly.
Clearly that is not so.

Matthew 7:15-16
I don't know what Matthew said about it, but I assure you I do not suffer fools gladly.

I feel like I am instructing an eight year old child. That particular verse is not Matthew saying anything. Like much of Gospel, it relates what is supposed to be "truth." You and I had a disagreement about what is or is not a Christian. You felt it was for the believer to define if they were a Christian. In that particular verse, the Christ tells us how people are to recognize a Christian. One does not recognize a Christian because "they say so." But you recognize them by their works.

Of course, we could start a whole other thread on this. Is it enough to just not act bad? Many Christians on the board, well, most would say yes. That is the default in the modern day. But that point is, NO, you do not get to define for yourself if you are a "Christian." You must act like it. Either that, or else people don't have to believe you. The same is true in this case. The overwhelming majority of practicing Muslims do not feel that the behavior of these criminals calling themselves, "The Islamic State," are in fact, Muslim in nature.

In fact, the very well educated among Muslim scholars believe the Islamic State is a clandestine project cobbled together among various intelligence agencies of the West, Israel, and Saudi Arabia, to achieve the "Project for the New Middle East."

But, I won't go into details, since obviously, as you have stated, you have the attention span, research and reading comprehension of a Tasmanian Gnat. Clearly I have been a fool to even try to have a discussion with you. Thus, will stop your suffering by ending this exchange here. You were right, this is pointless.:lol:
It's written in the Koran.

“When you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks” (Qur'an 47:4)

And that's exactly what they are doing.

Helloooooo Western world......wakey, wakey.

Try reading the Koran rather than cherry picked quotes from anti-Islamic websites. You may be surprised to find that the Bible contains far more references to genocide and killing of unbelievers.

True story :)
It's written in the Koran.

“When you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks” (Qur'an 47:4)

And that's exactly what they are doing.

Helloooooo Western world......wakey, wakey.

Try reading the Koran rather than cherry picked quotes from anti-Islamic websites. You may be surprised to find that the Bible contains far more references to genocide and killing of unbelievers.

True story :)

It is ridiculous to compare the current barbaric brutality and cruelty which is condoned and encouraged by the Koran and Islamic theologians, to any out of date references in the Bible which no one, not even the most fundamental believers act upon or take seriously.

Any person who makes constant politically correct and naive comparisons obvioulsly doesn't want to see the danger posed by jihadist Islam. The term for these people who sit on the fence in their attempt at being fair in all their naivite, are referred to as useful donkeys and are sneered at by the Islamists for their weakness, while they carry on with their joyful condoned work of beheadings, rapes, burning alive of women. stoning to death, name it, anything goes in their aim of worldwide conquest.

Lets be realistic and stop stupid comparisons which only strengthen the barbaric Islamist enemy who would drag us all back to the Dark Ages of the 7th Century when Mohammed started his rampagings,

You seem to switch back and forth. Are you referring Islamic extremists or are you referring to Muslims as a whole?

Their "aim of worldwide conquest" - can you be any more ignorant? Maybe you should spend less time in anti-Islamic hate sites. Of the Islamic extremist groups - most seem intent on forcing their brand of Islam on their own lands - I'm not seeing much "world wide conquest" going on.

Historically speaking - Mohammad was a hell of lot more civilized than his biblical predessors (who's violent tendancies you conveniently overlook or call "out dated"). It's not exactly outdated either...look at what is happening to gays in Uganda and the anti-homosexual legislation in other African countries that have the support of a number American churches. Biblically drive legislation.

Disagree with every single point you make, which really indicates a lack of historical knowledge on your part.

You really should broaden your reading to include sites which are not biased one way or the other but simply indicate the reality.

Why do you think terrorism and ISIS is considered such a threat by the whole Western world?

You seem to be the odd person out who refuses to accept the facts which relate to Islam. Doesn't the subject of this thread mean anything to you?
It's written in the Koran.

“When you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks” (Qur'an 47:4)

And that's exactly what they are doing.

Helloooooo Western world......wakey, wakey.

Try reading the Koran rather than cherry picked quotes from anti-Islamic websites. You may be surprised to find that the Bible contains far more references to genocide and killing of unbelievers.

True story :)
It's written in the Koran.

“When you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks” (Qur'an 47:4)

And that's exactly what they are doing.

Helloooooo Western world......wakey, wakey.

Try reading the Koran rather than cherry picked quotes from anti-Islamic websites. You may be surprised to find that the Bible contains far more references to genocide and killing of unbelievers.

True story :)

It is ridiculous to compare the current barbaric brutality and cruelty which is condoned and encouraged by the Koran and Islamic theologians, to any out of date references in the Bible which no one, not even the most fundamental believers act upon or take seriously.

Any person who makes constant politically correct and naive comparisons obvioulsly doesn't want to see the danger posed by jihadist Islam. The term for these people who sit on the fence in their attempt at being fair in all their naivite, are referred to as useful donkeys and are sneered at by the Islamists for their weakness, while they carry on with their joyful condoned work of beheadings, rapes, burning alive of women. stoning to death, name it, anything goes in their aim of worldwide conquest.

Lets be realistic and stop stupid comparisons which only strengthen the barbaric Islamist enemy who would drag us all back to the Dark Ages of the 7th Century when Mohammed started his rampagings,

You seem to switch back and forth. Are you referring Islamic extremists or are you referring to Muslims as a whole?

Their "aim of worldwide conquest" - can you be any more ignorant? Maybe you should spend less time in anti-Islamic hate sites. Of the Islamic extremist groups - most seem intent on forcing their brand of Islam on their own lands - I'm not seeing much "world wide conquest" going on.

Historically speaking - Mohammad was a hell of lot more civilized than his biblical predessors (who's violent tendancies you conveniently overlook or call "out dated"). It's not exactly outdated either...look at what is happening to gays in Uganda and the anti-homosexual legislation in other African countries that have the support of a number American churches. Biblically drive legislation.

Disagree with every single point you make, which really indicates a lack of historical knowledge on your part.

You really should broaden your reading to include sites which are not biased one way or the other but simply indicate the reality.

Why do you think terrorism and ISIS is considered such a threat by the whole Western world?

You seem to be the odd person out who refuses to accept the facts which relate to Islam. Doesn't the subject of this thread mean anything to you?

Actually, as this is a political website, you are swimming in something called confirmation bias. Most Americans, indeed, most people in the west and in the world just don't give a shit.
Since 9/11, Fewer Americans Say Terrorism Top Problem


Since 9 11 Fewer Americans Say Terrorism Top Problem

If they did, they would care to educate themselves, find out how much our government has failed them, how much they have armed and trained these terrorists, and how little of a threat they actually are to the people in this nation.

If we are alert, double check things twice, no, there should be no problem. What happened on 9/11 was an anomaly. We should not have even needed to increase security or protocols. The protocols we had in place should have been more than adequate. We should concentrate on hardening several soft targets at home. We should ignore this wild goose chase over seas.

You are the one that doesn't know what she is talking about. Folks don't see terrorism and Islamic Fundamentalism as a big deal. At least they didn't until the TV propaganda blitz started a few weeks ago. :eusa_shifty:

I reiterate my point, as I stated before. Sure we can see the title of the thread, sure there was a "video." But I have seen videos on YouTube with blurry "aliens." Do I believe they are actually aliens in them? Really? A "female medic jihadist" pictured showing a "severed head?" Seriously? You aren't going to question that at all? To top it off, this one is British again. I can't believe NO ONE in this thread questions the authenticity of this video.

You know what, we should send ISIS back a video of an angel shooting lightning bolts out of his butt. Tell them if they don't cease and desist, Allah will strike every last one of them down, the video proves we have Allah on our side.

Good Grief.
There is nothing to understand. They enjoy killing "infidels." Period. End of story.

In Muslim countries they probably think that Americans love killing Muslims, seeing as they spend a lot of time going around killing Muslims.

If you're blind to what your own side is doing, then you're never going to come up with the answers.
Yes, this is what their imams say to rile them up when it is actually their own government who does this on purpose. They lie to their people, they keep them poor, and they rule over them with an iron fist. It is to these dictators' advantages to keep the people brainwashed and dumb. We are NOT occupying Iraq. We LEFT.

Well governments and political groups lying to people is not uncommon in any country on the earth. They use what tools they have to gain support, but the US makes it so easy.
And then in turn, extremist Muslims make it so damn easy for the US to lie to its own people too.

You can see the ignorance seeping out on this board, people who don't know and don't care about the reality of the situation because they've been told what they want to hear.
It's written in the Koran.

“When you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks” (Qur'an 47:4)

And that's exactly what they are doing.

Helloooooo Western world......wakey, wakey.

Hardly surprising seeing as they're getting kicked repeatedly by the US and UK.
It's written in the Koran.

“When you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks” (Qur'an 47:4)

And that's exactly what they are doing.

Helloooooo Western world......wakey, wakey.

Try reading the Koran rather than cherry picked quotes from anti-Islamic websites. You may be surprised to find that the Bible contains far more references to genocide and killing of unbelievers.

True story :)
It's written in the Koran.

“When you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks” (Qur'an 47:4)

And that's exactly what they are doing.

Helloooooo Western world......wakey, wakey.

Try reading the Koran rather than cherry picked quotes from anti-Islamic websites. You may be surprised to find that the Bible contains far more references to genocide and killing of unbelievers.

True story :)

It is ridiculous to compare the current barbaric brutality and cruelty which is condoned and encouraged by the Koran and Islamic theologians, to any out of date references in the Bible which no one, not even the most fundamental believers act upon or take seriously.

Any person who makes constant politically correct and naive comparisons obvioulsly doesn't want to see the danger posed by jihadist Islam. The term for these people who sit on the fence in their attempt at being fair in all their naivite, are referred to as useful donkeys and are sneered at by the Islamists for their weakness, while they carry on with their joyful condoned work of beheadings, rapes, burning alive of women. stoning to death, name it, anything goes in their aim of worldwide conquest.

Lets be realistic and stop stupid comparisons which only strengthen the barbaric Islamist enemy who would drag us all back to the Dark Ages of the 7th Century when Mohammed started his rampagings,

You seem to switch back and forth. Are you referring Islamic extremists or are you referring to Muslims as a whole?

Their "aim of worldwide conquest" - can you be any more ignorant? Maybe you should spend less time in anti-Islamic hate sites. Of the Islamic extremist groups - most seem intent on forcing their brand of Islam on their own lands - I'm not seeing much "world wide conquest" going on.

Historically speaking - Mohammad was a hell of lot more civilized than his biblical predessors (who's violent tendancies you conveniently overlook or call "out dated"). It's not exactly outdated either...look at what is happening to gays in Uganda and the anti-homosexual legislation in other African countries that have the support of a number American churches. Biblically drive legislation.

Disagree with every single point you make, which really indicates a lack of historical knowledge on your part.

You really should broaden your reading to include sites which are not biased one way or the other but simply indicate the reality.

Why do you think terrorism and ISIS is considered such a threat by the whole Western world?

You seem to be the odd person out who refuses to accept the facts which relate to Islam. Doesn't the subject of this thread mean anything to you?

Actually, as this is a political website, you are swimming in something called confirmation bias. Most Americans, indeed, most people in the west and in the world just don't give a shit.
Since 9/11, Fewer Americans Say Terrorism Top Problem


Since 9 11 Fewer Americans Say Terrorism Top Problem

If they did, they would care to educate themselves, find out how much our government has failed them, how much they have armed and trained these terrorists, and how little of a threat they actually are to the people in this nation.

If we are alert, double check things twice, no, there should be no problem. What happened on 9/11 was an anomaly. We should not have even needed to increase security or protocols. The protocols we had in place should have been more than adequate. We should concentrate on hardening several soft targets at home. We should ignore this wild goose chase over seas.

You are the one that doesn't know what she is talking about. Folks don't see terrorism and Islamic Fundamentalism as a big deal. At least they didn't until the TV propaganda blitz started a few weeks ago. :eusa_shifty:

I reiterate my point, as I stated before. Sure we can see the title of the thread, sure there was a "video." But I have seen videos on YouTube with blurry "aliens." Do I believe they are actually aliens in them? Really? A "female medic jihadist" pictured showing a "severed head?" Seriously? You aren't going to question that at all? To top it off, this one is British again. I can't believe NO ONE in this thread questions the authenticity of this video.

You know what, we should send ISIS back a video of an angel shooting lightning bolts out of his butt. Tell them if they don't cease and desist, Allah will strike every last one of them down, the video proves we have Allah on our side.

Good Grief.
As the article you posted says, on September 10, 2001, 0.5% of Americans thought terrorism was a top problem.

Regardless, do you believe anyone has respect for self-righteous, gospel-quoting windbags or sheep, except perhaps others of the same ilk? Political correctness, religious views, self-righteousness and the cowardice of ovines do not allow you to define the religion of others.

More importantly, it does not give apologists like you license to dictate foreign policy, especially as regards terrorism. You cannot expect others to be equally cowed.
I only quoted Gospel, because we needed to define something in order to have a meaningful debate about what something is. Frankly, I am not a Christian myself. So to accuse me of "self-righteousness," is a little bit humorous. I understand your lack of confidence when faced with facts and figures. All of your positions are driven by passion, not knowledge. It must be maddening what somebody presents you with facts that contradict your world view, eh?

Quite frankly, it is mystifying that you would continue to plod on with your argument rather than admit you are wrong. To throw out ad hominem argumentation and judgement rather than face up to the facts.

Do you really think I am trying to dictate foreign policy? Seriously? I'm just pointing out that those who are dictating foreign policy are NOT representing the will of the people. Currently only 4% of the population thinks this is a major problem. THEY are the ones dictating policy.

Yes, this is what their imams say to rile them up when it is actually their own government who does this on purpose. They lie to their people, they keep them poor, and they rule over them with an iron fist. It is to these dictators' advantages to keep the people brainwashed and dumb. We are NOT occupying Iraq. We LEFT.

Well governments and political groups lying to people is not uncommon in any country on the earth. They use what tools they have to gain support, but the US makes it so easy.
And then in turn, extremist Muslims make it so damn easy for the US to lie to its own people too.

You can see the ignorance seeping out on this board, people who don't know and don't care about the reality of the situation because they've been told what they want to hear.

YES. I do see ignorance. ^^^^ :lol: It's not OUR country that is in complete mayhem now . . . is it? We are not a country made up of warring tribes who have NEVER found a way to work together with one another, are we? Hmmm. A picture says a THOUSAND words. Let's compare our country to ANY middle eastern country. Which country has a more satisfied population? Which country has more money? Which country has work for it's citizens, electricity, running water, etc.?

You and others like you are nothing but a joke that everyone should laugh at and you should NEVER be taken seriously.
There is nothing to understand. They enjoy killing "infidels." Period. End of story.

In Muslim countries they probably think that Americans love killing Muslims, seeing as they spend a lot of time going around killing Muslims.

If you're blind to what your own side is doing, then you're never going to come up with the answers.

WOW! You are soooo ignorant. Obviously, Americans try to AVOID killing innocent citizens. This is NOT the case with the Muslims who intentionally target innocent citizens. Are you starting to see the difference yet here, Einstein?
Some of these middle eastern countries should be completely wiped off the face of the earth. They contribute NOTHING good to world. NOTHING. WE would all do just fine without them. They don't help anyone, and all they do is kill, torture, maim, and they seem to REALLY enjoy this. The middle east is like a region full of serial killers.
YES. I do see ignorance. ^^^^ :lol: It's not OUR country that is in complete mayhem now . . . is it? We are not a country made up of warring tribes who have NEVER found a way to work together with one another, are we? Hmmm. A picture says a THOUSAND words. Let's compare our country to ANY middle eastern country. Which country has a more satisfied population? Which country has more money? Which country has work for it's citizens, electricity, running water, etc.?

You and others like you are nothing but a joke that everyone should laugh at and you should NEVER be taken seriously.

So you invade a country, cause havoc, and then laugh because their country in mayhem....

don't you see why they're in mayhem? Because of the west.
There is nothing to understand. They enjoy killing "infidels." Period. End of story.

In Muslim countries they probably think that Americans love killing Muslims, seeing as they spend a lot of time going around killing Muslims.

If you're blind to what your own side is doing, then you're never going to come up with the answers.

WOW! You are soooo ignorant. Obviously, Americans try to AVOID killing innocent citizens. This is NOT the case with the Muslims who intentionally target innocent citizens. Are you starting to see the difference yet here, Einstein?

Yeah, America tried SO hard that they ended up killing or getting millions killed. That's not trying when you invade a country. You're not looking with any empathy here, neither from the point of view of Muslims when the US invades, bombs, changes leaders etc etc, not from the Muslim point of view of why they're willing to take up arms.

Until you can see why, this doesn't mean you have to agree, then you'll not understand.

I'm not talking about intentions here, which you are, I'm talking about perception from the other side. Got it?
Some of these middle eastern countries should be completely wiped off the face of the earth. They contribute NOTHING good to world. NOTHING. WE would all do just fine without them. They don't help anyone, and all they do is kill, torture, maim, and they seem to REALLY enjoy this. The middle east is like a region full of serial killers.

How do you know what they contribute or don't? Who would get to decide?

Also, how much interference has the west had that has led directly to what you're calling a lack of contribution?

Many would see the world as a safer place if the US were wiped off the map.
YES. I do see ignorance. ^^^^ :lol: It's not OUR country that is in complete mayhem now . . . is it? We are not a country made up of warring tribes who have NEVER found a way to work together with one another, are we? Hmmm. A picture says a THOUSAND words. Let's compare our country to ANY middle eastern country. Which country has a more satisfied population? Which country has more money? Which country has work for it's citizens, electricity, running water, etc.?

You and others like you are nothing but a joke that everyone should laugh at and you should NEVER be taken seriously.

So you invade a country, cause havoc, and then laugh because their country in mayhem....

don't you see why they're in mayhem? Because of the west.
Yes, mayhem in the Muslim world was started by the West. Before that they were a happy, prosperous and peaceful people.


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